SEGJ Technical Conference


September 29 - October 1, 2010

Tohoku University Centennial Hall (Kawauchi Hagi Hall), Sendai, Japan __[MAP]

Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Technical SessionsRoom No.1 (Conference Room #1 & #2, 2F) 10:30-16:50
Technical Sessions Room No.2 (Conference Room #3 & #2, 2F) 10:30-17:10
Poster Core Time Room No.3 (Faculty Club, 1F) 17:10-18:40
Exhibition Room No.3 (Faculty Club, 1F)12:00-18:20
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Technical SessionsRoom No.1 (Conference Room #1 & #2, 2F) 10:20-15:00
Technical Sessions Room No.2 (Conference Room #3 & #2, 2F) 10:20-15:00
Executive Sessions MERC* Lecture Hall (6F) 15:20-17:20
__Chair: Toru MOGI (Hokkaido University; Vice-President, SEGJ)
__Invited Speakers: Masato MOTOSAKA (Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University)
Arata HIRAKAWA (Center for Northeast Asian Studies, Tohoku University)
Briefing Session MERC* Lecture Hall (6F) 17:30-17:45
__Host: Toru MOGI (Hokkaido University; Vice-President, SEGJ)
__Elucidators: Toshihiro UCHIDA (AIST; President, SEGJ)
Hiroaki YAMANAKA (Tokyo Institute of Technology; Chairperson of the Editorial Committee)
Banquet Kitchen Terrace Couleur 18:00-20:00
Exhibition Room No.3 (Faculty Club, 1F) 10:20-15:00
Friday, October 1, 2010
Technical Sessions Room No.1 (Conference Room #1 & #2, 2F) 10:00-12:00
Technical Sessions Room No.2 (Conference Room #3 & #2, 2F) 10:00-12:00
Field Trip Source Region of the Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku Earthquake in 2008 13:00-Eary Evening
Exhibition Room No.3 (Faculty Club, 1F)10:00-11:00
0 *MERC: Multimedia Education and Research Complex

Pre-Registration and Onsite Registration are available.
All payments must be made in JPY (Japanease Yen).
Registered and Paid
(Until September 17, 2010)
Onsite Registration
Member / Non-member
JPY 4,000-**
JPY 5,000-**
JPY 2,000-**
JPY 3,000-**
(Evening on September 30)
Member / Non-member
JPY 4,000-**
JPY 5,000-**
JPY 2,000-**
JPY 3,000-**
Field Trip
Member / Non-member
JPY 3,000-**
JPY 0,000-**


Pre-registrant will receive BOTH CD-ROM and PAPER Proceedings at the reception of the conference.

Onsite registrant will receive ONLY CD-ROM Proceedings. PAPER Proceedings can be purchased at a price of JPY 1,000-.

Source Region of the Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku Earthquake in 2008
Kurihara City, Miyagi, Japan
Friday, October 1, 2010
Departure from the Tohoku University Centennial Hall after the technical sessions at 13:00.
Visit to the Source Region of the Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku Earthquake in 2008.
Arrival at the Sendai Station in the early-evening via Kurikoma-Kogen St..
More information about the field trip will be sent to those who have pre-registered the field trip.
No Refund Will Be Made.
Please note that the SEGJ reserves the right to cancel the field trip due to low participation, and/or to make changes in the itinerary whenever, in its sole judgment, conditions warrant it. In case of cancellation decided by the SEGJ, payment will be refunded in full.


1) The Best Oral and Poster Presentation Awards
2) Guide for Technical Session


Sept 29, Room No.1

Session [Civil Engineering]
Chair Hiroyuki Fujiwara(NIED)
Sep 29,
1) Study on the reduction of geology risk by the interpretation combined seismic velocity and resistivity [Abstract]

*Nobusuke Hasegawa(NIED),Toshifumi Matsuoka(Kyoto University)
Sep 29,
2) 2D Cross-hole Seismic Tomography Conducted in a Planned Tunnel Alignment [Abstract]

*Rachmat Sule(Institut Teknologi Bandung, Kyoto University)
Sep 29,
3) Collection and analysis of physical properties of rocks for enhancing the geotechnical database KuniJiban [Abstract]

*Toru Takahashi(Fukada Geological Institute),Tomio Inazaki(PWRI Tsukuba Central Insitute)
Sep 29,
4) Proposal for standard format of geophysical investigation results for engineering applications [Abstract]

*Koichi Hayashi(OYO Corporation),Tomio Inazaki, Toshiyuki Kurahashi(Public Works Research Institute),Consortium Consortium of geophysical exploration format(Society of Exploration Geophysicists of Japan)
Sep 29,
5) Imaging of loose sand area by high frequency attenuation tomography. [Abstract]

Yasuo Watanabe, Masahiko Ohta(JR East),*Junichi Sakakibara(JFE Civil Eng & Const.)

Session [Disaster Prevention1]
Chair Koji Nagano(Muroran Institute of Technology)
Sep 29,
6) Retrieval of Greens function from cross-correlation function of random fields by using spectral decomposition of linear operator, No.2 [Abstract]

*Hiroyuki Fujiwara(NIED)
Sep 29,
7) Characteristics of P-SV Wave Motions by Harmonic Loading on Ground Surface of Elastic Layered Half Space [Abstract]

*Hiroki Emoto, Norihiko Yamasita(koubesiritukousen),Genji Mori(hurunodennki)
Sep 29,
8) A Field Experiment of Dual Mode SPAC in Jyoso City, Japan [Abstract]

*Toshiaki Yokoi(IISEE, BRI),Koichi Hayashi(OYO Corp.)
Sep 29,
9) The Characteristics of long period microtremor and application for ground investigation in Shanghai, China [Abstract]

*Takeshi Sugiyama(Chuo Kaihatsu Corp),Shaokong Feng(Chuo Kaihatsu Corp),Ailan Che(Shanghai Jiaotong Univ.),Wei Xin, Xingguo Cao(Shanghai Geotechnical Investigations & Design Institute),Hiroaki Yamanaka(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Sep 29,
10) Multi-mode inversion with respect to medium response, incident wave and station layout [Abstract]

*Shaokong Feng, Takeshi Sugiyama(Chuo Kaihatsu Corporation),Hiroaki Yamanaka(Tokyo Institute of Technology)

Session [Disaster Prevention2]
Chair Nobusuke Hasegawa(NIED)
Sep 29,
11) Estimation of deep ground S-wave velocity structure using the horizontal array earthquake records [Abstract]

*Masaaki Oba(JAPC),Haruhiko Suzuki(OYO),Arihide Nobata, Kiyokazu Tanaka(Obayashi)
Sep 29,
12) Estimation of S-wave velocity structure of deep sedimentary layer around Lake Biwa using earthquake ground motion records and microtremor data. [Abstract]

*Haruhiko Suzuki(OYO Corp.),Hiroaki Yamanaka(Titech)
Sep 29,
13) Microtremor exploration of shallow soils in Damascus city, Syria [Abstract]

*Hiroaki Yamanaka, Hussam Zaineh(Tokyo Inst. Tech)
Sep 29,
14) On Stationarity of H/V of Earthquake Ground Motions Observed by MeSO-net [Abstract]

*Seiji Tsuno, Hiroaki Yamanaka(Tokyo Inst. of Tech.),Shinichi Sakai, Naoshi Hirata, Keiji Kasahara(ERI, Univ. of Tokyo),Hisanori Kimura(NIED),Tamotsu Aketagawa(Hot Springs Res. Inst. of Kanagawa Prefecture)
Sep 29,
15) Proximity microseismic doublets measured at the Soultz geothermal field,1993 [Abstract]

*Lumeng Chao, Yuto Yamada, Kazumasa Tomohiro(Graduate School of Engineering,Muroran Institute of Technology),Roy Baria(EGS Energy UK Ltd.),Koji Nagano(Muroran Institute of Technology)

Sept 29, Room No.2

Session [Gravity/GPR]
Chair Kenji Ohta(OYOSI)
Sep 29,
33) Underground imaging by the 3D Gravity Tensor inversion method [Abstract]

*Junzo Kasahara(Univ. Marine Sci. Technology),Yoko Hasada(Daiwa Geophysical Exploration),Hayato Kondo, Kayoko Tsuruga(Univ. Marine Sci. Technology)
Sep 29,
34) Development and field experiment of an ocean bottom gravimeter [Abstract]

*Shigeo Okuma, Masao Komazawa(GSJ/AIST),Atsushi Oshida(KGE)
Sep 29,
35) Precise gravity survey in Kasanohara plateau, Kagoshima, southwest Japan, Second Report [Abstract]

*Yasuaki Murata, Tomio Inazaki, Daisaku Kawabata(AIST)
Sep 29,
36) Subsurface visualization by using bistatic type ground penetrating radar [Abstract]

*Hayashi Naoki, Sato Motoyuki(Tohoku University)
Sep 29,
37) Comparison of electromagnetic scattering from flat and rough single rock fracture models [Abstract]

*Khamis Mansour(Graduate school of Environmental Studies, Tohoku University),Motoyuki Sato(Centre for Northeast Asian studies, Tohoku University)

Session [GPR]
Chair Shinichi Takakura(AIST)
Sep 29,
38) Coherency measure analysis of multi-offset GPR data [Abstract]

*Hai Liu, Naoki Hayashi, Motoyuki Sato(Tohoku Univ.)
Sep 29,
39) Design of GPR antenna array for pavement Survey [Abstract]

*Hai Liu(Tohoku univ.),Motoyuki Sato(Tohoku univ.)
Sep 29,
40) On-site evaluation for solute transport in vadose zone using cross borehole radar [Abstract]

*Seiichiro Kuroda, Yuhei Hirono(NARO)
Sep 29,
41) Monitoring of water diffusion in the subsurface by cross-hole radar with an optical sensor array [Abstract]

*Dong-hun Kim(Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Tohoku University),Motoyuki Sato(Center for Northeast Asian Studies, Tohoku University)
Sep 29,
42) Extreme Shallow Underground Imaging using Airborne Sound -Buried Object Identification Method using Optimum Frequency Range- [Abstract]

*Tsuneyoshi Sugimoto(Toin Univ. of Yokohama),Abe Touma(IHI Inspection & Instrumentation Co.,Ltd.)

Session [Electric/GPR]
Chair Seiichiro Kuroda(NARO)
Sep 29,
43) Survey of automobiles buried by land slide in Kurikoma area by RTK-GPS EMI [Abstract]

*Sato Motoyuki(Tohoku University)
Sep 29,
44) Deployment of Dual Sensor ALIS for Humanitarian Demining in Cambodia [Abstract]

*Sato Motoyuki(Tohoku University)
Sep 29,
45) Comparison between the method of diffraction summations and Stolt migration [Abstract]

*Andrey Klokov, Motoyuki Sato(CNEAS, Tohoku Univ.)
Sep 29,
46) 2.5-D modeling of time domain IP method [Abstract]

*Hideki Mizunaga, Kiyotaka Ishinaga(Kyushu University)
Sep 29,
47) Improvement of a small MT equipment for monitoring survey [Abstract]

*Toshiaki Tanaka, Hideki Mizunaga(Kyushu Univ.)
Sep 29,
48) A low-cost/hand-made equipment for resistivity profiling using passive devices and general measurement tools. [Abstract]

*Sugio Imamura(CTGK ltd.)

Sept 29, Room No.3

Session [Poster1]
Chair Yasuyuki Hodotsuka(Nihon Chikatansa)
Sep 29,
P-1) Publication of a guideline for the application of integrated geophysical surveying to the safety assessment of levee systems [Abstract]

*Tomio Inazaki(PWRI),Consotium Levee(SEGJ)
Sep 29,
P-2) The characteristics of oceanic fine structure obtained by multi-channel seismic reflection survey [Abstract]

*Mikiya Yamashita, Kanako Yokota, Yoshio Fukao, Shuichi Kodaira, Seiichi Miura, Katsuro Katsumata(JAMSTEC)
Sep 29,
P-3) Seismic surveys around the integrated groundwater observation station at Anou, Mie Prefecture [Abstract]

*Kazuo Yamaguchi, Hitoshi Tsukamoto, Makoto Takahashi, Naoji Koizumi(AIST),Shunichro Ito(Suncoh Consultants),Takashi Imayoshi(Hanshin Consultants)
Sep 29,
P-4) Simple Method to Estimate S-wave Velocity by Using One 3-Component Seismometer with P-wave Reflection Profiling - Considerations on Inclined Layers - [Abstract]

Toshiki Ohtaki, *Naomi Kano, Takanobu Yokokura(AIST/GSJ)
Sep 29,
P-5) Integration of the Structure Model at Fujisawa City, Estimated by S-wave Velocity Model using Microtoremors. [Abstract]

*Shigeki Senna, Shohei Naito, Nobusuke Hasegawa, Kensei Hao, Shinichi Kawai, Nobuyuki Morikawa, Hiroyuki Fujiwara(NIED)
Sep 29,
P-6) Application of deconvolution interferometry to seismic data observed at vertical array [Abstract]

*Seiichiro Kuroda(NARO)
Sep 29,
P-7) Relationships between electromagnetic properties of sand gravel soil and water content and electrical conductivity of soil solution using transmission measurement by small ground penetrating radar [Abstract]

*Yuhei Hirono, Seiichiro Kuroda(NARO)
Sep 29,
P-8) Research and Development of Making Global Oil-slick Mapping Support System -Part 2- [Abstract]

*Yusuke Shimono, Hiroshi Iimuro, Kazuyoshi Takaichi, Isao Nasuno(CTC),Kinya Okada, Takashi Nishidai(JGI),Masatane Katoh, Takatoshi Namikawa(ERSDAC)

Session [Poster2]
Chair Shumin Lin(Geophysical Survey)
Sep 29,
P-9) Development of precise magnetic and electrical exploration systems for sea-floor hydrothermal deposit [Abstract]

*Keizo Sayanagi(IORD, Tokai Univ),Group Emior
Sep 29,
P-10) Surveys on banks of the river using radio waves [Abstract]

*Shun Handa(Faculty of Agricultural Science, Saga University),Yuji Yoshida(Kyushu Keisokuki Co. Ltd.)
Sep 29,
P-11) Continuous resistivity monitoring of Onikobe geyser using high speed resistivity survey meter [Abstract]

*Motoharu Jinguuji, Shinichi Takakura(AIST),Yasuo Ogawa(TIT),Yoshiaki Karino(Geolight)
Sep 29,
P-12) New method to estimate IP parameters using modified Cole-Cole equation [Abstract]

*Chikara Okada, Hideki Mizunaga, Yutaka Sasaki(Kyushu University)
Sep 29,
P-13) A Study on the Negative Apparent Resistivity in Dipole-dipole Electrical Surveys using Physical Modeling [Abstract]

Ju-won Oh, Won-ki Kim, Ho-yong Lee, Naeun Kwak, *Dong-joo Min(Seoul National University)
Sep 29,
P-14) GPR survey at Antokudai ruins [Abstract]

*Takao Inoue, Hideki Mizunaga(kyushu Univ.),Kazutoshi Shige(nakagawa town)
Sep 29,
P-15) Cross-borehole GPR profiling of the vadose zone during an artificial groundwater infiltration test [Abstract]

Hannuree Jang(Pukyong National University),Seiichiro Kuroda(NARO),Ki ha Lee, *Hee joon Kim(Pukyong National University)
Sep 29,
P-16) Study on Hydrogeological structure around the MIU-site using Self-Potential Method [Abstract]

*Shingo Tokuyasu, Toshiyuki Matsuoka(JAEA),Hideki Mizunaga(Kyusyu University),Yoshihiro Sugimoto(Dia Consultants)

Sept 30, Room No.1

Session [Mineral Exploration1]
Chair Toshiaki Tanaka(Kyushu Univ.)
Sep 30,
16) Geoelectrical investigation and evaluation of the Dobuyama bentonite deposit, Miyagi, Japan [Abstract]

*Shinichi Takakura(AIST),Motoki Minami(Kunimine Industries Co., Ltd.),Tetsuichi Takagi(AIST),Masakazu Itoh(Kunimine Industries Co., Ltd.)
Sep 30,
17) Study of Time-domain electromagnetic survey method for seafloor hydrothermal deposit [Abstract]

*Ishikawa Hidehiro, Watanabe Hidehisa(Mindeco),Mitsuhata Yuji, Ueda Takumi, Uchida Toshihiro(Aist),Baba Hisatoshi(Tokai Univ. Ocean)
Sep 30,
18) The high resolution electrical resistivity model using Time-domain electro-magnetic method, in and arround Miho Peninsula, Shizuoka, Japan. [Abstract]

*Baba Hisatoshi(Tokai Univ. Ocean),Ishikawa Hidehiro(Mindeco)
Sep 30,
19) Time domain electromagnetic technologies for the ocean bottom mineral resources [Abstract]

*Keiko Nakayama, Akira Saito(WASEDA University),Yoshihiro Yamshita(OYO Corporation)
Sep 30,
20) Full 3D Inversion of Marine CSEM and MT data on PCs [Abstract]

*Yutaka Sasaki(Kyushu Univ.)

Session [Mineral Exploration2]
Chair Shinsuke Kikuchi(JGI)
Sep 30,
21) Seismic imaging of time lapse for CCS and oil and gas reservoirs using ultra-stable seismic ACROSS source [Abstract]

*Junzo Kasahara(Faculty of Sci., Univ. Shizuoka),Yoko Hasada(Daika Expl. & Consult.),Kayoko Tsuruga(Tokyo Univ. Marine Science and Technlogy)
Sep 30,
22) Multipoint-geostatistics in lithologic facies modeling and its application to the point-bar deposit in the Athabasca Oil Sands [Abstract]

*Kashihara Koji(JAPEX),Okada Kinya(JGI),Tsuji Takashi(JAPEX)
Sep 30,
23) The practice of CRS/MDRS processing. Part I Parameter analysis and moveout correction [Abstract]

*Naoshi Aoki, Shogo Narahara, Akihisa Takahashi(JGI),Tsukasa Nishiki(JAPEX)
Sep 30,
24) Optimization of Multiple Attenuation for 3D Seismic Survey - Contribution of 3D-SRME - [Abstract]

*Masafumi Katou, Shigeru Ino, Susumu Abe, Akihisa Takahashi(JGI),Yasuhiko Nagasaki, Shinichi Matsuzawa, Takehiro Nagano(JOGMEC)
Sep 30,
25) Seismic interferometry for source-localized passive records -Selection of receivers based on stationary sources- [Abstract]

*Shohei Minato, Toshifumi Matsuoka, Takeshi Tsuji(Kyoto University),Koichiro Obana(JAMSTEC)
Sep 30,
26) Validity study of over/under seismic acquisition technique by R/V Kairei [Abstract]

*Satoshi Shimizu(NME),Tetsuo No, Shuichi Kodaira(JAMSTEC)

Sept 30, Room No.2

Session [Vibration]
Chair Keigo Kitamura(RITE)
Sep 30,
49) Development of the MEMS accelerometer for the low frequency domain observation [Abstract]

*Takao Aizawa(SUNCOH CONSULTANTS Co.,Ltd.),Toshifumi Matsuoka(KYOTO Univ.)
Sep 30,
50) Subsurface imaging from inverse VSP using drill-bit vibration. [Abstract]

*Ito Shunichiro, Aizawa Takao(SUNCOH Consultants),Nagai Chiaki, Watanabe Kazuya, Ando Kenichi(OBAYASHI)
Sep 30,
51) A field experiment on the noncontact vibration measurements of rock slopes by remotely-positioned Laser Doppler Vibromete [Abstract]

*Hideki Saito, Masaki Tsuji, Yasunori Ohtsuka(Oyo),Fumiaki Uehan, Osamu Murata(RTRI),Guichen Ma, Kazuhide Sawada, Atsushi Yashima(Gifu Univ.),Takahiro Fukata(JR West)
Sep 30,
52) Development of high accuracy low frequency small vibrator system and some examples of measurement results of geophones and accelerometers. [Abstract]

*Kenji Ohta, Toru Kajiwara, Takeichiro Ohhashi(OYOSI)
Sep 30,
53) Imaging of the near- and off-fault deformation of the western marginal fault of the Echigo Plain by means of high-resolution Land Streamer seismic reflection surveying. [Abstract]

*Tomio Inazaki(PWRI/GSJ),Yoshinori Miyachi(GSJ),Atsushi Urabe(Niigata Univ.),Kyoko Kagohara(GSJ)

Session [Remote Sensing]
Chair Ishikawa Hidehiro(Mindeco)
Sep 30,
54) A new decomposition applied to azimuthally inclined objects for a polarimetric SAR image [Abstract]

*Shunichi Kusano(Graduate school of environmental studies),Manabu Watanabe, Motoyuki Sato(Center for Northeast Asian Studies)
Sep 30,
55) Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar Data Inversion for Reservoir Monitoring [Abstract]

*Mokhamad yusup Nur khakim, Takeshi Tsuji, Toshifumi Matsuoka(Kyoto University)
Sep 30,
56) Investigation on Azimuth and Range Dependency of Ground-based Polarimetric SAR [Abstract]

*Yinan Tang(Graduate School of Environment Studies, Tohoku University),Motoyuki Sato(Center for Northeast Asian Studies Tohoku University)
Sep 30,
57) InSAR processing as a method of DEM improvement. [Abstract]

*Rokugawa Shuichi, Nakamura Takako, Matsushima Jun(The Univ. of Tokyo)
Sep 30,
58) Preliminary Results of ALOS/PALSAR Subsurface Imaging of Buried Object in the Western Desert, Egypt [Abstract]

*Gaber Ahmed(Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Tohoku University),Motoyuki Sato(Center of Northeast Asian Studies, Tohoku University)
Sep 30,
59) Development of wide band antenna for ground based synthetic aperture radar [Abstract]

*Yuya Yokota, Yongjae, Lee, Motoyuki Sato(Tohoku University)

Oct 1, Room No.1

Session [Mineral Exploration3]
Chair Kashihara Koji(JAPEX)
Oct 1,
27) The technique of seismic reflector recognition and segment migration [Abstract]

*Shinsuke Kikuchi(JGI),Yasutaka Ikeda(Univ. Tokyo),Takaya Iwasaki(ERI),Susumu Abe(JGI),Tanio Ito(Chiba Univ.),Kenichi Kano(Shizuoka Univ.),Hiroshi Sato(ERI),Naoshi Aoki(JGI)
Oct 1,
28) Sub-basalt analysis in Voring Basin off Norway using l0km-long hydrophone streamer data [Abstract]

*Junzo Kasahara(JGI, Inc.),Futoshi Tsuneyama(Idemitsu Oil & Gas Co., Ltd.),Katsuhisa Wada, Ikuro Mizukoshi(JGI Inc.),Torgeir Vinje(Idemitsu Petroleum Norge AS.),Laila Rotberget(Fugro Multi Client Services AS.)
Oct 1,
29) GPR monitoring of the fluid movement induced by hydraulic fracturing in unconsolidated sand [Abstract]

*Dong-hun Kim(Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Tohoku University),Motoyuki Sato(Center for Northeast Asian Studies, Tohoku University)
Oct 1,
30) Laboratory experiments on shear wave attenuation in partially frozen brines [Abstract]

*Jun Matsushima, Makoto Suzuki, Yoshibumi Kato, Shuichi Rokugawa(The University of Tokyo)
Oct 1,
31) Estimating seismic attenuation in methane hydrate bearing sediments using QVO method part3 -Comparison between interval attenuation and interval velocity- [Abstract]

*Kwangho Lee, Jun Matsushima(The University of Tokyo)
Oct 1,
32) Estimation of seismic wave attenuation using sonic logging data -Comparison of estimating methods- [Abstract]

*Hiroyuki Suzuki, Jun Matsushima(The University of Tokyo)

Oct 1, Room No.2

Session [CO2/Disaster Prevention]
Chair Motoharu Jinguuji(AIST)
Oct 1,
60) Electromagnetic Scattering from a Dihedral Target with Dielectric Material [Abstract]

*Masayoshi Matsumoto(Tohoku University, Graduate school of Environmental Studies),Motoyuki Sato(Tohoku University, Center for Northeast Asian studies)
Oct 1,
61) Resistivity monitoring during an air injection experiment to fractured rocks [Abstract]

*Shinichi Takakura, Yuji Nishi, Tsuneo Ishido(AIST)
Oct 1,
62) Simultaneous measurement of Vp and Vs of Tako sandstone [Abstract]

*Keigo Kitamura, Ziqiu Xue, Osamu Nishizawa(RITE)
Oct 1,
63) Changes in crack shape and degree of saturation estimated from P and S wave velocity changes during the water penetration into a stressed rock [Abstract]

*Koji Masuda, Osamu Nishizawa(GSJ/AIST)
Oct 1,
64) Effectiveness of sensitivity adaptive inversion method in resistivity monitoring [Abstract]

*Hiroomi Nakazato, Keisuke Inoue(NARO),Zhenyang Wang(SHERIT),Tetsu Noguchi(GEE)
Oct 1,
65) Numerical Experiment for monitoring earthquake crack by resistivity survey [Abstract]

*Keisuke Inoue, Hiroomi Nakazato, Osamu Kawamoto, Daisuke Shoda(NARO)

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