SEGJ Technical Conference

Seismic surveys around the integrated groundwater observation station at Anou, Mie Prefecture

AIST has equipped fourteen groundwater observation stations between the Tokai and the Shikoku district with measuring instruments since 2006 to predict the Tonankai/Nankai earthquake. Three boreholes were drilled down to 30m, 200m, 600m at each station. The instruments are water thermometer, water gauge, strain gauge, angle meter, seismometer and GPS. These data are sent to AIST in real time and they are open in WEB site. Several surveys were conducted at each station. They are subsurface structure survey, core sampling and analysis, well logging, hydrogeological survey, stress measurement and so on. The subsurface structure surveys are seismic reflection survey or hydrophone VSP. We review the specification of the reflection surveys and report the result of recent seismic reflection survey at the Anou observation station, Mie Prefecture.