SEGJ Technical Conference |
May 10 - May 12, 2011
GENERAL INFORMATION VENUE | | | | International Conference Center, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan | | | | | SCHEDULE | | | |
| Tuesday, May 10, 2011 | | | | Technical Sessions | Room No.1 (3F) | 10:00-17:00 | | | Technical Sessions | Room No.2 (3F) | 10:00-17:00 | | | Poster Core Time | Room No.3 (3F) | 17:00-18:30 | | | Exhibition | Room No.3 (3F) | 10:00-18:30 | | | | | | | Wednesday, May 11, 2011 | | | | Technical Sessions | Room No.1 (3F) | 09:40-12:00 | | | Technical Sessions | Room No.2 (3F) | 10:00-12:00 | | | General Meeting | Ibuka Memorial Hall (1F) | 13:00-14:50 | | | Executive Sessions | Ibuka Memorial Hall (1F) | 15:00-17:00 | | | __Chairman: | Mahito UCHIDA (JGI; Vice-President, SEGJ) | | | __Invited Speakers: | Masanobu SHISHIKURA (AIST) | | | | Naoshi HIRATA (TOKYO Univ.) | | | Banquet | Okuma Garden House | 17:30-19:30 | | | Exhibition | Room No.3 (3F) | 10:00-13:30 | | | | | | | Thursday, May 12, 2011 | | | | Technical Sessions | Room No.1 (3F) | 10:00-16:40 | | | Technical Sessions | Room No.2 (3F) | 10:00-16:40 | | | Briefing Session | Room No.1 (3F) | 16:40-17:10 | | | __Elucidator(s): | Society of Exploration Geophysicists of Japan | | | __Presentation: | Urgency Exploration on the 2011 Tohoku - Pacific Ocean Earthquake | | | Exhibition | Room No.3 (3F) | 10:00-15:00 |
REGISTRATIONPre-Registration and Onsite Registration are available. All payments must be made in JPY (Japanease Yen).Registered and Paid | Pre-Registration (Until April 11, 2011) | Onsite Registration | Conference Meeting | Member / Non-member | JPY 4,000-** | JPY 5,000-** | Student | JPY 2,000-** | JPY 3,000-** | Banquet (Evening on June 1) | Member / Non-member | JPY 4,000-** | JPY 5,000-** | Student | JPY 2,000-** | JPY 3,000-** |
| Pre-registrant will receive BOTH CD-ROM and PAPER Proceedings at the reception of the conference. | **
| Onsite registrant will receive ONLY CD-ROM Proceedings. PAPER Proceedings can be purchased at a price of JPY 1,000-. |
LIST OF EXHIBITORS | | GEO 5 Corporation HAKUSAN Corporation ITOCHU Techno-Solutions Corpration(CTC) National Instruments Corporation OYO Corporation & OYO S.I. Corporation Terra Corporation | |
May 10, Room No.1 |
Session |
[Disaster Prevention1] |
Chair |
Nobukazu Soma(AIST) |
May 10, 10:00-10:20 |
1) Traveltime tomography by use of neural network
*Tomohisa Ishiyama, Yoshiya Oda(Tokyo Metropolitan University)
May 10, 10:20-10:40 |
2) Inversion of microtremor H/V for determining 2d subsurface structure
*Ryota Onogi, Yoshiya Oda(TMU)
May 10, 10:40-11:00 |
3) A study of Effect of subsurface properties modification on Coda-Q
*Kyosuke Okamoto, Hitoshi Mikada, Goto Tada-nori, Junichi Takekawa(Kyoto University)
May 10, 11:00-11:20 |
4) Investigation of subsurface velocity structure using microtremor survey method
*Suqun Ling(GeoAnalysis Institute Co., Ltd),Peifen Xu, Chuanjin Li, Huili Guo, Xuefeng Cao, Wen Shi(Institute of Geology and Geophysics Chinese Academy of Sciences)
May 10, 11:20-11:40 |
5) Estimation of average S-wave velocities at Morioka City by using surface wave and microtremor array survey -Relation between the average S-wave velocities and seismic intensities by questionnaire survey-
*Hidekazu Yamamoto, Hiroyuki Okada, Tsuyoshi Sano(Faculty of Engineering, Iwate University)
May 10, 11:40-12:00 |
6) Estination of S-wave velocity structures at Oshu City, Iwate Prefecture by using microtremor array survey, Part 2
Chisa Hikime(Graduate School of Engineering, Iwate University),*Hidekazu Yamamoto, Tsuyoshi Sano(Faculty of Engineering, Iwate University)
Session |
[Disaster Prevention2] |
Chair |
Hidekazu Yamamoto(Iwate Univ.) |
May 10, 13:00-13:20 |
7) Compound mode phase velocity inversion in array microtremor survey
*Shaokong Feng, Takeshi Sugiyama(Chuo Kaihatsu Corp.),Hiroaki Yamanaka(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
May 10, 13:20-13:40 |
8) A study of continuous microtremor data processing for extracting Green's function using seismic interferometory
*Kosuke Chimoto, Hiroaki Yamanaka(Tokyo Tech.),Takahumi Moroi(Kobori Res.),Tomonori Ikeura(Kajima),Kazuki Koketsu, Minoru Sakaue(ERI),Shoichi Nakai, Toru Sekiguchi(Chiba Univ.),Yoshiya Oda(Tokyo Metro Univ.)
May 10, 13:40-14:00 |
9) Evaluation for predominant period of ground and its base rock using microtremor H/V spectra
*Shunichi Fukumoto(Tokyo Soil Research),Hiroaki Yamanaka(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
May 10, 14:00-14:20 |
10) Estimation of S-wave velocity structure using microtremore exploration and seismic interfelometry around Suruga-Bay
*Mariko Ohishi, Hiroaki Yamanaka, Kosuke Chimoto(Tokyo Tech),Nobuyuki Yamada(Fukuoka University of Education),Seiji Tsuno(Tokyo Tech),Minoru Sakaue, Kazuki Koketsu(Earthquake Research Institute,The University of Tokyo)
May 10, 14:20-14:40 |
11) Application of Markov Chain Monte Carlo method in estimation of model resolution of S-wave velocity profile from microtremor exploration
*Hiroaki Yamanaka(Tokyo Inst. Tech.)
May 10, 14:40-15:00 |
12) A method of evaluating dynamic earthquake-resisting capacity of traditional structures by means of micro-tremor response analysis
*Teruki Maiguma, Tadashi Takaya(Nihon Chikatansa),Naota Kobayashi, Hisatoshi Yoshida(Nihon Retrofit)
Session |
[Disaster Prevention3] |
Chair |
Shunichi Fukumoto(Tokyo Soil Research) |
May 10, 15:20-15:40 |
13) Microseismic data analysis using reflected waves at Aneth CO2 sequestration test site based on single-well three-component array observation
*Nobukazu Soma(AIST),James Rutledge(LANL)
May 10, 15:40-16:00 |
14) Evaluation of near-surface attenuation of S-waves based on PS logging and vertical array records (Part 1)
*Genyuu Kobayashi, Hideaki Tsutsumi(JNES),Makoto Andou, Haruhiko Suzuki, Kouichi Hayashi(OYO Corp.)
May 10, 16:00-16:20 |
15) Evaluation of near-surface attenuation of S-waves based on PS logging and vertical array records (Part 2)
*Genyuu Kobayashi, Yutaka Mamada, Hideaki Tsutsumi(JNES)
May 10, 16:20-16:40 |
16) Modeling 3D Velocity Structure in the Fault Region of the 2007 Niigataken Chuetu-Oki Earthquake with Folding Structure
*Kenichi Tsuda, Takashi Hayakawa(Ohsaki Research Institute),Tomiichi Uetake, Kazuhito Hikima, Ryoichi Tokumitsu(Tokyo Electric Corporation),Hideki Nagumo(Tokyo Electric Power Service Co., LTD)
May 10, 16:40-17:00 |
17) A study on evaluating rock block stability by the noncontact vibration measurements of rock slopes using remotely-positioned Laser Doppler Vibrometers
*Hideki Saito, Masaki Tsuji, Yasunori Ohtsuka(Oyo),Fumiaki Uehan, Osamu Murata(RTRI),Guichen Ma, Kazuhide Sawada, Atsushi Yashima(Gifu Univ.),Takahiro Fukata(JR West)
May 10, Room No.2 |
Session |
[Mineral Exploration1] |
Chair |
Tada-nori Goto(Kyoto Univ.) |
May 10, 10:00-10:20 |
41) The electrical characteristic of the sea-floor hydrothermal ore deposits
*Taisuke Shingyoji, Akira Saito, Keiko Nakayama(Waseda University)
May 10, 10:20-10:40 |
42) Theoretical experiments with Square-Array for the ocean bottom mineral resources
*Hiroshi Kisanuki, Akira Saito(Waseda University)
May 10, 10:40-11:00 |
43) A Fundamental examination of Square-Array resistivity measurement for the exploration of seabed resources: Experimental production of Square-Array electrodes and field test
*Yoshihiro Yamashita, Hiroyuki Azuma, Koichi Tago, Hisashi Namiki(OYO Corporation),Akira Ssito, Keiko Nakayama(Waseda University)
May 10, 11:00-11:20 |
44) Development of precise magnetic exploration system for sea-floor hydrothermal deposit: deep-sea tests above the Bayonnaise knoll
*Keizo Sayanagi, Nobuhiro Isezaki, Makoto Harada(IORD, Tokai Univ),Takafumi Kasaya(JAMSTEC),Jun Matsuo(OYO International),Nobuhito Onishi(Tierra Tecnica),Shipboard scientific party Yk10-17,Group Emior
May 10, 11:20-11:40 |
45) Improvement of the numerical Hankel transform in Marine CSEM method.
*Keita Yoshimatsu, Hideki Mizunaga, Yutaka Sasaki(Kyushu-u Univ.)
May 10, 11:40-12:00 |
46) Geophysical survey of the geothermal field in Reshuizhen of Chifeng city,Inner Mongolia
*Xu Jin(JiLin Univ.),Sachio Ehara(Kyushu Univ.)
Session |
[Mineral Exploration2] |
Chair |
Keizo Sayanagi(Tokai Univ.) |
May 10, 13:00-13:20 |
47) Application of marine controlled-source electromagnetic sounding to submarine massive sulphides explorations
*Naoto Imamura, Tada-nori Goto, Junichi Takekawa, Hitoshi Mikada(Dep. of Civil and Earth Res. Eng., Kyoto University)
May 10, 13:20-13:40 |
48) Application of digital filter to processing of electro magnetics sounding data
*Hikaru Nagata, Hitoshi Mikada, Goto Tada-nori, Junichi Takekawa(Kyoto University),Takahumi Kasaya(JAMSTEC)
May 10, 13:40-14:00 |
49) Inversion scheme of magnetic anomaly using genetic algorithm
*Tada-nori Goto, Naoto Imamura(Kyoto Univ.),Yasutaka Yokoi(Ocean High Technology Institute, Inc.)
May 10, 14:00-14:20 |
50) 3D inversion of marine electromagnetic data accounting for anisotropy
*Yutaka Sasaki(Kyushu Univ.)
May 10, 14:20-14:40 |
51) Complex resistivity measurements of artificial samples containing pyrite and sericite particles
*Shinichi Takakura(AIST),Yutaka Sasaki(Kyushu Univ.)
May 10, 14:40-15:00 |
52) 2.5-D Inversion of Time Domain IP Method
*Hideki Mizunaga, Kiyotaka Ishinaga(Kyushu University)
Session |
[Mineral Exploration3] |
Chair |
Toshiaki Tanaka(Kyusyu Univ.) |
May 10, 15:20-15:40 |
53) MEMS Gyro Northfinder for Borehole Applications
*Futoshi Magosaki, Takafumi Moriguchi, Yuzo Iwai, Kazuhiko Yamaguchi(Sumitomo Precision Products)
May 10, 15:40-16:00 |
54) Development of the MEMS Gravity Sensor (1)
*Takao Aizawa(Suncohconsultants Co.,Ltd.),Shigeo Okuma, Masao Komazawa(The National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology),Masakazu Matsushima(Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.),Mitsuaki Koyama, Takeshi Mutou(Nihon Dempa Kogyo Co., Ltd.),Toshifumi Matsuoka(Kyoto University)
May 10, 16:00-16:20 |
55) How to Make 4D Microgravity Method Become Much More Useful in Enhanced Oil Recovery
*Susanti Alawiyah(Kyoto University, Institute of Technology Bandung),Djoko Santoso, Wawan g.a. Kadir(Institute of Technology Bandung),Toshifumi Matsuoka(Kyoto University),Eko Widianto(PT. Pertamina),Darharta Dahrin, Setianingsih(Institute of Technology Bandung)
May 10, 16:20-16:40 |
56) Correspondence between high magnetic susceptibility and low gamma ray in fault
*Tatsuro Yoshimura(Fukken Co.Ltd.)
May 10, Room No.3 |
Session |
[Poster1] |
Chair |
Yasuyuki Hodotsuka(Nihon Chikatansa) |
May 10, 17:00-18:30 |
P-1) Multiple approach by various geophysical techniques for active fault investigations - A case study in the Kushibiki fault zone, Saitama prefecture,(No.2, GPR surveys)-
*Toshiyuki Yokota, Kazuo Yamaguchi, Yuji Mitsuhata, Jinguuji Motoharu, Toshihiro Uchida(AIST)
May 10, 17:00-18:30 |
P-2) Multiple approach by various geophysical techniques for active fault investigations - A case study in the Kushibiki fault zone, Saitama prefecture (3, seismic reflection surveys) -
*Kazuo Yamaguchi, Tomio Inazaki, Toshiyuki Yokota, Toshihiro Uchida(AIST/GSJ)
May 10, 17:00-18:30 |
P-3) An attempt to estimate porosity and permeability in demonstration of outline survey using rock physics techniques
Kimitaka Yoshimura(NUMO),*Mio Shimoyama, Chisato Konishi, Hiroyuki Azuma(OYO Corporation)
May 10, 17:00-18:30 |
P-4) X-CT core image analysis with seismic software
*Yoshinori Sanada, Hisao Ito(JAMSTEC)
May 10, 17:00-18:30 |
P-5) Detection of land subsidence in Indonesia using DInSAR techinique
*Ishitsuka Kazuya, Takeshi Tsuji, Toshifumi Matsuoka(Kyoto Univ.)
May 10, 17:00-18:30 |
P-6) Computation of surface wave dispersion by compound matrix method -Application to anisotropic media-
*Tatsunori Ikeda, Toshifumi Matsuoka(Kyoto Univ.)
Session |
[Poster2] |
Chair |
Keiko Nakayama(Waseda Univ.) |
May 10, 17:00-18:30 |
P-7) Estimation of deep S-wave velocity structures in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area by the inversion method of H/V spectral ratios using coda waves
*Seiji Tsuno, Hiroaki Yamanaka(Tokyo Tech.),Shin'ichi Sakai, Naoshi Hirata, Keiji Kasahara(ERI, Univ. of Tokyo),Hisanori Kimura(NIED),Tamotsu Aketagawa(Hot Springs Res. Inst.)
May 10, 17:00-18:30 |
P-8) Simulation of seismic wave propagation in focal area of the 2003 Northern Miyagi Prefecure Earthquake using a large scale parallel-computer
*Ryuji Niiro, Hiroaki Yamanaka(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
May 10, 17:00-18:30 |
P-9) Dynamic characteristics of a building using seismic interferometry
Jie Bai, *Yoshiya Oda(TMU)
May 10, 17:00-18:30 |
P-10) Development of microtremor survey observation system 'i-bidou',etc.
*Shigeki Senna, Hiroki Azuma(NIED),Yuuko Murui(Mitsubishi Space Software),Hiroyuki Fujiwara(NIED)
May 11, Room No.1 |
Session |
[Mineral Exploration4] |
Chair |
Makoto Suzuki(Univ. of Tokyo) |
May 11, 9:40-10:00 |
18) Interferometric seismic imaging of subsurface structures using local earthquakes
*Kazuya Shiraishi, Susumu Abe(JGI, Inc.),Toru Takahashi(Fukada Geological Institute),Genyu Kobayashi(JNES),Noriko Tsumura(Graduate School of Science, Chiba University),Hideaki Tsutsumi(JNES),Tanio Ito(Graduate School of Science, Chiba University)
May 11, 10:00-10:20 |
19) Estimation of the seismic structure beneath the Noubi Plain using auto-correlation analysis of strong motion record
*Toshiki Watnabe(Nagoya Univ.),Hidehiko Shimizu(Nagoya Univ.),Jun Tobita(Nagoya Univ.),Susumu Abe, Kazuya Shiraishi(JGI, Inc.)
May 11, 10:40-11:00 |
21) Seismic reflection profiling across the southern Kitakami lowland fault zone using EnviroVibe seismic source
*Dai Nobuoka, Yoshikazu Matsubara(OYO Corporation),Kyoko Kagohara(Active Fault and Earthquake Research Center, AIST),Toshifumi Imaizumi(Tohoku University)
May 11, 11:00-11:20 |
22) Development of prototype electromagnetic vibrator seismic source using super-conductive coil
Fumitoshi Murakami, *Toru Kuroda, Junzo Kasahara(JGI, Inc.),Kagao Okumura, Yoshitsugu Gocho, Eiji Kosuge(JSO Co., Ltd),Tatsuo Saeki, Kazunobu Yamane(JOGMEC)
May 11, 11:20-11:40 |
23) Achieving productivity improvement of seismic reflection data by simultaneous vibroseis technique
*Takao Nibe, Susumu Abe, Mizohata Shigeharu, Akira Fujiwara(JGI, Inc.),Hiroshi Sato(ERI)
May 11, Room No.2 |
Session |
[Waste Disposal] |
Chair |
Yutaka Sasaki(Kyusyu Univ.) |
May 11, 10:00-10:20 |
58) Combined interpretation of seismic velocity and electrical conductivity using the bimodal mixture model - Application to geophysical logging data in soft sedimentary rock sites at Yokosuka and Horonobe, Japan -
*Koichi Suzuki(CRIEPI),Kimitaka Yoshimura(NUMO),Yutaka Sugita(JAEA),Makoto Ando, Hiroyuki Azuma(OYO)
May 11, 10:20-10:40 |
59) The demonstration and validation study of geophysical techniques for the preliminary investigation of radioactive waste
*Kimitaka Yoshimura, Shigenori Muramoto, Eiichi Ishi, Hiroyuki Tsuchi(NUMO),Hirofumi Kondo, Koichi Suzuki, Keiichiro Goto, Kazuo Tomita(CRIEPI)
May 11, 10:40-11:00 |
60) 2D interpretation of land and seafloor magnetotelluric data at the Horonobe coastal area
*Toshihiro Uchida, Takumi Ueda, Yuji Mitsuhata, Toshiyuki Yokota(AIST)
May 11, 11:00-11:20 |
61) Development of shallow seafloor EM survey system and its application at Horonobe coastal area
*Takumi Ueda, Toshihiro Uchida, Yuji Mitsuhata(Geological Survey of Japan, AIST),Tatsuya Sato, Kenji Osawa, Mizue Saba(GERD)
May 11, 11:20-11:40 |
62) Repeated DC resistivity and AMT measurements of small-scale carbon dioxide gas injection experiment, Horonobe, Hokkaido
*Shinichi Takakura, Toshiyuki Tosha(AIST),Takeshi Sugiyama(CKC),Tetsuyoshi Tokumaru(Tokumaru Geotechnical Office)
May 11, 11:40-12:00 |
63) The experimental study on the electirical impedance with injecting super critical CO2.
*Keigo Kitamura, Osamu Nishizawa, Ziqiu Xue(RITE)
May 12, Room No.1 |
Session |
[Mineral Exploration5] |
Chair |
Kazuya Shiraishi(JGI) |
May 12, 10:00-10:20 |
25) Walk-away VSP using 3 components multiple string type downhole geophonesapplyingthe demonstration study for preliminary investigation
Kimitaka Yoshimura(NUMO),Koichi Suzuki, Hirofumi Kondo(CRIEPI),Toshiaki Kobayashi, *Norifumi Narita(DIA CONSULTANTS)
May 12, 10:20-10:40 |
26) 3D simulation for Time lapse in oil and gas reservoirs and CCS reservoir using seismic ACROSS technology
Yoko Hasada(Daiwa Exploration),*Junzo Kasahara(Univ. Shizuoka),Kayoko Tsuruga(Tokyo Univ. Marine Sci. and Tech.)
May 12, 10:40-11:00 |
27) The practice of CRS/MDRS processing. Part II: Velocity estimation from CRS parameters
*Naoshi Aoki, Shogo Narahara, Akihisa Takahashi(JGI),Tsukasa Nishiki(JAPEX)
May 12, 11:00-11:20 |
28) Availability of Fresnel volume migration to seismic reflection method
*Tetsuya Kawabayashi, Hitoshi Mikada, Goto Tada-nori, Junichi Takekawa(Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University)
May 12, 11:20-11:40 |
29) An experimental study of seismic reciprocity for transition-zone survey
*Masafumi Katou, Hideo Saito, Abe Susumu(JGI),Sato Hiroshi(ERI, Univ. of Tokyo)
May 12, 11:40-12:00 |
30) the comparison of techniques for plane wave decomposition with VCS acoustic data
*Yukihiro Kida, Hitoshi Mikada, Tada-nori Goto,, Junichi Takekawa(Kyoto University),Eiichi Asakawa(JGI Inc.),Takuya Shimura(JAMSTEC)
Session |
[Mineral Exploration6] |
Chair |
Masafumi Katou(JGI) |
May 12, 13:00-13:20 |
31) Laboratory experiments on shear wave in partially frozen brines
*Makoto Suzuki, Jun Matsushima, Yoshibumi Kato, Shuichi Rokugawa(Graduate School of Engineering,The University of Tokyo)
May 12, 13:20-13:40 |
32) Attenuation analysis of shear wave in partially frozen brines
*Jun Matsushima, Makoto Suzuki, Yoshibumi Kato, Shuichi Rokugawa(The University of Tokyo)
May 12, 13:40-14:00 |
33) Estimation Method of Gas Saturation in Formation Water Using Anomalous High Sonic Velocities
*Takahito Banno, Hitoshi Mikada, Goto Tada-nori, Junichi Takekawa(Kyoto Univ)
May 12, 14:00-14:20 |
34) NMR properties of partially frozen brine and their comparison with ultrasonic attenuation results
*Om Pradhan, Jun Matsushima, Makoto Suzuki(The University of Tokyo)
May 12, 14:20-14:40 |
35) Estimation of source coupling effect and scattering attenuation using synthetic sonic waveform data
*Hiroyuki Suzuki, Jun Matsushima(The University of Tokyo)
Session |
[Mineral Exploration7] |
Chair |
Kyosuke Onishi(Akita Univ.) |
May 12, 15:00-15:20 |
36) Extension of the Gassmann-Biot theory of porous media (Part 9) Boundary waves of a planar ze-ta crack in infinite fluid filled porous media
*Shozaburo Nagumo
May 12, 15:20-15:40 |
37) Study on the relation of core evaluation point and seismic velocity
*Nobusuke Hasegawa(NIED)
May 12, 15:40-16:00 |
38) The consideration of influence which the local inhomogeneity of velocity structure gives to the refraction seismic survey
*Toshiyuki Kagawa(Kagawa survey office),Toshifumi Matsuoka(Kyoto Univ.),Nobusuke Hasegawa(NIED)
May 12, 16:00-16:20 |
39) Improvement of automatic crack identification by second segmentation --- A study on borehole image data processing ---
*Shaokong Feng(Chuo Kaihatsu Corporation / Shanghai Jiaotong University),Hongjie Li(Hubei Bureau of caol Geology, China),Jian Wu(Three Gorges University, China)
May 12, Room No.2 |
Session |
[Civil Engineering] |
Chair |
Kenji Okazaki(CERI PWRI) |
May 12, 10:00-10:20 |
64) Suggested standard format for describing geophysical section and the development of database system (Part 1): Outline of the database system.
*Tomio Inazaki, Toshiyuki Kurahashi(PWRI),Consortium Geophysical section format(SEGJ),Kaoru Kitao(Cube Works, Inc.)
May 12, 10:20-10:40 |
65) Suggested standard format for describing geophysical section and the development of database system (2): Web-base graphic viewer softaware
*Tadashi Nakatsuka(Nippon Geophysical Prospecting Co.,Ltd.),Koichi Hayashi(Geometrics Inc.),Tomio Inazaki, Toshiyuki Kurahashi(PWRI Tsukuba Central Institute),Toru Takahashi(Fukada Geological Institute), Digital standard format consortium(SEGJ)
May 12, 10:40-11:00 |
66) Suggested standard format for describing geophysical section and the development of database system (3): Tools for promotion
*Yoshihiro Yamashita(OYO Corporation),Koichi Hayashi(Geometrics Inc.),Tomio Inazaki, Toshiyuki Kurahashi(PWRI Tsukuba Central Institute), Segj digital standard format consortium(Segj)
May 12, 11:00-11:20 |
67) Estimation of soil thermal resistance around underground power transmission line using geophysical surveys (3) -Evaluation of the relationship among thermal resistance, resistivity and seismic velocity-
*Kenji Kubota, Koichi Suzuki(CRIEPI),Yuji Matsuya(KEPCO),Shinji Yamaguchi(Nihon Chikatansa)
May 12, 11:20-11:40 |
68) Estimation of soil thermal resistance around underground power transmission line using geophysical surveys (4) - Electrical and seicmic wave surveys using real scale artificial soil -
*Koichi Suzuki, Kenji Kubota(CRIEPI),Yuji Matsuya(KEPCO),Shinji Yamaguchi(Nihon Chikatansa)
May 12, 11:40-12:00 |
69) Study on rock physical interpretation of shallow geophysical data (Part V) - Rock physics modeling of cracked rocks-
*Toru Takahashi, Soichi Tanaka(Fukada Geological Institute)
Session |
[GPR] |
Chair |
Koichi Suzuki(CRIEPI) |
May 12, 13:00-13:20 |
70) Study on improvement performance of GPR considering antenna shape
*Yusuke Yasui, Hitoshi Mikada, Goto Tada-nori, Jyunichi Takekawa(Kyoto University),Kyosuke Onishi(Akita University),Naotoshi Konishi
May 12, 13:20-13:40 |
71) Ground Penetrating Radar Survey at Iwara-Yarimizo Ruin
*Mizunaga Hideki, Toshiaki Tanaka, Junpei Shimada(Kyushu University),Kazuhisa Hirao(Itosima City)
May 12, 13:40-14:00 |
72) Robust estimation of dielectric constant and layer thickness by GPR antenna array
*Hai Liu, Motoyuki Sato(Tohoku Univ.)
May 12, 14:00-14:20 |
73) 3-D Imaging of Faults with Directional Borehole Radar using Coaxial-Fed Circular Dipole Array Antenna
*Satoshi Ebihara(Osaka Electro-Communication University),Hideaki Kawai(Osaka Electro-Communication University),Kazushige Wada(Matsunaga Geo-survey Co., Ltd.)
May 12, 14:20-14:40 |
*Yokota Yuya(Tohoku University Center for Northeast Asian Studies),Gaber Ahmed, Masayoshi Matsumoto(Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Tohoku University),Motoyuki Sato(Tohoku University Center for Northeast Asian Studies)
Session |
[Airbone Exploration] |
Chair |
Satoshi Ebihara(Osaka ElectroCommunication Univ.) |
May 12, 15:00-15:20 |
75) Feasibility study for large-scale cavities at the abandoned mine using the exploration technique of cosmic ray muons
*Keiichi Suzuki, Hiroshi Ohnuma(KGE),Susumu Minato(RESL),Hironobu Asanuma(ENAA)
May 12, 15:20-15:40 |
76) Extremely Shallow Underground Imaging Using Air-borne Sound, -Extraction method of the contour of the buried object using the phase difference-
*Tsuneyoshi Sugimoto(Toin Univ. of Yokohama),Touma Abe(IHI Inspection & Instrumentation Co.,Ltd)
May 12, 15:40-16:00 |
77) Applicability of airborne electromagnetics to coastal areas: Kujyukuri case
*Kazuhiro Tsukuda, Hisatoshi Ito, Kenzo Kiho, Hideshi Kaieda, Koichi Suzuki(CRIEPI),Toru Mogi, Allah Sabry(Hokkaido Univ.),Akira Jomori(NeoScience Co.),Youichi Yuuki(Oyo Co.)
May 12, 16:00-16:20 |
78) Geotechnical estimation of long tunnel site by time-domain helicopter-borne electromagnetic method
*Kenji Okazaki(CERI, PWRI),Toru Mogi(Hokkaido Univ.),Mitsuru Utsugi(Kyoto Univ.),Yoshihiko Ito(CERI, PWRI),Takeshi Hashimoto, Yusuke Yamaya(Hokkaido Univ.),Hisatoshi Ito, Hideshi Kaieda(CRIEPI),Yoichi Yuki(OYO Co. Ltd.),Akira Jomori(Neoscience Co. Ltd.)
May 12, 16:20-16:40 |
79) Long-range ground deformation measurement using up-going and down-going InSAR data
*Shuichi Rokugawa, Kei Nakano, Jun Matsushima(The Univ. of Tokyo)