SEGJ Technical Conference

Ground Penetrating Radar Survey at Iwara-Yarimizo Ruin

The Mikumo-Iwara ruins are famous for their historical importance. The area of Mikumo-Iwara ruins is considered the capital of ancient kingdom " Itokoku" that was described in Chinese history text "Gishiwajinden". There are three important ruins named Hirabaru ruin, Mikumo-Minamishoji ruin and Iwara-Yarimizo ruin. The exact location of Iwara-Yarimizo ruin that was previously discovered during Edo Period remains unknown. In order to rediscover the Iwara-Yarimizo ruin, Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) survey was carried out. We describe the results of GPR survey at Iwara-Yarimizo area in this paper.