SEGJ Technical Conference

Estimation Method of Gas Saturation in Formation Water Using Anomalous High Sonic Velocities

Sonic velocities in liquids that contain gas bubbles have frequency dependency because of the oscillation of the bubbles. High sonic velocity anomaly could be observed when the bubbles resonate against incident sonic waves near the resonant frequencies. The frequency dependence of sonic velocity depends on gas saturation and bubble sizes. Therefore it becomes possible to estimate gas saturation in formation water using multi-frequency sonic velocity measurements if we know sonic velocity and its frequency. In this study, we showed the oscillation property of bubbles in liquids for estimating the relationship between the frequency dependency of sonic velocity and the gas saturation of formation water that contains gas bubbles, considering the resonance frequency of gas bubbles theoretically and numerically. These results suggest that a method could be applied to estimate the gas saturation in formation water using the high sonic velocity anomalies.