SEGJ Technical Conference

Estimation of deep S-wave velocity structures in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area by the inversion method of H/V spectral ratios using coda waves

We estimated deep S-wave velocity structures in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area, using H/V spectral ratios of coda waves observed by MeSO-net. We applied the Genetic Algorithm (Yamanaka and Ishida, 1996) for the inversion of H/V spectral ratios of coda waves. Deep S-wave velocity structures were inverted from H/V spectral ratios on and around the dominant periods. The estimated S-wave velocity structures are deeper than the previous model proposed by Yamanaka and Yamada (2006) for the area of the west coast of the Tokyo Bay, where the calculated dominant periods of H/V spectral ratios were underestimated (Tsuno et al., 2010). The amplitudes of H/V spectral ratios, which are defined by the division of the geometric mean between horizontal components by a vertical component, are composed of Rayleigh waves and Love waves