SEGJ Technical Conference

Computation of surface wave dispersion by compound matrix method -Application to anisotropic media-

Surface wave dispersion on isotropic media can be calculated by the Haskel method. However, it is well known that phase velocities in the high frequency cannot be calculated for computing error. As the calculation method to overcome this problem, the compound matrix method was proposed. In this study, we calculated Rayleigh wave dispersion on anisotropic media by applying the compound matrix method. The group velocities of Rayleigh waves were also calculated by the compound matrix scheme. The horizontal transverse isotropy (HTI) model of which phase velocities and group velocities have been already calculated by the Haskel method is used for computation model. In conclusion, the compound matrix method can be available for computation of Rayleigh wave dispersion and group velocities on anisotropic media in the higher frequency than the Haskel method.