SEGJ Technical Conference |
SEGJ 118th (2008 Spring) Meeting
May 13 - 15, 2008
International Conference Hall, Waseda Univ.
(Nishi-Waseda Campus)
Waseda 1-20-14, Shinjyuku Ward, Tokyo
Phone: 03-5286-1755 (office of the conference hall)
Phone: 090-7214-7500 (SEGJ mobile phone)
Pre-registration and Onsite registration are available.
Registration fee:
| Pre-registration (Until April 30, 2008)* | Onsite registration** | Member / Non-member | 4,000 Yen | 5,000 Yen | Student | 2,000 Yen | 3,000 Yen |
*Pre-registrant will receive BOTH CD-ROM and BOOK Proceedings at the reception of the conference.
Send an e-mail to the SEGJ office if you want to make a pre-registration.
**Onsite registrant will receive ONLY CD-ROM Proceedings. BOOK Proceedings can be purchased at a price of 1,000 Yen.
Banquet fee (Evening on May 14, 2008):
| Pre-registration (Until April 30, 2008)* | Onsite registration | Member / Non-member | 4,000 Yen | 5,000 Yen | Student | 2,000 Yen | 3,000 Yen |
*Send an e-mail to the SEGJ office if you want to make a pre-registration for the banquet.
May 13 (Tue)
______Oral session______________Room No.1 (3F)______________10:00-17:00
______Oral session______________Room No.2 (3F)______________10:00-17:00
______Poster session(Core time)_Room No.3 (3F)______________17:00-18:30
May 14 (Wed)
______Oral session______________Room No.1 (3F)______________10:00-12:00
______Oral session______________Room No.2 (3F)______________10:00-12:00
______Annual General Meeting____Ibuka Memorial Hall (1F)____13:20-15:00
______Invited session___________Ibuka Memorial Hall (1F)____15:20-17:20
______Banquet___________________Okuma Garden House__________18:00-20:00
May 15 (Thu)
______Oral session______________Room No.1 (3F)______________10:00-15:00
______Oral session______________Room No.2 (3F)______________10:00-14:40
______May 13____________________Room No.3(2) (3F)___________10:00-18:30
______May 14____________________Room No.3(2) (3F)___________10:00-17:00
______May 15____________________Room No.3(2) (3F)___________10:00-13:00
2008.04.07 Initial release
2008.04.15 Companied added for exhibition and presentation57 canceled
2008.05.07 Presentation7 canceled
May 13, Room No.1 |
Session |
[Elastic Property] |
Chair |
Masato Yamamoto(OYO) |
May 13, 10:00-10:20 |
1) Effect of confining pressure on P-wave velocity in imperfectly saturated sands - Computed P-wave velocities in sands by the use of heterogeneous saturation model-
*Tsuyoshi Kanema, Yoshimasa Kobayashi(Chishitsu Keisoku Co., LTD.)
May 13, 10:20-10:40 |
2) Extension of the Gassmann-Biot Theory of Porous Media ,Pat3- The Gassmannp-Biot Theory of Porous Media ,Pat3,-Fluid Stress Field Eqation Caused by the Compressive Fluid Flow -
*Shozaburo Nagumo
May 13, 10:40-11:00 |
3) Study on rock physical interpretation of near-surface geophysical data -Collection of physical properties of rocks and preliminary rock physics model study-
*Toru Takahashi, Soichi Tanaka(Fukada Geological Institute)
May 13, 11:00-11:20 |
4) An interpretation method to obtain elastic properties using a bimodal model
*Chisato Konishi, Hiroyuki Azuma(OYO Corporation)
May 13, 11:20-11:40 |
5) Investigating of CO2 saturation from P wave velocity.
*Keigo Kitamura(RITE),Hiroyuki Azuma(OYO),Ziqiu Xue(KyotoUniv.)
May 13, 11:40-12:00 |
6) Experimental Study of elastic wave attenuation in partially frozen brine --part 4 estimation of scattering attenuation
*Jun Matsushima, Makoto Suzuki, Yoshibumi Kato, Kunimitsu Ohashi, Shuichi Rokugawa(The University of Tokyo)
Session |
[Seismic Exploration] |
Chair |
Jun Matsushima(Univ. of Tokyo) |
May 13, 13:20-13:40 |
8) Imaging of well-seismic data with virtual source
*Makoto Okada(Mitsubishi Corporation Exploration Co., Ltd)
May 13, 13:40-14:00 |
9) Development of data logger with use of high precision digital MEMS accelerometer
*Toru Kuroda, Fumitoshi Murakami, Yoshiaki Kawabe, Yoshitaka Watanabe(JGI, Inc.)
May 13, 14:00-14:20 |
10) Examination of a next generation type Seismic Recording System
*Takao Aizawa(Suncoh Consultants Co.,Ltd.),Tashifumi Matsuoka(KYOTO Univ.),Takashi Kunimi(Akebono Brake Industry Co.,Ltd.)
May 13, 14:20-14:40 |
11) Point-receiver enabled high-quality land seismic technology
*Osamu Osawa(Schlumberger),Denis Sweeney(WesternGeco)
May 13, 14:40-15:00 |
12) Study of structural exploration across the Oki-Daito Ridge
*Satoru Tanaka, Hitoshi Mikada(Kyoto Univ.),Azusa Nishizawa(Japan Coast Guard)
Session |
[Civil Engineering] |
Chair |
Toru Kuroda(JGI) |
May 13, 15:20-15:40 |
13) Application of integrated geophysical techniques to vulnerability assessment of levee, Part7, Consideration to standard format of investigation results for effective circulation
*Koichi Hayashi(OYO Corporation),Tomio Inazaki(PWRI Tsukuba Central Institute),Segj Segj levee consortium
May 13, 15:40-16:00 |
14) A combined geophysical survey for detecting cavity behind a concrete revetment
*Tomio Inazaki(PWRI Tsukuba Central Institute),Xinglin Lei(GSJ/AIST),Toshimichi Nakanishi(PWRI Tsukuba Central Institute)
May 13, 16:00-16:20 |
15) Evaluation of seismic signals while obtaining rock core samples in underground space and trials for measurement of subsurface structures
*Nobukazu Soma, Yasuki Oikawa, Takashi Takehara(AIST),Hiroshi Asanuma(Tohoku Univ.)
May 13, 16:20-16:40 |
16) Reflection seismic survey by swath line method for geological foundation under buildings
*Masayoshi Tanoue, Hirotaka Kawashima(DIA Consultant),Hideaki Yonekura(ENAA),Masanori Kozono(MLIT)
May 13, 16:40-17:00 |
17) Estimation of S-wave velocity around tunnel,using seismic reflection profiling data from undersea shield tunnel
*Masato Yamamoto(OYO Corporation),Akira Takahashi(Tokyo Electric Power Company),Yoshihiro Emori(Tokyo Electric Power Company),Yoshitaka Niinomi(Tokyo Electric Power Services Co.Ltd),Yoshikazu Matsubara(OYO Corporation),Toshifumi Marsuoka(Kyoto University)
May 13, Room No.2 |
Session |
[Gravity/Magnetics/Theory] |
Chair |
Tada-nori Goto(JAMSTEC) |
May 13, 10:00-10:20 |
36) Three-dimensional inversion of MT data using simulated annealing
*Eiji Nakayama,Elena yu. Fomenko(Moscow University),Toru Mogi(Hokkaido University)
May 13, 10:20-10:40 |
37) Sesimic acitivity and 3D density structure at the western region of Wakayama Prefecture - Characterization using the gravimetric tomography -
*Eiji Nakayama
May 13, 10:40-11:00 |
38) Calibration shifts in Scintrex CG-3M gravimeters
Motoo Ukawa(NIED),*Kyozo Nozaki(OYO),Hideki Ueda, Eisuke Fujita(NIED)
May 13, 11:00-11:20 |
39) A study on electromagnetic waves scattered by fine ceramic spheres
*Eri Ohkawa, Hitoshi Mikada, Kyosuke Onishi(Guraduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University),Kiyoshi Tniguchi(Nittoc Construction),Shojiro Ishibashi(NCK Inc.),Yuzuru Ashida(NPO EEFA)
May 13, 11:20-11:40 |
40) Reduction to the pole based on magnetization of semi-infinite oblique columns
*Choro Kitsunezaki
May 13, 11:40-12:00 |
41) An environmental gamma-ray survey at South Korea Busan
*Akio Iwata(Human and Geoscience),Chanwoo Park(DONG-A Geological Engineering)
Session |
[Ground Penetration Radar] |
Chair |
Koichi Suzuki(CRIEPI) |
May 13, 13:00-13:20 |
42) Measurement of borehole surroundings by Linear Dipole Array in a Borehole
*Hideharu Hanaoka(Osaka Electro-Communication Univ. Graduate School of Engineering),Satoshi Ebihara, Masahiro Note, Tsubasa Nakatsuka(Osaka Electro-Communication Univ.)
May 13, 13:20-13:40 |
43) Imaging method without influence of GPR survey direction using vector field analysis
Yuichi Maejima, *Kyosuke Onishi, Hitoshi Mikada(Kyoto University),Naotoshi Konishi(Nippon Engineering Consultants),Yoshinori Sanada(JAMSTEC),Yuzuru Ashida(EEFA)
May 13, 13:40-14:00 |
44) Dual Sensor ALIS for humanitarian deminig and test operation in Croatia
*Motoyuki Sato(Tohoku Univ.)
May 13, 14:00-14:20 |
45) Experimental approaches to understanding scattering behavior by Polarimetric GPR
*Tseedulam Khuut, Sato Motoyuki(Tohoku University)
May 13, 14:20-14:40 |
46) GPR Target Signal Compression by Wiener Filtering
*Gaballah Mahmoud, Sato Motoyuki(Tohoku University)
May 13, 14:40-15:00 |
47) Study on geophysical methods and instruments for investigation of river embankment Part3 -A field feasibility study using FM-CW GPR-
*Keiichi Suzuki(Kawasaki Geol. Eng. Co., Ltd.),Tsuyoshi Yamamoto, Masataka Itokawa, Seiji Funabiki(Kinki Technical Office,MLIT),River embankment research consortium Kyoto university(Chairman Yuzuru Ashida)
Session |
[Radioactive Waste Disposal] |
Chair |
Yoshihiro Sugimoto(Dia consultant) |
May 13, 15:20-15:40 |
48) Application of acoustic tomography method to explore flow pass in hard rocks - Laboratory tests of granite blocks using high viscosity fluid -
*Koichi Suzuki, Kenji Kubota(CRIEPI),Jun'ichi Sakakibara, Tomohide Yamada(JFE)
May 13, 15:40-16:00 |
49) Monitoring of high temperature zone by resistivity tomography during in-situ heater test in sedimentary soft rocks
*Kenji Kubota, Koichi Suzuki(CRIEPI),Takafumi Ikenoya, Nozomu Takakura(Tokyu-cnst),Kazuo Tani(YNU)
May 13, 16:00-16:20 |
50) Software Development of Electromagnetic method for Site Investigation Part 8 - Distribution of Salinity Density in Ground Water
Okazaki Koji, Yoshimura Kimitaka(RWMC),*Osawa Kenji, Osato Kazumi(GERD)
May 13, 16:20-16:40 |
51) A Study for hydraulic property estimation using elastic wave velocity dispersion - A case study in fractured rock -
*Yoshimura Kimitaka(RWMC),Sakashita Susumu(RWMC(OYO at present)),Bruines Patrick, Ando Kenichi(OBAYASHI),Okumura Hirofumi(J-Power),Nishiyama Satoshi, Ohnishi Yuzo(Kyoto Univ.)
May 13, 16:40-17:00 |
52) Consideration on the evaluation of uncertainly for the MT 2-D image
*Tateyuki Negi, Koji Umeda, Koichi Asamori(JAEA)
May 13, Room No.3 |
Session |
[Poster] |
Chair |
Hidekazu Yamamoto(Iwate Univ.) |
May 13, 17:00-18:30 |
P-1) Seismic interferometry using microtremor
*Yoshiya Oda, Mami Fujimori, Takahiro Iwatate(TMU)
May 13, 17:00-18:30 |
P-2) Estimation of seismic intensity using two seismic stations
*Yoshiya Oda, Shigeta Araki, Takahiro Iwatate(TMU)
May 13, 17:00-18:30 |
P-3) Extension of The Gassmann-Biot Porous Media, Par4 -Approximation of the Field Stress Equation -
*Shozaburo Nagumo
May 13, 17:00-18:30 |
P-4) 3D GPR surveys for ground water assessment around a river levee - An example at Ara River, Saitama -
*Toshiyuki Yokota(AIST),Tomio Inazaki, Shunsuke Shinagawa(PWRI),Takumi Ueda(AIST)
May 13, 17:00-18:30 |
P-5) Development of multi-transmission resistivity survey meter - Development and overview of Ver.2 instrument -
*Motoharu Jinguuji(AIST),Yoshiaki Karino(Geotechnos
May 13, 17:00-18:30 |
P-6) An overview of geophysical exploration project on the coastal area of Horonobe, Japan
*Toshihiro Uchida, Yuji Mitsuhata, Takumi Ueda, Makoto Ando, Atsunao Marui, Kinichirou Kusunose(AIST)
May 13, 17:00-18:30 |
P-7) Instrument Development of Marine Electromagnetic Geophysical System -MEG- for Radioactive Waste Disposal No.5 - Noise Effect of Ocean Wave in Coastal Area
Kimitaka Yoshimura, Koji Okazaki(RWMC),*Kazumi Osato, Satoshi Nakashima, Kenji Osawa(GERD)
May 13, 17:00-18:30 |
P-8) The test report of the searching instruments for the thing buried to the underground
*Yuki Hama, Takeharu Takahashi(Nittetsu Mining Co.,LTD.),Eri Hosokawa, Yuuichi Yomori(Daiwa Exploration & Consulting),Nobuyoshi Iyatomi(Nittetsu Mining Co.,LTD.)
May 13, 17:00-18:30 |
P-9) Electrical resistivity survey in Bayon temple, Angkor
*Yoshihiro Sugimoto, Naoyuki Yamada(DIA Consultants Co., Ltd.),Tomochika Tokunaga, Mohamed Metwaly, Katsuro Mogi(The Uneversity of Tokyo),Kyosuke Onishi(Kyoto University),Ichita Shimoda(Waseda University),Yoshinori Iwasaki(Geo-Research Institute)
May 14, Room No.1 |
Session |
[Disaster Prevention1] |
Chair |
Koichi Hayashi(OYO) |
May 14, 10:00-10:20 |
18) Modeling subsurface structure for ground-motion simulation in Sendai plain by receiver-function inversion
*Takeshi Kurose, Shinichi Akiyama(CTC),Hiroyuki Fujiwara(NIED),Hiroaki Yamanaka(Tokyo Inst. of Tech.)
May 14, 10:20-10:40 |
19) Microtremor Exploration of S-wave velocity structure in Matsumoto basin
*Tomomichi Uchiyama, Hiroaki Yamanaka(T.I..T)
May 14, 10:40-11:00 |
20) Subsurface structures from train induced elastic waves using seismic interferometry
*Norimitsu Nakata, Toshifumi Matsuoka, Kyosuke Onishi, Takeshi Tsuji, Changhyun Lee(Kyoto Univ.),Kentaro Torii(Schlumberger),Takao Aizawa, Toshinori Kimura(Suncoh Consultants Co.,Ltd.)
May 14, 11:00-11:20 |
21) S-wave survey by seismic interferometry using traffic noise
*Toshinori Kimura, Takao Aizawa, Shunichiro Ito(Suncoh Consultants Co.,Ltd.)
May 14, 11:20-11:40 |
22) On Numerical Experiment for the CCA Using Only Three Geophones Simultaneously
*Toshiaki Yokoi(IISEE, BRI,Japan)
May 14, 11:40-12:00 |
23) On the effect of the 1st higher mode on the dispersion curve determined by array observation of microtremor and correlation based analysis -Toward a quantitative estimation-
*Toshiaki Yokoi(IISEE, BRI, Japan)
May 14, Room No.2 |
Session |
[Submarine Exploration] |
Chair |
Toshiaki Tanaka(Kyushu Univ.) |
May 14, 10:00-10:20 |
53) Forward modeling of SIP data for mineral discrimination
*Hideki Watanabe, Yutaka Sasaki, Hideki Mizunaga(Kyushu Univ.)
May 14, 10:20-10:40 |
54) 1D simulation of marine EM mthod for oil and methane hydrate exploration
Syota Funada, *Yutaka Sasaki, Hideki Mizunaga(Kyushu Univ.)
May 14, 10:40-11:00 |
55) Marine deep-towed DC resistivity survey in a methane hydrate area, off Tokai, Japan
*Tada-nori Goto, Takafumi Kasaya, Masataka Kinoshita(JAMSTEC)
May 14, 11:00-11:20 |
56) Elactromagnetic Pulse Wave Propagation in Underwater
*Hiroshi Yoshida, Shojiro Ishibashi(JAMSTEC)
May 14, 11:40-12:00 |
58) Logging operations and results on the first Chikyu IODP drilling expeditions in Nankai Trough
*Yoshinori Sanada, Moe kyaw Thu, Gregory Moore, Yukari Kido, Saneatsu Saito, Shin'ichi Kuramoto, Yoshihisa Kawamura, Masataka Kinoshita(JAMSTEC),Harold Tobin(The Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison),Nantroseize stage 1a Science party
May 15, Room No.1 |
Session |
[Disaster Prevention2] |
Chair |
Susumu Abe(JGI) |
May 15, 10:00-10:20 |
24) Why was siesmic intensity 6-upper at Iizuna in the Nagano prefecture during the 2007 Niigataken Chuetsu-oki Earthquake? Part 1. Outline of research and earthquake ground motion
*Hiroaki Yamanaka(Tokyo Inst. Tech.),Takeshi Sugiyama, Shaokong Feng(Chuo Kaihatsu)
May 15, 10:20-10:40 |
25) Why was seismic intensity 6-upper at Iizuna in the Nagano prefecture during the 2007 Niigataken Chuetsu-oki Earthquake? Part 2. Geophysical exploration for S-wave velocity structure
*Takeshi Sugiyama, Shaokong Feng(Chuo Kaihatsu Corp.),Yamanaka Hiroaki(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
May 15, 10:40-11:00 |
26) Site invetigation using surface-wave method and micro-tremor array measurements in disasterarea of The Niigataken Chuetsu-oki Earthquake in 2007
*Koichi Hayashi(OYO Corporation),Tsutomu Hirade(Building Research Institute),Satoru Ohtsuka, Koichi Isobe(Nagaoka University of Technology)
May 15, 11:00-11:20 |
27) Inversion of S-wave velocity structures in Morioka City by using phase velocities of Rayleigh waves and microtremor H/V - checking solutions by using phase velocities of Love wave -
Yuki Gohkon(Iwate University),Hidekazu Yamamoto, Tsuyoshi Sano(Iwate University),*Shuhei Kumata(Iwate University)
May 15, 11:20-11:40 |
28) Estimation of basement structures in the northern part of Kitakami Lowland, Iwate Prefecture by using microtremor H/V spectra
*Hidekazu Yamamoto, Mio Komatsu, Tsuyoshi Sano(Iwate University)
May 15, 11:40-12:00 |
29) Comparison of the phase velocities in Soka, Saitama estimated from array strong-motion and microtremor records
*Kunikazu Yoshida, Haruko Sekiguchi(AFRC, AIST)
Session |
[Disaster Prevention3] |
Chair |
Takeshi Sugiyama(Chuo Kaihatsu) |
May 15, 13:00-13:20 |
30) Terrain effect on 2D surface wave method
*Hiroomi Nakazato(NARO),Koichi Hayashi(OYO Corporation),Keisuke Inoue, Toshiyasu Unno(NARO)
May 15, 13:20-13:40 |
31) Development and application of Surfstar---a full package for surface wave survey
*Shaokong Feng(Chuo Kaihatsu Corp.),Guoxin Zhang(IWHR,China),Laixin Shen(Beijing Institute of H.E.P.D.R.),Ailan Che(Shanghai Jiaotong University),Xianqi Luo(China Three Gorges University)
May 15, 13:40-14:00 |
32) Application of evaluating dynamic sesmic-capacity on middle scale buildings through microtremors analysis
*Teruki Maiguma(Waseda University),Akimiti Hibi(Waseda University),Hiroyuki Takashima(Nihon Retrofit Co.)
May 15, 14:00-14:20 |
33) Integrated seismic imaging of active and passive data for the delineation of active faults and crustal structure in the Kitakami lowland, northeast Japan
*Susumu Abe, Hideo Saito(JGI, Inc.),Hiroshi Sato(ERI, Univ. of Tokyo),Shin Koshiya(Iwate Univ.),Kazuya Shiraishi, Fumitoshi Murakami(JGI, Inc.),Naoko Kato(ERI, Univ. of Tokyo),Taku Kawanaka, Toru Kuroda(JGI, Inc.)
May 15, 14:20-14:40 |
34) Deep seismic reflection profiling across the Kitakami lowland, northeast Japan
*Hideo Saito, Susumu Abe, Kazuya Shiraishi(JGI, Inc.),Hiroshi Sato(ERI, Univ. of Tokyo),Shin Koshiya(Iwate Univ.),Naoko Kato(ERI, Univ. of Tokyo),Taku Kawanaka(JGI, Inc.)
May 15, 14:40-15:00 |
35) Deep seismic profiling using P-S converted phases recorded by MEMS-based accelerometers - A case study in the Kitakami lowland, northeast Japan -
Kazuya Shiraishi, *Susumu Abe, Hideo Saito(JGI, Inc.),Hiroshi Sato(ERI, Univ. of Tokyo),Shin Koshiya(Iwate Univ.),Taku Kawanaka(JGI, Inc.)
May 15, Room No.2 |
Session |
[Electric/Electromagnetics1] |
Chair |
Makoto Inoue(Global Info-tec) |
May 15, 10:00-10:20 |
59) Development of measurement system for Fluif Flow Electromagnetic method -Experimental production of portable triaxial megnetometer-
*Hideki Mizunaga, Toshiaki Tanaka(Kyushu University)
May 15, 10:20-10:40 |
60) Development of measurement system for Fluid Flow Electromagnetic method - Development of dynamic active filter -
*Toshiaki Tanaka, Hideki Mizunaga(Kyushu university)
May 15, 10:40-11:00 |
61) Temporal changes of properties in landfills based on the resistivity and the ionic concentrations in the leachate
*Yosuke Kawamura, Masaki Sugisaki, Kazuo Kamura(Waseda University),Kenji Sato(Envir. Res. Center of Chiba)
May 15, 11:00-11:20 |
62) Continuous 2D resistivity monitoring on the blast testing for liquefaction
*Motoharu Jinguuji(AIST),Takahiro Kannno, Hiroshi Nakazawa(PARI),Koichi Nagao(Sato Kogyo,Naoaki Suemasa(Musashi Institute of Technology)
May 15, 11:20-11:40 |
63) Estimation of geological features distribution of tunnel ground by compound analysis of electromagnetic methods
*Kenji Okazaki, Yoshihiko Ito, Katsuhito Agui(CERI, PWRI),Hiroyuki Fujioka(HRDB, MLIT)
May 15, 11:40-12:00 |
64) The two potentials of arbitaries bodies
*Sirou Oyama
Session |
[Electric/Electromagnetics2] |
Chair |
Hideki Mizunaga(Kyushu Univ.) |
May 15, 13:00-13:20 |
65) Application of DC-Resistivity Imaging Technique for Groundwater Investigation - A Case Study from Malaysia
*Mejus Lakam, Yaccup Rahman, Rahman Mohd, Dominic Jeremy, Mostapa Roslanzairi(Nuclear Malaysi),Rajuli Asminah, Tawnie Ismail, Ahmad Hisam(JMG)
May 15, 13:20-13:40 |
66) Application of Electrical Resistivity Survey to Cavity Detection at the Limestone Area
*Samgyu Park(KIGAM),Jung ho Kim(KIGAM)
May 15, 13:40-14:00 |
67) Study of structural exploration using JJY standard electromagnetic wave
*Syoji Yamazaki, Kyosuke Onishi, Hitoshi Mikada(Kyoto University),Naotoshi Konishi(Nippon Engineering Consultants co.,ltd.)
May 15, 14:00-14:20 |
68) Charasteristics of small-loop EM
*Aijirou Shigematsu(Kyusyu university),Yutaka Sasaki, Hideki Mizunaga(Kyusyu university)
May 15, 14:20-14:40 |
69) Development of precise measuring method to comprehend internal characteristics of levees using electrical log and measurement of core resistivity.
*Makoto Inoue(Global Info-tec),Tomio Inazaki(PWR Tsukuba Center Institute)