SEGJ Technical Conference

Imaging of well-seismic data with virtual source

We apply a novel method to the imaging of well-seismic data. In this approach, we utilize observations as virtual source function.We first derive a presentation from the Kirchhoff integral which suggests us that we can use observations themselves as virtual source function for imaging purpose, and then investigate this suggestion via numerical experiments. Because the virtual source function spreads both over time and space, we adopt the reverse-time migration method. In the reverse-time migration, the spreading source function is naturally incorporated into source wavefield marching and subsurface structure is imaged via cross-correlation between the source wavefield marched forward in time and the receiver wavefield marched backward in time. These aspects are the advantages of the method over the ray theory base ones where the virtual source function is restricted to the point source. In the numerical experiments we attempt to image subsurface structures both for cross-well geometry and VSP geometry. Through these experiments we find the novel method yields correct subsurface images with little artifacts.