SEGJ Technical Conference


November 23-25, 2009

Noyori Conference Hall, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan

Monday, November 23, 2009
Technical SessionsRoom No.1 (2-4A, 1F) 10:00-16:00
Technical Sessions Room No.2 (2-4B, 1F) 10:00-16:00
Poster Core Time Room No.3 (Hall, 1F) 16:10-17:40
Exhibition Exhibition room (1B, 2F)10:00-17:40
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Technical SessionsRoom No.1 (2-4A, 1F) 10:00-15:20
Technical Sessions Room No.2 (2-4B, 1F) 10:00-15:20
Invited Lectures Conference Hall (2F) 15:20-17:40
__Chair: Yoichi Ohta (JAPEX; Vice-President, SEGJ)
__Lecturers: Keiichi Tadokoro (Nagoya Univ.)
Katsuro Ogawa (Nagoya Sangyo Univ.)
Banquet Restrant Hananoki, Green Salon Higashiyama 18:00-20:00
Exhibition Exhibition room (1B, 2F) 10:00-17:40
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Technical Sessions Room No.1 (2-4A, 1F) 09:30-11:30
Technical Sessions Room No.2 (2-4B, 1F) 09:30-11:30
Field Trip MIU11:50-Eary Evening
Exhibition Exhibition room (1B, 2F)09:30-11:00

Pre-Registration and Onsite Registration are available.
All payments must be made in JPY (Japanease Yen).
Registered and Paid
(Until November 13, 2009)
Onsite Registration
Member / Non-member
JPY 4,000-**
JPY 5,000-**
JPY 2,000-**
JPY 3,000-**
(Evening on Nov.24)
Member / Non-member
JPY 4,000-**
JPY 5,000-**
JPY 2,000-**
JPY 3,000-**
Field Trip
Member / Non-member
JPY 3,000-**
JPY 0,000-**


Pre-registrant will receive BOTH CD-ROM and PAPER Proceedings at the reception of the conference.

Onsite registrant will receive ONLY CD-ROM Proceedings. PAPER Proceedings can be purchased at a price of JPY 1,000-.

Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory (MIU),
Tono Geoscience Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Wednesday,November 25, 2009
Departure from the Noyori Conference Hall after the technical sessions at 11:50.
Visit to the MIU.
Arrival at the Nagoya Station in the early-evening.
More information about the field trip will be sent to those who have pre-registered the field trip.
No Refund Will Be Made.
Please note that the SEGJ reserves the right to cancel the field trip due to low participation, and/or to make changes in the itinerary whenever, in its sole judgment, conditions warrant it. In this case, payment will be refunded in full.


1) The Best Oral and Poster Presentation Awards
2) Guide for Technical Session
3) Influenza Program
The SEGJ prepare the disinfectant gel for influenza program at the venue.
Please pay great attention to keeping yourself in good shape, and wearing masks as necessary.
4) Lunch on November 23
It is better to bring your boxed meals for convenience, becuase few shop will be open on November 23 around the venue.


Nov 23, Room No.1

Session [Earthquake Disaster Prevention]
Chair Tomio Inazaki (PWRI)
Nov 23,
1) Consideration on evaluation of near-surface attenuation characteristics based on vertical array records [Abstract]

*Genyuu Kobayashi, Yutaka Mamada, Hideaki Tsutsumi(Japan Nuclear Energy Safety Organization)
Nov 23,
2) Applicability study on estimation of S-wave velocity profile using inversion of Coda H/V spectrum -Part 2- [Abstract]

*Genyuu Kobayashi, Yutaka Mamada(Japan Nuclear Energy Safety Organization)
Nov 23,
3) Estimation of velocity structure of deep sedimentary layers around Onikobe region using a wave form inversion of S-wave in earthquake records and Microtremor survey data. [Abstract]

*Suzuki Haruhiko(OYO,Titech),Hiroaki Yamanaka, Kentaro Motoki(Titech),Shun'ichi Fukumoto, Kiminobu Eto(Tokyo Soil Research)
Nov 23,
4) Reprocessing of the Nakagawa line, very shallow seismic reflection surveys across the Kego fault [Abstract]

*Naomi Kano(GSJ/AIST)
Nov 23,
5) Shallow seismic reflection survey in the onshore area of the Echigo plain [Abstract]

*Kazuo Yamaguchi, Tatsuya Sumita, Naomi Kano, Toshiki Ohtaki, Shinobu Ito, Toshiyuki Yokota, Takanobu Yokokura(GSJ/AIST)
Nov 23,
6) Extructing the surface wave group velocity in southern Kanto area using Seismic interferometry [Abstract]

*Kosuke Chimoto, Hiroaki Yamanaka(Tokyo Institute of Technology),Takahumi Moroi, Tomonori Ikeura(KAJIMA),Kazuki Koketsu, Minoru Sakaue(The University of Tokyo),Shoichi Nakai, Toru Sekiguchi(Chiba University),Yoshiya Oda(Tokyo Metropolitan University)
Nov 23,
7) Microtremor explorations in Bandung basin, Indonesia, for estimation of S-wave velocity profiles [Abstract]

*Hiroaki Yamanaka, Kosuke Chimoto(Tokyo Inst. Tech),Afnimar Afnimar, I wayan Sengara, Imam Sadisun(Bandung Inst. Tech.),Minoru Sakaue, Kazuki Koketsu, Hiroe Miyake(Earthq. Res. Inst., Univ. Tokyo)

Session [Volcano Disaster Prevention / Structure]
Chair Hisatoshi Baba (Tokai University)
Nov 23,
8) Effects of silicic spheres for the suppression of radiation heating using on electromagnetic wave scattering theory [Abstract]

*Eri Ohkawa, Hitoshi Mikada, Tada-nori Goto, Junichi Takekawa(Kyoto Univ.),Kyosuke Onishi(Akita Univ.),Kiyoshi Taniguchi(Nittoc)
Nov 23,
9) Resistivity structure survey of deep part of Osore-volcano by magnet telluric method. [Abstract]

Okazaki Yasushi, Mizukami Keiji(Recyclable-Fuel Storage Company,),*Sato Tatsuya, Ohsawa Kenji, Shiga Takahiro(Geothermal Energy Research & Development Co., Ltd.),Kobayashi Makoto(Dia Consultants Co., Ltd.,)
Nov 23,
10) Subsurface structures around the Osore-zan volcano as derived from 2-D Fourier analysis of gravity [Abstract]

Satoshi Shimura, Tatsuya Ueda(RFS),*Kyozo Nozaki, Hiroyuki Azuma, Takeshi Iwamoto(OYO)
Nov 23,
11) Vibration characteristics of a differentially-settled house and the effect examination of anti-earthquake reinforcement [Abstract]

*Teruki Maiguma(Nihon Retrofit Co. Ltd.),Tadashi Takaya(Nihon Chikatansa Co. Ltd.),Hiroyuki Takashima(Nihon Retrofit Co. Ltd.),Naota Kobayashi, Hisatoshi Yoshida(Nihon Retrofit Co. Ltd.),Etsuo Koguchi(Nihon Taishinbousaijigyoudan)
Nov 23,
12) An experimental study on the noncontact vibration measurements of rock slopes by remotely-positioned laser doppler vibrometer [Abstract]

*Hideki Saito, Yasunori Ohtsuka(OYO),Fumiaki Uehan, Kenichi Kojima, Osamu Murata(RTRI),Guichen Ma, Kazuhide Sawada, Atsushi Yashima(Gifu Univ.),Takahiro Fukata(JR West)
Nov 23,
13) Development of standard vibrator for vibration test of wooden house. [Abstract]

*Kenji Ohta(OYOSI),Sunao Kunimatsu(AIST/GSJ),Yasutoshi Kitamura(CERIF),Yoshihiro Hirao(KIOPR)
Nov 23,
14) Development of S-wave Tomography Measurement System [Abstract]

*Masakazu Kojima, Tadashi Takaya, Shinji Yamaguchi, Tsutomu Ikenobe(Nihonchikatansa Co.,Ltd)

Nov 23, Room No.2

Session [Natural Resource Exploration I]
Chair Toshiyuki Yokota (GSJ/AIST)
Nov 23,
33) A scheme for fast calculation of denser partial derivative matrix in travel time tomography [Abstract]

*Makoto Hoshino(OYO)
Nov 23,
34) Estimating attenuation in methane hydrate bearing sediments using QVO method [Abstract]

*Kwangho Lee, Jun Matsushima(The University of Tokyo)
Nov 23,
35) Estimation of sonic waveform attenuation due to source coupling and scattering effect at Nankai Trough [Abstract]

*Hiroyuki Suzuki, Jun Matsushima(The University of Tokyo)
Nov 23,
36) Laboratory measurements of ultrasonic wave propagation on solid-liquid coexistence system generated in porous material -Data analysis- [Abstract]

*Jun Matsushima, Makoto Suzuki, Yoshibumi Kato, Shuichi Rokugawa(The University of Tokyo)
Nov 23,
37) Laboratory measurements of ultrasonic wave propagation on solid-liquid coexistence system generated in porous material -Data acquisition- [Abstract]

*Makoto Suzuki, Jun Matsushima, Yoshibumi Kato, Shuichi Rokugawa(The University of Tokyo)
Nov 23,
38) Seismic wave velocities and electric resistivities of sand samples containing methane hydrate [Abstract]

*Hideki Saito, Eiki Nakayama, Chisato Konishi, Tatsuya Yokoyama(OYO)
Nov 23,
39) Feasibility study of marine CSEM survey for exploration of submarine massive sulphides [Abstract]

*Goto Tada-nori(Kyoto University),Noriko Tada(JAMSTEC),Hitoshi Mikada, Junichi Takekawa(Kyoto University)

Session [Natural Resource Exploration II]
Chair Takafumi Kasaya (JAMSTEC)
Nov 23,
40) Optimization of Multiplets Identifier on GPU [Abstract]

*Masami Hattori, Takashi Mizuno(Schlumberger),Hajime Shiozawa(Aoyama Gakuin University)
Nov 23,
41) Estimation of Cole-Cole parameters from time-domain IP data [Abstract]

*Kiyotaka Ishinaga, Hideki Mizunaga(Kyushyu University)
Nov 23,
42) Three-dimensional modeling of electromagnetic method [Abstract]

*Hideki Mizunaga, Toshiaki Tanaka(Kyushu University)
Nov 23,
43) Sensitivity study of Marine MT method [Abstract]

*Hiraku Murata, Yutaka Sasaki, Hideki Mizunaga(Kyushu University)
Nov 23,
44) Continuous monitoring of the shallow subseafloor resistivity using controlled current source [Abstract]

*Junji Fujitani, Tadanori Goto, Juniti Takekawa, Hitoshi Mikada(Kyoto Univ.),Takafumi Kasaya, Masataka Kinoshita, Eiichiro Araki, Takashi Yokobiki, Kenichi Asakawa(JAMSTEC)
Nov 23,
45) Relation between coda-Q and stress loaded to an elastic body-State parameters derived by stochastic measurement- [Abstract]

*Kyosuke Okamoto, Hitoshi Mikada, Tadanori Goto, Jyunichi Takekawa(Kyoto university)
Nov 23,
46) The effect of sources shape for seismic wave propagation [Abstract]

*Satoru Tanaka, Hitoshi Mikada, Tadanori Goto, Junichi Takekawa(Kyoto University),Kyosuke Onishi(Akita University),Junzou Kasahara, Toru Kuroda(JGI)

Nov 23, Room No.3

Session [Poster Session A]
Chair Tsutomu Hayashi (JGI)
Nov 23,
P-1) Application of Seismic interferometry using the vibration caused by the shafts excavation in the granite [Abstract]

*Yasuyuki Hodotsuka, Toshiyuki Matsuoka, Shingo Tokuyasu(JAEA)
Nov 23,
P-2) Development of Information Synthesis and Interpretation System -Technical know-how and decision process for characterization of geological environment utilizing geophysical exploration and borehole logging in domestic and foreign coastal area- [Abstract]

*Toshiyuki Matsuoka, Tetsuo Miyamoto, Satoshi Yabuuchi, Koichi Asamori, Yoshiaki Yamanaka, Takeshi Semba(JAEA)
Nov 23,
P-3) In-situ seismic measurements for the estimation of lateral root distribution of a planted tree. [Abstract]

*Tomio Inazaki(PWRI Tsukuba Central Institute),Yasuo Iiduka(NILIM),Takehiko Imazato(Nihion Chikatansa),Norimichi Nagaishi(Toho Leo)
Nov 23,
P-4) On the use of linear vibrator for active monitoring [Abstract]

*Koshun Yamaoka, Toshiki Watanabe(Nagoya University),Ryoya Ikuta(Shizuoka University)
Nov 23,
P-5) Analysis of seismic signal from ACROSS sources at Toki, Toyohashi, and Morimachi using the array observation at Horai [Abstract]

*Kenji Yamazaki, Toshiki Watanabe, Koshun Yamaoka(Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Nagoya University),Yoko Hasada(Daiwa Exploration & Consulting Co., Ltd.),Haruhisa Nakamichi(Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Nagoya University)
Nov 23,
P-6) LRS data analysis methods for the detection of lunar subsurface echoes [Abstract]

*Shiho Watanabe, Toshiki Watanabe, Shoko Oshigami, Yasushi Yamaguchi(Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Nagoya University),Athushi Yamaji(Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University),Takayuki Ono, Athushi Kumamoto, Hiromu Nakagawa(Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University),Takao Kobayashi(Korea Institute of Geology, Mining and Materials)
Nov 23,
P-7) Time variation of wave phases in the seismic transfer function between Toki and Hourai using seismic ACROSS [Abstract]

*Toshiki Watanabe, Koshun Yamaoka, Kenji Yamazaki(Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Nagoya University),Toshiyuki Furukawa(Hitachi Systems Value, Ltd.),Yoko Hasada(Daiwa Exploration & Consulting Co., Ltd.)

Session [Poster Session B]
Chair Kazuo Yamaguchi (GSJ/AIST)
Nov 23,
P-8) Spectral amplification of ground motion estimated from microtremor observation in Chiba Prefecture [Abstract]

*Shigeki Senna(NIED),Kaoru Jin, Kenji Miyamoto, Senichi Sato, Atsushi Suzuki(OYO),Nobuyuki Morikawa, Nobuaki Kudo, Masanobu Takano, Hiroyuki Fujiwara(NIED)
Nov 23,
P-9) Subsurface structure of Zushi City estimated from strong motion data [Abstract]

*Oda Yoshiya, Akaba Yuki(TMU)
Nov 23,
P-10) Subsurface condition at the station IWTH25 of KiK-net [Abstract]

*Masayuki Yamada, Koichiro Takezawa, Makoto Nakamura, Koji Hada(NEWJEC Inc.),Masumi Yamada(Kyoto Univ.),Shiro Ohmi(Kyoto Univ.),Takashi Nagao(NILIM)
Nov 23,
P-11) Acoustic survey in the Uwa Sea, southwest Japan [Abstract]

*Naoki Nishizaka, Yoshihiko Ishikawa, Yuki Ohno(SEPCO),Michiharu Ikeda(SRI),Daisuke Kanbara(Yon-C),Tadashi Hasegawa, Yuya Furukawa(SGS)
Nov 23,
P-12) Estimation of Underground Structure Using Densed Gravity Survey at Northeastern Part of Fukuoka City [Abstract]

*Yuuki Fukui, Jun Nishijima, Yasuhiro Fujimitu(Kyuudaiin kou)
Nov 23,
P-13) Examples of long-range ground deformation measurement using Envisat/ASAR data. [Abstract]

*Takako Nakamura, Shuichi Rokugawa, Jun Matsushima(The Univ. of Tokyo)
Nov 23,
P-14) A development of the measurement system for electrical conductivity values using radio waves [Abstract]

*Shun Handa(Faculty of Agricultural Science, Saga University),Yuji Yoshida(Kyushu Keisokuki Co. Ltd.),Hidenori Itai(Geochronology Japan Co. Ltd.)

Session [Poster Session C]
Chair Shumin LIN (GSC)
Nov 23,
P-15) The electrical resistivity and seismic refraction surveys in Owakidani geothermal field of Hakone [Abstract]

Toshikazu Tanada(KANAGAWA, HSRI),Satomi Mori, *Hisatoshi Baba(Tokai Univ.)
Nov 23,
P-16) Three-dimensional survey at the oil contaminated field [Abstract]

*Toshiyuki Yokota, Jinguuji Motoharu, Yoshito Nakashima, Takumi Ueda, Yuji Mitsuhata, Toshihiro Uchida, Takeshi Komai(AIST)
Nov 23,
P-17) Development of new electro-magnetic survey tools for seafloor hydrothermal deposit. [Abstract]

*Takafumi Kasaya, Hirosi Yoshida(JAMSTEC)
Nov 23,
P-18) Inferred sand distribution in turbidite channel -Application to methane hydrate concentrated zone in the Eastern Nankai Trough- [Abstract]

*Naoyuki Shimoda, Tatsuo Saeki(JOGMEC),Takao Inamori(JGI, Inc.),Satoshi Noguchi, Toshiaki Kobayashi, Tetsuya Fujii, Nobutaka Oikawa(JOGMEC)
Nov 23,
P-19) Research and Development of Making Global Oil-slick Mapping Support System [Abstract]

*Yusuke Shimono, Hiroshi Iimuro, Kazuyoshi Takaichi, Isao Nasuno(CTC),Takashi Nishidai, Kinya Okada(JGI),Masatane Katoh, Takatoshi Namikawa(ERSDAC)
Nov 23,
P-20) An idea of the interpretation of the relationship between permeability and fine fraction content for unconsolidated soil ground. [Abstract]

*Chisato Konishi(OYO Corporation),Tomio Inazaki(Public Works Research Institute)

Nov 24, Room No.1

Session [Ground Penetrating Radar]
Chair Kimitaka Yoshimura (RWMC)
Nov 24,
15) Basic Study of an LF Wave Sub-Sea-Bottom Profiler [Abstract]

*Hiroshi Yoshida, Takafumi Kasaya(JAMSTEC)
Nov 24,
16) Field Experiments with Directional Borehole Rader Using Dipole Array Antenna Fed by Coaxial Calbles [Abstract]

*Hideaki Kawai(Osaka Electro-Communication Univ.),Satoshi Ebihara(Osaka Electro-Communication Univ.)
Nov 24,
17) Soundness evaluation of lining concrete of a headrace tunnel using Ground Penetrating Radar Part1 - The evaluation method using scattering wave of GPR [Abstract]

*Yoshihiro Yamashita(OYO CORPORATION),Hiroaki Ozawa(The Tokyo Electric Power Company, Incorporated),Shuichi Okamoto(TAISEI CORPORATION),Satoshi Maekawa(OYO CORPORATION)
Nov 24,
18) Soundness evaluation of lining concrete of a headrace tunnel using Ground Penetrating Radar Part2 - The comparison with the compressive strength of lining concrete [Abstract]

*Satoshi Maekawa(OYO CORPORATION),Hiroaki Ozawa(The Tokyo Electric Power Company, Incorporated),Shuichi Okamoto(TAISEI CORPORATION),Yoshihiro Yamashita(OYO CORPORATION)
Nov 24,
19) Design of wide-band antenna using numerical calculation and its application to GPR [Abstract]

*Yusuke Yasui, Hitoshi Mikada, Goto Tada-nori, Jyunichi Takekawa(Kyoto Univ),Kyosuke Onishi(Akita Univ),Naotoshi Konishi(Nippon Engineering Consultant Co.,Ltd.)
Nov 24,
20) Humanitarian Demining test of ALIS in Cambodia [Abstract]

*Sato Motoyuki, Manabu Watanabe(Tohoku University)
Nov 24,
21) Metal Detector Visualization System using Differential GPS and its application to surveyes in landslides by Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku Earthquake [Abstract]

*Motoyuki Sato, Parisod Antoine, Manabu Watanabe(Tohoku University)

Session [Radioactive Wastes Disposal]
Chair Hideki Mizunaga (Kyushu University)
Nov 24,
22) Electromagnetic survey in coastal area at Horonobe in Hokkaido,1-Out line of survey [Abstract]

*Kimitaka Yoshimura, Koji Okazaki(RWMC),Kazumi Osato, Kenji Osawa, Masanobu Yamaoka, Satoshi Nakashima(GERD),Noataka Shigeta, Satoshi Yabuuchi, Yoshiaki Yamanaka(JAEA)
Nov 24,
23) Electromagnetic survey in coastal area at Horonobe in Hokkaido, II - Survey result and interpretation [Abstract]

*Kazumi Osato, Masanobu Yamaoka, Satoshi Nakashima(GERD),Kimitaka Yoshimura, Kouji Okazaki(RWMC),Naotaka Shigeta, Satoshi Yabuuchi, Yoshiaki Yamanaka(JAEA)
Nov 24,
24) Electromagnetic survey in coastal area at Horonobe in Hokkaido 3 -Study on interpretation of the resistivity section using rock physics. [Abstract]

*Susumu Sakashita(OYO corporation),Kimitaka Yoshimura, Kouji Okazaki(RWMC),Chisato Konishi(OYO corporation),Naotaka Shigeta, Satoshi Yabuuchi, Yoshiaki Yamanaka(JAEA)
Nov 24,
25) Combined interpretation of seismic velocity and electrical conductivity using the bimodal mixture model [Abstract]

*Makoto Ando(AIST),Hiroyuki Azuma(OYO),Toshihiro Uchida(AIST)
Nov 24,
26) Time-lapse measurement of resistivity and acoustic tomography during the drilling of the test tunnel at a depth of 140m [Abstract]

*Kenji Kubota, Koichi Suzuki(CRIEPI),Yutaka Sugita(JAEA),Jun'ichi Sakakibara(JFE Civil)

Nov 24, Room No.2

Session [Civil Engineering]
Chair Takao Aizawa (Suncoh Consultants)
Nov 24,
47) A method for detecting of high-strength rock appearing tunnel face by magnetic susceptibility of borehole core [Abstract]

*Kenji Okazaki, Masahito Shishido, Toyoki Inoue, Yukitsugu Takahashi, Yoshihiko Ito(CERI, PWRI),Tsukasa Sakurai(HRDB, MLIT)
Nov 24,
48) A Comparative Field Experiment of SPAC and CCA methods in Jyoso City, Ibaraki [Abstract]

*Toshiaki Yokoi(IISEE, BRI),Koichi Hayashi(OYO Corp.)
Nov 24,
49) An interpretation of the crossplot of resistivity and S-wave velocity for unsaturated soil [Abstract]

*Chisato Konishi, Koichi Hayashi, Masanori Hatakeyama, Takahiro Kawahara, Hiroshi Kameya(OYO Corporation)
Nov 24,
50) Study on rock physical interpretation of shallow geophysical data Part III - Study on applicability of rock physics models to soft soils - [Abstract]

*Toru Takahashi(Fukada Geological Institute)
Nov 24,
51) The Present State and Problems of Seismic Refraction Method in Civil Engineering Investigations [Abstract]

*Koichi Hayashi, Hideki Saito(OYO Corporation)
Nov 24,
52) Application of Integrated Geophysical Techniques to Vulnerability Assessment of Levee, Part8, Consideration to Database of Investigation Results [Abstract]

*Koichi Hayashi(OYO Corporation),Tomio Inazaki(PWRI Tsukuba Central Institute),Segj Levee consortium(SEGJ)
Nov 24,
53) Feasibility study of subsurface electromagnetic exploration using longwave radio-clock time-signal [Abstract]

*Syoji Yamazaki, Junichi Takekawa, Tada-nori Goto, Hitoshi Mikada(Kyoto University),Kyosuke Onishi(Akita University),Naotoshi Konishi(Nippon Engineering Consultants Co., Ltd.)

Session [Seismic Exploration]
Chair Koichi Hayashi (OYO Corp.)
Nov 24,
54) Availability of Fresnel volume migration to seismic reflection method using incident angles decided by tau-P transform [Abstract]

*Tetsuya Kawabayashi, Junichi Takekawa, Tada-nori Goto, Hitoshi Mikada(Kyoto University, Graduate School of Engineering ,Geophysics laboratory),Kyosuke Onishi(Akita University)
Nov 24,
55) Seismic Reflection Survey using MEMS Accelerometer [Abstract]

*Takao Aizawa, Shunichio Ito(Suncoh Consultants),Toshifumi Matsuoka(Kyoto University),Takashi Kunimi(akebono brake),Tatsuo Saeki(JOGMEC)
Nov 24,
56) Development of MEMS element for a Next-Generation Seismic Recording System [Abstract]

Takashi Kunimi(Akebono Brake),*Takao Aizawa(Suncoh Consultants),Toshifumi Matsuoka(Kyoto Uneversity)
Nov 24,
57) TI anisotropy in phyllosilicate bearing rocks,its general properties and geophysical applications [Abstract]

*Nishizawa Osamu(AIST),Kanagawa Kyuichi(Department of Earth Sciences, Chiba Univ.)
Nov 24,
58) High density imaging of oceanic fine structure by multi-channel seismic reflection survey [Abstract]

*Mikiya Yamashita, Kanako Yokota, Seiichi Miura, Shuichi Kodaira, Yoshio Fukao(JAMSTEC)

Nov 25, Room No.1

Session [Logging / Groundwater]
Chair Chisato Konishi (OYO Corp.)
Nov 25,
27) Geological modeling of free gas zone for anomalous sonic velocities below bottom simulating reflector [Abstract]

*Takahito Banno, Hitoshi Mikada, Goto Tada-nori, Junichi Takekawa(Kyoto Univ.),Kyosuke Onishi(Akita Univ.),Tatsuo Saeki(JOGMEC)
Nov 25,
28) Ultrasonic Borehole Scanner [Abstract]

*Akira Kawakami(Chuokaihatsu Corporation),Kenzo Fukui(Kisojiban Consultants Co.,Ltd.),Hirokazu Yasutomi(Nippon Geophysical Prospecting Co.,Ltd.),Shinya Sato(RaaX Co.,Ltd)
Nov 25,
29) Automatic identification of cracks using HSV color model and Hough Transform --- A study on borehole image processing [Abstract]

*Shaokong Feng(Chuo Kaihatsu Corp.),Hongjie Li, Xianqi Luo, Deyong Wang(Shanghai Jiaotong University)
Nov 25,
30) Influence of Eccentricity of Sonde on Direct Wave in Singlehole Borehole Radar [Abstract]

*Satoshi Ebihara, Taro Takemoto, Akihito Sasakura(Osaka Electro-Communication University)
Nov 25,
31) Detection of aquifer in Miho Peninsula, Shizuoka, Japan [Abstract]

*Hisatoshi Baba(Tokai Univ.),Hidehiro Ishikawa(MINDECO)
Nov 25,
32) Investigation of fresh water lens using TDEM in Tarama Island, Okinawa [Abstract]

*Hiroomi Nakazatp, Satoshi Ishida, Takeo Tsuchihara, Syuhei Yoshimoto, Hiroki Minakawa(NARO)

Nov 25, Room No.2

Session [Monitoring / Cosmic Ray Muons]
Chair Kazumi Osato (GERD)
Nov 25,
59) Resistivity monitoring of salt water tracer in loam layer [Abstract]

*Keisuke Inoue, Hiroomi Nakazato, Tomijiro Kubota(NARO),Koji Furue(KAID),Mutsuo Takeuchi(GeoVest)
Nov 25,
60) Evaluation for physical property of the repeated three-dimentional electric survey on a slope [Abstract]

*Yoichi Hatakenaka(Nihon-chikatansa Co.,Ltd),Tsuyoshi Yamamoto(Kinki Regional Development Bureau, MLIT),Harushige Kusumi(Kansai University),Takehiko Imasato, Dai Ando(Nihon-chikatansa Co.,Ltd)
Nov 25,
61) An oil leak detection system for marine hose using electrical resistivity method [Abstract]

*Toshiaki Tanaka, Hideki Mizunaga(Kyushu university),Masuo Kuroda, Tohru Sakaguchi(Yokohama rubber)
Nov 25,
62) Relation between the long-range ground deformation measurement results from InSAR, GPS, and leveling. [Abstract]

*Shuichi Rokugawa, Takako Nakamura, Jun Matsushima(The Univ. of Tokyo)
Nov 25,
63) Theoretical Study for Development of Geophysical Exploration System Using Cosmic Ray Muons [Abstract]

*Hiroshi Ohnuma, Keiichi Suzuki(KGE),Susumu Minato(RESL),Ryuji Kubota(KGE),Ken Higashidani(ENAA)
Nov 25,
64) Experimental Muon Telescope and Its Testing for Development of Geophysical Exploration System [Abstract]

*Keiichi Suzuki(KGE),Suzumu Minato(RESL),Horoshi Ohnnuma, Ryuji Kubota(KGE),Ken Higashidani(ENAA)

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