SEGJ Technical Conference

Study on rock physical interpretation of shallow geophysical data Part III - Study on applicability of rock physics models to soft soils -

To study applicability of rock physics models to soft soils, the existing rock physics models are applied to saturated and unsaturated soft soils for soil classification. For unsaturated soft soils in river embankment, the unconsolidated sand model is applied to S-wave velocity and porosity data. The porosity is converted to resistivity for making an S-wave velocity- Resistivity diagram, which proves that it can be used for soil classification of soft soils. For saturated soft soils, the unconsolidated sand model and the binary sand/shale mixture model are applied to S- and P-wave velocity and porosity data. This application shows that the binary sand/shale mixture model can be used for soils composed of sands and clays, but not for gravels. The diagram of velocity and resistivity converted from porosity with the Archie law shows its applicability for soil classification of soft soils as the case of unsaturated soft soils.