SEGJ Technical Conference


Ishikawa Prefectural Bunkyo Hall, KANAZAWA, JAPAN
September 24 - 26, 2015

Ishikawa Prefectural Bunkyo Hall, 10-5 Oyama-Cho, Kanazawa City, ISHIKAWA, JAPAN [Map]

Thursday, September 24, 2015
Technical SessionsRoom No.1 (Conference Room #401, 4F)10:30-17:30
Technical SessionsRoom No.2 (Conference Room #403, 4F)10:30-17:30
Poster Core Time Room No.3 (Conference Room #402, 4F)17:30-19:00
Exhibition Room No.3 (Conference Room #402, 4F) 10:30-19:00
Friday, September 25, 2015
Technical Sessions Room No. 1 (Conference Room #401, 4F) 09:40-14:40
Technical Sessions Room No. 2 (Conference Room #403, 4F) 09:40-11:40
Executive Sessions Special Room (Hall, 1F) 15:00-17:00
__Chair: Suguru KAWANAKA (JGI)

Offshore Drilling Offer a new Avenue for Last Frontier of the Earth, Project Mohole M2M, Challenge to a Pathless Mantle
__Invited Speaker: Susumu UMINO (KANAZAWA Univ)
What made the British a surprise at the end of Edo Period
in Kanazawa?
__Invited Speaker:
Toshiaki TOKUDA (former Director of the ISHIKAWA Prefecture Museum of History)
BanquetKanazawa New Grand Hotel 17:30-19:30
[Access Map to Kanazawa New Grand Hotel from the VENUE]
Exhibition Room No.3 (Conference Room #402, 4F) 09:40-14:40
Saturday, September 26, 2015
Technical SessionsRoom No.1 (Conference Room #401, 4F) 09:40-11:40
Technical SessionsRoom No.2 (Conference Room $403, 4F) 09:40-11:40
Exhibition Room No.3 (Conference Room #402, 4F) 09:40-11:20
Field Trip Hakusan Tedorigawa Geopark 13:00-17:30

Pre-Registration and Onsite Registration are available.
All payments must be made in JPY (Japanease Yen).
Registered and Paid
(Until September 11, 2015)
Onsite Registration
Member / Non-member
JPY 05,000-**
JPY 06,000-**
JPY 02,000-**
JPY 03,000-**
(Evening on September 25)
Member / Non-member
JPY 06,000-**
JPY 07,000-**
JPY 02,000-**
JPY 03,000-**
Field Trip
(Afternoon on September 26)
Member / Non-member
JPY 03,000-**
JPY 03,000-**
JPY 00,000-**
JPY 00,000-**


Pre-registrant will receive BOTH CD-ROM and PAPER Proceedings at the reception of the conference.

Onsite registrant will receive ONLY CD-ROM Proceedings. PAPER Proceedings can be purchased at a price of JPY 1,000-.


Hakusan Tedorigawa Geopark
The Hakusan Tedorigawa Geopark consists of 3 areas. 45 geosites are set up as viewpoints in these areas. You can experience stories of earth, nature and people.
The field trip will focus on the Sea and Aalluvial fan Area.
Shata Shuzo
Famous Japanease Wine "Tengumai" Breweries
. Saturday, September 26, 2015
Departure from VENUE after the monring technical sessions.
Visit to Hakusan Tedorigawa Geopark and Shata Shuzo.
Arrival at Kanazawa Station around 17:30.
More information about the field trip will be sent to those who have pre-registered the field trip.
No Refund Will Be Made.
Please note that the SEGJ reserves the right to cancel the field trip due to low participation, and/or to make changes in the itinerary whenever, in its sole judgment, conditions warrant it. In case of cancellation decided by the SEGJ, payment will be refunded in full.


1) The Best Oral and Poster Presentation Awards
2) Guide for Technical Session


Sept 24, Room No.1

Session [Environment/Civil1]
Chair Kenji Okazaki(CERI)
Sep 24,
1) Visualizing for condition in landfills using various electrical prospectings [Abstract]

*Kurokawa Masahiro, Ryuji Yokose(Waseda Univ),Hirokazu Tanaka(F.P.I.P.H.E.S),Mutsuo Takeuchi(Geo-Vest),Kazuo Kamura(Waseda Univ)
Sep 24,
2) GPR techniques to measure the distribution of watertable depth under the road [Abstract]

*Kyosuke Onishi, Kazuhiro Amita, Tadashi Nishitani(Akita Univ.)
Sep 24,
3) Proposal of a new analysis method to monitor electrical resistivity distribution which is changing during measurement [Abstract]

*Tomoaki Shimizu(Okumura Corporation),Seiji Ebisu(GEO-CLUB Corporation),Kazuo Nishimura(Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.)
Sep 24,
4) The physical models for evaluation of CO2 saturation by using seismic velocity [Abstract]

*Hiroyuki Azuma(RITE)
Sep 24,
5) Permeability estimation of sandstones with integrated geophysical data [Abstract]

*Toru Takahashi(Fukada Geological Institute)

Session [Civil2]
Chair Kyosuke Onishi(Akita Univ.)
Sep 24,
6) Case study of the P-wave velocity of the tunnel ground, bore-hole and cores in the tunnel ground classification [Abstract]

*Kenji Okazaki, Toshiyuki Kurahashi(CERI)
Sep 24,
7) Comparison of survey results of FWD and GPR for investigation of pavement structure [Abstract]

*Hiroshi Kisanuki, Tomio Inazaki(PWRI)
Sep 24,
8) Developement of the positioning system by combination of RTK-GNSS and differencial LDV [Abstract]

*Kunio Aoike, Naoto Takahashi, Ayanori Misawa(OYO Corporation),Katsunori Tanaka(ACT Electronics Corporation)
Sep 24,
9) Electric Survey of River Levee and Geotechnical Characteristics(2) [Abstract]

*Yoshinori Iwasaki(Geo Research Institite),Mamoru Mimura(Kyoto Univ.),Koichi Nakagawa(Osaka City Univ.),Akira Jomori(Neo Science),Mutsugu Yoshimura(Soil and Rock Eng.),Teruyuki Fujiwara(Geo Research Inst.),Masanori Uno(Kyoto University)
Sep 24,
10) Development of a soil-type discrimination method by continuous resistivity measurements during shield tunnel excavation [Abstract]

*Hideki Saito, Ko Sano, Osamu Ishizuka, Yoshihiro Yamashita, Ken Sakurai(Oyo Corp),Tomoaki Ogi, Kiyoto Kanemaru, Yasushi Nishikawa, Naomi Mikami(Shimizu Corp)
Sep 24,
11) Resistivity model using porous clay volume for clayey soils [Abstract]

*Chisato Konishi(OYO Corporation)

Session [Earthquake/Disaster1]
Chair Tatsuya Noguchi(Tottori University)
Sep 24,
12) Estimation of the Underground Velocity Structure Models for the Strong Motion Stations around the Source Area of the 2013 Awaji Island Earthquake (Mw5.8) using Microtremor Array Observations [Abstract]

*Kazuhiro Somei, Ken Miyakoshi(Geo-Research Institute),Suqun Ling(Geo-Analysis Institute)
Sep 24,
13) Estimation of deep ground S-wave velocity structure using the horizontal array earthquake records (No.2) [Abstract]

*Masaaki Oba, Toshiharu Ito(JAPC),Haruhiko Suzuki(OYO),Arihide Nobata, Kiyokazu Tanaka(Obayashi)
Sep 24,
14) Modeling of subsurface structure in Gunma and Tochigi Prefecture Based on microtremor and earthquake observations [Abstract]

*Atsushi Wakai, Shigeki Senna(NIED),Ikuo Cho(AIST),Kaoru Jin, Hiroyuki Fujiwara(NIED)
Sep 24,
15) Construction of underground structure model in the fault neighborhood ( An example of Fukaya fault and Ayasegawa fault Part2 ) [Abstract]

*Kaoru Jin, Shigeki Senna(NIED),Haruhiko Suzuki, Makoto Hoshino(OYO),Hiroyuki Fujiwara(NIED)
Sep 24,

*Shigeki Senna(NIED),Hisanori Matsuyama(OYO Corp),Kaoru Jin, Atsushi Wakai, Takahiro Maeda, Hiroyuki Fujiwara(NIED)
Sep 24,
17) High-resolution aeromagnetic surveys in the transition zone of the Japanese Islands [Abstract]

*Shigeo Okuma, Tadashi Nakatsuka(GSJ/AIST)

Sept 24, Room No.2

Session [Mineral Exploration1]
Chair Yoshihrio Yamashita(OYO)
Sep 24,
36) Full waveform inversion of controlled-source electromagnetic exploration in fictitious wave domain [Abstract]

*Kei Kusuda, Tada-nori Goto(Kyoto University)
Sep 24,
37) Results of two time-lapse experiments in Al Wasse, Saudi Arabia using ACROSS seismic source [Abstract]

*Junzo Kasahara(KGE),Khalid Aldamegh, Ghunaim t. Alanezi(KACST),Fahad Almalki(KACST),Khaled Alyousef, Ibrahim. Alrougy, Omar Lafouza(KACST),Kei Murase, Aya Kamimua, Ryuji Kuboa(KGE),Yoko Hasada(Daiwa Exp. Consulting)
Sep 24,
38) Results of time-lapse experiment in Saudi Arabia using ACROSS seismic source during April and June in 2015 [Abstract]

*Junzo Kasahara(KGE),Khalid Al damegh, Ghunaim t. Alanezi, Ibrahim. Alrougy, Fahad Almalki(KACST),Kei Murase(KGE),Aya Kamimua, Hiroshi Onuma(KGE),Osamu Fujimoto(KGE),Ryuji Kubota(KGE),Yoko Hasada(Daiwa Exp. Consulting)
Sep 24,
39) Monitoring of Injected Micro-bubble-water by P-Wave Attenuation Tomography [Abstract]

*Junichi Sakakibara, Akihiro Tago(JFE Civil Eng & Construction),Yuki (nakamura, Yosuke Kunishi, Mamoru Takanashi(JOGMEC)
Sep 24,
40) Service of GRIAS, Web GIS system using satellite images [Abstract]

*Masaru Fujita, Tetsushi Tachikawa(Japan Space Systems),Yuji Mitsuhata, Shinichi Takakura(AIST),Hidekatsu Nakamura(JOGMEC)

Session [Mineral Exploration2]
Chair Ryuji Kubota(JAMSA/KGE)
Sep 24,
41) The development of 3D visualization system applied in the seabed environmental survey [Abstract]

*Shojiro Ishibashi(JAMSTEC)
Sep 24,
42) Design of Autonomous Underwater Vehicle for Details Observation at a Specific Area [Abstract]

*Yutaka Ohta, Hiroshi Yoshida, Shojiro Ishibasi, Makoto Sugesawa, Kiyotaka Tanaka, Fan Frank(JAMSTEC)
Sep 24,
43) Evaluation test of underwater positioning and communication system for underwater observation system [Abstract]

*Kiyotaka Tanaka, Hiroshi Yoshida, Shojiro Ishibasi, Yutaka Ohta, Makoto Sugesawa, Fan Frank(JAMSTEC)
Sep 24,
44) EM Field Telemetry and a Robot for under sea-floor explorations [Abstract]

*Hiroshi Yoshida(JAMSTEC),Mamoru Nagai, Taro Nakamura(Chuo Univ.),Naohiko Iwakiri(NICT),Miyuki Hirose(Tokyo Denki Univ.)
Sep 24,
45) Collection and organization of geological information by diving surveys toward the practical application of integrated data for marine mineral resources exploration - Case study of Iheya North Knoll area, Mid-Okinawa trough - [Abstract]

*Makoto Kaneko, Toru Takahashi(Fukada Geological Institute),Kazuya Kitada, Takafumi Kasaya, Hideaki Machiyama(JAMSTEC)
Sep 24,
46) The study to reduce the influence of ROV applying Time Domain Electromagnetic Methods to surveys on hydrothermal ore deposits [Abstract]

*Masahiro Kurokawa, Keiko Nakayama, Akira Saito(Waseda Univ.)

Session [Mineral Exploration3]
Chair Junichi Sakakibara(JFE Civil Eng & Construction)
Sep 24,
47) The effect of salinity on ultrasonic velocity and attenuation and its physical models in partially frozen brine [Abstract]

*Linsen Zhan, Makoto Suzuki, Jun Matsushima(Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo)
Sep 24,
48) S-wave attenuation estimation from walkaway VSP data in methane hydrate-bearing sediments [Abstract]

*Jun Matsushima(Univ. of Tokyo)
Sep 24,
49) SIP "Next-Generation technology for ocean resources exploration" (part1): Multi-stage and integrated approach for SMS exploration [Abstract]

*Eiichi Asakawa(J-MARES/JGI),Tomonori Sumi(J-MARES/NSENGI),Kazuyuki Kadoshima(J-MARES/MMTEC),Masami Kose(J-MARES/JAPEX),Fumitoshi Murakami, Hitoshi Tsukahara, Sangkyun Lee(J-MARES/JGI),Akira Koizuni, Yukiko Koizumi, Makoto Ikeda(J-MARES/MMTEC),Michio Higashi(J-MARES/JAPEX)
Sep 24,
50) SIP "Next-generation technology for ocean resources exploration" (part2): An exploration of hydrothermal deposits mainly composed of a sailing observation -3-D Magnetization structure in and around the Beyonnaise knoll volcano - [Abstract]

*Ryuji Kubota, Atsushi Oshida, Junya Sakamoto, Akinori Uchiyama(JAMSA/KGE),Kentaro Hashimoto(JAMSA/OEC),Takeya Matsuda(JAMSA/KKC)
Sep 24,

*Kobayashi Takayuki(OYO Corporation U.S.A.),Mark Prouty, Mikhail Tchernychev, Rahul Mhaskar(Geometrics),Koichi Hayashi(OYO Corporation U.S.A)
Sep 24,
52) Complex resistivity of various rocks -Standardization efforts of the measurement method - [Abstract]

*Shinichi Takakura(AIST)

Sept 24, Room No.3

Session [Poster1]
Chair Ishigaki Koichi(Nihon Chikatansa)
Sep 24,
P-1) Groundwater survey for saline contamination by using TEM method [Abstract]

*Akitaka Nakamura(Department of Earth Resources Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu Universit),Hideki Mizunaga(Department of Earth Resources Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu Universit)
Sep 24,
P-2) Development of the resin gel casted MI magnetic sensor [Abstract]

*Yuto Sasaya, Keiko Nakayama, Akira Saito(Waseda University),Koutarou Tetsumura, Nariyuki Mohnai(SEC CORPORATION)
Sep 24,
P-3) Improvement of the Gravity database of Kanazawa University [Abstract]

*Akihiro Sawada(Kanazawa Univ.),Ryo Honda(TRIES),Yoshihiro Hiramatsu(Kanazawa Univ.)
Sep 24,
P-4) 3-D inversion of gravity method using quantum annealing [Abstract]

*Kyosuke Tanno(graduate school of Engineering Kyushu University),Hideki Mizunaga(graduate school of Engineering Kyushu University)
Sep 24,
P-5) A gravity survey around the Eastern Boundary Fault Zone of the Shonai Plain [Abstract]

*Shigeki Wada(Graduate school of Natural Science and Technology, Kanazawa University),Toshiyuki Tanaka, Ryo Honda(Tono Research Institute of Earthquake Science),Shinsuke Okada(International Research Institute of Disaster Science, Tohoku University),Akihiro Sawada, Yoshihiro Hiramatsu(Institute of Science and Engineering, Kanazawa University)

Session [Poster1]
Chair Sasai Shiho(INPEX)
Sep 24,

*Shigeki Senna(NIED),Yamada Masayuki(NEWJEC),Fujiwara Hiroyuki(NIED)
Sep 24,
P-7) GPR survey at Funabaru ruins in Koga city, Fukuoka prefecture [Abstract]

*Keisuke Ikeda(graduate school of Engineering Kyushu University),Hideki Mizunaga(graduate school of Engineering Kyushu University)
Sep 24,
P-8) Analysis of landslide disaster area using InSAR analysis and slope vector analysis [Abstract]

*Takako Nakamura(The Univ. of Tokyo),Shuichi Rokugawa(The Univ. of Tokyo)
Sep 24,
P-9) Some Problems in Surface Wave Exploration [Abstract]

*Shigeki Kawamura(Nippon Geophysical Prospecting)

Sept 25, Room No.1

Session [Earthquake/Disaster2]
Chair Tsutomu Kiguchi(AIST)
Sep 25,
18) Real-time prediction of Tsunami in the coastal zone, using Tsunami propagation effect -A numerical example for the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku earthquake- [Abstract]

*Seiji Tsuno(RTRI),Satoru Fujihara, Mariko Korenaga, Norihiko Hashimoto(CTC)
Sep 25,
19) Raipid estimation of epicentral distance by growing initial P-wave considering regionally different heterogeneities [Abstract]

*Kyosuke Okamoto, Seiji Tsuno(RTRI)
Sep 25,
20) Performance consideration of InSAR surface deformation monitoring [Abstract]

*Shuichi Rokugawa(The Univ. of Tokyo),Takako Nakamura(The Univ. of Tokyo)
Sep 25,
21) Evaluation of site effects at seismic observation sites in Tottori Prefecture [Abstract]

*Hayato Nishikawa(NIT, Maizuru College),Tatsuya Noguchi, Takao Kagawa, Kazu Yoshimi(Tottori University)
Sep 25,
22) Determination of Subsurface Structure at Strong Ground Motion Observation Sites in Tottori Prefecture [Abstract]

*Tatsuya Noguchi(Tottori University),Hayato Nishikawa(Maizuru National College of Technology),Takao Kagawa, Shohei Yoshida(Tottori University)
Sep 25,
23) Feasibility of short-time, miniature two-point microtremor arrays [Abstract]

*Ikuo Cho(AIST),Shigeki Senna, Hiroyuki Fujiwara(NIED)

Session [Integrated geophysical survey]
Chair Ikuo Cho(AIST)
Sep 25,

*Tomoyuki Kaneda(Nippon Geophysical Prospecting),Shigeru Miki(Kiso-Jiban Consultants), Integrated geophysical survey committee(SEGJ)
Sep 25,
25) Case collection and study for application trend of integrated geophysical survey and a variety of geophysical surveys [Abstract]

Kazuhiko Masumoto(Kajima Corporation),*Kazunori Murata(Suncoh Consultants),Masaru Sasaki(Kiso-Jiban Consultants),Seiji Tsuno(Railway Technical Research institute),Masahito Yamagami(Taisei Corporation),Shigeru Miki(Kiso-Jiban Consultants)
Sep 25,
26) Technical trends of combined analysis to geophysical surveys data based on Rock Physics [Abstract]

*Koichi Suzuki(CRIEPI)
Sep 25,
27) Evaluation and decision making from geophysical results with uncertainty [Abstract]

*Chisato Konishi(OYO Corporation)
Sep 25,
28) Investigation of standard specification of GPR surveys and creation of the prototype database on river-levee related facilities: - 1. Outline of the work - [Abstract]

*Toshiyuki Yokota(AIST),Yoshihiro Yamashita(OYO Corp.),Kazunori Takahashi(Tohoku Univ.),Koichi Suzuki(CRIEPI),Keiichi Suzuki(Kawasaki Geological Engineering Co. Ltd.),Kouichi Hayashi(OYO USA),Tomio Inazaki(PWRI)
Sep 25,
29) Investigation of standard specification of GPR surveys and creation of the prototype database on river-levee related facilities:-2.Design of standard specification and the prototype database- [Abstract]

*Yoshihiro Yamashita(OYO),Toshiyuki Yokota(AIST),Kazunori Takahashi(Tohoku Univ.),Koichi Suzuki(CRIEPI),Keiichi Suzuki(KGE),Koichi Hayashi(OYO USA),Tomio Inazaki(PWRI)

Sept 25, Room No.2

Session [Mineral Exploration4]
Chair Shigeo Okuma(GSJ/AIST)
Sep 25,
53) Integrated Analysis of Gravity and Magnetic Data for the Interpretation of Zone of Fractures and Heat Sources of the Geothermal Resources Exploration [Abstract]

*Shigeki Mizutani(KGE)
Sep 25,
54) Microseismic Monitoring and Data Processing in Hydrofracturing in Fukumezawa [Abstract]

*Norimitsu Yui, Eiichi Asakawa, Hitoshi Tsukahara(JGI,inc.),Kazuhiko Tezuka, Yutaka Ohsaki, Akihisa Ashida(Japex)
Sep 25,
55) Applicability of ultra-high-resolution 3D seismic data for geohazard identification in the Gulf of Mexico [Abstract]

*Takayuki Kobayashi(OYO Corporation USA),Brian Brookshire, Brandon Mattox(NCS Subsea),Koichi Hayashi(OYO Corporation USA)
Sep 25,
56) 3-D simulation of radiometric method [Abstract]

*Hideki Mizunaga(Kyushu University)
Sep 25,
57) 3-D simulation of fluid flow electromagnetic method considering subsurface fluid flow [Abstract]

*Hideki Mizunaga, Toshiaki Tanaka(Kyushu University)
Sep 25,
58) The characteristic of data quality and practical issue of resistivity profile using Code Division Multiple Access technique [Abstract]

*Yoshihrio Yamashita(OYO),Francois Lebert(BRGM)

Sept 26, Room No.1

Session [Civil3]
Chair Kazunori Murata(Suncoh Consultants)
Sep 26,
30) Hybrid surface wave surveys along operational highways [Abstract]

*Tomio Inazaki, Hiroshi Kisanuki(PWRI)
Sep 26,
31) Fundamental study for data acquisition and analysis condition of hybrid surface wave method [Abstract]

*Hiroshi Kisanuki, Tomio Inazaki(PWRI),Kouichi Hayashi(OYO Corporation U.S.A.)
Sep 26,
32) Vibration measurement experiments for unstable rock blocks using real rock models [Abstract]

*Hideki Saito(Oyo),Fumiaki Uehan, Shintaro Minoura(RTRI)
Sep 26,
33) Characteristics of microtremor observed near quay walls -Example of observation records at Yaizu fishing port- [Abstract]

*Suzuki Haruhiko, Manabe Syunpei(OYO),Nagata Shinya, Yamada Takahiro(Shizuoka Pref. Gov.),Nagasaka Yousuke, Nozu Atsushi(PARI),Akira Koyama, Kazutaka Hara(OYO)
Sep 26,
34) Estimation of Subsurface Structures Using Microtremor Data at the Port and Airport in Satsuma-Iwojima Island [Abstract]

*Masayuki Yamada, Yoshihiro Ito(NEWJEC Inc.),Takashi Nagao(Kobe University),Atsushi Nozu, Yosuke Nagasaka(PARI),Hisashi Oiwane(Mishima village)
Sep 26,
35) Estimaition of phase velocities and power fractions of Love waves in horizontal microtremors by FK and SPAC methods [Abstract]

*Hidekazu Yamamoto, Tsuyoshi Saito(Iwate Univ.)

Sept 26, Room No.2

Session [Earthquake/Disaster3]
Chair Takako Nakamura(The Univ. of Tokyo)
Sep 26,
59) Estimation of shallow crustal stress orientations from long-term trends observed by multi-component borehole strainmeters [Abstract]

*Tsutomu Kiguchi, Yasuto Kuwahara, Norio Matsumoto(AIST)
Sep 26,
60) Estimation of Empirical Green's Tensor Spatial Derivative Elements: Trial Study using Strong Motion Records at Fukui Prefecture [Abstract]

*Michihiro Ohori(Univ. of Fukui)
Sep 26,
61) Survey of underground structure of Wushanding Mud Volcanoes in southwest Taiwan using the CSAMT method [Abstract]

*Koichi Suzuki(CRIEPI),Keiji Asano, Kazuhiro Tanaka(Yamaguchi University)
Sep 26,
62) Shallow seismic reflection survey at the Kujukuri coastal plain [Abstract]

*Kazuo Yamaguchi, Shinobu Ito(AIST,GSJ)
Sep 26,
63) A small-scale three dimensional seismic reflection survey at the region near the mouth of Fuji River, Shizuoka Pref. [Abstract]

*Toshiyuki Yokota(AIST),Shinji Kawasaki, Yasuhisa Tanaka(JGI Inc.)
Sep 26,
64) High resolution structure elucidation for subaqueous landslides by using a parametric sub-bottom profiler: A case study on Lake Kussharo, east Hokkaido [Abstract]

*Yasuhito Uchida, Noritoshi Okazaki(HRO/GSH),Shintaro Yamasaki(KITAMI Inst. Tec.),Hiroaki Takahashi(Hokkaido Univ.)

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