SEGJ Technical Conference

Service of GRIAS, Web GIS system using satellite images

Agency for Natural Resources and Energy has started the services of GRIAS, Geo-Resource Information Archive System, which was built up for the purpose of ensuring a stable supply of rare metals into Japan. GRIAS, which is a kind of Web GIS (geographic information system via the Internet), supports users' preliminary investigation, feasible study and decision making of investment. Users can search and download resource geological information and satellite images in text-based window. Users can also search and display any data in designated area in the map window. While seamless global mosaic images created from ASTER/PALSAR data are used as base maps. Regional geological analysis images, detailed alteration zone analysis images in promising area, information from overseas' geology related sites, infrastructural information and users' images can be superimposed. Users can download images, change the order of images displayed, transparency of images. Users also can create a topographical cross section, bird's-eye view, measure the distance, and measure the area of polygons.