SEGJ Technical Conference


Kochi Kaikan, KOCHI, JAPAN
October 22 - 24, 2013

Kochi Kaikan, 5-6-42 Hon-Machi, Kouchi City, Japan __[MAP]

Tuesday, Ocotober 22, 2013
Technical SessionsRoom No.1 (Room 'ASUKA', 3F) 10:30-17:00
Technical Sessions Room No.2 (Room 'HEIAN', 3F)10:30-17:00
Poster Core Time Room No.3 (Room 'YAYOI', 3F) 17:00-18:30
Exhibition Room No.3 (Room 'YAYOI', 3F)10:50-19:20
Wednesday, Ocotober 23, 2013
Technical SessionsRoom No.1 Room 'ASUKA', 3F) 09:20-14:40
Technical Sessions Room No.2 (Room 'HEIAN', 3F) 09:20-14:40
Executive Sessions Executive Room No.1 (Room 'HAKUOH', 2F) 15:00-17:00
__Chair: Hideki SAITO (OYO Corporation; Vice-President, SEGJ)
__Presentation(1): Development of the Geochemical Exploration Methods Applied for Submarine Hydrothermal Deposit (tentative name)
__Invited Speaker:Kei OKAMURA (CMCR, Kochi University)
Action of the Light and Water on the Growth and Development of Vegetables
__Invited Speakers: Yasuyo NISHIMURA (Faculty of Agriculture, Kochi University)

[Access Map to Sansuien from Kochi Kaikan]

Exhibition Room No.3 (Room 'YAYOI', 3F) 09:20-15:00
Thursday, Ocotober 24, 2013
Technical Sessions Room No.1 (Room 'ASUKA', 3F) 09:20-11:40
Technical Sessions Room No.2 (Room 'HEIAN', 3F) 09:20-11:40
Field Trip
the Center for Advance Marine Core Research (CMCR), Kochi University
13:00-Eary Evening
Exhibition Room No.3 (Room 'YAYOI', 3F)09:20-11:10

Pre-Registration and Onsite Registration are available.
All payments must be made in JPY (Japanease Yen).
Registered and Paid
( October 11, 2013)
Onsite Registration
Member / Non-member
JPY 4,000-**
JPY 5,000-**
JPY 2,000-**
JPY 3,000-**
(Evening on November 30)
Member / Non-member
JPY 5,000-**
JPY 6,000-**
JPY 2,000-**
JPY 3,000-**
Field Trip
Member / Non-member
JPY 3,000-**
JPY 0,000-**


Pre-registrant will receive BOTH CD-ROM and PAPER Proceedings at the reception of the conference.

Onsite registrant will receive ONLY CD-ROM Proceedings. PAPER Proceedings can be purchased at a price of JPY 1,000-.

the Center for Advance Marine Core Research (CMCR), Kochi University
The Center for advanced Marine Core Research (CMCR) aims to promote research activities in the earth sciences, particularly related to marine core analyses; and One of the most important roles of the Center is to support IODP activities.
Chikurin-ji Temple
The 31st temple of the 88 temples of Shikoku Pilgrimage
. Thursday, Ocotober 24, 2013
Departure from the Kochi Kaikan after the monring technical sessions.
Visit to the Center for Advance Marine Core Research (CMCR), Kochi University and Chikurin-ji Temple.
Arrival at Kochi Airport around 18:00 and Kochi Station around 18:30.
More information about the field trip will be sent to those who have pre-registered the field trip.
No Refund Will Be Made.
Please note that the SEGJ reserves the right to cancel the field trip due to low participation, and/or to make changes in the itinerary whenever, in its sole judgment, conditions warrant it. In case of cancellation decided by the SEGJ, payment will be refunded in full.

Kinkei System Corporation

1) The Best Oral and Poster Presentation Awards
2) Guide for Technical Session


Oct 22, Room No.1

Session [Earthquake1]
Chair Hidekazu Yamamoto (Iwate University)
Oct 22,
1) Detection of S-wave onset time from three component seismograms [Abstract]

*Hiroshi Imai(Taisei Corporation)
Oct 22,
2) Seismic structure beneath the Kyushu island as inferred from S-wavevector receiver function analyses [Abstract]

*Takuya Ueda(Kyushu Univ.),Hiroshi Takenaka(Okayama Univ.),Takumi Murakoshi(Natl. Defense Acad.)
Oct 22,
3) Seismic interferometry imaging of subducting Philippine Sea plate and crustal structure in Tokai region using deep earthquakes [Abstract]

*Mark Totani, Toshiki Watanabe, Koshun Yamaoka(Nagoya Univ.),Aitaro Kato, Takashi Iidaka(ERI, Tokyo Univ.),Ryoya Ikuta(Shizuoka Univ.),Noriko Tsumura(Chiba Univ.),Makoto Okubo, Sadaomi Suzuki(TRIES)
Oct 22,
4) Testing the applicability of seismic interferometry based on the numerical simulation of microseisms [Abstract]

*Kazuhiro Somei, Toshimitsu Nishimura, Ken Miyakoshi(GRI),Hirotoshi Uebayashi(RRI, Kyoto Univ.),Koji Hada(NewJec),Kyohei Suzuki(KEPCO)
Oct 22,
5) The influence S-wave velocity structures and dumping factors for the prediction of seismic ground motions using records observed in deep boreholes [Abstract]

*Hiroyuki Miyakoshi, Seiji Tsuno(Railway Technical Research Institute)

Session [Earthquake2]
Chair Hiroshi Imai (Taisei Corporation)
Oct 22,
6) A high density questionnaire seismic intensity survey in Oshu City of Iwate Prefecture, for the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake and the aftershock occurred at April 7 in 2011 [Abstract]

Hidekazu Yamamoto, Tsuyoshi Saito, *Ryohei Saito, Yoko Ube(Iwate University)
Oct 22,
7) Subsurface structure imaging using seismic interferometry of natural earthquake records obtained in a seismic reflection survey [Abstract]

*Yusuke Kawasaki, Toshiki Watanabe(Nagoya Univ.),Tanio Ito(Teikyo Heisei Univ.),Kenichi Kano(Shizuoka Univ.),Susumu Abe, Akira Fujiwara, Kazuya Shiraishi(JGI, Inc.), 2012fist group
Oct 22,
8) Site amplification factors based on spectral inversion analysis in Niigata prefecture [Abstract]

*Takahiro Maeda, Shigeki Senna, Hiroyuki Fujiwara(NIED)
Oct 22,
9) Very large scale calculations by Ground Motion Simulator [Abstract]

*Shin Aoi, Takahiro Maeda(NIED),Takayuki Aoki(Tokyo Tec)
Oct 22,
10) Geophysical exploration at K-NET(HKD020) for investigation of the reason of strong motion record during inland crustal earthquake with around M6 [Abstract]

*Hiroaki Sato, Yoshiaki Shiba, Sadanori Higashi(CRIEPI),Takashi Kunugi, Takahiro Maeda, Hiroyuki Fujiwara(NIED)

Session [Civil]
Chair Nobuto Yamada (JAEA)
Oct 22,
11) Feasibility study of passive source surface wave method under the condition of high traffic vibration noises [Abstract]

*Takaho Kita(TKOLI),Tomio Inazaki(PWRI),Koichi Hayashi(Geometrics)
Oct 22,
12) Integrated geophysical surveying for levee system at a bridge abutment construction site [Abstract]

*Tomio Inazaki(PWRI)
Oct 22,
13) A basic study on characterizing open cracks in tunnel lining concrete by surface waves. [Abstract]

*Hideki Saito, Takahisa Tsuruhara(Oyo Corp.),Takashi Kyoya(Tohoku Univ.),Yoshinori Sone(Nagoya Univ.),Atsushi Ogawa(JRTT)
Oct 22,
14) Verification experiment for the characterization of pavement surface structure using GPR and high-frequency surface wave method. [Abstract]

*Aoike Kunio(Public Works Research Institute),Hideki Saito(Oyo Corporation),Tomio Inazaki(Public Works Research Institute)
Oct 22,
15) Experimental studies of GPR survey for void detection behind river concrete structures [Abstract]

*Kunio Aoike(Public Works Reseach Institute),Hideki Saito(Oyo Corporation),Tomio Inazaki(Public Works Reseach)

Oct 22, Room No.2

Session [Structure/Buried]
Chair Yoshihiro Yamashita (OYO Corporation)
Oct 22,
35) Visualization experiment for internal structure estimation of reactor using cosmic ray muons [Abstract]

*Keiichi Suzuki, Hiroshi Ohnuma(KGE),Hiroaki Takegami, Kuniyoshi Takamatsu, Ryutaro Hino(JAEA),Tadahiko Okumura(ENAA)
Oct 22,
36) The suppression of insolation heating induced by scattering of electromagnetic waves by fine spheres [Abstract]

*Jun Horie, Hitoshi Mikada, Tada-nori Goto, Junichi Takekawa(Kyoto University),Yasuhiro Manaka(Nippon Chuo Kenkyujo),Kiyoshi Taniguchi(West Nippon Expressway),Yuzuru Ashida(NPO Environment, Energy, Forestry and Agriculture Network(EEFA))
Oct 22,
37) Study on non-contact acoustic exploration method for non destructive inspection -Improvement of the S/N ratio using a tone burst wave- [Abstract]

*Tsuneyoshi Sugimoto, Ryo Akamatsu(Toin Univ. of Yokohama),Noriyuki Utagawa(Sato Kogyo Co., LTD),Kageyoshi Katakura(Meitoku Giken)
Oct 22,
38) The ability which can investigate the present GPR is measured. [Abstract]

Oct 22,
39) Inversion analysis for manetic rectanguar boies rotated in arbitrary drection in the geomanetic total intensity measuremnt [Abstract]

*Shin'ya Sakanaka, Tadashi Nishitani, Kaito Hoshino, Teruki Kohno(Akita Univ.)

Session [Civil etc]
Chair Aoike Kunio (Public Works Research Institute)
Oct 22,
40) Measurement of Gamma Radioactivity by Use of Bicycle in Koriyama-City, Fukushima Prefecture [Abstract]

*Kunio Kawauchi(Muroran IT)
Oct 22,
41) Reverse Vertical Seismic Profiling using the research gallery in granite [Abstract]

*Nobuto Yamada, Toshiyuki Matsuoka(JAEA),Koichi Ishigaki, Yohei Kanazawa, Shingo Tokuyasu, Junichi Nakahara(Nihonchikatansa)
Oct 22,
42) The SP inversion for the estimation of permeability considering the effect of unsaturated zone [Abstract]

*Yusuke Ozaki, Hitoshi Mikada, Tada-nori Goto, Junichi Takekawa(Kyoto University)
Oct 22,
43) A Field Experiment of Multiple Transmission Resistivity Profiling using Code Division Multiple Access for Evaluating Practical Utility [Abstract]

*Yoshihiro Yamashita(OYO Corporation),Francois Lebert, Jean-christophe Gourry, Bernard Bourgeois(BRGM)
Oct 22,
44) Applicability of a labor-saving three-dimensional electrical prospecting method for tunnel investigation [Abstract]

*Kenji Okazaki, Yoshihiko Ito(CERI, PWRI),Mutsuo Takeuchi(Waseda Uni.),Hee joon Kim(Pukyong Uni.),Toru Mogi(Hokkaido Uni.)

Session [Mineral Exploration1]
Chair Shin Aoi (NIED)
Oct 22,
45) Development of electromagnetic exploration analysis with phase-shift method [Abstract]

*Daisuke Hyodo, Tada-nori Goto, Hitoshi Mikada, Jyunichi Takekawa(Kyoto University)
Oct 22,
46) Topographic effects on the electromagnetic exploration methods for the sea-floor hydrothermal deposits [Abstract]

*Shunsuke Nakamura, Akira Saito, Keiko Nakayama(Waseda University)
Oct 22,
47) Joint inversion using magnetic and DC resistivity data with the FCM clustering technique [Abstract]

*Yosuke Teranishi, Hitoshi Mikada, Tada-nori Goto, Junichi Takekawa(KyotoUniversity)
Oct 22,
48) New calculation method for transient responce of time domain IP method [Abstract]

*Hideki Mizunaga(Kyushu University)
Oct 22,
49) Numerical electromagnetic simulation using FDFD for eddy-current testing method [Abstract]

*Takuya Saito, Hitoshi Mikada, Tada-nori Goto, Junichi Takekawa(Kyoto University)

Oct 22, Room No.3

Session [Poster1]
Chair Kenji Kubota (CRIEPI)
Oct 22,
P-1) Waveform inversion of seismic refraction data for shallow soil with irregular surface topography [Abstract]

*Shunsuke Nogami, Hiroaki Yamanaka(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Oct 22,
P-2) Effects of Frozen Soft Surface Soil on Exploration of Underground Structure [Abstract]

*Masashi Aoki, Hideki Okajima(Hokkaido Univ.),Nobuo Takai(Hokkaido Univ.),Michiko Shigefuji, Tsutomu Sasatani(Hokkaido Univ.)
Oct 22,
P-3) Effect of non-linearity in soil smplification on synthetic strong motion by the empirical Green's function. [Abstract]

*Yuichi Sorimachi, Hiroaki Yamanaka, Koichiro Saguchi(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Oct 22,
P-4) A novel method to survey S-wave discontinuities using microtremor H/V spectrum [Abstract]

*Ikuo Cho(AIST),Shigeki Senna, Hiroyuki Fujiwara(NIED)
Oct 22,
P-5) Simplified microtremor explorations to obtain a shallow velocity section -Application to lowlands and plateaus in the Kanto district- [Abstract]

*Shigeki Senna(NIED),Ikuo Cho(AIST),Hiroyuki Fujiwara(NIED)

Session [Poster2]
Chair Yasuaki Murata (GSJ, AIST)"
Oct 22,
P-6) Development of a measurement system for time-domain IP method [Abstract]

*Toshiaki Tanaka(Kyushu Univ.),Takeru Okuzawa(Kyushu Univ.),Hideki Mizunaga(Kyushu Univ.)
Oct 22,
P-7) A data processing technique of removing DC railway noise from time domain magnetotelluric data [Abstract]

*Ayumu Makuuchi, Koichi Asamori(JAEA),Tateyuki Negi(NMCC)
Oct 22,
P-8) Geophysical exploration of the mud volcanoes in Tokamachi City Niigata Prefecture [Abstract]

*Mo Tao, Hiroki Ogawa(Waseda University),Keiko Nakayama(Waseda University),Akira Saito(Waseda University)
Oct 22,
P-9) Stress distribution and fracture propagation around borehole due to injection pressure changes [Abstract]

*Kurama Okubo(Kyoto University),Hitoshi Mikada, Tada-nori Goto, Junichi Takekawa(Kyoto University)
Oct 22,
P-10) Research and development of radiation measuring instruments for lake,pond and river sediments(1) [Abstract]

Koichi Yanagizawa(Japan Atomic Energy Agency),*Toshio Hayashi, Masaru Oinuma, Motoi Takemori, Takanori Ishikawa, Tomokazu Okaya(OYO CORPORATION),Makoto Nishigaki(Okayama Univ.Graduate School of Environmental and life Science)
Oct 22,
P-11) The interpretation of time lapse data obtained by seismic ACROSS source operated in Al Wasse water pumping field in Saudi Arabia [Abstract]

*Kasahara Junzo(KGE),Khalid Aldamegh, Ghunaim Alanezi, Omar Lafouza, Khaled Alyousef, Fahad Almalki(KACST),Abdullah Alhumaizi(KACST),Ryuji Kubota(KGE)

Oct 23, Room No.1

Session [Disaster Prevention1]
Chair Kunikazu Yoshida (Geo-Research Institute)
Oct 23,
16) An experimental study on verifying a soil improved area by P-wave amplitude tomography [Abstract]

*Junichi Sakakibara(JFE Civil Eng. & Const. Corp.)
Oct 23,
17) Change in salinity concentration of paddy field damaged by the 2011 Tohoku tsunami [Abstract]

*Kiyohito Yamamoto(Iwate Univ.),Akira Kobayashi(Kansai Univ.),Yoshiko Muto, Koji Harashina, Eiichi Kurashima(Iwate Univ.)
Oct 23,
18) Estimation of damping factors of deep sedimentary layers from spectral ratio of S-wave observed in vertical arrays in western part of Kanto basin [Abstract]

*Hiroaki Yamanaka, Kosuke Chimoto, Koichiro Saguchi(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Oct 23,
19) Estimation of subsurface strictures and microtremor horizontal-to-vertical spectrum observation near the Tachikawa fault zone [Abstract]

*Koichiro Saguchi, Kosuke Chimoto, Hiroaki Yamanaka(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Oct 23,
20) Microtrmoer Array Measurements at Takasu Area in Kochi City [Abstract]

*Michihiro Ohori(Univ. of Fukui),Atsuki Kubo, Tadashi Yamashina, Yusuke Oishi, Hirokazu Takahashi(Kochi Univ.)
Oct 23,
21) Detection technique of ground deformation by InSAR analysis [Abstract]

*Shuichi Rokugawa, Hiroki Matsuura(Univ. of Tokyo),Hideaki Nakagawa(Sankyo Material Company),Takako Nakamura, Masaatsu Aichi(Univ. of Tokyo)
Oct 23,
22) Ground deformation monitoring by using InSAR analysis and slope vector analysis [Abstract]

*Takako Nakamura, Shuichi Rokugawa(Univ. of Tokyo)

Session [Disaster Prevention2]
Chair Junichi Sakakibara (JFE Civil Eng. & Const. Corp.)
Oct 23,
23) Estimation of the high velocity layer in surface with surface wave method -Multi mode inversion of the Rayleigh wave using with group velocity- [Abstract]

*Nobuo Takai(Hokkaido Univ.),Kousuke Sawada(Obyashi Co.),Michiko Shigefuji(Hokkaido Univ.),Takahiro Maeda(NIED),Tsutomu Sasatani(Hokkaido Univ.)
Oct 23,
24) Estimation of S-wave velocity structure of Tsuruga plain by the surface wave [Abstract]

*Masaaki Oba(JAPC),Haruhiko Suzuki(OYO)
Oct 23,
25) Local site effects in the western edge of Ashigara Valley, estimated by the microtremor survey [Abstract]

*Seiji Tsuno(RTRI),Kosuke Chimoto, Hiroaki Yamanaka(Tokyo Tech.)
Oct 23,
26) Spatial interpolation of H/V spectrum of microtremor by external drift kriging [Abstract]

*Nobusuke Hasegawa(NIED),Hiroyuki Fujiwara, Shigeki Senna(NIED)
Oct 23,
27) Peak distribution of Micro-tremor H/V spectra in Kochi Plain and it's relation to distribution of estimated seismic intensities and hazards due to previous Nankai Earthquakes [Abstract]

*Atsuki Kubo, Yusuke Oishi, Tadashi Yamashina, Hirokazu Takahashi(Fac. Sci., Kochi Univ.)

Oct 23, Room No.2

Session [Mineral Exploration2]
Chair Takao Nibe (JGI, Inc.)"
Oct 23,
50) Seismic ACROSS using electro-magnetic vibrator [Abstract]

*Ryuji Kubota, Yutaka Kanai, Akinori Uchiyama, Oshie Tazawa, Osamu Fujimoto, Eiichiro Nishiyama, Aya Kamimura, Takeshi Kato, Shizuo Noguchi, Junzo Kasahara(KGE)
Oct 23,
51) Laboratory measurements of ultrasonic wave in partially frozen unconsolidated sands containing clays -Data acquisition- [Abstract]

*Makoto Suzuki, Jun Matsushima, Yoshibumi Kato, Shuichi Rokugawa(The University of Tokyo)
Oct 23,
52) Laboratory measurements of ultrasonic wave in partially frozen unconsolidated sands containing clays -Data analysis- [Abstract]

*Jun Matsushima, Makoto Suzuki, Yoshibumi Kato, Shuichi Rokugawa(The University of Tokyo)
Oct 23,
53) 2D elastic wave simulation with complex shaped boundary condition by modified FDM [Abstract]

*Makoto Hoshino(OYO corporation)
Oct 23,
54) Integrated Analysis of Gravity and Air-Magnetic Anomaly Data Verification of Deep Consolidated Magma interpreted of Seismic Data of the Akinomiya Geothermal Area [Abstract]

*Shigeki Mizutani(JPOWER)
Oct 23,
55) Development of a well logging method of thermal conductivity using low cost tool [Abstract]

*Ryuji Kubota, Akinori Uchiyama, Shinji Gotoh, Morimitsu Fujiwara, Yasuo Tamura(KGE),Motoharu Jinguuji(AIST)
Oct 23,
56) Re-evaluation of the Ogachi HDR reservoir by AE meaurement [Abstract]

*Hideshi Kaieda(CRIEPI)

Session [Mineral Exploration3]
Chair Takako Nakamura (Univ. of Tokyo)
Oct 23,
57) Comparison of practical marine controlled-source electromagnetic methods for offshore hydrocarbon explorations [Abstract]

*Shimpei Mochiji, Keiko Nakayama, Akira Saito(Waseda Univ.)
Oct 23,
58) Viscous attenuation and apparent-Q of elastic wave propagating in poroelastic medium [Abstract]

*Kazuki Ishikura(Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto Univ.),Hitoshi Mikada, Tada-nori Goto, Junichi Takekawa(Kyoto Univ.)
Oct 23,
60) Improving refraction travel-time tomography analysis: Case study of multi-scale multi-mode seismic data with dense receiver array [Abstract]

*Takao Nibe, Kazuya Shiraishi(JGI, Inc.),Shogo Masaya(INPEX),Hiroshi Sato(ERI),Susumu Abe(JGI. Inc,),Shinji Matsuura(INPEX),Kenichi Akama(JAPEX)
Oct 23,
61) Numerical simulation for flux change in laminar flow under oscillating boundary condition with Lattice Boltzmann method [Abstract]

*Ryuta Ueda, Hitoshi Mikada, Tada-nori Goto, Junichi Takekawa(Kyoto University)

Oct 24, Room No.1

Session [Disaster Prevention3]
Chair Nobusuke Hasegawa (NIED)
Oct 24,
28) Comparison of the CCA Microtremor Survey, PS-logging and the Shallow Structure Model of the Osaka Sedimentary Basin: Osaka Bay - Uemach Fault - Ikoma Mountains Profile [Abstract]

*Kunikazu Yoshida(Geo-Research Institute),Ikuo Cho(AIST),Ken Miyakoshi(Geo-Research Institute)
Oct 24,
29) Development of a Method for Deep Resistivity Exploration in an Area with High Electromagnetic Noise and Application to Underground Imaging of the Uemachi Fault [Abstract]

*Akira Johmori(NeoScience),Satoru Yamaguchi(Osaka City University)
Oct 24,
30) Study on Relation between Stationary MT Parameters and Eartquake Activity [Abstract]

*Yamashita Mitsuru, Golyashov Alexandr, Fox Leo(Phoenix Geophysics),Kasagi Toshio, Kishimoto Munemaru(Nittetsuko Consultants)
Oct 24,
31) Seismic survey around the integrated groundwater observation station at Niihama in Ehime Prefecture [Abstract]

*Kazuo Yamaguchi, Takashi Satoh, Naoji Koizumi(AIST),Takashi Imayoshi, Masaaki Suhehiro(Hanshin Consultants)
Oct 24,
32) Underground surveys in Iwaki city, Fukushima Prefecture -Very shallow seismic surveys at the Shionohira fault- [Abstract]

*Kazuo Yamaguchi, Shinobu Ito, Naomi Kano(AIST),Yoshiaki Yamanaka, Shunichiro Ito(Suncoh consultant)
Oct 24,
33) Estimation of S-wave velocity structure of railway embankments by surface wave exploration and array microtremors survey [Abstract]

*Naoyasu Iwata, Seiji Tsuno, Shunroku Yamamoto, Hiroyuki Miyakoshi(RTRI)
Oct 24,
34) Numerical Experiments on Estimating 2D Sedimentary Layers using Love Wave [Abstract]

*Kentaro Kasamatsu(Kajima Technical Research Institute)

Oct 24, Room No.2

Session [CO2 etc]
Chair Makoto Suzuki (The University of Tokyo)
Oct 24,
62) On the suggested standard format of geophysical data for their archives in future (Part II) [Abstract]

*Toru Takahashi(Fukada Geological Institute), Segj digital standard format consortium(SEGJ)
Oct 24,
63) CCS Project in Gundih gas field, Indonesia - Scope and significance of the research project- [Abstract]

Toshifumi Matsuoka(Kyoto University),Wawan gunawan a. Kadir(ITB),*Masami Hato(Weseda University),Toru Takahashi(Fukada Geological Institute),Project team Gundih ccs
Oct 24,
64) CCS Project in Gundih gas field, Indonesia (Part 2) - Reservoir characterization and simulation - [Abstract]

*Takeshi Tsuji, M. yusup nur Khakim, Keigo Kitamura(Kyushu University),Yasuhiro Yamada, Toshifumi Matsuoka(Kyoto University),Kyosuke Onishi(Akita University),Ariesty ratna Asikin, Tutuka Ariadji, Wawan gunawan a. Kadir(ITB),Project team Gundih ccs
Oct 24,
65) CCS Project in Gundih gas field, Indonesia (Part3)-Petrophyscal evaluation of the CO2 reservoir [Abstract]

*Keigo Kitamura, Takeshi Tsuji(WPI-I2CNER, Kyushu University),Yasuhiro Yamada(Kyoto University),Kyousuke Onishi(Akita University),Sapiie Benyamin, Erdi Aurio, Basten I gde(ITB),Toshifumi Matsuoka(Kyoto University),Gunawan a. kadir Wawan(ITB), Indonesia gundih ccs project science team
Oct 24,
66) A basic study on CO2 sequestration monitoring using the time domain electromagnetic(TDEM) method [Abstract]

*Hiroki Ogawa(Waseda University),Keiko Nakayama(Waseda University),Akira Saito(Waseda University)
Oct 24,
67) Utilization of seismic attenuation in the monitoring of CO2 storage project -applying to real data- [Abstract]

*Hiroyuki Azuma, Ziqiu Xue(RITE)
Oct 24,
68) A simulation of seismic wave propagation to evaluate heterogeneous structure and near surface effects for time-lapse studies [Abstract]

*Aya Kamimura, Kei Murase, Eiichiro Nishiyama, Ryuji Kubota, Oshie Tazawa, Osamu Fujimoto, Takeshi Oomura, Junzo Kasahara(Kawasaki Geol. Eng.)

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