SEGJ Technical Conference

The influence S-wave velocity structures and dumping factors for the prediction of seismic ground motions using records observed in deep boreholes

In the aftermath of earthquakes, a method to predict ground motions, using seismic records of S-waves observed in deep boreholes and S-wave velocity structures, could show planar distributions of ground motion. In this study, we confirmed the validity of this method, using records observed at seismic stations of KiK-net whose borehole depths are deeper than the top face of the basement beneath the Kanto Basin. We estimated parameters which represent site amplification factors beneath seismic stations by minimizing the residuals between calculations by the theoretical equation and observations, using relationships between peak amplitudes of S-waves observed in deep boreholes and those on the surface. We also investigated the influence of S-wave velocity structures and dumping factors in the sedimentary basins for the prediction of seismic ground motions.