SEGJ Technical Conference


November 25 - 27, 2020


Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Openning Speech Room No.112:00-12:05
Toshiki WATANABE (NAGOYA Univ.; President of SEGJ)
Student SessionsRoom No.112:10-13:50
Student Sessions Room No.2 14:10-16:15
Thursday, November 26, 2020
Technical SessionsRoom No.1 09:40-15:35
Technical SessionsRoom No.2 09:40-15:35
Friday, November 27, 2020
Technical SessionsRoom No.1 09:40-16:00
Technical SessionsRoom No.2 09:40-15:35

Only Pre-Registration is available.
All payments must be made in JPY (Japanease Yen).
Registered and Paid
(Until November 4, 2020)
Onsite Registration
Member / Non-member
JPY 05,500-**
Pre-Registration Only
Student (Member)
JPY 00,000-**
Student (Non-member)
JPY 02,750-**


Pre-registrant will receive PAPER Proceedings by mail before the conference.
PAPER Proceedings can be purchased at the SEGJ OFFICE for a fee.


Geophysical Surveying Co., Ltd.(GSC)
ITOCHU Techno-Solutions Corpration(CTC)
Kawasaki Geological Engineering Co. Ltd.(KGE)

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Nov 25, Room No.1

Session [Student 1]
Chair committee members
Nov 25,
1) Evaluation of effectiveness of ground penetrating radar exploration method using polarization characteristics by model experiment and numerical simulation [Abstract]

*Nakamura Tomohiro(Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University),Tada-nori Goto(Graduate School of Life Science, University of Hyogo),Katsuaki Koike(Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University),Keiichi Suzuki, Taro Kusagaya(Kawasaki Geological Engineering Co., Ltd.)
Nov 25,
2) Utilization-focused evaluation of space, time and density resolution of muon tomography using sparse modeling [Abstract]

*Masashi Kodama(The University of Tokyo),Toshiyuki Yokota(AIST),Mizuki Yamada(The University of Tokyo),Jun Matsushima(The University of Tokyo)
Nov 25,
3) Robust impedance estimator based on Hilbert-Huang transform to time series magnetotelluric data [Abstract]

*Hao Chen, Hideki Mizunaga, Toshiaki Tanaka(Kyushu University)
Nov 25,
4) Understanding and utilizing spatial distribution of MT response function based on geostatistics [Abstract]

*Nagi Yamashita, Tadanori Goto(Univ of Hyogo),Satoru Yamaguchi(Osaka City Univ)

Nov 25, Room No.2

Session [Student 2]
Chair committee members
Nov 25,
28) Estimation of phase velocity and attenuation in gas-charged sediments [Abstract]

*Pingchuan Zhong, Jun Matsushima(University of Tokyo, GSFS, Environment Systems)
Nov 25,
29) Develop a method to estimate elastic velocity directly from digital rock model, based on convolutional neural network [Abstract]

*Koki Shige(Kyushu University, Faculty of Engineering),Takeshi Tsuji, Yutaka Jitsumatsu, Tatsunori Ikeda(Kyushu University, Faculty of Engineering),Fei Jiang(Yamaguchi University, Faculty of Engineering),Kazuki Sawayama(Kyushu University, Faculty of Engineering)
Nov 25,
30) Vehicle identification from their traffic noise using machine learning techniques. [Abstract]

*Ahmad bahaa Ahmad, Takeshi Tsuji(Kyushu Univ.)
Nov 25,
31) Identification of Sea-level Variability in Seismic Velocity Change From Seismic Ambient Noise [Abstract]

*Rezkia dewi Andajani, Takeshi Tsuji, Tatsunori Ikeda(Kyushu Univ.)
Nov 25,
32) Slumps and faults identification in 3D seismic data using CNNs [Abstract]

*Ahmad bahaa Ahmad, Takeshi Tsuji(Kyushu Univ,)

Nov 26, Room No.1

Session [Groundwater]
Chair committee members
Nov 26,
5) Self-potential on the trails at Akita-Komagatake volcano [Abstract]

*Shin'ya Sakanaka(Graduate School of International Resource Sciences, Akita University),Tomoya Moriwaki(Nittoc Construction Co., Ltd.),Shimpei Suzuki(Chemical Grouting Co., Ltd.)
Nov 26,
6) Geophysical exploration using malti-electromagnetic methods at Kamaiso beech, Yuza town, Yamagata Prefecture [Abstract]

*Shin'ya Sakanaka(Graduate School of International Resource Sciences, Akita University),Shogo Uechi,Shion Narumi,Shimpei Suzuki(Chemical Grouting Co., Ltd.),Tomoya Moriwaki(NITTOC Construction Co., Ltd.)
Nov 26,
7) Characterization for the effect of capillary barrier on infiltration process using ground penetrating radar [Abstract]

*Nobuyuki Ishii, Toshihiro Morii(Nigata University),Seiichiro Kuroda(National Agricultural Research Organization)
Nov 26,
8) Feasibility study towards elucidation of sea-land seamless geological structure using CSEM method [Abstract]

*Keiichi Ishizu, Yasuo Ogawa(Titech)

Session [Resource Exploration]
Chair committee members
Nov 26,
9) 3D inversion of combined CSEM data of towed and ocean bottom receivers [Abstract]

*Keiichi Ishizu(Titech),Tadanori Goto(Univ. of Hyogo),Katsuaki Koike(Kyoto Univ.),Weerachai Siripunvaraporn(Mahidol Univ.),Takafumi Kasaya(JAMSTEC),Hisanori Iwamoto(Nippon Marine Enterprises, Ltd.)
Nov 26,
10) Development of inversion analysis for frequency domain electromagnetic IP data [Abstract]

*Shunsuke Nogami, Atsushi Shirota(SRED),Yutaka Sasaki(TANSA Geophysical),Mitsuru Yamashita(Phoenix Geophysics Limited),Akihiko Chiba(SRED)
Nov 26,
11) Design of rock physical property database to support metal deposit exploration [Abstract]

*Shinichi Takakura(AIST)
Nov 26,
12) Laboratory measurements of ultrasonic wave reflectivity of gas-charged layer in the vicinity of seafloor [Abstract]

Zhiyu Huang(Univ. of Tokyo),Elizabeth Thorn(St Paul's Girls' School),Pingchuan Zhong, *Jun Matsushima(Univ. of Tokyo)

Session [Geothermal 1]
Chair committee members
Nov 26,
13) Investigation of velocity structure in Beppu Kannawa Area [Abstract]

*Yohei Morifuji, Hiroaki Sato, Masayuki Kuriyama, Kenji Kubota(Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry),Jun Nishijima(Kyushu University)
Nov 26,
14) Microseismic monitoring in Kakkonda Geothermal Field, Japan [Abstract]

*Kyosuke Okamoto, Kazutoshi Imanishi, Hiroshi Asanuma(AIST)
Nov 26,
15) Monitoring seismic attenuation change associated with vapor-liquid phase transition using time-lapse reflection seismic data in the Kakkonda geothermal field, Japan. [Abstract]

*Takao Nibe(University of Tokyo),Jun Matsushima(University of Tokyo)

Nov 26, Room No.2

Session [Disaster Prevention 1]
Chair committee members
Nov 26,
33) Trial Survey of High-Resolution Offshore 3D Seismic System at Beppu Bay, Oita Prefecture [Abstract]

*Yosuke Teranishi, Fumitoshi Murakami, Hitoshi Tsukahara, Masaaki Konno, Kei Konno, Norio Sato, Shinji Kawasaki, Motonori Higashinaka, Takeshi Kozawa, Shigeru Ino, Susumu Abe(JGI)
Nov 26,
34) Estimation of Shallow S-wave Velocity Structure by Seafloor Survey [Abstract]

*Shigeyuki Suda, Kenji Tara, Hidekuni Kikuchi, Takeshi Kozawa, Motonori Higashinaka, Hideo Saito, Shinji Kawasaki(JGI)
Nov 26,
35) Trial Survey of Dual Source UHR2D Seismic System [Abstract]

*Suda Shigeyuki, Takeshi Kozawa, Fumitoshi Murakam, Norio Sato, Hitoshi Hitoshi, Kei Konno(JGI)
Nov 26,
36) Ocean Bottom Gravity Survey in the Northern Coastal Zone of Sagami Bay [Abstract]

*Shigeo Okuma, Masao Komazawa, Ayumu Miyakawa, Shinobu Ito, Tatsuya Sumita(GSJ/AIST),Masatoshi Edo(Kawasaki Geo.)

Session [Disaster Prevention 2][Earthquake 1]
Chair committee members
Nov 26,
37) Evaluation of relationship between recharge injection and b-value change of microseismic events in OkuAizu geothermal field [Abstract]

*Naoki Aoyagi, Kyosuke Okamoto, Hiroshi Asanuma(AIST),Takashi Okabe(GERD),Yasuyuki Abe(OAG),Takayuki Ichinohe(JOGMEC)
Nov 26,
38) Seismic reflection survey using natural seismic body wave - Retrieval of plate boundary reflection from core phase - [Abstract]

*Watanabe Toshiki(Nagoya Univ.),Sogawa Naoki(DYM Co., Ltd.)
Nov 26,
39) Full waveform inversion for detailed structural imaging of Japan Trench forearc basin [Abstract]

*Ehsan Jamali hondori, Chen Guo, Jin-oh Park(AORI)
Nov 26,
40) Verification of usefulness of 2D S-wave velocity structure estimation method based on waveform inversion for improving accuracy of 3D structural model [Abstract]

*Kentaro Kasamatsu(Kajima Corporation),Hiroaki Yamanaka(Tokyo Institute of Technology)

Session [Disaster Prevention 3]
Chair committee members
Nov 26,
41) Acoustic and elastic reverse-time migration for passive seismic reflection imaging [Abstract]

*Kazuya Shiraishi(JAMSTEC),Toshiki Watanabe(Nagoya University)
Nov 26,
42) Detection of first arrival time of seismic wave with the Deep Learning [Abstract]

*Azuma Hiroyuki, Tottori Ryohei, Kunimasa Hikaru, Oda Yoshiya(Tokyo Metropolitan University),Matsuoka Toshifumi(Fukada Geological Institute)
Nov 26,
43) Application of landslide survey by using Drone Airborne TEM [Abstract]

*Akira Jomori, Atsuyoshi Jomori, Tetsuya Toyama(Neo Science),Minoru Okumura, Kentaro Kanayama, Katsushi Kawato(Nippon Engineering Consultants),Atsuhiko Kinoshita(Ministry of Land,Infrastructure,Transport and Tourism[MLIT])

Nov 27, Room No.1

Session [Geothermal 2]
Chair committee members
Nov 27,
16) Continuous monitoring system based on permanent monitoring source and distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) [Abstract]

*Takeshi Tsuji, Tatsunori Ikeda, Ryosuke Matsuura, Junji Kinoshita(Kyushu Univ.),Koshun Yamaoka(Nagoya Univ.),Tsunehisa Kimura(Schlumberger)
Nov 27,
17) Faults and fractures detection in the vicinity of the well using the fiber optic sensors [Abstract]

*Naoshi Aoki, Moeto Fujisawa, Keisuke Teranishi(JGI),Takeya Nagata(GSC),Takuji Mouri, Shinya Onodera(JOGMEC)
Nov 27,
18) Seismic Monitoring for the Super Critical Geothermal Energy Development at the Medipolis Geothermal Field, Kyushu [Abstract]

*Junzo Kasahara, Yoko Hasada, Haruyasu Kuzume(ENAA),Hitoshi Mikada(Univ. Kyoto),Yoshihiro Fujise(ENAA),Satoshi Kitaoka, Tetsushi Matsuda(JFCC)
Nov 27,
19) Implication of the high Vp/Vs zone at the depth of 3.6 km obtained by the DAS measurements at the Medipolis geothermal filed [Abstract]

*Junzo Kasahara, Yoko Hasada, Haruyasu Kuzume(ENAA)

Session [Buried Objects][Civil Engineering 1]
Chair committee members
Nov 27,
20) Fundamental study for shallow underground exploration technology by acoustic irradiation induced vibration from UAV [Abstract]

*Sugimoto Tsuneyoshi, Sugimoto Kazuko, Uechi Itsuki(Toin Univ. of Yokohama),Utagawa Noriyuki, Kuroda Chitose(SatoKogyo Co., Ltd.)
Nov 27,
21) Building 3D model of buried pipes by extracting reflections from dense GPR data [Abstract]

*Kunio Aoike, Takanori Ogahara, Kazunori Takahashi(OYO Corporation)
Nov 27,
22) Experimental study for the high-frequency AC resistivity survey [Abstract]

*Masayoshi Chidori, Hideki Kouno, Fumio Suzuki, Shigeki Kawamura, Hideaki Ugawa(NGP),Yoshiaki Karino(Geolight),Motoharu Jinguuji(AIST)
Nov 27,
23) Numerical simulation of resistivity survey by using line electrodes [Abstract]

*Hiroshi Kisanuki, Chisato Konishi(OYO)

Session [Civil Engineering 2]
Chair committee members
Nov 27,
24) Case study of 3D seismic refraction survey with flexible geometry [Abstract]

*Ryunosuke Kikuchi, Rei Sato, Yuya Yamazaki, Nobuto Yamada(NC Geophysical Survey)
Nov 27,
25) Exploration of fractures in granites by seismic tomography -Study in Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory- [Abstract]

*Kenji Kubota, Yohei Morifuji(CRIEPI),Rei Sato, Nobuto Yamada(NC Geophysical Survey)
Nov 27,
26) A practical non-destructive testing method using vibration for estimating tensile force of ground anchors [Abstract]

*Hideki Saito(Oyo),Mitsuru Yamazaki(Central Nippon Highway Engineering Nagoya),Atsushi Yashima, Kazuki Nawa(Gifu Univ.),Satoshi Tazumi(JR West Japan Consultants),Yoshinobu Murata, Keizo Kariya(Gifu Univ.),Kunio Aoike, Yoshinori Sone(Oyo)
Nov 27,
27) Feasibility study of three-dimensional resistivity tomography for chemical-improved ground [Abstract]

*Ken Sakurai(OYO Corporation),Daiki Takano, Hidenori Takahasi(Port and Airport Research Institute),Kazuhiro Takehana(Geodesign),Nobusuke Hasegawa, Yoshihiro Yamashita(OYO Corporation)

Nov 27, Room No.2

Session [Earthquake 2]
Chair committee members
Nov 27,
44) Estimation of S-wave velocity structures in the creation land of central Rikuzentakata City, Iwate Prefecture by using dense microtremor array surveys [Abstract]

*Hidekazu Yamamoto, Saki Saito, Tsuyoshi Saito(Iwate University)
Nov 27,
45) Subsurface velocity structural model in the northern part of the Osaka sedimentary Basin integrated by microtremor array survey and seismic reflection survey [Abstract]

*Ken Miyakoshi, Toshimitsu Nishimura(Geo-Research Institute),Koji Yamada(Hanshin Consultants),Seiji Tsuno, Masahiro Korenaga(Railway Technical Research Institute),Suqun Ling(Geo-Analysis Institute)
Nov 27,
46) Estimation of fundamental mode Rayleigh wave attenuation coefficient using surface wave method. [Abstract]

*Yasutomo Yamauchi, Seiji Tsuno, Masahiro Korenaga(RTRI)
Nov 27,
47) Investigation of Ground Amplification Characteristics and Its Variation using Seismic Motions and Microtremors Based on Horizontal Array Observation at Hard Rock Site [Abstract]

*Daiki Torii, Hiroaki Sato, Sadanori Higashi, Masayuki Kuriyama(CRIEPI)

Session [Earthquake 3]
Chair committee members
Nov 27,
48) Dense seismic array observations in Tsukubacity - Comparison with 3D subsurface structural model - [Abstract]

*Haruhiko Suzuki, Konishi Chisato, Osamu Isitsuka, Koichi Hayashi, Hisanori Matsuyama(OYO)
Nov 27,
49) Estimation of 3D S-wave velocity of the Kanto plain by applying Love wave tomography [Abstract]

*Hiro Nimiya(AIST),Tatsunori Ikeda, Takeshi Tsuji(Kyushu university)
Nov 27,
50) Estimation of deep sedimentary layers in the Kanto plain from MCMC inversion of Rayleigh-wave phase velocity [Abstract]

*Hiroaki Yamanaka(Tokyo Institute of Technology),Saifuddin Saifuddin(Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology),Nobuyuki Yamada(Kochi University),Kosuke Chimoto(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Nov 27,
51) Subsurface structural survey and seismic data analysis in Shin-Nagamachi, Sendai [Abstract]

*Tsuno Seiji, Korenaga Masahiro(RTRI),Guo Yujia, Nishimura Toshimitsu, Miyakoshi Ken(GRI),Ling Suqun(Geo-Analysis Institute)

Session [Disaster Prevention 4]
Chair committee members
Nov 27,
52) Estimation of surface-wave dispersion curves between two stations considering heterogeneous distribution of microtremor energy [Abstract]

*Tatsunori Ikeda, Takeshi Tsuji(Kyushu Univ.),Chisato Konishi, Hideki Saito(OYO Corporation)
Nov 27,
53) Detection of Spatial velocity variation by dense linear array microtremors [Abstract]

*Kosuke Chimoto, Hiroaki Yamanaka(Tokyo Tech.)
Nov 27,
54) Overview and technical problems on PS logging (Part 5): Utilization of seismic cone for high-precision S-wave VSP and correlation with high-resolution S-wave seismic reflection profile. [Abstract]

*Tomio Inazaki, Naomi Kano(AIST)

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