Call for Nominations, Hohmann Memorial Award
Call for Nominations, Hohmann Memorial Award
The Gerald W. Hohmann Memorial Award recognizes individuals for outstanding contributions to the fields of electromagnetic theory, with an emphasis on 3-D numerical modeling, and applications in mining, reservoir, and crustal geophysics. Award recipients have ranged from recent graduates, having made important advances during their degree work, to senior scientists with a long career of achievement.
For the 2019 Hohmann award, nominations are requested for early-career scientists who have made outstanding contributions to electrical and electromagnetic geophysics. The one-page nomination letter plus 1-2 page CV should outline the nominee's accomplishments relating to one or more of the areas in which Jerry excelled, including electromagnetic theory, multi-dimensional numerical modeling and applied geophysics, as well as innovations in field work, data processing, and geological interpretation of field surveys. "Early career" means an individual who has received a final degree (BS, MS, or PhD) during the last 7 years.
The award will be presented this Autumn at a venue appropriate to the recipient. It consists of a commemorative silver bowl and a modest cash prize, which we encourage the recipient to apply toward travel to the presentation.
For a complete list of past awardees, student scholarship opportunities, and the associated 3DEM symposia, kindly visit our website:
Gerald W. Hohmann Memorial Trust for Teaching and Research in Electromagnetic Geophysics 3DEM-6 was great!!
Please spread the word to your friends and colleagues about this award.
Send nominations by e-mail to any of the trustees listed below.
Nominations will be accepted through July 30, 2019.
We look forward to hearing from you.
The GWH Memorial Trustees:
Steven Constable, Scripps Institution of Oceanography (sconstable@ucsd.edu)
Michael Oristaglio, Yale University (michael.oristaglio@yale.edu)
Louise Pellerin, Green Geophysics Inc. (pellerin@greengeophysics.com)
Klaus Spitzer, TU Bergakademie Freiberg (klaus.spitzer@geophysik.tu-freiberg.de)
Toshihiro Uchida, Geological Survey of Japan (uchida-toshihiro@aist.go.jp)
Philip Wannamaker, University of Utah (pewanna@egi.utah.edu)