公益社団法人 物理探査学会

学会 News

第9回国際シンポジウムProceeding 御投稿著者の皆様へ

SEG Digital Libraryにおける、SEGJ国際シンポジウムProceedings公開に伴う著作権移譲のお願い」

 SEGJ国際委員会では、SEG Digital Libraryにおいて、第8回~第10回のSEGJ国際シンポジウムのProceedingsの公開を計画しております。


 これによりまして、第8回~第10回の国際シンポジウムのProceedingsSEG Digital Libraryから検索・販売することができ、当国際シンポジウムでの研究成果を広く海外へ向けて国際的に公開することができるようになります。

 以上の趣旨をご理解頂きまして、第9回国際シンポジウムのExtended Abstractに関する著作権移譲をご承諾頂けますよう、よろしくお願いいたします。具体的な移譲手続きに関しましては、下記のフォームに必要事項をご記入頂くのみとなっております(数分で入力完了です)。日本時間の32523:59迄にご同意戴いた著者の講演論文のみをSEG Digital Libraryで公開する予定です。ご多用の中恐縮ですが,ぜひともご協力のほど、よろしくお願いいたします。



Dear authors of extended abstract in the proceedings of the 9th SEGJ International symposium,


SEGJ International committee would like to announce our plan to publish the proceedings of the 8th to the 10th SEGJ International symposia in the SEG Digital Library ( Although it is mandatory for SEGJ to have the full copyright to do so, we have unfortunately given up the copyright of the expanded abstracts of the 9th symposium. Therefore, we decided to publish the expanded abstract of the 9th only with those whose authors have agreed on transferring the copyrights to SEGJ. Since it is really beneficial to publish the papers in a platform that could be viewed by much wider community such as SEG digital library, the International Committee of SEGJ would like to ask the authors of the expanded abstracts of the 9th International Symposium to submit their copyright transfer through the following link:

It would take only a few minutes to fill the form. We would like to close the site at 23:59 on March 25, 2012 (JST). We hope as many authors as possible to transfer their copyrights of the expanded abstracts to SEGJ.

 Note:  SEGJ holds the full copyright of the expanded abstracts of 8th and 10th international symposia, and the authors of these do not have to fill the form again.


SEGJ International Committee.
