SEGJ 114th Annual Spring Meeting
May 08 - 10, 2006
International Conference Hall, Waseda Univ., Tokyo
Waseda 1-20-14, Shinjyuku Ward, Tokyo
Phone: 03-5286-1755 (office of the conference hall)
Registration Fee: 3,150 Yen (ordinary member), 1,050 Yen (student)
Launching of the best oral and poster presentation awards
Guide for Technical Session (April 07, 2006)
May 08 | Oral Session 1 | [Mineral Exploration (Methane hydrate)], [Mineral Exploration (Data Processing/Analysis)], [Mineral Exploration (Theory and Experiment of Seismic Wave, Survey System)] |
Conference Room 1 (3F) |
10:00 ~ 16:40 |
Oral Session 2 | [Disaster Prevention (Microtremor)], [Disaster Prevention (Seismic Survey, Simulation)], [Disaster Prevention (Stress Measurement, Geosystem)] | Conference Room 2 (3F) | 10:00 ~ 17:00 |
Poster Session | Core Time(May 08) (on display till 13:00, May 10) |
Conference Room 3(1) (3F) | 17:00 ~ 18:30 |
May 09 | Oral Session 1 | [Mineral Exploration (Seismic, Metal)] | Conference Room 1 (3F) |
09:00 ~ 11:00 |
Oral Session 2 | [EOR/ Underground CO2 Disposal] | Conference Room 2 (3F) | 09:00 ~ 11:00 |
VIP Seminar | Conference Room 1 (3F) | 11:15 ~ 12:45 |
Plenary Meeting | Ibuka Memorial Hall (1F) | 13:40 ~ 15:10 |
Invited Talks | Ibuka Memorial Hall (1F) | 15:30 ~ 17:30 |
Social Party | RIHGA Royal Hotel Tokyo | 18:00 ~ 20:00 |
May 10 | Oral Session 1 | [Soil Pollution], [High-level radioactive waste (HLW) repositories/ Ganma ray], [Landmine/ Underground water] |
Conference Room 1 (3F) | 09:20 ~ 15:00 |
Oral Session 2 | [Civil Engineering 1], [Civil Engineering 2], [Civil Engineering 3] |
Conference Room 2 (3F) | 09:20 ~ 14:20 |
Exhibition | May 08 | Company: OYO Corp.,CRC Solutions,Geo5, 3S Ocean Network, Terra, |
Conference Room 3(2) (3F) | 10:00 ~ 18:30 |
May 09 | Conference Room 3(2) (3F) | 09:00 ~ 17:00 |
May 10 | Conference Room 3(2) (3F) | 09:00 ~ 13:00 |
The Society of Exploration Geophysicists of Japan
San-es Bldg., Nakamagome 2-2-18, Ota Ward, Tokyo, 143-0027 Japan
Phone/Fax: +81-3-3774-5858
Modified on April 27, 2006
75 presentations including 7 posters, *: Speakers
Morning Session - Monday May 08, 2006 | ||
Conference Room 1 | Conference Room 2 | |
Time | [Mineral Exploration (Methane hydrate)] Chair Akio Sakai (JAPEX) |
[Disaster Prevention (Microtremor)] Chair Hiroaki Yamanaka (Tokyo Tech) |
10:00 ~ 10:20 | 1) Experimental study of elastic wave attenuation in partially frozen brine *Jun Matsushima, Makoto Suzuki, Toshibumi Kato, Shuichi Rokugawa(Univ. of Tokyo) |
36) Separation of Rayleigh and Love waves by using horizontal component seismic array *Masanori Saito(OYO) |
10:20 ~ 10:40 | 2) Experimental study of elastic wave attenuation in partially frozen brine -Measurement system *Makoto Suzuki, Jun Matsushima, Yoshibumi Kato, Shuichi Rokugawa(Univ. of Tokyo) |
37) Inversion of microtremor array data using neural netwoks *Tomomichi Uchiyama, Yoshiya Oda(Tokyo Metro. Univ.), Shaokong Feng(Chuo Kaihatsu), Takahiro Iwatate(Tokyo Metro. Univ.) |
10:40 ~ 11:00 | 3) Characterization of elastic wave velocity dispersion using sweep waveform *Jun Matsushima, Shuichi Rokugawa(Univ. of Tokyo), Kimitaka Yoshimura, Susumu Skashita(RWMFRC) |
38) Earthquake response characteristics of high density earthquake observation sites in Thono district and applicability of microtremor H/V method *Yoshihiro Sawada, Yuji Koyama, Daisuke Aihara(Nagoya Univ.) |
11:00 ~ 11:20 | 4) Elastic Velocity Model of Methane Hydrate-bearing Zone *Masami Hato(Kyoto Univ.), Takao Inamori(JOGMEC), Yosuke Minami, Toshifumi Matsuoka(Kyoto Univ.) |
39) Estimation of basement structures at Morioka area using H/V spectral ratios of densely measured microtremor records (part 2) Hidekazu Yamamoto, Kenta Kakudate, Tsuyoshi Sano, *Yuki Gohukon, Tokumi Saito(Iwate Univ.) |
11:20 ~ 11:40 | 5) Automatic BSR tracking in 3D data with empirical mode decomposition *Kazuya Shiraishi, Toshifumi Matsuoka(Kyoto Univ.), Kazuo Nakayama(JGI) |
40) A case study on the dependence of the complex coherence function on the azimuth for SPAC method of microtremor array measurement. *Toshiaki Yokoi(BRI), Kouichi Hayashi, Kunio Aoike(OYO) |
11:40 ~ 12:00 | 6) Shallow Imaging of Methane Hydrate Distribution off Niigata by Marine DC Resistivity Sounding *Ryo Takagi(Kochi Univ.), Tada-nori Goto, Takafumi Kasaya(JAMSTEC), Toshiki Watanabe(Nagoya Univ.), Taku Okamoto, Yoshinori Sanada, Hitoshi Mikada(Kyoto Univ.), Nobukazu Seama(Kobe Univ.) |
41) A case study on the techniques to suppress the influence of impulsive traffic noises using records obtained simultaneously at two points for SPAC method of microtremor array measurement. *Toshiaki Yokoi(BRI), Kouichi Hayashi, Kunio Aoike(OYO) |
12:00 ~ 13:00 | Lunch Break | |
Afternoon Session - Monday May 08, 2006 | ||
Conference Room 1 | Conference Room 2 | |
Time | [Mineral Exploration (Data Processing/Analysis)] Chair Naomi Kano (AIST) |
[Disaster Prevention (Seismic survey, Simulation)] Chair Toshiki Watanabe (Nagoya Univ.) |
13:00 ~ 13:20 | 7) Numerical simulation of seismic wave propagation by using element free Galerkin's method *Masafumi Katou, Yoshinori Sanada, Hitoshi Mikada, Yuzuru Ashida(Kyoto Univ.) |
42) 3D Subsurface Structural Model for Strong Motion Simulation around Ishikari and Yufutsu Plain. *Haruhiko Suzuki, Michio Morino, Fuminori Takizawa, Ying Liu, Tetsu Masuda(OYO), Kunikazu Yoshida, Masayuki Yoshimi, Haruko Sekiguchi(AIST) |
13:20 ~ 13:40 | 8) Time-frequency filtering with S-transform and its applicability to seismic exploration *Wataru Izuhara, Hitoshi Mikada, Yoshinori Sanada, Yuzuru Ashida(Kyoto Univ.) |
43) 3-Dimensional Numerical Tsunami Wave simulation due to seafloor movement by the earthquake *Masanori Suzuki, Hitoshi Mikada, Yoshinori Sanada, Yuzuru Ashida(Kyoto Univ.) |
13:40 ~ 14:00 | 9) Separating P,S waves Using Dispersion Relationship and Imaging *Hiroyuki Tokunaga, Hitoshi Mikada, Yoshinori Sanada, Yuzuru Ashida(Kyoto Univ.) |
44) Simulation of earthquake ground motion during the 2004 Mid Niigata prefecture earthquake using finite-difference method *Kentaro Kasamatsu, Hiroaki Yamanaka(Tokyo Tech) |
14:00 ~ 14:20 | 10) Gabor Deconvolution and its Application to Land Seismic Data *Yasuhiko Kotera, Seiichi Imahori, Osamu Okitsu(Japan Energy), Mike Hall(GX Technology), Gary Margrave(Univ. of Calgary) |
45) Seismic investigations in residential area liquefied by Mid Niigata
Prefecture Earthquake *Koichi Hayashi(OYO), Masahito Tamura(BRI), Neagu Cristian(National Center for Seismic Risk Reduction), Yasuaki Kikuchi(Polus R and D center for life style inc.), Katsuaki Ando, Yoshiyuki Ito(OYO) |
14:20 ~ 14:40 | 11) Effect of surface sediment and imaging of velosity discontinuity for structual survey with ocian botom station *Hiroaki Tanaka, Hitoshi Mikada, Yoshinori Sanada, Yuzuru Ashida(Kyoto Univ.), Shigeharu Mizohata, Eiichi Asakawa, Yoshinari Nakajima(JGI) |
46) The data acquisition for the deep seismic profiling in the urban area-
Tokyo metropolitan government subsurface structure survey - *Shinji Kawasaki, Shigeyuki Suda, Taku Kawanaka(JGI), Toshio Nakayama, Yoichi Nakashima(The Institute of Civil Engineering of Tokyo Metropolitan Government) |
14:40 ~ 15:00 | 12) Travel-time analyses in velocity structures composed of small- and large-scale inhomogeneities: Toward a combination of deterministic and stochastic approaches *Tatsuhiko Saito, Osamu Nishizawa, Toshiyuki Yokota(AIST) |
15:00 ~ 15:20 | Break | Break |
Time | [Mineral Exploration (Theory and Experiment of Seismic Wave, Survey System)] Chair Osamu Nishizawa (AIST) |
[Disaster Prevention (Stress Measurement, Geosystem)] Chair Hitoshi Mikada (Kyoto Univ.) |
15:20 ~ 15:40 | 13) Recasting the Gassmann-Biot’s theory of porous media (Part 3): The strss-strain relations in the volume deformation *Shozaburo Nagumo |
47) Stress orientation measurements around Kego fault by using borehole deformation at shallow depth *Tsutomu Kiguchi, Yasuto Kuwahara(AIST) |
15:40 ~ 16:00 | 14) Schematic representation of strain relations in fluid-saturated porous media *Choro Kitsunezaki |
48) Shallow subsurface structure of the Volcano-Lipari volcanic complex,
constrained by geophysical surveys *Shigeo Okuma, Tadashi Nakatsuka, Masao Komazawa, Mitsuhiko Sugihara, Shun Nakano, Ryuta Furukawa(AIST), Robert Supper(GBA) |
16:00 ~ 16:20 | 15) Technology Update on Q-Marine and Case Studies *Osamu Osawa(Schlumberger), Rodolfo Ardila(Western Geco) |
49) Separetaion of regional-local components in the three-dimensiobal gravity
and magnetic inversion *Eiji Nakayama(AeroGRAV) |
16:20 ~ 16:40 | 16) Study of Modern Micro Depositional Systems Improve 3D Seismic Data Visualization and Volume Interpretation of Subsurface Geology, North Eastern and South Western Venezuela. *Gerald Kidd, Gioconda Montilla(GDK Consulting C.A. Venezuela ), Angel Gonzalez, Lucila Hernandez, Hector Andrade, Angela Lezama, Rodolfo Hernandez, Moises Uscategui (PDVSA) |
50) Crossover analysis for the data of aeromagnetic survey with varying elevations, and its application to extracting magnetic anomaly change *Tadashi Nakatsuka, Shigeo Okuma(AIST) |
16:40 ~ 17:00 | 51) A study of ELF propagation under sea and sea bottom. *Hiroshi Yoshida(JAMSTEC) |
17:00 ~ 18:00 | Core time of the Poster Session Chair Nobuhiro Eki (Daiwa) |
P-1) An application for landslides in the Mid Niigata Prefecture Earthquake using the Mini-Borne System *Koyo Hatakeyama, Fumiya Nakayama, Youichi Yuuki(OYO), Seiichiro Kuroda(NIRE) |
P-5) Recasting the Gassmann-Biot’s theory of porous media (Part 2): Representation of the fluid part volume strain : Relation of the recasting notation and the Biot’s notation *Shozaburo Nagumo |
P-2) Resistivity and SP monitoring in geological sequestration of CO2 -Experiment of CO2 injection into rock samples- *Kenji Kubota, Koichi Suzuki(CRIEPI), Ziqiu Xue(RITE) |
P-6) Recasting the Gassmann-Biot’s theory of porous media (Part 4): Correspondence of the recasted stress-strain relation to the Geertsma’s and Biot’s representation *Shozaburo Nagumo |
P-3) Investigation of high-salinity zones in shallow coastal aquifer of the Kujukuri Hasunuma area, Japan *Yuji Mitsuhata(AIST), Ysuhiro Aono, Takehiko Imasato(Nihonchikatansa), Motoharu Jinguuji, Toshihiro Uchida(AIST) |
P-7) The three-dimentional interpolation program development (consideration of tension) *Yusuke Shimono, Kazuyoshi Takaichi(CRC) |
P-4) Environmental monitoring and electrical resistivity prospecting in a closed sanitary landfill *Yoshiharu Takeda(Muroran IT), Kunio Kawauchi, Hideki Yoshida, Koji Nagano, Naohiko Hanajima(Muroran IT, CEDAR) |
Morning Session - Tuesday May 09, 2006 | ||
Conference Room 1 | Conference Room 2 | |
Time | [Mineral Exploration (Seismic, Metal)] Chair Hideki Saito (OYO) |
[EOR/ Underground CO2 Disposal] Chair Toshihiro Uchida (AIST) |
09:00 ~ 09:20 | 17) The Development of the Seismic Apparatus for Seismic Interferometry *Takao Aizawa, Shunichrou Ito, Toshinori Kimura(Suncoh Consultants), Kyousuke Onishi, Toshifumi Matsuoka(Kyoto Univ.) |
52) Development of a real-time reservoir monitoring system by 4-D Geoelectrical
Techniques (PART 4) Real-scale experiment of the FFM measurement system *Sugio Imamura(CTGK), Yoshihiro Sugimoto, Hirotaka Kawashima(DIA consultants), Keisuke Ushijima, Hideki Mizunaga, Toshiaki Tanaka(Kyushu Univ.), Kouichi Suzuki(CRIEPI) |
09:20 ~ 09:40 | 18) Study on Seismic Interferometry for Application to Field Data *Toshinori Kimura, Takao Aizawa, Yoshiaki Yamanaka(Suncoh Consultants), Kazuya Shiraishi, Masami Hato, Toshifumi Matsuoka(Kyoto Univ.) |
53) Development of a realtime reservoir monitoring system by 4-D Geoelectrical Techniques (Part 5) Field experiment of ER tomography using current sources in a cased horehole *Yoshihiro Sugimoto, Hirotaka Kawashima(DIA consultants), Sugio Imamura(CTGK), Keisuke Ushijima, Hideki Mizunaga, Toshiaki Tanaka(Kushu Univ.), Kouichi Suzuki(CRIEPI) |
09:40 ~ 10:00 | 19) Synthesis of pseudo seismic record for cross-hole tomography by virtual source method *Kentaro Torii, Kazuya Shiraishi, Kyosuke Onishi(Kyoto Univ), Toshinori Kimura, Takao Aizawa(Suncoh Consultants), Toshihumi Matsuoka(Kyoto Univ.) |
54) Relative location of proximity AE doublets in Soultz HDR field *Koji Nagano, Masahiro Hatano(Muroran IT), Roy Baria(Mil-Tech) |
10:00 ~ 10:20 | 20) 2D inversion analysis in MT method on anisotropic structures *Taku Okamoto, Yoshinori Sanada, Hitoshi Mikada, Yuzuru Ashida(Kyoto Univ.) |
55) Measuring the resistivity variations in a rock sample injected with
gas, liquid and super-critical CO2 *Kyosuke Onishi, Yoshihiko Ishikawa, Yasuhiro Yamada, Toshifumi Matsuoka(Kyoto Univ.) |
10:20 ~ 10:40 | 21) Resistivity and IP interpretation at the Furikusa mica deposit, Aichi, Central Japan *Shinichi Takakura, Hiroyasu Murakami(AIST), Koji Nakada(Sanshin Mining), Tateyuki Negi, Minoru Teshima(NMC) |
56) Gravity monitoring during a CO2 injection experiment *Mituhiko Sugihara, Tsuneo Ishido, Toshiyuki Tosha(AIST) |
10:40 ~ 11:00 | 22) Euler Angle *Shirou Oyama |
57) Evaluation of permeability in porous media by solid - fluid model *Takayuki Miyoshi, Yasuhiro Yamada, Toshifumi Matsuoka(Kyoto Univ.) |
11:15 ~ 12:45 | VIP Seminar(Ibuka Memorial Hall) Speaker: Prof. Toshifumi Matsuoka (Kyoto Univ.) |
12:45 ~ 13:40 | Lunch Break | |
13:40 ~ 15:10 | Plenary Meeting | |
15:30 ~ 17:30 | Invited Talks(Ibuka Memorial Hall) Chair: Dr. Shigeaki Asakura (Schlumberger K.K.) Speakers: Dr. James Martin (Schlumberger K.K.) and Prof. Tokumi Saito (Vice-President, SEGJ; Vice-President, Iwate Univ.) |
18:00 ~ 20:00 | Social Party (RIHGA Royal Hotel Tokyo) |
Morning Session - Wednesday May 10, 2006 | ||
Conference Room 1 | Conference Room 2 | |
Time | [Soil Pollution] Chair Yuji Mitsuhata (AIST) |
[Civil Engineering 1] Chair Tomio Inazaki (PWRI) |
09:20 ~ 09:40 | 23) Surface plasmon resonance biosensor for in-situ detection of soil contaminant *Takahiro Kawano, Hiroshi Asanuma, Hiroaki Niitsuma(Tohoku Univ.) |
58) Proposal of a pattern matching algorithm for precise estimation of
the position of buried pipes *Ganchuluun Nadmidtseden, Motoyuki Sato(Tohoku Univ.) |
09:40 ~ 10:00 | 24) Investigation for finding the Abandoned well by Time Domain Electromagnetic method *Kenji Osawa, Kazumi Osato(GERD), Shuichi Ishigoro, Tetuya Okano(SEC) |
59) Imaging shape of a steel pylon foundation using 3d Near Surface Reflection
Method and Ground Penetrating Radar *Takeshi Garan, Yoshinori Sanada, Hitoshi Mikada, Yuzuru Asida(Kyoto Univ.) |
10:00 ~ 10:20 | 25) Investigation for finding the Abandoned well by Electromagnetic tomography *Kenji Osawa, Kazumi Osato(GERD), Shuichi Ishigoro, Tetuya Okano(SEC) |
60) Investigation of water bottom surface in shallow water zone using a
side scan sonar *Tomohiro Kamoshita, Yoshikazu Matsubara, Yoshifumi Sato(OYO) |
10:20 ~ 10:40 | 26) Development of Resistivity Monitoring System for Pollution Detection *Sam Gyu Park, Jung Ho Kim, Myeong Jong Yi(KIGAM) |
61) Development of Multi-transmission Electric Resistivity Tomography system
and its application *Motoharu Jinguuji(AIST), Yoshiaki Karino(Geotechnos) |
10:40 ~ 11:00 | Break | Break |
Time | [High-level radioactive waste (HLW) repositories/ Ganma ray] Chair Yuji Mitsuhata (AIST) |
[Civil Engineering 2] Chair Tomio Inazaki (PWRI) |
11:00 ~ 11:20 | 27) Anisotropic traveltime tomography of the Devine Test Site Kimitaka Yoshimura, *Susumu Sakashita(RWMC), Makoto Ando, Chisato Konishi, Hiroyuki Azuma(OYO) |
62) Numerical simulation of rock experiment using particle method *Junichi Takekawa, Yoshinori Sanada, Yuzuru Ashida(Kyoto Univ.) |
11:20 ~ 11:40 | 28) System Development of Full Wave Tomography for Radioactive Waste Disposal Site - A case study from the Devine Test Site, USA. Kimitaka Yoshimura, Susumu Sakashita(RWMFRC), *Jongha Lee(Dia Consultants) |
63) Imaging of ground penetrating radar data accounting for the radiation
characteristics *Akihiko Mohri, Yoshinori Sanada(Kyoto Univ.), Naotoshi Konishi, Kazuhiro Tsukuda(Nippon Engineering Consultants), Yuzuru Ashida(Kyoto Univ.) |
11:40 ~ 12:00 | 29) An environmental gamma-ray survey in Ulaanbaatar Mongolia *Akio Iwata(JPE Human and Geoscience) |
64) GPR survey with two componet antennas *Yoshinori Sanada(Kyoto Univ.), Naotoshi Konishi, Kazuhiro Tsukuda(Nippon Engineering Consultants), Yuzuru Ashida(Kyoto Univ.) |
12:00 ~ 13:00 | Lunch Break | |
Afternoon Session - Wednesday May 10, 2006 | ||
Conference Room 1 | Conference Room 2 | |
Time | [Landmine/ Underground water] Chair Koichi Suzuki (CRIEPI) |
[Civil Engineering 3] Chair Yoshihiro Sawada (Nagoya Univ.) |
13:00 ~ 13:20 | 30) Landmine detection evaluation tests of SAR-GPR and ALIS in Croatia *Xuan Feng, Takao Kobayashi, Kazunori Takahashi, Motoyuki Sato(Tohoku Univ.) |
65) Three Dimensional Numerical Analysis on Vibration Reduction Effects of Ground Wall/Trench *Hitoshi Kanda(Central JR), Masafumi Kato(Kyoto Univ.), Hirotoshi Ishii, Osamu Yoshioka(Central JR) |
13:20 ~ 13:40 | 31) Evaluation of geoelectrical survey for landmine in Egypt *Keisuke Ushijima(Kyushu Univ.), Naotsugu Ikeda(TRES), Gad El-Qady(NRIAG, Egypt), Hideki Mizunaga, Toshiaki Tanaka(Kyushu Univ.) |
66) An Integrated Geophysical Investigation of a Levee *Tomio Inazaki(PWRI) |
13:40 ~ 14:00 | 32) Visualization of the enhancement test of fresh water lens in Tsuken Island, Okinawa *Hiroomi Nakazato, Keisuke Inoue, Norio Nakanishi(NIRE) |
67) Aseismic examination of buildings and re-examination of the effect
of shear-wall reinforcement by means of microtremors analysis. *Teruki Maiguma, Akimichi Hibi(Waseda Univ.), Hiroyuki Takashima(Nihon Retrofit), Naota Kobayashi, Hisatoshi Yoshida(Waseda Univ.) |
14:00 ~ 14:20 | 33) Resistivity monitoring of rainfall infiltration in the landslide area *Hiroomi Nakazato, Keisuke Inoue, Norio Nakanishi(NIRE), Shigefumi Kikuchi(COGJ), Fumiya Ootsuka(MAFF) |
68) Discrimination of soils in the levee using the capacitive-coupled resistivity survey system:OhmMapper *Chisato Konishi, Koichi Hayashi, Toshihiko Tanaka, Takafumi Miake(OYO) |
14:20 ~ 14:40 | 34) Resistivity monitoring for ground water recharge test in Shirasu plateau *Keisuk Inoue, Hiroomi Nakazato, tomijiro Kubota, Norio Nakanishi, Mutsuo Takeuchi(NIRE) |
14:40 ~ 15:00 | 35) Characterization of hydraulic properties in the vadose zone using inter-borehole radar *Seiichiro Kuroda(NIRE), Saito Hirotaka(UCR), Takhiko Okuyama, Mutsuo Takeutchi(NIRE), Jiri Simunek, Martinus Th. van Genuchten(UCR) |