SEGJ 114th Annual Spring Meeting

May 08 - 10, 2006

International Conference Hall, Waseda Univ., Tokyo

Waseda 1-20-14, Shinjyuku Ward, Tokyo 
Phone: 03-5286-1755 (office of the conference hall)

Registration Fee: 3,150 Yen (ordinary member), 1,050 Yen (student)

Launching of the best oral and poster presentation awards

Guide for Technical Session (April 07, 2006)

May 08 Oral Session 1 [Mineral Exploration (Methane hydrate)], [Mineral Exploration (Data Processing/Analysis)],
[Mineral Exploration (Theory and Experiment of Seismic Wave, Survey System)]
Conference Room 1 (3F)
10:00 ~
Oral Session 2 [Disaster Prevention (Microtremor)], [Disaster Prevention (Seismic Survey, Simulation)], [Disaster Prevention (Stress Measurement, Geosystem)] Conference Room 2 (3F) 10:00 ~
Poster Session Core Time(May 08)
(on display till 13:00, May 10)
Conference Room 3(1) (3F) 17:00 ~
May 09 Oral Session 1 [Mineral Exploration (Seismic, Metal)] Conference Room 1 (3F)
09:00 ~
Oral Session 2 [EOR/ Underground CO2 Disposal] Conference Room 2 (3F) 09:00 ~
VIP Seminar Conference Room 1 (3F) 11:15 ~
Plenary Meeting  Ibuka Memorial Hall (1F) 13:40 ~
Invited Talks  Ibuka Memorial Hall (1F) 15:30 ~
Social Party  RIHGA Royal Hotel Tokyo 18:00 ~
May 10 Oral Session 1 [Soil Pollution],
[High-level radioactive waste (HLW) repositories/ Ganma ray], [Landmine/ Underground water]
Conference Room 1 (3F) 09:20 ~
Oral Session 2 [Civil Engineering 1],
[Civil Engineering 2],
[Civil Engineering 3]
Conference Room 2 (3F) 09:20 ~
Exhibition May 08 Company:
OYO Corp.,CRC Solutions,Geo5, 3S Ocean Network, Terra,
Conference Room 3(2) (3F) 10:00 ~
May 09 Conference Room 3(2) (3F) 09:00 ~
May 10 Conference Room 3(2) (3F) 09:00 ~

The Society of Exploration Geophysicists of Japan
San-es Bldg., Nakamagome 2-2-18, Ota Ward, Tokyo, 143-0027 Japan
Phone/Fax: +81-3-3774-5858

Modified on April 27, 2006

   75 presentations including 7 posters, *: Speakers

Morning Session - Monday May 08, 2006
Conference Room 1  Conference Room 2 
Time [Mineral Exploration (Methane hydrate)]
Chair Akio Sakai (JAPEX)
[Disaster Prevention (Microtremor)]
Chair Hiroaki Yamanaka (Tokyo Tech)
10:00 ~ 10:20 1) Experimental study of elastic wave attenuation in partially frozen brine
*Jun Matsushima, Makoto Suzuki, Toshibumi Kato, Shuichi Rokugawa(Univ. of Tokyo)
36) Separation of Rayleigh and Love waves by using horizontal component seismic array
*Masanori Saito(OYO)
10:20 ~ 10:40 2) Experimental study of elastic wave attenuation in partially frozen brine -Measurement system
*Makoto Suzuki, Jun Matsushima, Yoshibumi Kato, Shuichi Rokugawa(Univ. of Tokyo)
37) Inversion of microtremor array data using neural netwoks
*Tomomichi Uchiyama, Yoshiya Oda(Tokyo Metro. Univ.), Shaokong Feng(Chuo Kaihatsu), Takahiro Iwatate(Tokyo Metro. Univ.)
10:40 ~ 11:00 3) Characterization of elastic wave velocity dispersion using sweep waveform
*Jun Matsushima, Shuichi Rokugawa(Univ. of Tokyo), Kimitaka Yoshimura, Susumu Skashita(RWMFRC)
38) Earthquake response characteristics of high density earthquake observation sites in Thono district and applicability of microtremor H/V method
*Yoshihiro Sawada, Yuji Koyama, Daisuke Aihara(Nagoya Univ.)
11:00 ~ 11:20 4) Elastic Velocity Model of Methane Hydrate-bearing Zone
*Masami Hato(Kyoto Univ.), Takao Inamori(JOGMEC), Yosuke Minami, Toshifumi Matsuoka(Kyoto Univ.)
39) Estimation of basement structures at Morioka area using H/V spectral ratios of densely measured microtremor records (part 2)
Hidekazu Yamamoto, Kenta Kakudate, Tsuyoshi Sano, *Yuki Gohukon, Tokumi Saito(Iwate Univ.)
11:20 ~ 11:40 5) Automatic BSR tracking in 3D data with empirical mode decomposition
*Kazuya Shiraishi, Toshifumi Matsuoka(Kyoto Univ.), Kazuo Nakayama(JGI)
40) A case study on the dependence of the complex coherence function on the azimuth for SPAC method of microtremor array measurement.
*Toshiaki Yokoi(BRI), Kouichi Hayashi, Kunio Aoike(OYO)
11:40 ~ 12:00 6) Shallow Imaging of Methane Hydrate Distribution off Niigata by Marine DC Resistivity Sounding
*Ryo Takagi(Kochi Univ.), Tada-nori Goto, Takafumi Kasaya(JAMSTEC), Toshiki Watanabe(Nagoya Univ.), Taku Okamoto, Yoshinori Sanada, Hitoshi Mikada(Kyoto Univ.), Nobukazu Seama(Kobe Univ.)
41) A case study on the techniques to suppress the influence of impulsive traffic noises using records obtained simultaneously at two points for SPAC method of microtremor array measurement.
*Toshiaki Yokoi(BRI), Kouichi Hayashi, Kunio Aoike(OYO)
12:00 ~ 13:00 Lunch Break
Afternoon Session - Monday May 08, 2006
Conference Room 1 Conference Room 2 
Time [Mineral Exploration (Data Processing/Analysis)]
Chair Naomi Kano (AIST)
[Disaster Prevention (Seismic survey, Simulation)]
Chair Toshiki Watanabe (Nagoya Univ.)
13:00 ~ 13:20 7) Numerical simulation of seismic wave propagation by using element free Galerkin's method
*Masafumi Katou, Yoshinori Sanada, Hitoshi Mikada, Yuzuru Ashida(Kyoto Univ.)
42) 3D Subsurface Structural Model for Strong Motion Simulation around Ishikari and Yufutsu Plain.
*Haruhiko Suzuki, Michio Morino, Fuminori Takizawa, Ying Liu, Tetsu Masuda(OYO), Kunikazu Yoshida, Masayuki Yoshimi, Haruko Sekiguchi(AIST)
13:20 ~ 13:40 8) Time-frequency filtering with S-transform and its applicability to seismic exploration
*Wataru Izuhara, Hitoshi Mikada, Yoshinori Sanada, Yuzuru Ashida(Kyoto Univ.)
43) 3-Dimensional Numerical Tsunami Wave simulation due to seafloor movement by the earthquake
*Masanori Suzuki, Hitoshi Mikada, Yoshinori Sanada, Yuzuru Ashida(Kyoto Univ.)
13:40 ~ 14:00 9) Separating P,S waves Using Dispersion Relationship and Imaging
*Hiroyuki Tokunaga, Hitoshi Mikada, Yoshinori Sanada, Yuzuru Ashida(Kyoto Univ.)
44) Simulation of earthquake ground motion during the 2004 Mid Niigata prefecture earthquake using finite-difference method
*Kentaro Kasamatsu, Hiroaki Yamanaka(Tokyo Tech)
14:00 ~ 14:20 10) Gabor Deconvolution and its Application to Land Seismic Data
*Yasuhiko Kotera, Seiichi Imahori, Osamu Okitsu(Japan Energy), Mike Hall(GX Technology), Gary Margrave(Univ. of Calgary)
45) Seismic investigations in residential area liquefied by Mid Niigata Prefecture Earthquake
*Koichi Hayashi(OYO), Masahito Tamura(BRI), Neagu Cristian(National Center for Seismic Risk Reduction), Yasuaki Kikuchi(Polus R and D center for life style inc.), Katsuaki Ando, Yoshiyuki Ito(OYO)
14:20 ~ 14:40 11) Effect of surface sediment and imaging of velosity discontinuity for structual survey with ocian botom station
*Hiroaki Tanaka, Hitoshi Mikada, Yoshinori Sanada, Yuzuru Ashida(Kyoto Univ.), Shigeharu Mizohata, Eiichi Asakawa, Yoshinari Nakajima(JGI)
46) The data acquisition for the deep seismic profiling in the urban area- Tokyo metropolitan government subsurface structure survey -
*Shinji Kawasaki, Shigeyuki Suda, Taku Kawanaka(JGI), Toshio Nakayama, Yoichi Nakashima(The Institute of Civil Engineering of Tokyo Metropolitan Government)
14:40 ~ 15:00 12) Travel-time analyses in velocity structures composed of small- and large-scale inhomogeneities: Toward a combination of deterministic and stochastic approaches
*Tatsuhiko Saito, Osamu Nishizawa, Toshiyuki Yokota(AIST)
15:00 ~ 15:20 Break Break
Time [Mineral Exploration (Theory and Experiment of Seismic Wave, Survey System)]
Chair Osamu Nishizawa (AIST)
[Disaster Prevention (Stress Measurement, Geosystem)]
Chair Hitoshi Mikada (Kyoto Univ.)
15:20 ~ 15:40 13) Recasting the Gassmann-Biot’s theory of porous media (Part 3): The strss-strain relations in the volume deformation
*Shozaburo Nagumo
47) Stress orientation measurements around Kego fault by using borehole deformation at shallow depth
*Tsutomu Kiguchi, Yasuto Kuwahara(AIST)
15:40 ~ 16:00 14) Schematic representation of strain relations in fluid-saturated porous media
*Choro Kitsunezaki
48) Shallow subsurface structure of the Volcano-Lipari volcanic complex, constrained by geophysical surveys
*Shigeo Okuma, Tadashi Nakatsuka, Masao Komazawa, Mitsuhiko Sugihara, Shun Nakano, Ryuta Furukawa(AIST), Robert Supper(GBA)
16:00 ~ 16:20 15) Technology Update on Q-Marine and Case Studies
*Osamu Osawa(Schlumberger), Rodolfo Ardila(Western Geco)
49) Separetaion of regional-local components in the three-dimensiobal gravity and magnetic inversion
*Eiji Nakayama(AeroGRAV)
16:20 ~ 16:40 16) Study of Modern Micro Depositional Systems Improve 3D Seismic Data Visualization and Volume Interpretation of Subsurface Geology, North Eastern and South Western Venezuela.
*Gerald Kidd, Gioconda Montilla(GDK Consulting C.A. Venezuela ), Angel Gonzalez, Lucila Hernandez, Hector Andrade, Angela Lezama, Rodolfo Hernandez, Moises Uscategui (PDVSA)
50) Crossover analysis for the data of aeromagnetic survey with varying elevations, and its application to extracting magnetic anomaly change
*Tadashi Nakatsuka, Shigeo Okuma(AIST)
16:40 ~ 17:00 51) A study of ELF propagation under sea and sea bottom.
*Hiroshi Yoshida(JAMSTEC)
17:00 ~ 18:00 Core time of the Poster Session
Chair Nobuhiro Eki (Daiwa)
P-1) An application for landslides in the Mid Niigata Prefecture Earthquake using the Mini-Borne System
*Koyo Hatakeyama, Fumiya Nakayama, Youichi Yuuki(OYO), Seiichiro Kuroda(NIRE)
P-5) Recasting the Gassmann-Biot’s theory of porous media (Part 2): Representation of the fluid part volume strain : Relation of the recasting notation and the Biot’s notation
*Shozaburo Nagumo
P-2) Resistivity and SP monitoring in geological sequestration of CO2 -Experiment of CO2 injection into rock samples-
*Kenji Kubota, Koichi Suzuki(CRIEPI), Ziqiu Xue(RITE)
P-6) Recasting the Gassmann-Biot’s theory of porous media (Part 4): Correspondence of the recasted stress-strain relation to the Geertsma’s and Biot’s representation
*Shozaburo Nagumo
P-3) Investigation of high-salinity zones in shallow coastal aquifer of the Kujukuri Hasunuma area, Japan
*Yuji Mitsuhata(AIST), Ysuhiro Aono, Takehiko Imasato(Nihonchikatansa), Motoharu Jinguuji, Toshihiro Uchida(AIST)
P-7) The three-dimentional interpolation program development (consideration of tension)
*Yusuke Shimono, Kazuyoshi Takaichi(CRC)
P-4) Environmental monitoring and electrical resistivity prospecting in a closed sanitary landfill
*Yoshiharu Takeda(Muroran IT), Kunio Kawauchi, Hideki Yoshida, Koji Nagano, Naohiko Hanajima(Muroran IT, CEDAR)
Morning Session - Tuesday May 09, 2006
Conference Room 1  Conference Room 2
Time [Mineral Exploration (Seismic, Metal)]
Chair Hideki Saito (OYO)
[EOR/ Underground CO2 Disposal]
Chair Toshihiro Uchida (AIST)
09:00 ~ 09:20 17) The Development of the Seismic Apparatus for Seismic Interferometry
*Takao Aizawa, Shunichrou Ito, Toshinori Kimura(Suncoh Consultants), Kyousuke Onishi, Toshifumi Matsuoka(Kyoto Univ.)
52) Development of a real-time reservoir monitoring system by 4-D Geoelectrical Techniques (PART 4) Real-scale experiment of the FFM measurement system
*Sugio Imamura(CTGK), Yoshihiro Sugimoto, Hirotaka Kawashima(DIA consultants), Keisuke Ushijima, Hideki Mizunaga, Toshiaki Tanaka(Kyushu Univ.), Kouichi Suzuki(CRIEPI)
09:20 ~ 09:40 18) Study on Seismic Interferometry for Application to Field Data
*Toshinori Kimura, Takao Aizawa, Yoshiaki Yamanaka(Suncoh Consultants), Kazuya Shiraishi, Masami Hato, Toshifumi Matsuoka(Kyoto Univ.)
53) Development of a realtime reservoir monitoring system by 4-D Geoelectrical Techniques (Part 5) Field experiment of ER tomography using current sources in a cased horehole
*Yoshihiro Sugimoto, Hirotaka Kawashima(DIA consultants), Sugio Imamura(CTGK), Keisuke Ushijima, Hideki Mizunaga, Toshiaki Tanaka(Kushu Univ.), Kouichi Suzuki(CRIEPI)
09:40 ~ 10:00 19) Synthesis of pseudo seismic record for cross-hole tomography by virtual source method
*Kentaro Torii, Kazuya Shiraishi, Kyosuke Onishi(Kyoto Univ), Toshinori Kimura, Takao Aizawa(Suncoh Consultants), Toshihumi Matsuoka(Kyoto Univ.)
54) Relative location of proximity AE doublets in Soultz HDR field
*Koji Nagano, Masahiro Hatano(Muroran IT), Roy Baria(Mil-Tech)
10:00 ~ 10:20 20) 2D inversion analysis in MT method on anisotropic structures
*Taku Okamoto, Yoshinori Sanada, Hitoshi Mikada, Yuzuru Ashida(Kyoto Univ.)
55) Measuring the resistivity variations in a rock sample injected with gas, liquid and super-critical CO2
*Kyosuke Onishi, Yoshihiko Ishikawa, Yasuhiro Yamada, Toshifumi Matsuoka(Kyoto Univ.)
10:20 ~ 10:40 21) Resistivity and IP interpretation at the Furikusa mica deposit, Aichi, Central Japan
*Shinichi Takakura, Hiroyasu Murakami(AIST), Koji Nakada(Sanshin Mining), Tateyuki Negi, Minoru Teshima(NMC)
56) Gravity monitoring during a CO2 injection experiment
*Mituhiko Sugihara, Tsuneo Ishido, Toshiyuki Tosha(AIST)
10:40 ~ 11:00 22) Euler Angle
*Shirou Oyama
57) Evaluation of permeability in porous media by solid - fluid model
*Takayuki Miyoshi, Yasuhiro Yamada, Toshifumi Matsuoka(Kyoto Univ.)
11:15 ~ 12:45 VIP Seminar(Ibuka Memorial Hall)
Speaker: Prof. Toshifumi Matsuoka (Kyoto Univ.)
12:45 ~ 13:40 Lunch Break
13:40 ~ 15:10 Plenary Meeting
15:30 ~ 17:30 Invited Talks(Ibuka Memorial Hall)
   Chair: Dr. Shigeaki Asakura (Schlumberger K.K.)
Speakers: Dr. James Martin (Schlumberger K.K.) and Prof. Tokumi Saito (Vice-President, SEGJ; Vice-President, Iwate Univ.)
18:00 ~ 20:00 Social Party
(RIHGA Royal Hotel Tokyo)
Morning Session - Wednesday May 10, 2006
Conference Room 1   Conference Room 2 
Time [Soil Pollution]
Chair Yuji Mitsuhata (AIST)
[Civil Engineering 1]
Chair Tomio Inazaki (PWRI)
09:20 ~ 09:40 23) Surface plasmon resonance biosensor for in-situ detection of soil contaminant
*Takahiro Kawano, Hiroshi Asanuma, Hiroaki Niitsuma(Tohoku Univ.)
58) Proposal of a pattern matching algorithm for precise estimation of the position of buried pipes
*Ganchuluun Nadmidtseden, Motoyuki Sato(Tohoku Univ.)
09:40 ~ 10:00 24) Investigation for finding the Abandoned well by Time Domain Electromagnetic method
*Kenji Osawa, Kazumi Osato(GERD), Shuichi Ishigoro, Tetuya Okano(SEC)
59) Imaging shape of a steel pylon foundation using 3d Near Surface Reflection Method and Ground Penetrating Radar
*Takeshi Garan, Yoshinori Sanada, Hitoshi Mikada, Yuzuru Asida(Kyoto Univ.)
10:00 ~ 10:20 25) Investigation for finding the Abandoned well by Electromagnetic tomography
*Kenji Osawa, Kazumi Osato(GERD), Shuichi Ishigoro, Tetuya Okano(SEC)
60) Investigation of water bottom surface in shallow water zone using a side scan sonar
*Tomohiro Kamoshita, Yoshikazu Matsubara, Yoshifumi Sato(OYO)
10:20 ~ 10:40 26) Development of Resistivity Monitoring System for Pollution Detection
*Sam Gyu Park, Jung Ho Kim, Myeong Jong Yi(KIGAM)
61) Development of Multi-transmission Electric Resistivity Tomography system and its application
*Motoharu Jinguuji(AIST), Yoshiaki Karino(Geotechnos)
10:40 ~ 11:00 Break Break
Time [High-level radioactive waste (HLW) repositories/ Ganma ray]
Chair Yuji Mitsuhata (AIST)
[Civil Engineering 2]
Chair Tomio Inazaki (PWRI)
11:00 ~ 11:20 27) Anisotropic traveltime tomography of the Devine Test Site
Kimitaka Yoshimura, *Susumu Sakashita(RWMC), Makoto Ando, Chisato Konishi, Hiroyuki Azuma(OYO)
62) Numerical simulation of rock experiment using particle method
*Junichi Takekawa, Yoshinori Sanada, Yuzuru Ashida(Kyoto Univ.)
11:20 ~ 11:40 28) System Development of Full Wave Tomography for Radioactive Waste Disposal Site - A case study from the Devine Test Site, USA.
Kimitaka Yoshimura, Susumu Sakashita(RWMFRC), *Jongha Lee(Dia Consultants)
63) Imaging of ground penetrating radar data accounting for the radiation characteristics
*Akihiko Mohri, Yoshinori Sanada(Kyoto Univ.), Naotoshi Konishi, Kazuhiro Tsukuda(Nippon Engineering Consultants), Yuzuru Ashida(Kyoto Univ.)
11:40 ~ 12:00 29) An environmental gamma-ray survey in Ulaanbaatar Mongolia
*Akio Iwata(JPE Human and Geoscience)
64) GPR survey with two componet antennas
*Yoshinori Sanada(Kyoto Univ.), Naotoshi Konishi, Kazuhiro Tsukuda(Nippon Engineering Consultants), Yuzuru Ashida(Kyoto Univ.)
12:00 ~ 13:00 Lunch Break
Afternoon Session - Wednesday May 10, 2006
Conference Room 1  Conference Room 2
Time [Landmine/ Underground water]
Chair Koichi Suzuki (CRIEPI)
[Civil Engineering 3]
Chair Yoshihiro Sawada (Nagoya Univ.)
13:00 ~ 13:20 30) Landmine detection evaluation tests of SAR-GPR and ALIS in Croatia
*Xuan Feng, Takao Kobayashi, Kazunori Takahashi, Motoyuki Sato(Tohoku Univ.)
65) Three Dimensional Numerical Analysis on Vibration Reduction Effects of Ground Wall/Trench
*Hitoshi Kanda(Central JR), Masafumi Kato(Kyoto Univ.), Hirotoshi Ishii, Osamu Yoshioka(Central JR)
13:20 ~ 13:40 31) Evaluation of geoelectrical survey for landmine in Egypt
*Keisuke Ushijima(Kyushu Univ.), Naotsugu Ikeda(TRES), Gad El-Qady(NRIAG, Egypt), Hideki Mizunaga, Toshiaki Tanaka(Kyushu Univ.)
66) An Integrated Geophysical Investigation of a Levee
*Tomio Inazaki(PWRI)
13:40 ~ 14:00 32) Visualization of the enhancement test of fresh water lens in Tsuken Island, Okinawa
*Hiroomi Nakazato, Keisuke Inoue, Norio Nakanishi(NIRE)
67) Aseismic examination of buildings and re-examination of the effect of shear-wall reinforcement by means of microtremors analysis.
*Teruki Maiguma, Akimichi Hibi(Waseda Univ.), Hiroyuki Takashima(Nihon Retrofit), Naota Kobayashi, Hisatoshi Yoshida(Waseda Univ.)
14:00 ~ 14:20 33) Resistivity monitoring of rainfall infiltration in the landslide area
*Hiroomi Nakazato, Keisuke Inoue, Norio Nakanishi(NIRE), Shigefumi Kikuchi(COGJ), Fumiya Ootsuka(MAFF)
68) Discrimination of soils in the levee using the capacitive-coupled resistivity survey system:OhmMapper
*Chisato Konishi, Koichi Hayashi, Toshihiko Tanaka, Takafumi Miake(OYO)
14:20 ~ 14:40 34) Resistivity monitoring for ground water recharge test in Shirasu plateau
*Keisuk Inoue, Hiroomi Nakazato, tomijiro Kubota, Norio Nakanishi, Mutsuo Takeuchi(NIRE)
14:40 ~ 15:00 35) Characterization of hydraulic properties in the vadose zone using inter-borehole radar
*Seiichiro Kuroda(NIRE), Saito Hirotaka(UCR), Takhiko Okuyama, Mutsuo Takeutchi(NIRE), Jiri Simunek, Martinus Th. van Genuchten(UCR)