SEGJ 113th Annual Fall Meeting

October 16 - 18, 2005

Conference Hall, Okinawa Industry Support Center, Naha, Okinawa, Japan

Koroku 1831-1, Naha City, Okinawa Pref.,901-0152 JAPAN
Phone: 098-859-6234 (office of the conference hall)

Registration Fee: 3,000 Yen (ordinary member), 1,000 Yen (student)

Important Information

  1. Please keep watching on our web site below for emergency measures concerning cancelations of the all or part of the conference due to typhoons, etc.
  2. The allotted time for contributed papers has been changed this time due to many contributions. Please note that the time is 15 minutes, including 3 minutes for discussion and change over.

Guide for Technical Session (Revised on September 30, 2005)

October 16 Oral Session 1 [Seismic Wave 1], [Seismic Wave 2], [Earthquake Hazard Mitigation 1], [Earthquake Hazard Mitigation 2] Conference Room 101 (1F) 09:45 ~
Oral Session 2 [AE], [Monitoring], [Seismic Exploration], [EM/Magnetics] Conference Room 102 (1F) 09:45 ~
Poster Session Core Time(October 16)
(on display till 16:00, October 17)
Conference Room 104 (1F) 16:45 ~
October 17 Oral Session 1 [Earthquake Hazard Mitigation 3], [Mineral Exploration 1] Conference Room 101 (1F) 09:15 ~
Oral Session 2 [Near-Surface Geophysics 1], [Near-Surface Geophysics 2] Conference Room 102 (1F) 09:15 ~
Special Session  Conference Room 101/102 (1F) 13:00 ~
Invited Talks  Conference Room 101/102 (1F) 15:00 ~
Social Party  Okinawa Kariyushi Urban Resort NAHA 18:00 ~
October 18 Oral Session 1 [Mineral Exploration 2], [Mineral Exploration 3], [Civil Engineering 1], [Civil Engineering 2] Conference Room 304 (3F) 09:15 ~
Oral Session 2 [Near-Surface Geophysics 3], [Near-Surface Geophysics 4], [Near-Surface Geophysics/Miscellaneous], [High-level radioactive waste (HLW) repositories] Conference Room 305 (3F) 09:15 ~
Exhibition October 16 Company:
OYO Corp.,Geo5
Conference Room 104 (1F) 10:00 ~
October 17 09:00 ~

The Society of Exploration Geophysicists of Japan
San-es Bldg., Nakamagome 2-2-18, Ota Ward, Tokyo, 143-0027 Japan
Phone/Fax: +81-3-3774-5858

Revised on October 08, 2005

   116 presentations including 16 posters, *: Speakers

Morning Session - Sunday October 16, 2005
Conference Room 101  Conference Room 102 
Time [Seismic Wave 1]
Chair Masato Minegishi (JAPEX)
Chair Toshiyuki Yokota (GSJ/AIST)
09:45 ~ 10:00 1) Evaluation of AVO attributes derived from Angle Stacks
*Ryohei Tada, Yasutaka Ichie(Teikoku Oil)
49) Massive Hydraulic Injection and induced AE monitoring in Yufutsu Oil/Gas Reservoir - Overall planning and results of the experiment-
*Kazuhiko Tezuka, Tetsuya Tamagawa, Ryohei Kamitsuji(JAPEX)
10:00 ~ 10:15 2) Fast Calculation of Jacobian of Phase Velocity
*Masanori Saito(OYO)
50) Massive Hydraulic Injection and induced AE monitoring in Yufutsu Oil/Gas Reservoir - AE measurement in multiwell downhole sensors
Paolo Primiero, *Philip Armstrong, Julian Drew(Schlumberger), Kazuhiko Tezuka(JAPEX)
10:15 ~ 10:30 3) Velocity anisotropy due to randomly inhomogeneous media
*Tatsuhiko Saito, Osamu Nishizawa(AIST)
51) Massive Hydraulic Injection and Induced AE monitoring in Yufutsu Oil/Gas Reservoir: On-site mapping and estimation of spatial-temporal distribution of AE
*Hiroshi Asanuma, Yusuke Kumano(Tohoku Univ.), Nobukazu Soma(AIST), Koji Nagano(Muroran Inst. of Tech.), Kazuhiko TEZUKA(JAPEX)
10:30 ~ 10:45 4) Time to Depth Conversion using SWD data
*Saeki Tatsuo, Takao Inamori, Toshiaki Kobayashi, Nobutaka Oikawa, Masao Hayashi(JOGMEC)
52) AE analysis and reservoir evaluation in the Australian Hot Dry Rock development
*Hideshi Kaieda, Yasuhira Aoyagi(CRIEPI), Hiroshi Asanuma(Tohoku Univ.), Doone Wyborn(Geodynamics Ltd)
10:45 ~ 11:00 Break Break
Time [Seismic Wave 2]
Chair Nobuyuki Shimizu (JGI)
Chair Toru Mogi (Hokkaido Univ.)
11:00 ~ 11:15 5) An easy travel time calculation method for multiple reflections and its application to actual data
*Masato Minegishi(Japan Petroleum Exploration)
53) Multi-electrode resistivity monitoring during a CO2 injection experiment
*Shinichi Takakura, Tsuneo Ishido, Toshiyuki Tosha, Mitsuhiko Sugihara, Akinobu Miyakoshi(AIST)
11:15 ~ 11:30 6) Subsurface imaging from passive seismic data (1)
*Kazuya Shiraishi, Mieko Tanaka(Kyoto Univ.), Tshiyuki Matsuoka(JNC), Masayoshi Tanoue(DIA CONSULTANTS), Shinji Yamaguchi(Nihon Chikatansa), Toshifumi Matsuoka(Kyoto Univ.)
54) Elastic velocity model in the field of the geologic sequestration of carbon dioxide by rock physics approach
*Akio Sakai(Japex)
11:30 ~ 11:45 7) Subsurface imaging from passive seismic data (2)
*Takao Aizawa, Syunichiro Ito, Yoshiaki Yamanaka(Suncoh consultants), Kazuya Shiraishi, Kyosuke Onishi, Mieko Tanaka, Kazuhiko Tsukada, Toshifumi Matsuoka(Kyoto Univ.)
55) Measurement of dynamic behavior of an unstable rock existing in the rock-mass cliff
*Yoshito Yamauchi(Geo-Research Institute), Yujing Jiang, Yoshihiko Tanabashi(Nagasaki Univ.)
11:45 ~ 12:00 8) Subsurface imaging from passive seismic data (3)
*Mieko Tanaka, Kazuya Shiraishi(Kyoto Univ.), Syogo Narahara(JGI), Shitaro Abe(CRIEPI), Toshifumi Matsuoka(Kyoto Univ.)
56) Development of the Slope Collapse real-time Monitoring System which utilized Internet
*Fumio Nakada, Shizuo Noguchi(Kawasaki Geological Eng.)
12:00 ~ 13:00 Lunch Break
Afternoon Session - Sunday October 16, 2005
Conference Room 101 Conference Room 102 
Time [Earthquake Hazard Mitigation 1]
Chair Takao Aizawa (Suncoh consultants)
[Seismic Exploration]
Chair Toshifumi Matsuoka (Kyoto Univ.)
13:00 ~ 13:15 9) The earthquake observational problems in the area between Eastern Taiwan and Southwest Ryukyu Arc.
*Hisatoshi Baba(Tokai Univ.)
57) Effects of sedimentary layer on OBS data analysis
*Shigeharu Mizohata(JGI), Hiroaki Tanaka(Kyoto Univ.), Eiichi Asakawa, Yoshinari Nakajima(JGI), Hitoshi Mikada, Yoshinori Sanada(Kyoto Univ.)
13:15 ~ 13:30 10) An application of geophisical microtremors technique to earthquake protection
*Teruki Maiguma(Waseda Univ.), Hiroyuki Takashima(Nihon Retrofit), Naota Kobayashi(Waseda Univ.), Hisatoshi Yoshida(Nihon Retrofit)
58) Relationship between S-wave velocities and geotechnical properties of Alluvial sediments.
*Tomio Inazaki(PWRI)
13:30 ~ 13:45 11) Changes in groundwater level and seismic activity before and after the earthquake off western part of Fukuoka Prefecture on March 20, 2005
*Koichiro Fukuoka, Sachio Ehara, Yasuhiro Fujimitsu, Jun Nishijima, Harmoko Udi, Mitsuo Matsumoto(Kyushu Univ.)
59) Application of geophysical methods to locating abandoned oil wells - 3D reflection seismic method -
*Nobuyuki Shimizu, Hideo Saito, Masanori Yamada(JGI.), Satoshi Onishi(Japan Continental Shelf Survey), Shuichi Ishiguro, Tetsuya Okano(ENAA)
13:45 ~ 14:00 12) Simulation of earthquake ground motion during the 2004 Mid Niigata prefecture earthquake using finite-difference method with MPI
*Kentaro Kasamatsu, Hiroaki Yamanaka(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
60) Discussion on effect of seismic refraction method by 3-dimensional subsurface structure
*Yoshinori Sanada, Kazuya Shiraishi, Toshifumi Matsuoka, Yuzuru Ashida(Kyoto Univ.)
14:00 ~ 14:15 13) On the Subduction zone under the Nansei Syoto Trench -An effect of the PSDM Processing and Gravity Modeling-
*Kunishige Tonoike, Sadao Unou(JGI), Keita Koda(JOGMEC)
61) PS converted-wave reflection Processing of an old S-wave reflection survey data
*Naomi Kano, Kazuo Yamaguchi, Takanobu Yokokura(AIST)
14:15 ~ 14:30 14) A Comparison Study on the Subduction zones of the Northwestern Pacific, south of the Japanese Islands.
*Sadao Unou, Kunishige Tonoike(JGI), Keita Koda(JOGMEC)
62) Discussion of P,S separation in field data
*Hiroyuki Tokunaga, Yoshinori Sanada, Hitoshi Mikada, Yuzuru Ashida(Kyoto Univ.)
14:30 ~ 14:45 15) A joint inversion of apparent resistivity and peak-period of microtremor horizontal-to-vertical spectrum for shallow soil profile -Application to field data-
*Hiroaki Yamanaka(Tokyo Inst. Tech.), Syunichi Fukumoto(Tokyo Soil Research )
63) Preliminary Study on the Role of Seismic Data for Permeability Modeling in Oil Sands Field in Canada
*Koji Kashihara, Takashi Tsuji(JAPEX), Akihisa Takahashi(JACOS)
14:45 ~ 15:00 Break Break
Time [Earthquake Hazard Mitigation 2]
Chair Kunishige Tonoike (JGI)
Chair Yoshihiro Sugimoto (DIA)
15:00 ~ 15:15 16) Estimation of basement structures at Morioka area using H/V spectral ratios of densely measured microtremor records (preliminary results)
*Hidekazu Yamamoto, Tsuyoshi Sano, Tokumi Saito(Iwate Univ.)
64) Data processing system for helicopter-borne aeromagnetic survey
*Tadashi Nakatsuka, Shigeo Okuma(AIST)
15:15 ~ 15:30 17) Investigation of Shallow Underground Structures in Mizunami City (Part 2) - Investigation of Shallow Seismic Velocity Structures -
*Shigeki Kawamura, Fuminori Nakamura, Takeshi Yoshida, Masayoshi Chidori, Takanori Samano, Tsunehiko Oba(NGP), Harumi Aoki, Makoto Okubo(TRIES)
65) Magnetization characteristics of rock in tunnel drilling cores
*Kenji Okazaki, Yoshihiko Ito, Katsuhito Agui(CERI), Masayuki Sakakibara(Ehime Unv.)
15:30 ~ 15:45 18) Consideration of acoustical structure in the vicinity of Tarako and northern Hua-tung Longitudial Valley.
*Atsuko Higuchi, Atsushi Iwashita, Hisatoshi Baba, Eri Hosokawa (Tokai Univ.), Li-fang Yu (Dahan Inst. Tech.)
66) Estimation of geological structure on road slope by airborne electromagnetic survey and airborne magnetic survey
*Katsuhito Agui, Kenji Okazaki, Yoshihiko Ito(CERI)
15:45 ~ 16:00 19) Seismic reflection survey across the source region of 2004 Mid-Niigata Prefecture earthquake
*Shintaro Abe, Yasuhira Aoyagi, Katsuyoshi Miyakoshi, Daiei Inoue(CRIEPI), Tanio Ito(Chiba Univ.), Hiroshi Sato(ERI)
67) Electromagnetic field in the air of a grounded electrical dipole source for complex structure
*Toru Mogi(Hokkaido Univ.), Elena Fomenko(Moscow State Univ.)
16:00 ~ 16:15 20) Modeling subsurface structure for seismic Hazard Map in Niigata Plane
*Haruhiko Suzuki, Michio Morino, Koji Iwamoto, Ying Liu(OYO), Hiroyuki Fujiwara, Yuzuru Hayakawa(NIED)
68) Ground water exploration by TEM method
*Yuuki Hama, Takeshi Watanabe, Hideki Mizunaga, Keisuke Ushijima(Kyushu Univ.)
16:15 ~ 16:30 21) Exploration of S-wave velocity strucure using microtremor array measurments in Niigata plain, Japan
*Hiroaki Sato, Sadanori Higashi, Kiyotaka Sato(CRIEPI)
69) Development of resistivity measurement method using JJY standard electric wave
*Naotoshi Konishi(Nippon Engineering Consultants), Toshiie Tsubakita(Touhoku Geo-survey), Yuzuru Ashida(Kyoto Univ.)
16:30 ~ 16:45 Break Break
Time Core time of the Poster Session
Conference Room 104
16:45 ~ 18:15 [Poster Session A]
Chair Hidekazu Yamamoto (Iwate Univ.)
[Poster Session B]
Chair Nobuhiro Eki (DAIWA)
P-1) Effect of 2D and 3D interpretation on resistivity surveys
*Takeharu Takahashi, Minoru Teshima, Koichi Matsuo(NITTETSU MINING CONSULTANTS.)
P-9) Geophysical prospecting for Ruins survey
*Kazuaki Naganumai(Tamano Consultants), Takehiko Imasato(Nihon Chikatansa)
P-2) The three-dimensional interpolation program development by a minimum curvature
Yusuke Shimono, *Kazuyoshi Takaichi(CRC)
P-10) GPR image of caves in the city wall of Xi'an
*Yoshiya Oda(Tokyo Metro. Univ.), Masaru Tsunasaki(Osaka Gas), Ailan Che(Shanghai Jiaotong Univ.), Takaharu Nakauchi(Osaka Gas), Ryouhei Kiyoshi(KGS), Takahiro Iwatate(Tokyo Metro. Univ.), Mao Hong Yu(Xi'an Jiaotong Univ.)
P-3) Developmetnt of four terminal pair SIP logging system(Evaluation of geological formation using Spectrum column diagram)
*Motoharu Jinguuji(AIST), Yoshiaki Karino(GEOTECHNOS)
P-11) Deep-seated structure of the Median Tectonic Line active fault system in the Iyo-nada Sea,Southwest Japan
*Yuki Ohno, Naoki Nishizaka(SEPCO), Michiharu Ikeda, Shuji Kobayashi(SRI), Tadashi Hasegawa, Kazuhito Hatakeyama(SGS), Shuichi Hasegawa, Manabu Matsushima(Kagawa Univ.)
P-4) IP surveys at the Furikusa mica deposits, Aichi, Central Japan
*Shinichi Takakura(AIST), Koji Nakada(Sanshin Mining), Takeharu Takahashi, Minoru Teshima(NMC)
P-12) Exploration of the underground structure around Hua-Tung Longitudinal Valley,Taiwan;second issue
*Eri Hosokawa, Hisatoshi Baba(Tokai Univ.), Atsushi Iwasita(Kyusyu Tokai Univ.), Li-fang Yu, Yu-feng Lin(Dahan Inst. Tech.)
P-5) Measuring the resistivity variation in rock cores injected with carbon dioxide
*Kyosuke Onishi, Yoshihiko Ishikawa, Kazuhiko Tsukada(Kyoto Univ.), Ikuo Okamoto, Ziqiu Xue(RITE), Yasuhiro Yamada, Toshifumi Matsuoka(Kyoto Univ.)
P-13) Structure survey and Surface velocity structure model in the Ojiya and Kawaguchi reagion.
*Shigeki Senna, Nobuyuki Morikawa, Satoshi Fujikawa, Masahiro Ooi, Hiroyuki Fujiwara(NIED)
P-6) Application of a small loop-loop electromagnetic induction method to water-leakage investigations in an artificial ground
*Hyoung Seok Kwon, Yuji Mitsuhata, Toshiyuki Yokota, Toshihiro Uchida(AIST), Tomoaki Shimizu, Kazutoshi Narumoto(Okumura.)
P-14) Reappearance of one meter depth underground temperature and correlation with self-potential
*Astuo Takeuchi(Natural Groundwater Research Inst.), Chieko Watanabe, Saori Ooya(Shin'you Geo-engineering)
P-7) Imaging the cross section of the standing tree by Acoustic tomography
*Sakakibara Junichi, Tanaka Masato (JFE Civil & Eng.)
P-15) Magnetic Structure of Asama Volcano Estimated by High-Resolution Aeromagnetic Anomalies
*Shigeo Okuma, Masahiko Makino, Tadashi Nakatsuka(AIST) 
P-8) Data acquisition for Geomechanical modelling in a deep water shallow formation drilling
*Koji Yamamoto(JOGMEC), Chee Kin Khong(Schulumberger Oilfield Services), Maki Matsuzawa(Japan Drillilng), Doug Murray(Schlumberger), Masaru Nakamizu, Masato Yasuda(JOGMEC)
P-16) Relative gravity measurements with five Scintrex meters in the Mt. Fuji gravimeter calibration systems
*Mituhiko Sugihara(AIST)
Morning Session - Monday October 17, 2005
Conference Room 101  Conference Room 102
Time [Earthquake Hazard Mitigation 3]
Chair Hitoshi Mikada (Kyoto Univ.)
[Near-Surface Geophysics 1]
Chair Sadao Unou (JGI)
09:15 ~ 09:30 22) Estimating deep geological structure using large-size array - Part 1: microtremor observation
*Takeshi Sugiyama, Shaokong Feng, Nobuyuki Yamada(Chuo Kaihatsu), Hiroaki Yamanaka(Tokyo Inst. Tech.)
70) Development of magnetometer using magneto-impedance sensor
*Yousuke Miyake, Taku Yamamori, Toshiaki Tanaka, Hideki Mizunaga, Keisuke Ushijima(Kyushu Univ.)
09:30 ~ 09:45 23) Estimating deep geological structure using large-size array - Part 2: dispersion analysis
*Shaokong Feng, Takeshi Sugiyama, Nobuyuki Yamada(Chuo Kaihatsu), Hiroaki Yamanaka(Tokyo Inst. Tech.)
71) Method and error margin presumed by depth electromagnetic induction of underground pipe
*Tsunasaki Masaru, Watanabe Masaki(OSAKAGAS), Seike Masayuki, Fukumoto Kenji(FUJI TECOM INC.)
09:45 ~ 10:00 24) Subsurface geology in the northern Arakawa lowland, Kanto plain, central Japan
*Kazuo Yamaguchi, Naomi Kano, Takanobu Yokokura, Toshiki Ohtaki, Shinobu Ito(AIST)
72) 2D imaging by a compact resistivity meter for shallow survey
*Tomoyori Mizushima, Yoshikazu Hoshimura(Nihon Univ.), Kiyoshi Kinoshita(Nihon Univ.), Naoya Momohara, Kouiti Tago(OYO)
10:00 ~ 10:15 25) 3-dimensional resistivity survey around the Nojima fault in Awaji Island
*Hiroomi Nakazato, Keisuke Inoue, Norio Nakanishi, Mutsuo Takeuchi(NIRE), Yoshihiro Sugimoto(Dia consultants), Hee Joon KIM(Pukyong national univ.)
73) The survey of electrical resistivity structure at Hoshikubo(Akaogi) in Amamioshima
*Yoshikazu Hoshimura, Kiyoshi Kinoshita(Nihon Univ.)
10:15 ~ 10:30 26) Consideration of the crustal movement displacements using Repeat-Pass D-InSAR interferometry in the vicinity of Hua-tung longitudinal valley, Taiwan
*Atsushi Iwashita(Kyushu Tokai Univ.), Hisatoshi Baba(Tokai Univ.), Masanao Hara(VTI Res. Inst.), Yu-Feng Lin(Dahan Inst. Tech. Taiwan)
74) Investigation of the non destructive prospecting method for frost penetration depth of soil using by the GPR
*Keiichi Suzuki, Hiroto Nagamine(Kawsaki Geol. Eng..), Tsuyoshi Mizuno, Kunio Toyota(Japan Highway Pubric), Hitoshi Watanabe, Katsuyuki Harada(Kawsaki Geol. Eng.)
10:30 ~ 10:45 27) Development of extraction and presumtion method targeting landslide and land collapse area using Remote Sensing data
*Yasushi Arakawa, Tetsushi Tachikawa, Tsuyoshi Araki(ERSDAC)
75) Applicability examination of GPR in loess of China
*Masaru Tsunasaki(Osaka Electro-Communication Univ.), Yoshiya Oda(Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.), Ailan Che(Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ.), Ryohei Kiyoshi(KGS), Takaharu Nakauchi(OSAKAGAS), Takehiro Iwatate(Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.), Mao Hong Yu (Xi'an Jiaotong Univ.)
10:45 ~ 11:00 Break Break
Time [Mineral Exploration 1]
Chair Tetsuma Toshioka (OYO)
[Near-Surface Geophysics 2]
Chair Keiichi Suzuki (Kawsaki Geol. Eng.)
11:00 ~ 11:15 28) Development of a real-time reservoir monitoring system by 4-D Geoelectrical Techniques:PART1:Hardware(FFM-logger) development
*Sugio Imamura(CTGK), Yoshihiro Sugimoto, Tetsuo Aono(DIA CONSULTANTS), Keisuke Ushijima, Hideki Mizunaga(Kyushu Univ.), Kouichi Suzuki(CRIEPI)
76) Archaeological exploration of Imajuku-Otsuka Kofun by seismic tomography
*Hiroto Takesihita, Hideki Mizunaga, Keisuke Ushijima(Kyushu Univ.)
11:15 ~ 11:30 29) Development of a realtime reservoir monitoring system by 4-D Geoelectrical Techniques(Part 2) Software Development of Mise-a-la-Masse Method
*Yoshihiro Sugimoto, Tetsuo Aono(DIA consultants), Sugio Imamura(CTGK), Keisuke Ushijima, Hideki Mizunaga(Kushu Univ.), Kouichi Suzuki(CRIEPI)
77) Mapping method for LNAPL contaminated area in the subsurface by ground penetrating radar
*Qi Lu, Kazunori Takahashi, Masaki Takahashi, Motoyuki Sato(Tohoku Univ.)
11:30 ~ 11:45 30) Development of a realtime reservoir monitoring system by 4-D Geoelectrical Techniques(Part 3) Measurement of Current Density along Casing Electrode
*Yoshihiro Sugimoto, Tetsuo Aono(DIA consultants), Sugio Imamura(CTGK), Keisuke Ushijima, Hideki Mizunaga(Kushu Univ.), Kouichi Suzuki(CRIEPI)
78) Direct detection of LNAPLs with ground penetrating radar and electromagnetic methods
*HeeJoon Kim(Tohoku Univ.; Pukyong National Univ.), Qi Lu, Motoyuki Sato(Tohoku Univ.)
11:45 ~ 12:00 31) Simulation of IP effect for the mise-a-la-masse method
*Hideki Mizunaga, Keisuke Ushijima(Kyushu Univ.)
79) Survey of Joints and Cracks in the Rocks at the Koke-no-domon by Ground Penetrating Radar and Electrical Prospecting
*Jun Horita(GeoTechnical Research), Masazo Takami, Satoshi Ishimaru(Geological Survey, Hokkaido), Akira Kawamura(GeoTechnical Research)
12:00 ~ 13:00 Lunch Break
Afternoon Session - Monday October 17, 2005
13:00 ~ 14:45 Special Session (Conference Room 101/102)
   Chair: Prof. Harushige Kusumi (Kansai Univ.)
1) Future and Necessary Actions to Hydrocarbon Resources
*Hitoshi Mikada(Kyoto Univ.), Yasukuni Okubo(AIST), Yuzuru Ashida(Kyoto Univ.), Yoshinori Ishii(Toyama Univ. of International Studies)
2) Depleting Oil as the social risk
*Yasukuni Okubo(AIST), Hitoshi Mikada, Yuzuru Ashida(Kyoto Univ.), Yoshinori Ishii(Toyama Univ. of International Studies)
3) Strategies to Development of Hydrocarbon Resources around Japan
*Yuzuru Ashida(Kyoto Univ.)
4) On Plan-B for Japanese Energy Strategy
*Yoshinori Ishii(Toyama Univ. of International Studies)
15:00 ~ 17:00 Invited Talks (Conference Room 101/102)
   Chair: Dr. Yutaka Aoki (President of JGI; Vice-President, SEGJ)
Speakers: Profs. Masaaki Kimura and Yoshifumi Ikeda (Ryukyu Univ.)
18:00 ~ 20:00 Social Party
(Okinawa Kariyushi Urban Resort NAHA)
Morning Session - Tuesday October 18, 2005
Conference Room 304   Conference Room 305 
Time [Mineral Exploration 2]
Chair Takao Inamori (JOGMEC)
[Near-Surface Geophysics 3]
Chair Hideki Mizunaga (Kyushu Univ.)
09:15 ~ 09:30 32) A trial of lower Miocene sand body distribution estimation using 3D Seismic in Eastern Desert of Egypt.
*Hideaki Ban(Teikoku Oil), Keiichi Kimura(EPEPDECO), Akihiko Takao, Shinichi Kojima, Naomi Tobikawa(Teikoku Oil)
80) Application of geophysical methods for archaeological survey in Futenma Air Station
*Yoshihiro Yamashita, Ken Sakurai, Kunio Aoike, Tetsuma Toshioka(OYO)
09:30 ~ 09:45 33) Fluctuations of velocity and stresses around fault surface; insights from physical experiments and simulation
*Yasuhiro Yamada, Toshifumi Matsuoka(Kyoto Univ.)
81) Application of GPR profiling for the 3-D mapping of water level change caused by water leakage in an artificial ground
*Soon Jee Seol, Toshiyuki Yokota, Hyoung Seok Kwon, Yuji Mitsuhata, Toshihiro Uchida(AIST), Tomoaki Shimizu, Kazutoshi Narumoto(Okumura)
09:45 ~ 10:00 34) Elastic Velocity Measurements of Oil Sands and Bitumen under Reservoir Conditions - Preliminary Results -
*Hisako Ujikawa, Shigenobu Onozuka, Ayato Kato, Fumio Kono(JOGMEC), Akihisa Takahashi(CANOS), Takahiro Torigoe(JAPEX), Toyokazu Ogawa(Taisei)
82) Electrical Prospecting of Groundwater for Ground-Coupled Heat Pump Systems
*Toshiaki Tanaka(Kyushu Univ.), Rie Sakaguchi(Former Kyushu Univ.), Koichiro Fukuoka, Hikari Fujii(Kyushu Univ.), Tetsuo Yoshida(YBM)
10:00 ~ 10:15 35) Withdrawn
83) Deconvolution for GPR data using by Hilbert transform
*Keiichi Suzuki(Kawasaki Geol. Eng.), Hiroyuki Kasai(DIME.)
10:15 ~ 10:30 Break Break
Time [Mineral Exploration 3]
Chair Yasuhiro Yamada (Kyoto Univ.)
[Near-Surface Geophysics 4]
Chair Kyosuke Onishi (Kyoto Univ.)
10:30 ~ 10:45 36) Dependency of seismic attenuation in methane hydrate bearing sediments on frequency - comparison of attenuation estimates between sonic and VSP data -
*Jun Matsushima(The Univ. of Tokyo)
84) Development of GPR antennas applied the microstrip line
*Keiichi Suzuki(Kawasaki Geol. Eng.), Chikara Tsuchida(Nogawa Comm., Works)
10:45 ~ 11:00 37) Field test for Marine DC Resistivity Sounding in Methane Hydrate area
*Ryo Takagi(Kochi Univ.), Tada-nori Goto(JAMSTEC), Toshiki Watanabe(Nagaya Univ.), Yoshinori Sanada(Kyoto Univ.), Hitoshi Mikada(Kyoto Univ.), Nobukazu Shima(Kobe Univ.)
85) Development of A Ground Penetrating Radar for Locating Pipes in Shallow Depth
*Tsunasaki Masaru, Kitano Tetsuji(The Japan Gas Assoc.), Iida Hiroshi(Japan Radio Communication), Kominami Masanobu(Osaka Electro-Communication Univ.)
11:00 ~ 11:15 38) A trial of the delineation of gas hydrate-bearing zones using multi seismic attributes analysis
*Takao Inamori, Tatsuo Saeki(JOGMEC)
86) Applicability of wide-angle GPR method to water leak detection in an artificial sandy ground
*Toshiyuki Yokota, Soon Jee Seol, Hyoung Seok Kwon, Yuji Mitsuhata(AIST), Tomoaki Shimizu, Kazutoshi Narumoto(Okumura.)
11:15 ~ 11:30 39) Re-Processing Work for 3D Seismic Program of METI in tokai-oki to Kumano-nada
*Toshiaki Kobayashi, Tatsuo Saeki, Nobutaka Oikawa, Takao Inamori, Masaru Nakamizu(JOGMEC), Eiichi Asakawa, Kenichi Akama, Peter Ward(JGI)
87) Electromagnetic exploration of buried object using GEM3
*Taiki Tomari, Hideki Mizunaga, Keisuke Ushijima(Kyushu Univ.)
11:30 ~ 11:45 40) Development of a small-sized ocean bottom electro-meter
*Takafumi Kasaya, Tada-nori Goto(JAMSTEC)
88) Application of Full-wavefield SH Reflectivity Modeling for Shallow Subsurface Investigation
*Jamhir Safani, Adam O'Neill, Toshifumi Matsuoka(Kyoto Univ.)
11:45 ~ 12:45 Lunch Break
Afternoon Session - Tuesday October 18, 2005
Conference Room 304  Conference Room 305
Time [Civil Engineering 1]
Chair Yoshinori Sanada (Kyoto Univ.)
[Near-Surface Geophysics/Miscellaneous]
Chair Kouichi Suzuki (CRIEPI)
12:45 ~ 13:00 41) Detection of voids within breakwaters using a technique of the synchronized microgravity survey
*Kyozo Nozaki, Susumu Mitsuishi(OYO), Masayoshi Sano(Shikoku R. D. B., MLIT)
89) Landmine imaging by ALIS and the evaluation test in Egypt
*Xuan Feng, Motoyuki Sato(Tohoku Univ.)
13:00 ~ 13:15 42) Estimation Method for the Angle of the Refrector Ahead of Tunnel Face Using Seimic Imaging.
*Shigeyuki Takahashi, Harushige Kusumi(Kansai Univ.)
90) Mine exploration by electrical resistivity method
*Yuuichi Matsumoto, Toshiaki Tanaka, Hideki Mizunaga, Keisuke Ushijima(Kyushu Univ.)
13:15 ~ 13:30 43) Fundamental development study of simultaneous P and S wave measurement device for jointed rock mass
*Yasutaka Takahashi, Harushige Kusumi(Kansai Univ.), Makoto Nakamura(NEWJEC.)
91) Analysis of vibration screening effects by trench method using disclete element method
*Toshinao Yasui, Yoshinori Sanada, Yuzuru Ashida, Toshifumi Matsuoka(Kyoto Univ.)
13:30 ~ 13:45 44) Deflection measurement of bridge by accelerometer
Kenji Oota(OYOSI), *Sugio Imamura(CTGK), Toru Kajiwara(OYOSI)
92) The Quantitative Simulation of the Ground Vibration Induced by Shinkansen
*Masafumi Katou(Kyoto Univ.), Hitoshi Kanda(JR central), Yoshinori Sanada, Toshifumi Matsuoka(Kyoto University), Osamu Yoshioka, Hirotoshi Ishii(JR central), Takayuki Miyoshi, Yuzuru Ashida(Kyoto Univ.)
13:45 ~ 14:00 Break Break
Time [Civil Engineering 2]
Chair Yoshinori Sanada (Kyoto Univ.)
[High-level radioactive waste (HLW) repositories
Chair Jun Matsushima (Univ. of Tokyo)
14:00 ~ 14:15 45) Elastic wave velocity of ryukyu-limestone
*Kazuhiko Takaku(Daiwa exploration and consulting), Syuuji Huruichi(Former Daiwa exploration and consulting)
93) Stochastic approach for hydraulic tomogram based on elastic wave velocity dispersion.
*Kimitaka Yoshimura, Susumu Sakashita(RWMC), Takashi Kikuchi, Satoshi Nishiyama, Yuzo Ohnishi(Kyoto Univ), Hyung-mok Kim, Kenichi Ando(OBAYASHI)
14:15 ~ 14:30 46) High-resolution seismic reflection survey of alluvial layers in the metropolitan area using S-wave type Land Streamer
*Tomio Inazaki(AIST), Yoshiaki Yamanaka(Suncoh Consultants)
94) System Development of Full Wave Tomography For Radioactive Waste Disposal Site
Kimitaka Yoshimura, Susumu Sakashita(RWMC), *Jong Ha Lee (Dia Consultants)
14:30 ~ 14:45 47) Evaluation of electrode array patterns for resistivity tomography applied in an artificial ground
*Tomoaki Shimizu, Kazutoshi Narumoto(Okumura)
95) Overview of Monitoring of High Level Radioactive Waste Repository and the expected roles for geophysical exploration method
*Tatsuhiro Takegahara, Atsushi Mukunoki(JGC), Kimitaka Yoshimura, Shinichro Torata(RWMC)
14:45 ~ 15:00 48) Survey of Mud Volcano using CSAMT and Resistivity Method - Application of Mt.Nabetate tunnel site in Nigata prefecture -
*Koichi Suzuki(CRIEPI), Shingo Tokuyasu, Kazuhiro Tanaka(Yamaguchi Univ.), Akira Jyomori(Neo science)
96) Analysis of 3-DMT based on existing data at Horonobe, Hokkaido, Japan.
Kimitaka Yoshimura, *Shuichi Okubo(RWMC), Rota Tsukuwi(JNC), Kazunobu Yamane(GERD)