The Society of Exploration Geophysicists of Japan


Photo Courtesy of C.W.Chiang

Photo Courtesy of Y. Yasuda

It is our great pleasure to invite our colleagues to participate in the 10th SEGJ
International Symposium, which is organized by the Society of Exploration Geophysicists
of Japan (SEGJ). The SEGJ International Symposium observes the vicennial anniversary
in Kyoto at the Centennial Memorial Hall of Kyoto University. The scope of topics to be
discussed at the Symposium is titled as "Imaging and interpretation" that covers
enormous extent of scientific and technological areas of geophysical interest based on
interdisciplinary integration of geosciences for better understanding and modeling of
invisible underground structures and processes in various geophysical applications.

Unfortunately, the recent mega thrust earthquake that took place off Northeastern
Japan has shown our geophysical knowledge and understanding that are not enough
capable to preserve the human environment. Since we are not allowed to stop
developing ourselves to cope with any future natural disasters or energy crises. Any
international collaboration in geosciences is essentially valuable for sustainable
development of human activities.

SEGJ keeps good contact with seven international societies who dispatch representatives to the International Advisory Committee of the Symposium. We would like to discuss future directions of geosciences with delegates, scientists and engineers participating in the Symposium towards the objectives to develop ourselves to mitigate possible future georisks in human society. We, the Organization Committee of the Symposium, would like to welcome scientists, engineers and whom are interested in geoscientific discussions, to join us in Kyoto, the ancient millenary capital of Japan, to face up to the future.

Hitoshi Mikada (Kyoto University),
General Chairperson.