Instructions for Authors
- The official language of the Symposium is English.
- Oral presentations should be 15 minutes in length with 5 additional minutes
allotted to each presenter for questions.
- A set of PC and LCD projector is available for presentation.
Specifications of our PC are as follows:
- Windows XP professional SP2 (English ver.)
- MS-Office 2010 PowerPoint (English ver.)
- The staff helps you to copy your Power Point file to the provided PC
before your session starts. CD-ROMs and USB thumb drives are available.
- A PC with the same functions is prepared in the presentation preparation
Checking your file preceding your presentation is strongly recommended.
- In case you use your own PC, an auxiliary cable and a display switch is
Be sure to connect your PC before your presentation time starts.
- The poster panel of 90 cm in width and 180 cm in height are arranged in
the poster presentation room.
- Put your posters on the panel under your presentation ID label on Sunday
morning or at least before the poster core time.
- Materials needed to put the posters onto the boards (pins) are available in the room.
- The posters should be displayed during the symposium, from Sunday to Tuesday and should be removed by 16:00, Tuesday 22nd.
- The poster presentation core time is scheduled at 18:00-20:00 on Sunday, 20th
- All the presenters are required to stay in front of their posters during
the core time.
Photo Courtesy of C. W. Chiang
Notice to Authors: No-show Policy
SEGJ Organization Committee has decided to establish a cancelation policy
to all the presentations at the SEGJ 10th International Symposium as follows:
Your paper has been accepted to the proceedings volume, and you are obligated
to show up at the assigned time that is given to your presentation in the
flow that your session conveners have optimized. Any presenters who do
not show up at their presentation will disrupt the flow of the session
and disserve the audience and the other speakers in the session, and waste
the efforts of the Technical Program Committee to coordinate the sessions
and the order of presentations in the limited time frames. SEGJ has determined
to set a policy to the cancelation of the presentation at the International
Symposium as follows:
- You are requested to inform the cancelation two weeks before the commencement
of the International Symposium to the Technical Program Committee so that
the canceled papers will not be published.
- Any speaker who do not show up at the allocated time will be listed up
in no-show list that the chairperson of SEGJ holds for three years after
the relevant International Symposium.
- Papers published by the authors who do not show up will be removed in the
the future electronic publication of the Proceedings volume of relevant
International Symposium and are not treated as published work.
- Any papers written by the first author in the no-show list would be automatically
rejected in the future SEGJ International Symposium.
If you are unable to show up at your designated time, please inform the
chair of the SEGJ Technical Program Committee as soon as you become aware
of the problem, and before 23:59 5 November 2011 (JST), in order to not
be placed on the 2011 version of the no-show list.