SEGJ is conducting various activities for promoting geophysical exploration and for accelerating information exchange with other societies in Japan and overseas. Such activities include the followings.
Education Program : Geophysical Seminar, started in 1985, is a 3-day education course consisting lectures on fundamental techniques and applications of exploration geophysics. Other education programs, including One-Day Seminar and Campus Visit, are also held routinely.
Research Group: Research Groups are formed for conducting researches and holding technical meetings on specific topics which draw the interest of many members of the Society. Research groups on civil engineering, electrical methods, earthquake and disaster prevention are currently active. Also SEGJ will set up Research Group on a specified theme.
International Cooperation: With co-sponsorship of foreign geophysical societies, SEGJ has held SEGJ International Symposium periodically since 1990. The 12th symposium was held in November 2015 and the 13th symposium is scheduled to be held in November 2018. SEGJ keeps close cooperation with overseas societies by exchanging the journals and attending the conferences with each other.
Education Programs Hosted in Japan by Overseas Societies: The Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) and the European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers (EAGE) have been invited to Japan to present their education programs. This endeavor is supported by SEGJ for promotion, advertisement, and executive operations.
Social Contributions: SEGJ engages in funded researches to make social contributions through R&D and application development of geophysical exploration technologies. SEGJ also offers free public lectures to create opportunities of outreach activities targeting both youth and adults.
Exchanges with Domestic Societies: Since 2014, SEGJ has cohosted research workshops with the Hokkaido branch of the Japan Society of Engineering Geology. Also, SEGJ organized a session on geophysical exploration during a meeting of the Japan Geoscience Union, as a part of its initiative toward undertaking exchanges with other societies.