SEGJ 109th Annual Fall Meeting
October 14 - 16, 2003
Senriyama Campus, Kansai Univ., Osaka, Japan
3-3-35 Yamate-cho, Suita-shi, OSAKA 564-8680 JAPAN
Phone: 06-6368-1121 (office of the conference hall)
Registration Fee: 3,000 Yen (ordinary member), 1,000 Yen (student)
Oct. 14 | Oral Session 1 | Mineral Exploration: [Methane Hydrate],[Oil], [Coal/Mineral/Geothermal] | Conference Room 1 (2F) |
10:00 ~ 17:00 |
Oral Session 2 | Engineering Geophysics: [Seismics], [Logging/ Resistivity Methods], [ Miscellaneous] | Conference Room 2 (2F) | 10:00 ~ 17:00 |
Oct. 15 | Oral Session 1 | [Environmental Geophysics/ Geohazard Mitigation 1] | Conference Room 1 (2F) |
09:40 ~ 12:00 |
Oral Session 2 | [Microtremor] | Conference Room 2 (2F) | 09:40 ~ 12:00 |
Poster Session | Core Time Foyer (2F) (on display till 12:00, Oct. 16) |
13:30 ~ 14:30 |
Invited Talks | Socio AV Large Hall | 15:00 ~ 17:00 |
Social Party | Conference Room 1 (2F) | 17:30 ~ 20:00 |
Oct. 16 | Oral Session 1 | [Geohazard Mitigation 2] | Conference Room 1 (2F) |
10:00 ~ 12:00 |
Oral Session 2 | [CO2/Waste Disposal/Underground Water] | Conference Room 2 (2F) |
10:00 ~ 12:00 |
Exhibition | Oct. 14 | Company: OYO Corp.,Cybernet Systems,CRC Solutions |
Foyer (2F) |
10:00 ~ 17:00 |
Oct. 15 | Foyer (2F) | 09:40 ~ 17:00 |
Oct. 16 | Foyer (2F) | 10:00 ~ 12:00 |
The Society of Exploration Geophysicists of Japan
San-es Bldg., Nakamagome 2-2-18, Ota Ward, Tokyo, 143-0027 Japan
Phone/Fax: +81-3-3774-5858
Revised on October 6, 2003
67 presentations including 7 posters, *: Speakers
Morning Session - Tuesday October 14, 2003 | ||
Conference Room 1 | Conference Room 2 | |
Time | [Mineral Exploration - Methane Hydrate] Chair M. Kose(JAPEX) |
[Engineering Geophysics - Seismics] Chair M. Kurahashi(Tohoku Univ.) |
10:00 ~ 10:20 | 1) The results of METI Geophysical explorations in FY2003 and 2004 - Methane Hydrate Exploration - *Shoshiro Shimizu, Nobutaka Oikawa, Masao Hayashi, Koji Ochiai, Masaru Nakamizu (JNOC, TRC) |
31) Experiments of P-wave propagation in imperfectly saturated sand - effect of pore-water pressure - *Yoshimasa Kobayashi, Tsuyoshi Kanema (Chishitsu Keisoku Co.Ltd.) |
10:20 ~ 10:40 | 2) The Delineation of gas hydrate bearing zones using post-stack *Takao Inamori, Masami Hato (JAPEX), Jun Matsuishima (JNOC, TRC) |
32) Non-destructive testing of concrete by multi-channel seismic measurements *Hideki Saito (OYO Corp.), Toshikatsu Yoshiara, Tatsuyuki Nagai, Hidetoshi Matsuzawa (NDIC) |
10:40 ~ 11:00 | 3) A trial of the delineation of gas hydrate bearing zones using pre-stack multi seismic attributes analysis - part 3- *Masami Hato, Takao Inamori (JAPEX), Jun Matsuishima (JNOC, TRC) |
33) Estimate method of seismic velocity ahead of tunnel face in seismic imaging of tunnel face *Junichi Takekawa., Harusige Kusumi (Kansai Univ.), Yuzuru Asida (Kyoto Univ.) |
11:00 ~ 11:20 | 4) Methane hydrate detection using dense velocity analysis *Takashi Hamajima (JGI), Takao Inamori, Masami Hato (JAPEX), Eiichi Asakawa (JGI), Jun Matsushima (TRC) |
34) Introduction of marine seismic surveys by digital processing. *Ikuhisa Adachi, Yuichi Yomori, Masaru Kanazashi, Takanobu Aikou (Daiwa Expl.&Consulting Co.) |
11:20 ~ 11:40 | 5) Effect of trace mixing on the improvement of velocity analysis -an example in the Nankai Trough area- *Jun Matsushima, Tastuo Saeki, Shoshiro Shimizu, Nobutaka Oikawa, Masaru Nakamizu (JNOC, TRC) |
35) Mass data acquisition system using Fiber-optic sensors. *Hitoshi Mikada (JAMSTEC), Yugo Shindou, Takashi Yoshikawa (Oki Electric Co. Ltd.) |
11:40 ~ 12:00 | 6) Two-Dimensional Inversion Using marine MT Data at Kumano Basin in Nankai Trough Tada-nori Goto, Takafumi Kasaya, Hitoshi Mikada, Kiyoshi Suyehiro (JAMSTEC), Toshiki Watanabe (Nagoya. Univ), *Toshinori Kimura, Yuzuru Ashida (Kyoto. Univ), Kazunobu Yamane (GERD) |
36) Low-cost & compact side-scan-sonar system *Masato Joshima, Kiyokazu Nishimura (GSJ, AIST), Takao Tokuoka, Hiroyoshi Ueno, Ayumi Fukita (Tokuoka Lab. for Studies of Brackish Water Environments) |
12:00 ~ 13:00 | Lunch Break | |
Afternoon Session - Tuesday October 14, 2003 | ||
Conference Room 1 | Conference Room 2 | |
Time | [Mineral Exploration - Oil] Chair M. Hato (JAPEX) |
[Engineering Geophysics - Logging/Resistivity Methods] Chair S.Takakura (GSJ, AIST) |
13:00 ~ 13:20 | 7) Stacking velocity analysis at the local point utilizing diffraction stacking method *Tatsuo Saeki, Jun Matsushima (JNOC, TRC), Sumito Morita (GSJ, AIST), Masao Hayashi (JNOC, TRC) |
37) Application of the synthetic focusing method to conventional normal resistivity log *Sugio Imamura (Geosphere Exploration Lab.) |
13:20 ~ 13:40 | 8) Resolution improvement on the 3D seismic survey *Masami Kose (JAPEX), Yoshiro Ishii (JNOC) |
38) Borehole IP profiler using multi-freqency-array-resistivity:principle *Sugio Imamura (Geosphere Exploration Lab.) |
13:40 ~ 14:00 | 9) Crack induced seismic velocity anisotropy in a strong anisotropic rock. *Osamu Nishizawa (GSJ, AIST) |
39) Full-wave Sonic Logging in Road Cut Slope *Toshiyuki Kurahashi, Tetsuya Fukuda, Takeshi Kuwano, Tomio Inazaki (PWRI) |
14:00 ~ 14:20 | 10) Numerical simulation of differential waveform tomography for time-lapse crosswell seismic data *Toshiki Watanabe (Nagoya Univ.), Shoshiro Shimizu (JNOC, TRC), Eiichi Asakawa (JGI.), Toshifumi Matsuoka (Kyoto Univ.) |
40) An experimental study on Electrokinetic phenomena (Part 3) *Genyuu Kobayashi, Tetsuma Toshioka, Toru Takahashi (OYO Corp.) |
14:20 ~ 14:40 | 11) Seismic tomography inversion: Relation between the frequency components and the scale of the structures can be reconstructed *Toshiyuki Yokota (GSJ, AIST) |
41) Data analysis of apparent resistivity profile using deconvolution filter. *Hideki Mizunaga, Kei Nakagawa, Keisuke Ushijima (Kyushu Univ.) |
14:40 ~ 15:00 | 12) Recent Traveltime Calculation Algorithms *Jongha Lee, Yoshinori Sanada, Toshifumi Matsuoka, Yuzuru Ashida (Kyoto Univ.) |
42) Cave Investigation by Different Electrode Arrangement Analysis in Electrical Exploration *Kenjirou Minami, Akiyoshi Honma, So Sato (DAIWA Exploration & Consulting Co.,Ltd) |
15:00 ~ 15:20 | Break | |
Time | [Mineral Exploration - Coal/Metal/Geothermal] Chair H. Mizunaga (Kyushu Univ.) |
[Engineering Geophysics - Miscellaneous] Chair T. Watanabe (Nagoya Univ.) |
15:20 ~ 15:40 | 13) Application of coal investigation of the neutron-gamma log. Zirou Okamoto (NEDO), Youzi Karashima (JCOAL), *Tsutomu Hashimoto, Takao Aizawa, Shyunichirou Ito (Suncoh Consultants Co.,LTD.) |
43) Trial of field rock mass evaluation by electric resistivity of jointed rock mass model *Makoto Nakamura (NEWJEC), Harushige Kusumi (Kansai Univ.) |
15:40 ~ 16:00 | 14) Case study of the IP tomography technique applied to a Mississippi valley type of lead and zinc deposit *Akihiko Chiba (Sumiko Consultants Co., Ltd.), Eiichi Arai, Hiroshi Kubota (MMAJ) |
44) Development of intelligent horizontal directional drilling technique -Measurement of drill head position- *Takaharu Nakauchi, Hiroshi Nakajima, Kenji Iizuka (Japan Gas Association), Wataru Inomata (Tokyo Gas Co.Ltd.,), Hiroyuki Unishi (JFE Engineering) |
16:00 ~ 16:20 | 15) Three-dimensional TDEM inversion using the Localized Nonlinear approximation *Eiichi Arai (MMAJ), Yuzuru Ashida (Kyoto Univ.) |
45) Simulation analysis of the ground action at the time of the tunnel digging by Distinct Element Method *Kenji Fujii, Harushige Kusumi (Kansai.Univ), Toshifumi Matsuoka, Yuzuru Ashida (Kyoto.Univ), Tomomichi Sugino (OYO Corp.) |
16:20 ~ 16:40 | 16) Progress Report on the Development of 3-D Electromagnetic Borehole Imaging for Geothermal and Enhanced Oil Recovery Applications *John Henry Beyer (California Energy Commission), Jun Horita (Geo-Technical Research Co., Ltd.), Michael Wilt (Electromagnetic Instruments, Inc.) |
46) Simulation analysis for shear behavior mechanism of rock joint by distinct element method. *Tomomichi Sugino (OYO Corp.), Harushige Kusumi (Kansai Univ.), Toshifumi Matsuoka, Yuzuru Ashida (Kyoto Univ.) |
16:40 ~ 17:00 | 17) A three-dimensional electrical survey using irregular dipole-dipole arrays in the Ogiri geothermal field, Japan *Shinichi Takakura (GSJ, AIST), Takeharu Takahashi (Nittetsu Mining Consultants Co., Ltd), Yutaka Sasaki (Kyushu Univ.) |
47) Simulation of formation process of geological structure using the modified discrete element method *Atsushi Tanaka, Yoshinori Sanada, Yasuhiro Yamada, Toshifumi Matsuoka, Yuzuru Ashida (Kyoto Univ.) |
Morning Session - Wednesday October 15, 2003 | ||
Conference Room 1 | Conference Room 2 | |
Time | [Environmental Problems/Geohazard Mitigation 1] Chair T. Nakatsuka (GSJ, AIST) |
[Microtremor] Chair H. Yamamoto (Iwate Univ.) |
09:40 ~ 10:00 | 18) Thermal conductivity and diffusivity measurements on representative plutonic rocks in Japan *Osamu Matsubayashi, Yasuko Okuyama, Kin'ichiro Kusunose (GSJ, AIST) |
48) Estimation of underground velocity structure by phase velocity inversion of Love-and Rayleigh- waves Form three-component array Microtremor Observations Hidekazu Yamamoto, Takuya Obuti, *Hiroyuki Konno, Tuyoshi Sano, Tokumi Saito (Iwate Univ.) |
10:00 ~ 10:20 | 19) Relation between the flow resistance coefficient b in the Biot theory of the porous media and hydraulic conductivity K and permeability k *Shozaburo Nagumo |
49) An experiment to detect phase velocities of Rayleigh wave of multi-modes by microtremor array observation *Takuya Obuchi, Hidekazu Yamamoto, Tsuyoshi Sano, Tokumi Saito (Iwate Univ.) |
10:20 ~ 10:40 | 20) Three-Dimensional Magnetization Vector Inversion of a Sea-Mount *Ryuji Kubota, Akinori Uchiyama (Kawasaki Geological Engineering Co., Ltd.) |
50) Determination of the Engineering Base in the Minimum Microtremor Array Observation *Suqun Ling (Geo-Analysis Institute Co., Ltd), Masaaki Nakamura, Y. Okada (Institute of Civil Engineerring of T.M.G) |
10:40 ~ 11:00 | 21) Three-Dimensional Magnetic and Gravity Inversions of a Volcano in the Sea Area *Ryuji Kubota (Kawasaki Geological Engineering Co., Ltd. ), Yoshio Ueda, Ken-ei Onodera (Japan Coast Guard), Noritsune Seo (7th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters), Tsuyoshi kato (Japan Coast Guard) |
51) Spatial autocorrelation algorithm for the microtremor survey method using semicircular arrays *Hiroshi Okada (Hokkaido Univ.), Tatsuro Matsuoka, Hidetaka Shiraishi, Shoichi Hachinohe (Center for Environmental Science in Saitama) |
11:00 ~ 11:20 | 22) Integrated geophysical surveying for detecting cavities originated by lignite mining *Tomio Inazaki (PWRI), Oshie Tazawa (KGE), Shigeki Kawamura (NGP), Naomi Kano (GSJ, AIST), Kei-ichi Suzuki (KGE), Kouichi Hayashi (OYO Corp.), Shun-ichiro Itoh (SUNCOH), ken-ichi Oguma (KGE) |
52) Simple and mobile seismic arrays for an exploration using microtremors *Ikuo Cho (Geo-Research Institute) |
11:20 ~ 11:40 | 23) Making of an accelerometer type Land Streamer and its utilization to near-surface cavity detection *Tomio Inazaki (GSJ, AIST), Shigeki Kawamura (NGP), Naomi Kano (GSJ, AIST) |
53) Applicability of Microtremor Survey Method for estimation of precise shallow subsurface structure *Shoichi Hachinohe, Hidetaka Shiraishi, Tatsuro Matsuoka (Center for Environmental Science in Saitama ), Hiroshi Okada (Hokkaido Univ.) |
11:40 ~ 12:00 | 24) Application of the Land Streamer S-wave reflection method to Detection of Sallow Cavities *Yoshiaki Yamanaka, Takao Aizawa, Min Ge, Shyunichirou Ito (Suncoh Consultants Co.,Ltd.),Tomio Inazaki (PWRI) |
54) The Estimation of Improvement Effect of Soft Subsoil for the Compact Vacuum Consolidation Method By Using High Precision Surface Wave Prospecting Method (Part 2) *Suqun Ling (Geo-Analysis Institute Co., Ltd), Toshiaki Shiono (Maruyama Industry Co., Ltd) |
12:00 ~ 13:30 | Lunch Break | |
13:30 ~ 14:30 | Core time of the Poster Session | |
P-1) Basic experiments for percussion-drilling sound data acquisition *Toshiyuki Yokota (GSJ, AIST), Kyosuke Onishi (Univ. Tokyo), Yasukuni Okubo, Hirokazu Karasawa, Tetsuji Ohno (GSJ, AIST), Akinori Ohta, Tsutomu Kaneko (Furukawa CO., LTD) |
P-2) Recasting of the Gasmann-Biot theory of the porous media(1) Definition of terminology; volume, stress, strain, etc. *Shozaburo Nagumo |
P-3) Comprehensive mapping through the database of aeromagnetic anomalies over Japan *Tadashi Nakatsuka, Shigeo Okuma, Rie Morijiri, Masahiko Makino (GSJ, AIST) |
P-4) Publication of the High-resolution Aeromagnetic Anomaly Map of Usu Volcano *Shigeo Okuma, Tadashi Nakatsuka, Rie Morijiri, Masahiko Makino (GSJ, AIST) |
P-5) Aeromagnetic Survey with suspended magnetometer at Mt. Iwate *Shin'ya Sakanaka (Akita Univ.), Yoshikazu Tanaka, Mitsuru Utsugi (Kyoto Univ.) |
P-6) Magnetization structure in and around Unzen Volcano determined from high-resolution aeromagnetic survey at low-altitude *Ayako Okubo, Yoshikazu Tanaka, Mitsuru Utsugi, Naoto Kitada (Kyoto Univ.), Hiroshi Shimizu, Takeshi Matsusima (Kyushu Univ.) |
P-7) Hybrid travel time tomography method using explosions and earthquakes *Yoshiya Oda (Tokyo Met. Univ.), Yasushira Aoyagi, Shintaro Abe (CRIEPI), Takahiro Iwatate (Tokyo. Met. Univ) |
15:00 ~ 17:00 | Invited Talks (Socio AV Large Hall) Chair Shyoich Tanaka (OYO Corp.) Speakers: Profs. Kazuhiro Yoshikawa (Kyoto Univ.) and Hiroshi Inoue (Kansai Univ. |
17:30 ~ 20:00 | Social Party (Conference Room 2, 2F) |
Morning Session - Thursday October 16, 2003 | ||
Conference Room 1 | Conference Room 2 | |
Time | [Geohazard Mitigation 2] Chair R. Kubota (Kawasaki Geological Engineering) |
[CO2/Waste Disposal/Ground Water] Chair T. Matsuoka (Kyoto Univ.) |
10:00 ~ 10:20 | 25) Shallow subsurface structure of the Tone River lowland at Toride, Ibaraki Prefecture *Kazuo Yamaguchi, Takanobu Yokokura, Naomi Kano, Akiko Tanaka, Toshiki Ohtaki, Shinobu Ito, Toshiyuki Yokota (GSJ, AIST), Hajime Kato (Yamanashi Univ.) |
55) Seismic wave monitoring of CO2 migration in porous sandstones *Ziqiu Xue, Takashi Ohsumi (RITE) |
10:20 ~ 10:40 | 26) S-wave velocity structure by a refraction experiment with vibrators: The Daidaitoku Boso experiment *Kazuki Koketsu, Hiroshi Sato, Naoshi Hirata (ERI, Univ. Tokyo), Katsuya Noda, Takeshi Ikawa (Geosys) |
56) A study on applicability of underground wireless communication technology to geological disposal of radioactive waste *Kimitaka Yoshimura (RWMC), Kazutoshi Sugiyama (MRC), Kazuo Okutsu, Hiroshi Shimbo (KAJIMA), Hisashi Takamura (ANDRA), Jun Nakayama (SAKATA DENKI) |
10:40 ~ 11:00 | 27) PS converted-wave reflection survey for the deep basin *Naomi Kano, Takanobu Yokokura, Kazuo Yamaguchi, Akiko Tanaka, Toshiki Ohtaki, Shinobu Ito (GSJ, AIST) |
57) Geophysical Exploration in Sedimentary Formations in the Horonobe Underground Research Program(2) *Nobuhiro Eki (JNC), Motonori Higashinaka (JGI), Yoichi Ohta (JAPEX) |
11:00 ~ 11:20 | 28) Fault slip in the Nojima fault zone detected by borehole televiewer. *Tsutomu Kiguchi, Hisao Ito (GSJ, AIST) |
58) Preliminary experiment of the neutron-gamma logging for salinity in stratum water. *Shunichirou Ito, Takao Aizawa, Tsutomu Hashimoto (Suncoh Consultants Co.,Ltd.), Mihai Borusaru (CSIRO) |
11:20 ~ 11:40 | 29) Monitoring systems for rock slope by optical strain sensor. *Kentarou Moriyama., Harushige Kusumi (Kansai Univ.), Tatsuo Katayama (Kansai Erectric Power Promotion of Industry LTD) |
59) The test survey of extensive groundwater level by using Ground-Penetrating Radar *Kyosuke Onishi, Shuichi Rokugawa, Yoshibumi Katoh (Univ. Tokyo) |
11:40 ~ 12:00 | 30) On the repeated scale-factor calibration of the SCINTREX gravimeters along the Tsukuba-Sapporo-Naha calibration line: the case of SCINTREX-CG3M #284, #371 and #212 Motoo Ukawa, Eisuke Fujita, Hideki Ueda (NIED), Kyozo Nozaki, *Koji Iwamoto (OYO Corp.) |
60) Study of gravity structure of the Morioka-Shirakawa Tectonic line and ground water system based on stable isotopes of river waters *Masahiko Makino, Masaya Yasuhara, Hitoshi Tsukamoto, Tatsuya Sumita, Shiro Watanabe, Akihiko Inamura (GSJ, AIST) |