SEGJ 109th Annual Fall Meeting

October 14 - 16, 2003

Senriyama Campus, Kansai Univ., Osaka, Japan

3-3-35 Yamate-cho, Suita-shi, OSAKA 564-8680 JAPAN 
Phone: 06-6368-1121 (office of the conference hall)

Registration Fee: 3,000 Yen (ordinary member), 1,000 Yen (student)


Oct. 14 Oral Session 1 Mineral Exploration: [Methane Hydrate],[Oil], [Coal/Mineral/Geothermal] Conference Room 1 (2F)
10:00 ~
Oral Session 2 Engineering Geophysics: [Seismics], [Logging/ Resistivity Methods], [ Miscellaneous] Conference Room 2 (2F) 10:00 ~
Oct. 15 Oral Session 1 [Environmental Geophysics/ Geohazard Mitigation 1] Conference Room 1 (2F)
09:40 ~
Oral Session 2 [Microtremor] Conference Room 2 (2F) 09:40 ~
Poster Session Core Time Foyer (2F)
(on display till 12:00, Oct. 16)
13:30 ~
Invited Talks  Socio AV Large Hall 15:00 ~
Social Party  Conference Room 1 (2F) 17:30 ~
Oct. 16 Oral Session 1 [Geohazard Mitigation 2] Conference Room 1 (2F)
10:00 ~
Oral Session 2 [CO2/Waste Disposal/Underground Water] Conference Room 2 (2F)
10:00 ~
Exhibition Oct. 14 Company:
OYO Corp.,Cybernet Systems,CRC Solutions
Foyer (2F)
10:00 ~
Oct. 15 Foyer (2F) 09:40 ~
Oct. 16 Foyer (2F) 10:00 ~

The Society of Exploration Geophysicists of Japan
San-es Bldg., Nakamagome 2-2-18, Ota Ward, Tokyo, 143-0027 Japan
Phone/Fax: +81-3-3774-5858

Revised on October 6, 2003

   67 presentations including 7 posters, *: Speakers

Morning Session - Tuesday October 14, 2003
Conference Room 1  Conference Room 2 
Time [Mineral Exploration - Methane Hydrate]
Chair M. Kose(JAPEX)
[Engineering Geophysics - Seismics]
Chair M. Kurahashi(Tohoku Univ.)
10:00 ~ 10:20 1) The results of METI Geophysical explorations in FY2003 and 2004 - Methane Hydrate Exploration -
*Shoshiro Shimizu, Nobutaka Oikawa, Masao Hayashi, Koji Ochiai, Masaru Nakamizu (JNOC, TRC)
31) Experiments of P-wave propagation in imperfectly saturated sand - effect of pore-water pressure -
*Yoshimasa Kobayashi, Tsuyoshi Kanema (Chishitsu Keisoku Co.Ltd.)
10:20 ~ 10:40 2) The Delineation of gas hydrate bearing zones using post-stack
*Takao Inamori, Masami Hato (JAPEX), Jun Matsuishima (JNOC, TRC)
32) Non-destructive testing of concrete by multi-channel seismic measurements
*Hideki Saito (OYO Corp.), Toshikatsu Yoshiara, Tatsuyuki Nagai, Hidetoshi Matsuzawa (NDIC)
10:40 ~ 11:00 3) A trial of the delineation of gas hydrate bearing zones using pre-stack multi seismic attributes analysis - part 3-
*Masami Hato, Takao Inamori (JAPEX), Jun Matsuishima (JNOC, TRC)
33) Estimate method of seismic velocity ahead of tunnel face in seismic imaging of tunnel face
*Junichi Takekawa., Harusige Kusumi (Kansai Univ.), Yuzuru Asida (Kyoto Univ.)
11:00 ~ 11:20 4) Methane hydrate detection using dense velocity analysis
*Takashi Hamajima (JGI), Takao Inamori, Masami Hato (JAPEX), Eiichi Asakawa (JGI), Jun Matsushima (TRC)
34) Introduction of marine seismic surveys by digital processing.
*Ikuhisa Adachi, Yuichi Yomori, Masaru Kanazashi, Takanobu Aikou (Daiwa Expl.&Consulting Co.)
11:20 ~ 11:40 5) Effect of trace mixing on the improvement of velocity analysis -an example in the Nankai Trough area-
*Jun Matsushima, Tastuo Saeki, Shoshiro Shimizu, Nobutaka Oikawa, Masaru Nakamizu (JNOC, TRC)
35) Mass data acquisition system using Fiber-optic sensors.
*Hitoshi Mikada (JAMSTEC), Yugo Shindou, Takashi Yoshikawa (Oki Electric Co. Ltd.)
11:40 ~ 12:00 6) Two-Dimensional Inversion Using marine MT Data at Kumano Basin in Nankai Trough
Tada-nori Goto, Takafumi Kasaya, Hitoshi Mikada, Kiyoshi Suyehiro (JAMSTEC), Toshiki Watanabe (Nagoya. Univ), *Toshinori Kimura, Yuzuru Ashida (Kyoto. Univ), Kazunobu Yamane (GERD)
36) Low-cost & compact side-scan-sonar system
*Masato Joshima, Kiyokazu Nishimura (GSJ, AIST), Takao Tokuoka, Hiroyoshi Ueno, Ayumi Fukita (Tokuoka Lab. for Studies of Brackish Water Environments)
12:00 ~ 13:00 Lunch Break
Afternoon Session - Tuesday October 14, 2003
Conference Room 1 Conference Room 2 
Time [Mineral Exploration - Oil]
Chair M. Hato (JAPEX)
[Engineering Geophysics - Logging/Resistivity Methods]
Chair S.Takakura (GSJ, AIST)
13:00 ~ 13:20 7) Stacking velocity analysis at the local point utilizing diffraction stacking method
*Tatsuo Saeki, Jun Matsushima (JNOC, TRC), Sumito Morita (GSJ, AIST), Masao Hayashi (JNOC, TRC)
37) Application of the synthetic focusing method to conventional normal resistivity log
*Sugio Imamura (Geosphere Exploration Lab.)
13:20 ~ 13:40 8) Resolution improvement on the 3D seismic survey
*Masami Kose (JAPEX), Yoshiro Ishii (JNOC)
38) Borehole IP profiler using multi-freqency-array-resistivity:principle
*Sugio Imamura (Geosphere Exploration Lab.)
13:40 ~ 14:00 9) Crack induced seismic velocity anisotropy in a strong anisotropic rock.
*Osamu Nishizawa (GSJ, AIST)
39) Full-wave Sonic Logging in Road Cut Slope
*Toshiyuki Kurahashi, Tetsuya Fukuda, Takeshi Kuwano, Tomio Inazaki (PWRI)
14:00 ~ 14:20 10) Numerical simulation of differential waveform tomography for time-lapse crosswell seismic data
*Toshiki Watanabe (Nagoya Univ.), Shoshiro Shimizu (JNOC, TRC), Eiichi Asakawa (JGI.), Toshifumi Matsuoka (Kyoto Univ.)
40) An experimental study on Electrokinetic phenomena (Part 3)
*Genyuu Kobayashi, Tetsuma Toshioka, Toru Takahashi (OYO Corp.)
14:20 ~ 14:40 11) Seismic tomography inversion: Relation between the frequency components and the scale of the structures can be reconstructed
*Toshiyuki Yokota (GSJ, AIST)
41) Data analysis of apparent resistivity profile using deconvolution filter.
*Hideki Mizunaga, Kei Nakagawa, Keisuke Ushijima (Kyushu Univ.)
14:40 ~ 15:00 12) Recent Traveltime Calculation Algorithms
*Jongha Lee, Yoshinori Sanada, Toshifumi Matsuoka, Yuzuru Ashida (Kyoto Univ.)
42) Cave Investigation by Different Electrode Arrangement Analysis in Electrical Exploration
*Kenjirou Minami, Akiyoshi Honma, So Sato (DAIWA Exploration & Consulting Co.,Ltd)
15:00 ~ 15:20 Break
Time [Mineral Exploration - Coal/Metal/Geothermal]
Chair H. Mizunaga (Kyushu Univ.)
[Engineering Geophysics - Miscellaneous]
Chair T. Watanabe (Nagoya Univ.)
15:20 ~ 15:40 13) Application of coal investigation of the neutron-gamma log.
Zirou Okamoto (NEDO), Youzi Karashima (JCOAL), *Tsutomu Hashimoto, Takao Aizawa, Shyunichirou Ito (Suncoh Consultants Co.,LTD.)
43) Trial of field rock mass evaluation by electric resistivity of jointed rock mass model
*Makoto Nakamura (NEWJEC), Harushige Kusumi (Kansai Univ.)
15:40 ~ 16:00 14) Case study of the IP tomography technique applied to a Mississippi valley type of lead and zinc deposit
*Akihiko Chiba (Sumiko Consultants Co., Ltd.), Eiichi Arai, Hiroshi Kubota (MMAJ)
44) Development of intelligent horizontal directional drilling technique -Measurement of drill head position-
*Takaharu Nakauchi, Hiroshi Nakajima, Kenji Iizuka (Japan Gas Association), Wataru Inomata (Tokyo Gas Co.Ltd.,), Hiroyuki Unishi (JFE Engineering)
16:00 ~ 16:20 15) Three-dimensional TDEM inversion using the Localized Nonlinear approximation
*Eiichi Arai (MMAJ), Yuzuru Ashida (Kyoto Univ.)
45) Simulation analysis of the ground action at the time of the tunnel digging by Distinct Element Method
*Kenji Fujii, Harushige Kusumi (Kansai.Univ), Toshifumi Matsuoka, Yuzuru Ashida (Kyoto.Univ), Tomomichi Sugino (OYO Corp.)
16:20 ~ 16:40 16) Progress Report on the Development of 3-D Electromagnetic Borehole Imaging for Geothermal and Enhanced Oil Recovery Applications
*John Henry Beyer (California Energy Commission), Jun Horita (Geo-Technical Research Co., Ltd.), Michael Wilt (Electromagnetic Instruments, Inc.)
46) Simulation analysis for shear behavior mechanism of rock joint by distinct element method.
*Tomomichi Sugino (OYO Corp.), Harushige Kusumi (Kansai Univ.), Toshifumi Matsuoka, Yuzuru Ashida (Kyoto Univ.)
16:40 ~ 17:00 17) A three-dimensional electrical survey using irregular dipole-dipole arrays in the Ogiri geothermal field, Japan
*Shinichi Takakura (GSJ, AIST), Takeharu Takahashi (Nittetsu Mining Consultants Co., Ltd), Yutaka Sasaki (Kyushu Univ.)
47) Simulation of formation process of geological structure using the modified discrete element method
*Atsushi Tanaka, Yoshinori Sanada, Yasuhiro Yamada, Toshifumi Matsuoka, Yuzuru Ashida (Kyoto Univ.)
Morning Session - Wednesday October 15, 2003
Conference Room 1  Conference Room 2
Time [Environmental Problems/Geohazard Mitigation 1]
Chair T. Nakatsuka (GSJ, AIST)
Chair H. Yamamoto (Iwate Univ.)
09:40 ~ 10:00 18) Thermal conductivity and diffusivity measurements on representative plutonic rocks in Japan
*Osamu Matsubayashi, Yasuko Okuyama, Kin'ichiro Kusunose (GSJ, AIST)
48) Estimation of underground velocity structure by phase velocity inversion of Love-and Rayleigh- waves Form three-component array Microtremor Observations
Hidekazu Yamamoto, Takuya Obuti, *Hiroyuki Konno, Tuyoshi Sano, Tokumi Saito (Iwate Univ.)
10:00 ~ 10:20 19) Relation between the flow resistance coefficient b in the Biot theory of the porous media and hydraulic conductivity K and permeability k
*Shozaburo Nagumo
49) An experiment to detect phase velocities of Rayleigh wave of multi-modes by microtremor array observation
*Takuya Obuchi, Hidekazu Yamamoto, Tsuyoshi Sano, Tokumi Saito (Iwate Univ.)
10:20 ~ 10:40 20) Three-Dimensional Magnetization Vector Inversion of a Sea-Mount
*Ryuji Kubota, Akinori Uchiyama (Kawasaki Geological Engineering Co., Ltd.)
50) Determination of the Engineering Base in the Minimum Microtremor Array Observation
*Suqun Ling (Geo-Analysis Institute Co., Ltd), Masaaki Nakamura, Y. Okada (Institute of Civil Engineerring of T.M.G)
10:40 ~ 11:00 21) Three-Dimensional Magnetic and Gravity Inversions of a Volcano in the Sea Area
*Ryuji Kubota (Kawasaki Geological Engineering Co., Ltd. ), Yoshio Ueda, Ken-ei Onodera (Japan Coast Guard), Noritsune Seo (7th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters), Tsuyoshi kato (Japan Coast Guard)
51) Spatial autocorrelation algorithm for the microtremor survey method using semicircular arrays
*Hiroshi Okada (Hokkaido Univ.), Tatsuro Matsuoka, Hidetaka Shiraishi, Shoichi Hachinohe (Center for Environmental Science in Saitama)
11:00 ~ 11:20 22) Integrated geophysical surveying for detecting cavities originated by lignite mining
*Tomio Inazaki (PWRI), Oshie Tazawa (KGE), Shigeki Kawamura (NGP), Naomi Kano (GSJ, AIST), Kei-ichi Suzuki (KGE), Kouichi Hayashi (OYO Corp.), Shun-ichiro Itoh (SUNCOH), ken-ichi Oguma (KGE)
52) Simple and mobile seismic arrays for an exploration using microtremors
*Ikuo Cho (Geo-Research Institute)
11:20 ~ 11:40 23) Making of an accelerometer type Land Streamer and its utilization to near-surface cavity detection
*Tomio Inazaki (GSJ, AIST), Shigeki Kawamura (NGP), Naomi Kano (GSJ, AIST)
53) Applicability of Microtremor Survey Method for estimation of precise shallow subsurface structure
*Shoichi Hachinohe, Hidetaka Shiraishi, Tatsuro Matsuoka (Center for Environmental Science in Saitama ), Hiroshi Okada (Hokkaido Univ.)
11:40 ~ 12:00 24) Application of the Land Streamer S-wave reflection method to Detection of Sallow Cavities
*Yoshiaki Yamanaka, Takao Aizawa, Min Ge, Shyunichirou Ito (Suncoh Consultants Co.,Ltd.),Tomio Inazaki (PWRI)
54) The Estimation of Improvement Effect of Soft Subsoil for the Compact Vacuum Consolidation Method By Using High Precision Surface Wave Prospecting Method (Part 2)
*Suqun Ling (Geo-Analysis Institute Co., Ltd), Toshiaki Shiono (Maruyama Industry Co., Ltd)
12:00 ~ 13:30 Lunch Break
13:30 ~ 14:30 Core time of the Poster Session
P-1) Basic experiments for percussion-drilling sound data acquisition
*Toshiyuki Yokota (GSJ, AIST), Kyosuke Onishi (Univ. Tokyo), Yasukuni Okubo, Hirokazu Karasawa, Tetsuji Ohno (GSJ, AIST), Akinori Ohta, Tsutomu Kaneko (Furukawa CO., LTD)
P-2) Recasting of the Gasmann-Biot theory of the porous media(1) Definition of terminology; volume, stress, strain, etc.
*Shozaburo Nagumo
P-3) Comprehensive mapping through the database of aeromagnetic anomalies over Japan
*Tadashi Nakatsuka, Shigeo Okuma, Rie Morijiri, Masahiko Makino (GSJ, AIST)
P-4) Publication of the High-resolution Aeromagnetic Anomaly Map of Usu Volcano
*Shigeo Okuma, Tadashi Nakatsuka, Rie Morijiri, Masahiko Makino (GSJ, AIST)
P-5) Aeromagnetic Survey with suspended magnetometer at Mt. Iwate
*Shin'ya Sakanaka (Akita Univ.), Yoshikazu Tanaka, Mitsuru Utsugi (Kyoto Univ.)
P-6) Magnetization structure in and around Unzen Volcano determined from high-resolution aeromagnetic survey at low-altitude
*Ayako Okubo, Yoshikazu Tanaka, Mitsuru Utsugi, Naoto Kitada (Kyoto Univ.), Hiroshi Shimizu, Takeshi Matsusima (Kyushu Univ.)
P-7) Hybrid travel time tomography method using explosions and earthquakes
*Yoshiya Oda (Tokyo Met. Univ.), Yasushira Aoyagi, Shintaro Abe (CRIEPI), Takahiro Iwatate (Tokyo. Met. Univ)
15:00 ~ 17:00 Invited Talks (Socio AV Large Hall)
Chair Shyoich Tanaka (OYO Corp.)
Speakers: Profs. Kazuhiro Yoshikawa (Kyoto Univ.) and Hiroshi Inoue (Kansai Univ.
17:30 ~ 20:00 Social Party
(Conference Room 2, 2F)
Morning Session - Thursday October 16, 2003
Conference Room 1   Conference Room 2 
Time [Geohazard Mitigation 2]
Chair R. Kubota (Kawasaki Geological Engineering)
[CO2/Waste Disposal/Ground Water]
Chair T. Matsuoka (Kyoto Univ.)
10:00 ~ 10:20 25) Shallow subsurface structure of the Tone River lowland at Toride, Ibaraki Prefecture
*Kazuo Yamaguchi, Takanobu Yokokura, Naomi Kano, Akiko Tanaka, Toshiki Ohtaki, Shinobu Ito, Toshiyuki Yokota (GSJ, AIST), Hajime Kato (Yamanashi Univ.)
55) Seismic wave monitoring of CO2 migration in porous sandstones
*Ziqiu Xue, Takashi Ohsumi (RITE)
10:20 ~ 10:40 26) S-wave velocity structure by a refraction experiment with vibrators: The Daidaitoku Boso experiment
*Kazuki Koketsu, Hiroshi Sato, Naoshi Hirata (ERI, Univ. Tokyo), Katsuya Noda, Takeshi Ikawa (Geosys)
56) A study on applicability of underground wireless communication technology to geological disposal of radioactive waste
*Kimitaka Yoshimura (RWMC), Kazutoshi Sugiyama (MRC), Kazuo Okutsu, Hiroshi Shimbo (KAJIMA), Hisashi Takamura (ANDRA), Jun Nakayama (SAKATA DENKI)
10:40 ~ 11:00 27) PS converted-wave reflection survey for the deep basin
*Naomi Kano, Takanobu Yokokura, Kazuo Yamaguchi, Akiko Tanaka, Toshiki Ohtaki, Shinobu Ito (GSJ, AIST)
57) Geophysical Exploration in Sedimentary Formations in the Horonobe Underground Research Program(2)
*Nobuhiro Eki (JNC), Motonori Higashinaka (JGI), Yoichi Ohta (JAPEX)
11:00 ~ 11:20 28) Fault slip in the Nojima fault zone detected by borehole televiewer.
*Tsutomu Kiguchi, Hisao Ito (GSJ, AIST)
58) Preliminary experiment of the neutron-gamma logging for salinity in stratum water.
*Shunichirou Ito, Takao Aizawa, Tsutomu Hashimoto (Suncoh Consultants Co.,Ltd.), Mihai Borusaru (CSIRO)
11:20 ~ 11:40 29) Monitoring systems for rock slope by optical strain sensor.
*Kentarou Moriyama., Harushige Kusumi (Kansai Univ.), Tatsuo Katayama (Kansai Erectric Power Promotion of Industry LTD)
59) The test survey of extensive groundwater level by using Ground-Penetrating Radar
*Kyosuke Onishi, Shuichi Rokugawa, Yoshibumi Katoh (Univ. Tokyo)
11:40 ~ 12:00 30) On the repeated scale-factor calibration of the SCINTREX gravimeters along the Tsukuba-Sapporo-Naha calibration line: the case of SCINTREX-CG3M #284, #371 and #212
Motoo Ukawa, Eisuke Fujita, Hideki Ueda (NIED), Kyozo Nozaki, *Koji Iwamoto (OYO Corp.)
60) Study of gravity structure of the Morioka-Shirakawa Tectonic line and ground water system based on stable isotopes of river waters
*Masahiko Makino, Masaya Yasuhara, Hitoshi Tsukamoto, Tatsuya Sumita, Shiro Watanabe, Akihiko Inamura (GSJ, AIST)