SEGJ 108th Annual Spring Meeting

May 28 - 30, 2003

International Conference Hall, Waseda Univ., Tokyo

Waseda 1-20-4, Shinjyuku Ward, Tokyo 
Phone: 03-5286-1755 (office of the conference hall)

Registration Fee: 3,000 Yen (ordinary member), 1,000 Yen (student)


May 28 Oral Session 1 [Geophysics],[Tomography][Rock Physics] Conference Room 2 (3F)
09:20 ~
Oral Session 2 [Geo-environment][Subsurface Water]
[Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Waste]
Conference Room 1 (3F) 09:20 ~
Poster Session Core Time(May 28)
(on display till 15:40, May 30)
Conference Room 3(1) (3F)
Foyer (3F) (May 30)
12:00 ~
May 29 Oral Session 1 [Marine Research Vessel] Conference Room 2 (3F)
09:00 ~
Oral Session 2 [Geohazard Mitigation] Ibuka Memorial Hall (1F) 09:00 ~
Plenary Meeting  Ibuka Memorial Hall (1F) 11:00 ~
Ceremony for the 55th Anniversary  Ibuka Memorial Hall (1F) 13:30 ~
Invited Talks  Ibuka Memorial Hall (1F) 15:00 ~
Social Party  RIHGA Royal Hotel Tokyo 18:00 ~
May 30 Oral Session 1 [Oil/Geothermal Exploration 1][Oil/Geothermal Exploration 2] Conference Room 2 (3F) 09:20 ~
Oral Session 2 [Engineering Geophysics 1][Engineering Geophysics 2] Conference Room 3(1) (3F) 09:20 ~
Exhibition May 28 Company:
OYO Corp.,Research Group of Marine Exploration, Cybernet Systems,CRC Solutions,GeoWindow, 3S Ocean Network, DIA Consultants, Terra,MINDECO
Conference Room 3(2) (3F) 10:00 ~
May 29 Conference Room 3(2) (3F) 09:00 ~
May 30 Foyer (3F) 10:00 ~

The Society of Exploration Geophysicists of Japan
San-es Bldg., Nakamagome 2-2-18, Ota Ward, Tokyo, 143-0027 Japan
Phone/Fax: +81-3-3774-5858

Revised on May 7, 2003

   88 presentations including 8 posters, *: Speakers

Morning Session - Wednesday May 28, 2003
Conference Room 2  Conference Room 1 
Time [Geophysics]
Chair T. Matsuoka(Kyoto Univ.)
Chair M. Sato(Tohoku Univ.)
09:20 ~ 09:40 1) How to measure the correct NMO Velocity
Shozaburo Nagumo(OYO)
41) Reducing noises in Airborne Gamma Ray Spectra by NASVD method
Katsushi Kawato, *Satoshi Asai, Takuo Fujita(Nippon Eng. Consult.)
09:40 ~ 10:00 2) Application of seismic attributes analysis to Muroto 3D data
*Takeshi Tsuji(Univ. Tokyo), Toshifumi Matsuoka(Kyoto Univ.), Yasuyuki Nakamura, Hidekazu Tokuyama(ORI, Univ. Tokyo), Shinichi Kuramoto(JAMSTEC), Nathan L.Bangs, Thomas H.Shipley(Univ. Texas, Austin),Gregory F. Moore(Univ. Hawaii), Casey J.Moore(Univ. California, Santa Cruz)
42) Experimental research of detecting buried objects using airborne TEM
*Koga Masashi, Aihara Keiichi, Hideki Mizunaga, Keisuke Ushijima(Kyushu Univ.)
10:00 ~ 10:20 3) Preliminary data-processing report on a two-ship seismic reflection experiment
*Tetsuro Tsuru, Jin-Oh Park, Seiichi Miura, Gou Fujie, Aki Itou, Yoshiyuki Kaneda(JAMSTEC), Junzo Kasahara(ERI, Univ. Tokyo), Onboard Researchers KR02-11 Cruise(NME)
43) Three-dimensional imaging of shallow subsurface using electrical resistivity method
*Taeka Hironaka, Atsushi Nishimura, Hideki Mizunaga, Keisuke Ushijima(Kyushu Univ.)
10:20 ~ 10:40 4) On seismogenic zone drilling at Nankai trough - Latest achievement from ODP Leg-196 -
*Hitoshi Mikada(JAMSTEC), Masanori Ienaga(ORI, Univ. Tokyo), Saneatsu Saito, Masataka Kinoshita(JAMSTEC)
44) Case studies of buried metal object detection in waste sites
*Yoshihiro Yamashita, Ken Sakurai, Atsushi Nakajima, Masanori Ebato(OYO)
10:40 ~ 11:00 5) An analysis of substructure in the Aburra Valley by EP Wenner electrode array
*Akio Iwata(Human and Geoscience), Diego Rendon Giraldo, Seiki Yamauchi(Shimane Univ.)
45) Reduction of surface clutter by an array antenna GPR system for detection of landmine
*Xuan Feng, Guangyou Fang, Motoyuki Sato(CNEAS, Tohoku Univ.)
11:00 ~ 11:20 Moved to the Engineering Geophysics 2 (15:40 ~ 16:00, May 30, 2003)

6) On the remove-restore process for computing the generalized Bouguer anomaly
*Kyozo Nozaki(OYO)
46) Investigation of illegal dumping of industrial waste in the Aomori to Iwate prefectural border area regarding its details and recovery way
*Tokumi Saito(Iwate Univ.), Special Office for the Urgent Control of Illegal Dumping of Industrial Waste Iwate Pref., Atsuki Uchida, Tadahiro Kodama(NGP)
11:20 ~ 11:40 7) Development of a helicopter-borne magnetic survey system in use of a nose boom
*Tadashi Nakatsuka, Shigeo Okuma(GSJ, AIST)
47) Underground water investigation by physics exploration and chemical analysis
*Atsuki Uchida, Yuji Totsuka, Yasuo Tsukamoto(NGP), Tokumi Saito(Iwate Univ.), Special Office for the Urgent Control of Illegal Dumping of Industrial Waste Iwate Pref.
11:40 ~ 12:00 8) Aerogeophysical survey over the Aeolian Islands, Italy
*Shigeo Okuma, Tadashi Nakatsuka, Masao Komazawa(GSJ, AIST), Robert Supper(GBA)
48) Application of the two-dimensional resistivity survey to an illegal dumping spot of industrial waste and the related problems
Ken Takeda, Tadahiro Kodama, Osamu Yoshimura, *Atsuki Uchida(NGP), Tokumi Saito(Iwate Univ.), Special Office for the Urgent Control of Illegal Dumping of Industrial Waste Iwate Pref.
12:00 ~ 12:30 Core time of the Poster Session
P-1) Evaluation of characteristics of optical micro hydrophone and its electromechanical model
*Hiroshi Asanuma, Satoshi Hashimoto, Hiroaki Niitsuma(Tohoku Univ.), Yugo Shindo, Masafumi Suzuki(OKI)
P-2) The measurement of dielectric constant of sand with oil using FDR
*Kyosuke Onishi, Shuichi Rokugawa, Yoshibumi Katoh, Tomochika Tokunaga, Nao Tanabe(Univ. Tokyo), Taku Iwai(IEC)
P-3) Survey of Underground Cavities by HFCSMT Method
Shun Handa(Saga Univ.), Ryousuke Kitamura(Kagoshima Univ.), *Hidenori Itai(Osaka City Univ.), Yuji Yoshida(QK)
P-4) Seismic reflection survey around the southern part and the middle part of the ISTL active fault system
*Shintaro Abe, Yasuhira Aoyagi, Katsuyoshi Miyakoshi, Daiei Inoue(CRIEPI)
P-5) 3-D structure of Hakone volcano, the southern fossa magna, using hybrid travel time tomography
*Yoshiya Oda(TMU),Shintaro Abe, Yasuhira Aoyagi(CRIEPI), Takahiro Iwatate(TMU)
P-6) Data acquisition and data processing of two-ship multi-channel seismic reflection Experiment off the Kii Peninsula
*Tetsuo No(NME), Tetsuro Tsuru, Jin-Oh Park, Seiichi Miura, Gou Fujie, Aki Ito(JAMSTEC), Takeshi Katayama, Kazumi Baba, Makoto Ito, Shinichi, Hosoya, Kaoru Tsukuda, Hitoshi Tanaka, Satoshi Shimizu, Yui Hashimoto, Ikumasa Terada, Hideki Shibata(NME)
P-7) Examples for measuring the correct NMO velocity
Shozaburo Nagumo(OYO)
P-8) Depth cross‐section of the multi‐channel seismic reflection survey crossing the JAPAN Trench axis, off Sanriku
Shozaburo Nagumo(OYO)
12:00 ~ 13:00 Lunch Break
Afternoon Session - Wednesday May 28, 2003
Conference Room 2 Conference Room 1 
Time [Tomography]
Chair H. Mizunaga (Kyushu Univ.)
[Subsurface Water]
Chair S.Takakura (GSJ, AIST)
13:00 ~ 13:20 9) A fast crosshole EM tomography using localized nonlinear approximation
*Kim Hee Joon(Pukyong National Univ.), Lee Ki Ha(LBL), Wilt Mike(ElectroMagnetic Instruments Inc.)
49) Applicability of geophysical exploration for investigation of soil and groundwater contamination (Part 1) - Geophysical exploration at a former industrial site -
*Shigeki Kawamura, Michio Nishida(GETREC), Kouki Sasaka, Shoichi Hachinohe, Motoyuki Takahashi(CESS)
13:20 ~ 13:40 10) Application of resistivity tomography to monitoring of the air flow region in air sparging
*Hironori Murakami(Kyoto Univ.), Koichi Suzuki(CRIEPI), Namiko Harada, Toshifumi Matsuoka, Toshiki Watanabe, Tsuyoshi Sugano, Yuzuru Ashida(Kyoto Univ.)
50) Applicability of geophysical exploration for investigation of soil and groundwater contamination: Part2 - Geophysical exploration at an old filling station -
*Syouji Ochiai(GETReC), A-1 working Committee of GETReC
13:40 ~ 14:00 11) Multi-wave resistivity tomography using synchronous detection of transmitted signal
*Jinguuji Motoharu, Kunimatsu Sunao(AIST), Yoshinori Azuma(Chiba electronics)
51) Applicability of geophysical exploration for investigation of soil and groundwater contamination: Part.3 - Geophysical exploration at the waste disposal site -
*Tadao Haryu(GETReC), Kazuo Kamura(Chiba Pref. Env. R. C.), A-1 working committee, GETReC
14:00 ~ 14:20 12) Three dimensional effect on the resistivity monitoring
*Hiroomi Nakazato(NIRE)
52) Geoelectrical survey applied to estimate the groundwater flow direction between Payatas Landfill and La Mesa Reservoir in Quezon City, Philippines
Mario Collado(Bureau of Soils and Water Management, Philippine), *Koichi Suzuki(CRIEPI), Sigenobu Hiraida, Makiko Watanabe(TIT)
14:20 ~ 14:40 13) An experimental study on Electrokinetic phenomena in a borehole model (Part2)
*Genyuu Kobayashi, Tetsuma Toshioka, Toru Takahashi(OYO)
53) Application of electromagnetic methods to the investigation of seawater intrusion into coastal aquifers - Part 1-
*Yuji Mitsuhata, Toshihiro Uchida(AIST), Munemaru Kishimoto(NMCC), Kazumi Ohsato(GERD), Atsunao Marui, Kinichiro Kusunose(AIST)
14:40 ~ 15:00 Break
Time [Rock Physics]
Chair T. Takahashi (OYO)
[Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Waste]
Chair T. Uchida (GSJ, AIST)
15:00 ~ 15:20 14) Development of the Petrophysical Data Base of Basement Rocks in Japan for the 21st Century
*Shigeo Okuma, Hiroshi Kanaya, Rie Morijiri(GSJ, AIST)
54) Instrumental Development of Marine EM for Radioactive Waste Disposal Site Investigation
Kimitaka Yoshimura, Shuichi Okubo(RWMF), Haruya Nakata, *Kazunobu Yamane, Yuichi Yoshida(GERD)
15:20 ~ 15:40 15) Temperature dependence of P wave propagation in porous media submerged in water containing gas bubbles
*Yoshimasa Kobayashi, Tsuyoshi Kanema(Chishitsu Keisoku), Yoshinori Tanaka(Toyo Univ.)
55) Software Development of MT3-D and CSEM2.5-D for Site Investigation (Part2)
Kimitaka Yoshimura, Shuichi Okubo(RWMF), Haruya Nakata, *Kazunobu Yamane, Yuichi Yoshida(GERD)
15:40 ~ 16:00 16) Seismic velocity anisotropy in rocks containing CO2-filled cracks
*Osamu Nishizawa(IGRE, AIST), Ziqiu Xue(RITE)
56) Development of High Power Acoustic Transducer for the Long Distance Crosswell Tomography - Performance test of the small-scale transducer and design of the prototype transducer -
*Kimitaka Yoshimura, Shuichi Okubo(RWMF), Junichi Sakakibara(JFE Civil)
16:00 ~ 16:20 17) Influence of temperature on complex resistivity of water-saturated rocks: Development of measurement system
*Shinichi Takakura(GSJ, AIST)
57) Site Characterization using Rock physics in high-level radioactive waste geological disposal system
Kimitaka Yoshimura, Toshio Hayashi(RWMF), *Chisato Konishi, Hiroyuki Azuma, Toru Takahashi(OYO)
16:20 ~ 16:40 18) Electrical resistivity measurements of rock core samples
*Weiren Lin, Tetsuro Hirono(JAMSTEC), Hisao Ito(AIST)
58) Integrating site investigation and assessment: IT based Site Investigation Flow Diagram
*Kenichi Ando, Tetsuya Adachi, Kimitaka Yoshimura(RWMF), Yasumasa Suzuki(TEPSCO), Kunifumi Takeuchi(Obayashi Corp.), Yuji Ijiri(Taisei Corp.), Atsushi Horio(DIA consultants)
16:40 ~ 17:00 19) Impedance characteristics of clay-bearing samples
Koji Noguchi, *Etsuko Nakamura, Susumu Furumi(Waseda Univ.)
59) Development of a support tool on investigation of geological environment
*Kimitaka Yoshimura, Shuichi Okubo(RWMF), Yasuhiro Suyama, Masaru Toida(Kajima Corp.), Kenji Kawano(Quintessa Japan), Miyoshi Yoshimura, Atsushi Horio(DIA consultants)
Morning Session - Thursday May 29, 2003
Conference Room 2  Ibuka Memorial Hall
Time [Marine Research Vessel]
Chair Y. Ito (OER)
[Geohazard Mitigation]
Chair M. Onishi (JAPEX)
09:00 ~ 09:20 20) Future Plan Marine Exploration in Japan
*Hidekazu Tokuyama(ORI, Univ. Tokyo), Yuzuru Ito(OER), Hiroshi Amano(JNOC-TRC), Research Group of Marine Exploration
60) Characterization of Active Faults using Effective Combination of Deep Drillings and Geophysical Prospecting Techniques - A Study on the Gofukuji Active Fault -
*Akihiko Chiba, Yukihiro Mizuochi(Sumiko Consultants), Ryuji Ikeda(Hokkaido Univ.), Kentaro Omura, Tatsuo Matsuda(NIED)
09:20 ~ 09:40 21) High-resolution seismic survey in marine area
*Hiroshi Amano, Shoshiro Shimizu(JNOC-TRC), Hidekazu Tokuyama(ORI, Univ. Tokyo), Research Group of Marine Exploration
61) PS Converted Wave Survey of Dipping Strata
*Naomi Kano, Takanobu Yokokura, Kazuo Yamaguchi, Toshiki Ohtaki(GSJ, AIST)
09:40 ~ 10:00 22) Super-detailed mapping and monitoring in plate margins by deep-tow and precisely-navigated topography, geological and geophysical surveys
*Masataka Kinoshita, Wonn Soh(JAMSTEC), Hiroshi Amano(JNOC-TRC), Research Group of Marine Survey
62) Parallel Line Reflection Survey of Shallow Structure
*Naomi Kano, Shinichi Takakura, Atsunao Marui(GSJ, AIST), Takenori Suzuki(KEK), Nobuo Sasamoto, Hiroshi Nakashima(JAERI)
10:00 ~ 10:20 23) Japanese seismic vessel for new century (Trial design)
*Hideo Fujita, Yukio Kadomoto(MES), Research Group of Marine Exploration
63) A feasibility study of basement structural survey using a S-wave Vibrator
*Tomio Inazaki, Toshiyuki Kurahashi(PWRI)
10:20 ~ 10:40 24) Preliminary Designing of Oceanographic research Vessel of Next Generation
Koji Yoshinaga(MHI), *Hidekazu Tokuyama(ORI, Univ. Tokyo), Research Group of Marine Exploration
64) Bedrock Structure of Kyoto Basin inferred from Gravity data and Microtremor Measurements
*Masao Komazawa(GSJ, AIST), Junpei Akamatsu(DPRI, Kyoto Univ.)
11:00 ~ 12:00 Plenary Meeting
12:00 ~ 13:00 Lunch Break
13:30 ~ 14:30 Ceremony for the 55th Anniversary
15:00 ~ 17:30 Invited Talks
Speakers: Profs. Katsuro Ogawa (Nagoya Univ., Emeritus), Masaaki Naito (Kyoto Univ., Emeritus) and Koshun Yamaoka (Nagoya Univ.)
18:00 ~ 20:00 Social Party
(RIHGA Royal Hotel Tokyo)
Morning Session - Friday May 30, 2003
Conference Room 2   Conference Room 3(1) 
Time [Oil/Geothermal Exploration 1]
Chair T. Watanabe (Kyoto Univ.)
[Engineering Geophysics 1]
Chair T. Inazaki (PWRI)
09:20 ~ 09:40 25) In Search for Stratigraphic traps in Surat Basin Australia
Koya Suto(Origin Energy Resources)
65) The Estimation of Improvement Effect of Soft Subsoil for the Compact Vacuum Consolidation Method By Using High Precision Surface Wave Prospecting Method
*Suqun Ling, Toshiaki Shiono, Fumiaki Saito(Maruyama Industry)
09:40 ~ 10:00 26) A trial of the delineation of gas hydrate bearing zones using multi seismic attributes analysis
*Inamori Takao, Hato Masami(JAPEX), Shimizu Shosiro(JNOC-TRC)
66) A study for the detection of internal weak zone in concrete using amplitude and reflection coefficient on G.P.R.
*Satoshi Maekawa, Hideki Saito(OYO), Kazuhiro Mukai, Shigeyuki Matsubara, Junichi Kitasaka(NDIC)
10:00 ~ 10:20 27) Simulation study for seismic response from Methane Hydrate zone
*Rie Kamei, Toshifumi Matsuoka(Kyoto Univ.), Masami Hato(JAPEX)
67) Imaging of excavation disturbed zone around a tunnel using resistivity method(U) - Comparison of short section permeability and evaporation tests -
*Koichi Suzuki, Eiji Nakata(CRIEPI), Masayuki Minami, Etsuhisa Hibino(TEPCO), Tomoyuki Tani(TEPSCO)
10:20 ~ 10:40 28) Study on the improvement of signal to noise ratio by trace mixing technique in a seismic reflection survey - application to seismic data obtained in methane hydrate-bearing sediments in the Nankai Trough -
*Jun Matsushima, Tastuo Saeki, Shoshiro Shimizu, Nobutaka Oikawa, Masaru Nakamizu(JNOC-TRC)
68) Survey of Landslide by HEM in the Sanbagawa-belt of Central Shikoku
*Katsushi Kawato, Satoshi Asai, Takuo Fujita(Nippon Eng. Consult.), Hiroomi Nakazato(NIRE)
10:40 ~ 11:00 29) AVO analysis for the seismic data acquired in Nankai Trough area
*Masami Hato, Takao Inamori(JAPEX), Alfian Bahar, Toshifumi Matsuoka(Kyoto Univ.), Shoshiro Shimizu(JNOC)
69) A method for evaluating the effect of anti-earthquake reinforcement of a building
*Teruki Maiguma, Tomohiro Shimomae, Naota Kobayashi(Waseda Univ.), Takeshi Tsujii(ORI, Univ. Tokyo)
11:00 ~ 11:20 30) Land seismic profiles improved by surface consistent processing
*Shigeru Ino, Shogo Narahara, Tsukasa Nishiki(JGI), Toru Nakayama, Ryuhei Murayama(JAPEX)
70) A study on a new field testing method using seismic wave amplitude generated by dynamic soil penetration blows - Relationship between penetration resistance and S-wave amplitude -
*Hideki Saito, Yoshinobu Murata, Motoi Takemori(OYO)
11:20 ~ 11:40 31) 3D Imaging techniques for 2D seismic lines
*Naoshi Aoki, Masami Kose, Masato Minegishi(JAPEX), Hideo Saito, Yoshinari Nakajima(JNOC-TRC), Eiichi Asakawa(JGI)
71) A fundamental study of in-situ dynamic response test for liquefaction: vibration probe penetration test
*Jinguuji Motoharu(AIST), Toprak Selcuk(Pamukkale Univ.)
11:40 ~ 12:00 32) Pseudo 3D shot data from multi-line 2D seismic data by interpolation based on structural dip model
Naoshi Aoki(JAPEX), *Kazuya Shiraishi(Kyoto Univ.), Masato Minegishi(JAPEX), Toshifumi Matsuoka, Yuzuru Ashida(Kyoto Univ.)
72) The vibration feature research on river bank by acceleration sensors (Part 2)
Shigeki Kawamura(NGP), Tomio Inazaki, Kazuo Yamaguchi(GSJ, AIST)
12:00 ~ 13:00 Lunch Break
Afternoon Session - Friday May 30, 2003
Conference Room 2  Conference Room 3(1)
Time [Oil/Geothermal Exploration 2]
Chair S. Rokugawa (Univ. Tokyo)
[Engineering Geophysics 2]
Chair H. Saito (OYO)
13:00 ~ 13:20 33) The study of seismic data acquisition method with the dual-sensor ocean-bottom cable in the transition zone
*Susumu Abe, Yoichi Ohta, Masaaki Konno(JGI)
73) Vibration characteristics of Ultra High Voltage Electron Microscope
*Yoshihiro Sawada, Hideki Nagumo, Jun Tobita, Masami Ishiguro(Nagoya Univ.)
13:20 ~ 13:40 34) Elastic waves in fluid-saturated porous media: Simplified model of Biot's theory
Choro Kitsunezaki(Akita Univ.)
74) Microtremor Array Survey in the Southwest Part of Nagoya City
*Yoshihiro Sawada, Miyako Norita, Hideki Nagumo(Nagoya Univ.), Susumu Kurahashi, Kazuaki Masaki(Aichi Int. of Tech.), Suqun Ling(Nihon Koei)
13:40 ~ 14:00 35) Fresnel volume tomography using wave based sensitivity
*Toshiki Watanabe, Tadashi Hashimura, Yuzuru Ashida(Kyoto Univ.)
75) Estimation of deep S wave velocity structure at northeastern part of the Nobi Plain using microtremor survey
*Hideki Nagumo, Yoshihiro Sawada(Nagoya Univ.)
14:00 ~ 14:20 36) Development of Low-Noise Circuit for Highly Sensitive Silicon Capacitive Accelerometer and Evaluation of the Result of Field Test
*Mitsutomo Nishizawa, Takeshi Yamatoda, Hiroaki Niitsuma, Masayoshi Esashi(Tohoku Univ.)
76) Discussion on H/V spectral ratio of microtremors consisting of Rayleigh- and Love- waves, Part 2
Minoru Teshima, *Hidekazu Yamamoto, Tsuyoshi Sano, Tokumi Saito(Iwate Univ.)
14:20 ~ 14:40 37) A new interpretation method using fiber-optic distributed temperature logging
Naotsugu Ikeda(Shincoh Co.)
77) Influence of deep geological structure and countermeasures in phase velocity inversion for array microtremor survey
*Shaokong Feng, Takeshi Sugiyama(CKC), Hiroaki Yamanaka(TIT)
14:40 ~ 15:00 38) A study on the signal processing of MT data using singular value decomposition (3) - Multi-site data processing -
*Koichiro Fukuoka(Kyushu Univ.)
78) S-wave velocity delineation using passive and active surface-wave methods in Soka city
*Haruhiko Suzuki, Hayashi Koichi(OYO), Fumio Inazaki, Yoshiro Ishihara, Katsumi Kimura(GSJ, AIST)
15:00 ~ 15:20 39) Advantages and problems of the audio-magnetotelluric method for geothermal exploration
*Shinichi Takakura(GSJ, AIST)
79) A surface-wave method using land streamers
*Koichi Hayashi, Satoshi Okada, Haruhiko Suzuki(OYO), Tomio Inazaki(PWRI)
15:20 ~ 15:40 40) 3D inversion of magnetotelluric data in the Ogiri and Shiramizugoe geothermal areas
*Toshihiro Uchida(GSJ, AIST)
80) Production of a P-wave type Land Streamer and its application test for shallow reflection survey
*Tomio Inazaki(GSJ, AIST)
15:40 ~ 16:00 6) On the remove-restore process for computing the generalized Bouguer anomaly
*Kyozo Nozaki(OYO)