社団法人 物理探査学会

花崗岩を対象とした立坑掘削工事振動を利用した物理探査技術の開発 -逆VSP探査の適用-


A reverse VSP ,R-VSP, using the blasting vibration has been carried out to obtain three-dimensional geological image around the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory under the shaft excavation works. In this study, the applicability of this method was discussed. As a result, several reflectors from the boundary of sediment layers and the surface of basal granite were extracted in the R-VSP profile same as the existing reflection seismic profile. For this reason, the applicability of the R-VSP to estimate the geological distribution was confirmed. R-VSP can be expected as complementary method to the reflection seismic survey, especially in the case of the restriction about layout of a seismic source on the ground surface.