講演要旨(和文) | 市区町村などローカルな地域においても地震発生時に詳細な震度分布を把握することは,初動計画等において極めて重要である。しかし,十分な数の強震観測点を設置し維持管理することは容易ではない。そこで,本研究では,2点の観測データから即時的かつ面的な震度分布を推定する手法を開発した。横浜市において開発した手法を適用した結果,予測した震度分布は実際の観測記録とよく一致した。 |
| 講演要旨(英文) | In order to reduce the earthquake disaster, it is very important to know the strong ground motion after a big earthquake as soon as possible. In Japan, high-density seismograph networks were installed after the Hanshin-Awaji earthquake. The typical spacing between each seismic station is approximately 20 km. However, there are many cities and towns that have only one seismic station. The Hanshin-Awaji earthquake has shown us the limits of governmental help and importance of the self-help by citizen. The density of seismic stations in Japan is not still enough for civilian self-disaster prevention. So it is important to know strong ground motions with higher density In this article, therefore, a new method to estimate high-resolution seismic intensity maps using only two seismic stations data has been developed. The new method is able to estimate seismic intensity of any given point. The new method has been applied to Yokohama City. As the results, high-resolution seismic intensity map has been achieved immediately with good accuracy. |
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