社団法人 物理探査学会

模擬メタンハイドレート試料を用いた弾性波減衰に関する室内実験(その4) - 散乱減衰の評価


The attenuation results measured from our previous experimental ultrasonic data are not entirely due to the intrinsic properties of the ice-brine coexisting system, a component of attenuation due to scattering effects is also included in the estimate. In order to clarify the relationship between the pore microstructure and attenuation, we estimated pore morphology and connectivity of an ice-water coexisting system by Magnetic Resonance Imaging. The ice generated from brine is a heterogeneous mixed-phase material consisting of an array of platelets of pure ice, separated by rows of brine-filled inclusions. We investigated the microstructural evolution of brine inclusions in ice through MRI for temperatures between -12 C and -3 C. The level of scattering attenuation was preliminarily estimated by numerical simulation data.