


Though many applications of High Density Surface Wave Survey are expected in geo-technical investigations, unlike its simplicity of data acquisition, its data processing is complicate and lack of systematic software. We have been studying HDSWS for many years and developed a full package of software named as Surfstar. The main features of Surfstar can be summarized as, a. Interactive and flexible interface enables the user to incorporate users own idea or existing information into data processing, b. Simple macro commands and background process functions enables the user to leave huge data processing to the machine and save users time, c. Rich show functions enables the user to present data in various ways for better understanding. d. Data management functions help the user to arrange various kinds of data in different folders under the Surfstar project, enables to trace of data processing easily. The Surfstar have been tested with field data intensively. That the results obtained with Surfstar agreed with that of borehole investigation confirmed its usefulness.