講演要旨(和文) | 本研究では,防災科学技術研究所の地震ハザードステーション「J-SHIS」で公開されている地下構造モデルをもとに,地震動シミュレーションによる観測記録の再現性の向上を目的として,はじめに仙台平野内の10地点で地震観測記録から計算したレシーバー関数の多地点同時逆解析を行い,地震基盤に至る堆積層のS波速度構造を推定した.次に,この逆解析結果に基づいてJ-SHISモデル内の上記10地点周辺の速度構造を修正し,宮城県沖の深い地震(2004/04/04,M4.2)のシミュレーションを行い,観測記録の再現性について検討した.その結果,堆積層の厚い平野北西部を除いて,レシーバー関数解析に基づくモデルの修正が観測記録の再現性の向上に有効であることが確認された. |
| 講演要旨(英文) | We performed multi-station joint inversion of receiver functions derived from earthquake records obtained at 10 sites in Sendai plain, and modified the model by Japan Seismic Hazard Information Station, National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention based on the inversion result. We then carried out earthquake ground-motion simulation of a deep event which occurred east off Miyagi Pref. by using the modified model, and confirmed that the synthetic waveforms by the modified model agreed with the observed ones better than those by the original model by J-SHIS except for the northwestern area with the thickest sedimentary layer. Therefore, we conclude that modifying the model by referring to the multi-station joint inversion of receiver functions is effective in improving reproducibility of observed earthquake records by ground-motion simulation at many stations. |
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