講演要旨(和文) | 産業廃棄物が廃棄された現場で,電磁探査による平面マッピングを行った.その結果,コンクリートなどと思われる電気伝導度が低いエリアを抽出することができた.また,廃棄物の体積を把握する目的で,体積が明らかなテストピットの一部(擬似廃棄物)を利用して3D比抵抗探査を行った.その結果,平面的には若干広いものの,体積を精度良く求めることができる事が判った.3D比抵抗探査は地表のみの電極を利用した場合と,ボーリング孔に設置した電極も含めたトモグラフィの2種類で行ったが,両者を比較するとトモグラフィを利用した方がより誤差が少なく体積を算出できるようである.今回は,廃棄物と地山の比抵抗コントラストの違いに注目して実験を行った.廃棄物と地山の比抵抗にコントラストがある場合は良いが,コントラストが小さい場合は検出精度が低下するため,実際の適用には比抵抗コントラストを検討する必要がある. |
| 講演要旨(英文) | Electromagnetic and 3D resistivity surveys were done in order to estimate a plane and volume of waste. When a plane mapping was done by using electromagnetic method (GEM-2), the waste that seemed concrete etc was able to extracted as a low conductivity area on the site to which industrial waste had been abandoned. Moreover, 3D resistivity survey was done by using a part of the test pit with clear volume (pseudowaste) to understand the volume of waste. As a result, some possibilities that the volume was able to be requested in accuracy good were able flatly to be found though it was wide. 3D resistivity survey was done in case of both using electrode on the ground surface only and including borehole electrode (tomography). The volume can be calculated few error in case of the tomography. This time, it experimented paying attention to the difference of the ratio resistivty contrast of waste and the ground mountain. When there is a contrast in the ratio resistivity of waste and the ground mountain, it is good, and when the contrast is small, is necessary to examine the ratio resistivity contrast in actual application because the accuracy decreases naturally. |
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