社団法人 物理探査学会



Electromagnetic and 3D resistivity surveys were done in order to estimate a plane and volume of waste. When a plane mapping was done by using electromagnetic method (GEM-2), the waste that seemed concrete etc was able to extracted as a low conductivity area on the site to which industrial waste had been abandoned. Moreover, 3D resistivity survey was done by using a part of the test pit with clear volume (pseudowaste) to understand the volume of waste. As a result, some possibilities that the volume was able to be requested in accuracy good were able flatly to be found though it was wide. 3D resistivity survey was done in case of both using electrode on the ground surface only and including borehole electrode (tomography). The volume can be calculated few error in case of the tomography. This time, it experimented paying attention to the difference of the ratio resistivty contrast of waste and the ground mountain. When there is a contrast in the ratio resistivity of waste and the ground mountain, it is good, and when the contrast is small, is necessary to examine the ratio resistivity contrast in actual application because the accuracy decreases naturally.