講演要旨(和文) | 廃棄物中における長期間の水の挙動を調べるため、3次元比抵抗トモグラフィの室内試験を行った。砂と粘土および廃棄物と粘土を充填した容器の側面に81極の電極を取り付けた。容器の大きさは高さ185cm、幅150cm、奥行き75cmである。3次元比抵抗トモグラフィを数ヶ月間にわたり繰り返し実施した。これらのデータを3次元解析した結果、観測された比抵抗変化が水の供給や排水に伴う含水率の変化や、塩水の浸透範囲によく整合することがわかった。また、洗い出し効果による廃棄物層の比抵抗増加が認められた。 |
| 講演要旨(英文) | In order to investigate long-term water behavior in waste layers, we have conducted model experiments by using time-lapse 3-D electrical resistivity tomography. Eighty one electrodes for resistivity measurements were installed on the container filled with sand and clay or wastes and clay. The size of container is 185cm high, 150cm wide and 75cm deep. Three dimensional measurements were carried out repeatedly during several months. The results of 3-D analysis of these data show that observed resistivity change was well consistent with moisture content according to water supply and drainage, and with the range of infiltrating salty water. Resistivity increase of waste layer due to rinse effect is also recognized. |
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