社団法人 物理探査学会

堆積性軟岩地域のRock Physics model

地盤を単純化しミクロなモデルで表すことにより理論的に物性値間の関係を導くRock Physicsの技術は,ある物性値から他の物性値を求める場合や,背後にある地盤情報を推定する上で非常に重要と考えられる.このようなRock Physicsの研究は海外の堆積性軟岩を対象にすすめられてきたが,理論的な地盤の岩石物理モデル(Rock Physics model)であれば国内の堆積性軟岩にも適用できる可能性がある.今回は,日本沿岸の堆積性軟岩地域で得られた検層データに対して理論的な岩石物理モデルをあてはめ,モデルの適用性について検討した.

The technology of rock physics diagnostics is considered as the key technology to obtain effective properties for specific purposes from results of geophysical method and well logs. The Rock Physics modeling is the most rational way, and we applied the model which had been made for the geology of foreign country to the soft sedimentary rock in Japan. It is shown that the model can explain the relationship between compressional modulus and porosity obtained at Tertiary silt stone in Japan. Additionally, the data obtained at Gulf of Mexico, North Sea and Japan can be explained by same rock physics model even though the locations are far apart from each other. The model is important to study an old sedimentary environment and to predict some properties from the others.