講演要旨(和文) | ランドストリーマーツールを利用した物理探査は,作業効率が高く,結果的に低コストでの測定が可能になることから,河川堤防の連続的な調査に高い適用性を有していると期待される.そこで実際に数種類のランドストリーマーを使用し,異なった探査条件で現地実験を実施した.その結果,反射法探査では堤体下部の構造調査には有用であるが,堤体内部構造のイメージングには更なる検討が必要なことがわかった.また表面波探査ではSV反射波も同時に捉えることができ,それを利用した反射法解析の適用が試みられた. |
| 講演要旨(英文) | Geophysical surveying using towed array tools is expected to play an important role in the vulnerability assessment of levee owing to their high field performance. Particularly, Land Streamer tool has great potentiality for seismic survey along levee because of its high acquisition speed, high resolution, easiness of operation, applicability even on paved surfaces, and resultant cost effectiveness. We conducted field surveys using Land Streamers on levees to verify the actual productivity of the tool. Various tools and field parameters were chosen to meet with target depths and analyzing wavefields, e.g. SH waves or surface waves. As a result, the coverage speeds reached about 500 to 800 shot point move-ups per day by a four member's crew. In conclusion, the seismic surveying using Land Streamer tool can be useful as continuous profiling method for vulnerability assessment of levee. |
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