社団法人 物理探査学会


本稿では,ブーゲー密度に依存しない「現点での一般化ブーゲー異常」という新たな概念(station level density-free BA)が,フリー・エア異常(FA)に対する古典的ではあるが新しい解釈を与えることを示した.主な結果は以下のとおりである:(1)station level density-free BAは, FAとともに,物理測地学の基本方程式と同等な式を構成する.その中で,station level density-free BAは,「重力乱れ(gravity disturbance)」の役割を演じている.(2)station level density-free BAは,地表面に上方接続されているため,地形質量が分布していてもその影響を受けない(complete remove-restore processの実現).

Based on the notion of the generalized Bouguer anomaly at the density-free datum level proposed by Nozaki (2006), the author derived the results: (1) The upward continuation of the generalized Bouguer anomaly from the specific datum level Hd0 (Nozaki, 2006) to the station level, namely, the station level density-free Bouguer anomaly, is the gravity disturbance which contains no inertial term, thus suitable for geophysical purposes of subsurface investigations, (2) The station level density-free Bouguer anomaly can be computed under a complete remove-restore process of the topographic masses, thus has no indirect effect on the geoid computation, etc., and (3) The equation of the station level density-free Bouguer anomaly has an intimate tie to the fundamental equation of physical geodesy, thus consistent also with the geodetic framework.