講演要旨(和文) | 北海道北部地域には,サハリン南部から宗谷海峡を通り,その北西部を南北に縦断する地震帯が認められる.近年,(独)防災科学技術研究所によるHi-net(小原,2001)などの地震観測網が整備されたこともあり,本地域での地震活動に関する研究が進められている.本報告では,北海道北部地域の地震観測網で計測された微小地震群を対象に,震源の高精度標定法であるマルチプレット・クラスタリング解析法により,同地域のうち,特に幌延地域における震源の再標定結果を述べる. |
| 講演要旨(英文) | The source locations of earthquakes at the Horonobe area, north of Hokkaido have been relocated by using the multiplet-clustering analysis (MCA) to identify the subsurface structures and to reveal the mechanism of earthquakes. The absolute source locations of 221 earthquakes were determined by the hypomh algorithm to find the overall structures in this area. After that, those earthquakes were classified into 26 groups of multiplets which are the groups of events with very similar waveforms and their source locations have been relocated based on the MCA in order to reveal the fine scale structures. The MCA has revealed that the earthquake locations show the structures trending from NS to NNE-SSW. |
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