講演要旨(和文) | 奈良・橿原にある5棟の江戸・明治期の建造物の動的耐震性能調査を実施した。建物は全て2階建て木造瓦葺きであり、aは国指定重要文化財で、江戸末期の民家である。bは県指定重要文化財で、博物館として使われた明治期の大型建物である。cとdは明治期のものと推定される普通民家であり、またeは昭和期の民家だが相当老朽化している。耐震性能の調査方法は、地盤の微振動とそれによる建物の振動を同時計測し、解析して建物の振動特性値、即ち建物の固有周期、共振尖鋭度のQ値、増幅度を求める。それらの値を用いて耐震性能評価指数Cを定義して用いる。指数Cが40を超えるときは倒壊の危険が大きいと判定する。調査結果は、aの指数Cは短辺が111、長辺は301で非常に危険となる。建物bは指数Cは短辺が100、長辺が98で両方向とも倒壊の危険性が大きい。またcとdは短辺が94と72、長辺が34と78で、これらも危険と判定される。 |
| 講演要旨(英文) | We have examined important wooden five buildings in relation to evaluation of aseismic capacity of those houses.The buildings are all designated as cultural assets and two storied wooden framed houses with tile-proofing made in the Edo period or in the Meiji period.The building a is a private house which is designated as national culture property.The building b was constructed as a museum in the Meiji period and comprised of large scale wooden frame.The buildings c and d were common private houses constructed in the Meiji period. We have measured small ground vibrations and building vibrations simultaneously and analysed those vibration in order to evaluate vibration characteristies of those buildings,resonance sharpness Q and amplitude ratio.An empirical formula has been developed so as to estimate aseismic capacity indices of old wooden-framed houses.We judge that old wooden-frame japanese buildings which have aseismic capacity indices are larger than 40 are vulnerable to total collapse.The result obtained have shown that the index of a is 111 in the north-south direction,and that of b is 100 and 98 in the same discription,and also those of c and d are 94 and 72,and 34 and 78.These results have shown that the examined buildings are all vulnerable to total collapse. |
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