with the 75th Anniversary Events of SEGJ

October 11 - 13, 2023


Wednesday, October 11, 2023
Openning Speech Ibuka Masaru Memorial Hall, (1F)10:00-10:10

Toshiki WATANABE (Nagoya Univ.; Chair, Executive Committee for Anniversary Events  )
Anniversary SymposiumsIbuka Masaru Memorial Hall, (1F)10:10-16:20
Poster Core TimeRoom No.1 & 2 (3F) 16:50-18:30
Exhibition Room No.1(3F) & Foyer(1F) 11:00-18:30
Thursday, October 12, 2023
Panel Discussion Ibuka Masaru Memorial Hall, (1F) 09:30-10:40
Outreach Ibuka Masaru Memorial Hall, (1F) 11:00-12:30
Keynote SpeechsIbuka Masaru Memorial Hall, (1F) 14:00-15:30
Jun MATSUSHIMA (The University of Tokyo; Vice-President of SEGJ)

Understanding the Geological Environment and Contributing to Disaster Prevention and Mitigation through Geophysical Exploration Technology - 100 years since the Great Kanto Earthquake
Susume ABE
(President of JGI)

The Near Future of Geophysical Exploration Technology Developed with the Evolution of Digital Technology
Yasuhiko KOTERA (President of SEGJ)
Anniversary Ceremony Ibuka Masaru Memorial Hall (1F) 16:00-17:10
RIHGA Royal Hotel Tokyo (3F)
[Access Map to RIHGA Royal Hotel]

Exhibition Room No.1(3F) & Foyer(1F) 09:30-17:00
Friday, October 12, 2023
Anniversary SymposiumsIbuka Masaru Memorial Hall (1F) 09:30-15:50
Closing Speech Ibuka Masaru Memorial Hall, (1F)15:50-16:00

Yoshiya ODA ( Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.; Vice-Chair, Executive Committee for Anniversary Events  )
Exhibition Room No.1(3F) & Foyer(1F) 09:30-15:00

Pre-Registration and Onsite Registration are available.
All payments must be made in JPY (Japanease Yen).
Registered and Paid
(Until Sep. 14, 2023)
Onsite Registration
Member / Non-member
JPY 15,400-*
JPY 17,600-**
Student (Member)
JPY 00,000-*
JPY 00,000-**
JPY 07,700-*
JPY 08,800-**
(Evening on Oct. 12)
Member / Non-member
JPY 11,000-**
JPY 13,200-**
JPY 05,500-**
JPY 06,600-**


Pre-registrant will receive PAPER Proceedings at the registration desk of the conference.

PAPER Proceedings can be purchased at a price of JPY 1,650-.

Cosumosu Shoji Co.,Ltd.
Geofive Co.,Ltd.
Hakusan Corporation
Maruma Technica Co.,Ltd.
RS Dynamics Co.,Ltd.
Tokyo Sokushin Co.,Ltd.

EAGE-NSG Asia Pacific Meeting
Geophysical Surveying Co., Ltd.(GSC)
ITOCHU Techno-Solutions Corpration(CTC)
JGI, Inc.
Kawasaki Geological Engineering Co. Ltd.(KGE)


1) DO NOT screenshot or record any part of the conference (including the audios).


Wednesday, October 11,  Ibuka Masaru Memorial Hall (1F)
Session   Anv. Sympo.: Resources (Oil, Gas, Metal, and Geothermal)
Conveners   Jun Matsushima (University of Tokyo, GSFS) and Eiichi Arai (JOGMEC)
October 11   10:10〜11:40
  1) Historical Review and Prospects on Geophysical Exploration Technologies for Mineral Exploration
  *Kazuya Okada(1)
Japan Organization for Metals and Energy Security
October 11 10:10〜11:40
2) Geophysical Exploration Technologies for Geothermal Development
*Hideshi Kaieda(1)
1:CRIEPI,Kajima Corp.
October 11   10:10〜11:40
  3) Initiatives in the oil and gas industry for realization of a decarbonized society
and stable energy supply and contributions from exploration geophysics
  *Ayato Kato(1)
1:Japan Organization for Metals and Energy Security
October 11 10:10〜11:40
4) Recent Advances in Oil and Natural Gas Exploration Technologies
toward Achieving Carbon Neutrality
*Susumu Abe・Kenichi Akama(1)
1:JGI, Inc.
Session   Anv. Sympo.: Environment (Soil, Groundwater, CCS, and Geological Disposal)
Conveners   Yuji Mitsuhata (AIST) and Takao Nibe (JAPEX)
October 11   13:00〜14:30
  5) Simplified Three-Dimensional Electrical Resistivity Survey for Groundwater
  *Shinya Tanioka・Masaru Sasaki・Takeshi Yoshikawa・Yuji Hachino(1)
1:Kiso-Jiban Consultants Co., LTD
October 11 13:00〜14:30
6) Current status of geophysical exploration techniques for selection of geological disposal site
*Toshiyuki Matsuoka(1)
1:Nuclear Waste Management Organization of Japan (NUMO)
October 11   13:00〜14:30
  7) Time-lapse seismic surveys in the Tomakomai CCS Demonstration Project
  *Ryuji Niiro(1),Hideo Saito・Hirokazu Ishige(2),Hisao Kato・Daiji Tanase(1)
1:Japan CCS Co., Ltd.,2:JGI, Inc.
Session   Anv. Sympo.: Geophysical Exploration from Space and Air (Remote Sensing and Drone Survey)
Conveners   Shuichi Rokugawa (NIED, University of Tokyo) and Naoki Sakai (NIED)
October 11   14:50〜16:20
  8) New Phase for Utilization of Satellite Remote Sensing
  *Shuichi Rokugawa・Hitoshi Taguchi・Naoki Sakai・Habura Borjigin(1)

1:National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience
October 11 14:50〜16:20
9) Challenges in rational assessment of landslide risk by integrating airborne and ground-based observation information
*Naoki Sakai(1)
1:National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience
October 11   14:50〜16:20
  10) Advanced utilization of satellite data for disaster prevention
  *Naruo Mushiake・Norichika Asada・Kenichi Honda(1)
1:Kokusai Kogyo Co., Ltd.
October 11 14:50〜16:20
11) Efforts for the response of large-scale sediment disaster in Kii Mountains using airborne electromagnetic survey and SAR images
*Wataru Takeshita(1),Masanao Kobayashi・Yuki Kishimoto(2), Takao Yamakoshi(1)
1:NILIM, Sediment Disaster Prevention Technology Center,2:Sediment Disaster Prevention Technology Center,Kii Sankei Sabo Office
Wednesday, October 11,  Room No.1 (3F)
Session   SEGJ Conf.: Poster Sessions (Core Time First Half)
Chair   Yuji Mitsuhata (AIST)
October 11   16:30〜17:30
  P-1) Petrophysical study on core samples from a heat hole
  *Shigeo Okuma・Yoshihiro Ishizuka(1),Keiichi Shibuya(2)
1:AIST,2:previously AIST
October 11 16:30〜17:30
P-2) Estimation of a temporal change of the magnetic structure in Mt. Azuma, northeast Japan
*Hikari Yonekura(1),Masahiro Ichiki(2),Shigeo Okuma・Ayumu Miyakawa(3),Ryo Tanaka(4),Toshiki Kaida(2),Ayuta Tsuge(4),Toyonobu Ohta(5),Takeshi Hashimoto(4)
1:Tohoku Univ.,AIST,2:Tohoku Univ.,3:AIST,4:Hokkaido Univ.,5:Tierra Tecnica
October 11   16:30〜17:30
  P-3) Three-dimensional magnetoelectric inversion based on nonlinear conjugate gradient method using accelerated forward and adjoint calculation technique
  *Jian Li(1),Yasuo Ogawa(2),Jianxin Liu・Rongwen Guo・Xulong Wang・Jingdao Xu(3)
1:Central South University and Tokyo Institute of Technology,2:Tokyo Institute of Technology,3:Central South University
October 11 16:30〜17:30
P-4) Common sense and uncommon sense in magnetotelluric method
*Hideki Mizunaga・Toshiaki Tanaka・Koji Hashimoto(1)
1:Kyushu University
   [Case Study]
October 11 16:30〜17:30
P-5) Ground vibration measurement at Nagoya University Higashiyama Campus: Analysis of subway running vibration
*Toshiki Watanabe(1),Keiichiro Sato(2)
1:Nagoya Univ.,2:Japan Coast Guard
October 11   16:30〜17:30
  P-6) Magnetic Susceptibility Inversion and Magnetization Vector Inversion: A Case Study for Polymetallic
prospecting in Panjshir, Afghanistan
  *Mohammad Hakim Rezayee・Hideki Mizunaga(1)
1:Kyushu University
October 11 16:30〜17:30
P-7) Feasibility Study of Cross Well Seismic Survey Using DAS Cable for CO2 Injection in a Depleted Gas Field
*Akira Fujimoto・Ayato Kato(1),Kono Akihiro(2),Yasushi Shimano・Yusaku Konishi(1)
1:JOGMEC,2:INPEX Corporation
Session   SEGJ Conf.: Poster Sessions (Core Time Second Half)
Chair   Yohei Morifuji (CRIEPI)
   [Resource Exploration][Oil and Natural Gas][CO2][Metal]
October 11   17:30〜18:30
  P-8) Feasibility study for microseismic source location using DAS observation in multiple wells
  *Akihiro Kono・Isao Kurosawa・Yuki Kobayashi(1)
October 11 17:30〜18:30
P-9) the Operation Cost Comparison of the Surface DAS using Ground-mounted Optical Fiber and the Measurement using Geophone - Based on the Field Test in Niigata Prefecture
*Ryohei Naruse・Yuki Kobayashi・Shogo Masaya(1)
October 11   17:30〜18:30
  P-10) Subsurface structures related to hydrocarbon migration and accumulation in the middle east: Insights from seismic attribute analysis
  *SAMIM Khari Mohammad(1),Takeshi Tsuji(2),Chanmaly Chhun(1)
1:Kyushu Univ.,2:Kyushu Univ.,Univ of Tokyo
October 11 17:30〜18:30
P-11) Energy Amplification of Transmitted Wave Observed by Continuous Ultrasonic Irradiation to Gas-containing Sand Layer: Possibility of Gas bubble Manipulation by Ultrasonic Waves
*Jun Matsushima(1),Masashi Kodama(2),Katsunori Mizuno(1),Toshiyuki Yokota(2),Makoto Suzuki(3)
1:Univ. of Tokyo, GSFS,2:AIST, GSJ,3:Univ. of Tokyo, SoE
October 11   17:30〜18:30
  P-12) Verification experiment of audio-frequency magnetotelluric method for skarn deposit exploration around the Kamaishi mine, Iwate prefecture
  *Ryosuke Umezawa・Shinichi Takakura・Shogo Komori(1)
October 11 17:30〜18:30
P-13) Analysis of Gravity Data by Physically Informed Neural Network (PINN)
*Matsuoka Toshifumi(1),Azuma Hiroyuki(2),Koshika Kouta・Nozaki Kyozo(3)
1:Fukada Geological Institute,2:Tokyo Metropolitan University,3:OYO
Wednesday, October 11,  Room No.2 (3F)
Session   SEGJ Conf.: Poster Sessions (Core Time First Half)
Chair   Kyosuke Okamoto (AIST)
   [Earthquake][Disaster Prevention 1]
October 11   16:30〜17:30
  P-14) Investigation on the quality of seismic data for earthquake early warning in the railway
  *Seiji Tsuno(1),Yasuma Nagai(2),Masahiro Korenaga・Masahiko Samizo・Shinji Sato(1)
October 11 16:30〜17:30
P-15) Fundamental study on the application of Deep Learning for the inversion of Rayleigh wave dispersion curves to S-wave velocity structures.
*Masaki Yoshino・Tatsuo Kanno(1),Hiroyuki Miura(2),Michiko Shigefuji(1),Tetsuo Abiru(3)
1:Kyushu univ,2:Hiroshima univ,3:Chugoku Electric Power Company
October 11   16:30〜17:30
  P-16) Investigation of subsurface structure model using SP-converted waves observed in the eastern part of Fukushima Prefecture
  *Tomiiichi Uetake(1)
October 11 16:30〜17:30
P-17) Seismic reflection survey of land-lake area and behavior analysis of OBX during observation
*Yasuhiko Akinaga・Koji Yamada・Takashi Imayoshi・Masaki Suehiro(1),Haruo Kimura(2)
1:Hanshin Consultants Co., Ltd,2:Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry
October 11   16:30〜17:30
  P-18) Shallow seismic reflection survey on Minamiawaji city in Hyogo prefecture
  *Sawako Kinoshita・Shinobu Ito(1)
Session   SEGJ Conf.: Poster Sessions (Core Time Second Half)
Chair   Toshiyuki Kurahashi (CERI)
   [Civil Engineering][Disaster Prevention 2]
October 11   17:30〜18:30
  P-19) Removal of Skin Effect from VLC-AC band Electrical Survey System Measurement Data Using Deep Learning.
  *Junya Shinohara(1),Motoharu Jinguuji・Toshiyuki Yokota(2),Takumi Ueda(3)
1:(1)AIST, (2)School of Creative Science and Engineering, Waseda Univ.,2:AIST,3:School of Creative Science and Engineering, Waseda Univ.
October 11 17:30〜18:30
P-20) Repetitive multichannel surface wave surveys at Hinode District, Itako City (Part 2): Utilization of shot coherent signals for delineating near-surface velocity structure
*Inazaki Tomio(1),Yokota Toshiyuki(2)
October 11   17:30〜18:30
  P-21) Continuous S-wave velocity measurements of embankment using seismic ambient noise
  *Koichi Hayashi(1),Osamu Ishitsuka・Takanori Ishikawa・Chisato Konishi(2),Naoki Sakai(3)
1:OYO Corportaion/Geometrics,2:OYO Corportaion,3:NIED
October 11 17:30〜18:30
P-22) Maximum depth and resolution of the surface wave method
*HISAO Hayashi(1),TOSHIO Takagi・HIDEYASU Uekuma(2),TSUYOSHI Haraguch(3)
1:Geo-x Consultant Corporation,2:F U K K E N C O., L T D.,3:STORY, Ltd.
October 11   17:30〜18:30
  P-23) Seismic wave propagation in crustal structure of the East Anatolian Fault Zone
  *Kosuke Chimoto(1)
1:Kagawa Univ.
Thursday, October 12,  Ibuka Masaru Memorial Hall (1F)
SEGJ 75th Anniversary Event
Event Theme: “Sustainable Society and Geophysical Exploration”
October 12   9:30〜10:40      Panel Discussion
October 12   11:00〜12:30      Outreach
Session   Keynote Speeches
October 12   14:00〜14:45      Susumu Abe (President of JGI, Inc.)
October 12 14:45〜15:30    Yasuhiko Kotera (President of JAPT)
October 12   16:00〜17:10      Anniversary Ceremony
Friday, October 13,  Ibuka Masaru Memorial Hall (1F)
Session   Anv. Sympo.: Disaster Prevention (Slope, Earthquake, and Levee)
Conveners   Hiroaki Yamanaka (Tokyo Tech) and Hiroaki Sato (CRIEPI)
October 13   9:30〜11:00
  12) Slope disaster management and geophysical exploration
  *Kenji Kubota(1)
October 13 9:30〜11:00
13) Geophysical Explorations for Strong Motion Prediction
*Haruhiko Suzuki(1)
1:OYO Corp.
October 13   9:30〜11:00
  14) Use of geophysical exploration for river levee survey
  *Kyosuke Onishi(1)
1:Public Works Research Institute
Session   Anv. Sympo.: Civil Engineering (Maintenance and Management, and Agriculture)
Conveners   Kyosuke Onishi (PWRI) and Keisuke Inoue (NARO)
October 13   12:30〜14:00
  15) Geo-risks on Civil Engineering and Hope for Geophysical Exploration
  *Yasuhito Sasaki(1)
1:Japan Dam Engineering Center
October 13 12:30〜14:00
16) Present Situation of Stock Management for Irrigation and Drainage Facilities
*Okamoto Yoshihisa・Morioka Saburo(1)
1:MAFF/Tone River Basin and Management Office
Session   Anv. Sympo.: Academic (Earth Science and Buried Cultural Properties)
Conveners   Toshiki Watanabe (Nagoya University) and Akihiro Kaneda (Nara National Research Institute for Cultural Properties)
October 13   14:20〜15:50
  17) Near-future lunar and planetary exploration plans and expected results from seismic observations
  *Satoshi Tanaka(1),Takeshi Tsuji(2),Akito Araya(3),Taichi Kawamura(4),Keisuke Onodera(3)
1:JAXA,2:Graduate School of Technology Univ. Tokyo,3:Earthquake Research Institute, Univ. Tokyo,4:Université Paris Cité , institut de physique du Globe de Paris, CNRS
October 13 14:20〜15:50
18) Frontiers of Seismic Exploration in Seismogenic Subduction Zones
*Gou Fujie(1)
1:Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC)
October 13   14:20〜15:50
  19) Application of the surfice wave method to detect the buried moat of the casle sites built in the 16th century
  *Takumi Furukawa(1),Toshitaka Kamai(2),Shun Sakamoto(3),Issei Doi(4),Ryo Nakatsuka(5)
1:Kyoto Prefectural Board of Education,2:Former Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto Univ.,3:Gangoji Institute for Research of Cultural Property,4:Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto Univ.,5:Muko City Center for Archaeological Operations
October 13 14:20〜15:50
20) The future of archaeological Survey
*Naoto Takase(1),Yoshinao Murakami(2),Masahiro Yamaguchi(3),Shinichi Okumura(4),Megumi Kobayashi・Nobuaki Ishizawa・Ken Ichihara(1)
1:OYO Corporation,2:Akita Archaeological Center,3:OUGISEIKO CONSULTANTS Co.,Ltd.,4:TOSHIKEIKAN SEKKEI INC.