May 30 - June 1, 2023

BLDG.63, 2F,NISHIWASEDA CAMPUS, 3-4-1 Okubo, Shinjuku-ku, TOKYO, JAPAN

Tuesday, May 30, 2023
Openning Speech Room No.1 (Meeting Room 03, 2F)09:20-09:25

Keiichi SUZUKI (Kawasaki Geological Engineering Co. Ltd.; President of SEGJ)
Technical SessionsRoom No.1 (Meeting Room 03, 2F)09:30-15:20
Poster Core TimeRoom No.1 (Meeting Room 03, 2F) 15:40-17:20
Exhibition Room No.3 (Meeting Room 04, 2F) 11:00-17:20
Wednesday, May 31, 2023
Technical SessionsRoom No.1 (Meeting Room 03, 2F) 09:30-11:30
Technical SessionsRoom No.2 (Meeting Room 05, 2F) 09:30-11:10
General Meeting Room No.1 (Meeting Room 03, 2F) 13:00-14:40
Executive Sessions Room No.1 (Meeting Room 03, 2F) 15:00-17:00
Jun MATSUSHIMA (The University of Tokyo; Vice-President of SEGJ)

Asteroid Explorer "HAYABUSA 2", Challenge, Return, and Challenge

The CCS policy of Japan
Norihiko SAEKI
Exhibition Room No.3 (Meeting Room 04, 2F) 09:30-17:00
Thursday, June 1, 2023
Technical SessionsRoom No.1 (Meeting Room 03, 2F) 10:00-11:40
Technical SessionsRoom No.2 (Meeting Room 05, 2F) 10:00-12:00
Exhibition Room No.3 (Meeting Room 04, 2F) 10:00-11:00

Pre-Registration and Onsite Registration are available.
All payments must be made in JPY (Japanease Yen).
Registered and Paid
(Until April 27,2023)
Onsite Registration
Member / Non-member
JPY 7,700-*
JPY 8,800-**
Student (Member)
JPY 0,000-*
JPY 0,000-**
Student (Non-Member)
JPY 3,850-*
JPY 4,400-**


Pre-registrant will receive PAPER Proceedings at the registration desk of the conference.

PAPER Proceedings can be purchased at a price of JPY 1,650-.

ACT Electronics Corp.
Geofive Co.,Ltd.
Hakusan Corporation
Superconducting Sensing Technology Corporation(SUSTEC)

Geophysical Surveying Co., Ltd.(GSC)
ITOCHU Techno-Solutions Corpration(CTC)
JGI, Inc.
Kawasaki Geological Engineering Co. Ltd.(KGE)

1) TEST for you internet connection to the online conference

2) Guide for Technical Session

3) DO NOT screenshot or record any part of the conference (including the audios).


May.30    Room No.1(Meeting Room 03,2F)
Session   [Civil Engineering][Earthquake 1][Disaster Prevention 1]
Chair   Kentaro Kasamatsu (Kajima Corporation Technical Research Institute)
May.30   9:30 - 9:50   
  1) First arrival traveltime tomography using near and far offset traveltimes
  *Yamauchi Yasutomo(1)
1:DIA Consultans Co., Ltd.
May.30 9:50 - 10:10   
2) Development of deep-sea microtremor array exploration for floating offshore wind farm
*Yoshikazu Matsubara・Yasuhiro Asano・Mikihiro Imai・Yusuke Inoue・Akesi Hiraide(1)
1:OYO corporation
May.30   10:10 - 10:30   
  3) Basic experiment of microtremor measurement for building a microtremor monitoring system
  *Ryusuke Ohnuki・Masaya Yamauchi・Chisato Konishi・Masaki Tsuji・Om Pradhan(1)
1:OYO Corporation
May.30 10:30 - 10:50   
4) Near-surface Vs modeling in combination of microtremor measurements with surface wave surveys: A case study at Ikejiri-gawa Depression, Nagano Prefecture.
*INAZAKI Tomio(1),HAYASHI Koichi(2),KONDO Yoichi・SEKI Megumi(3),INOUCHI Yoshio(4)
1:Independent,2:Geometrics,3:Nojiriko Naumann Elephant Musium,4:Formerly Waseda Univ.
May.30   10:50 - 11:10   
  5) Subsurface imaging by passive seismic reverse time migration
  *Kazuya Shiraishi(1),Toshiki Watanabe(2)
1:JAMSTEC,2:Nagoya Univ.
May.30 11:10 - 11:30   
6) Point target and terrain estimation from FMCW SAR-equipped drone observations
*Yutaro Shigemitsu・Kazuya Ishitsuka・Weiren Lin(1),Tomoyuki Sugiyama・Munemaru Kishimoto・Takeharu Takahashi(2)
1:Kyoto univ,2:Nittetsu Mining Consultants Co., Ltd
Session   [Case Study]
Chair   Kazuya Shiraishi (JAMSTEC)
May. 30   13:00 - 13:20   
  7) Development of automatic BSR extraction tool using deep learning model(Deep BSR Scanner)
  *Hironori Sakaguchi・Kazuyoshi Takaichi・Satoshi Kodama・Yusuke Shimono・Hisako Shimizu(1),Shohei Ishinabe・Yoshitaka Nakayama・Ebitani Akira(2)
May. 30 13:20 - 13:40   
8) Seismic reflection survey of the Enasan Fault, the Sanageyama North Fault, and the Sanage-Saikagawa Fault, and the Sanage-Saikagawa Fault
*Toshiki Watanabe・Keiichi Tadokoro(1),Tatsuya Ishiyama(2),Nobuhisa Matta(3),Yasuhiro Suzuki・Koshun Yamaoka・Hiroshi Ichihara(1),Hideo Saito・Mamoru Nakata・Susumu Abe(4)
1:Nagoya Univ.,2:Univ. of Tokyo,3:Okayama Univ.,4:JGI., Inc.
May. 30   13:40 - 14:00   
  9) Microtremor exploration at damaged mosques in old city of Bursa during the 1855 Bursa earthquake
  *Hiroaki Yamanaka(1),Masashi Morita(2),Kentaro Kasamatsu(3),Mai Kozu(1),Hiroe Miyake(4),Daiki Sato(1)
1:Tokyo Inst. Tech.,2:Yokohama National Univ.,3:Kajima Tech. Res. Inst.,4:Earthq. Res. Inst., Univ. Tokyo
May. 30 14:00 - 14:20   
10) Estimation of buried valley distribution under river embankment through 2D microtremor array measurement
*Atsushi Suzaki・Hidetake Tanaka・Masaya Yamauchi・Sennichi Sato・Takamasa Niibe(1)
May. 30   14:20 - 14:40   
  11) Estimation of permeability and mechanical strength characteristics of layers around boreholes using geophysical logging data
  *KOICHI SUZUKI(1),Kenzo Kiho・Reo Ikawa(2)
1:Kawasaki geological engineering Co., Ltd.,2:AIST
May. 30 14:40 - 15:00   
12) Subsurface exploration of ERT and GPR at a quarry of oil sand, in Futatsui, Nshiro city, Akita prefecture
Kazumasa Nishida(1),*Shin'ya Sakanaka(2),Keigo Tsuboe(3),Shion Tsunaga(4),Kanju Bahati Haji(2)
1:ANA Okinawa Airport,2:Akita Univ,3:HRS,4:SOUGOUCHISHITSU
May. 30   15:00 - 15:20   
  13) Support of Humanitarian Demining in Ukraine by Dual Sensor
  *Motoyuki Sato(1)(2)
1:Tohoku University,2:ALISys Co.,Ltd.
May.30    Room No.1(Meeting Room 03,2F)
Session   [Poster]
Chair   Keiichi Ishizu (Univ of Hyogo)
May. 30   15:40 - 17:20   
  P-1) A Shallow Subsurface Structure Survey in Geothermal Area Using Magnetic Exploration
  *Junya Maruyama(1)
May. 30 15:40 - 17:20   
P-2) Evaluation on uncertainty in forward calculation of magnetotelluric response to three-dimensional electrical conductivity structure
*Kiyoshi Baba(1)
1:ERI, UTokyo
May. 30   15:40 - 17:20   
  P-3) Estimation of subsurface structure of S-wave velocity in urban Kochi
  *Nobuyuki Yamada・Sora Kadowaki(1)
1:Kochi Univ.
May. 30 15:40 - 17:20   
P-4) Earthquake ground motion characteristics around the Tatsutayama Fault in Kumamoto.
*Haruhiko Suzuki・Hisanori Matsuyama(1)
1:OYO Corp.
May.31    Room No.1(Meeting Room 03,2F)
Session   [Geothermal][Resource Exploration]
Chair   Junya Maruyama (HRO)
May. 31   9:30 - 9:50   
  14) Geothermal exploration at Kijiyama geothermal field in Akita, Japan
  *Junzo Kasahara・Yoko Hasada(1),Hitoshi Mikada(2),Hiroshi Ohnuma(1),Yoshihiro Fujise(3)
1:ENAA,2:Kyoto Univ.,3:WELMA
May. 31 9:50 - 10:10   
15) Automatic seismic detection of dense seismic observation data at Kozushima Island using EQTransformer
〇Nonaka Shota・Azuma Hiroyuki・Oda Yoshiya(1)
1:Tokyo Metropolitan University
May. 31   10:10 - 10:30   
  16) Estimation of shallow resistivity structure in a geothermal area using a novel Static Shift correction method and a scheme to stabilize three-dimensional magnetotelluric inversion.
  〇Nagi Yamashita・Tada-nori Goto(1),Kodo Umakoshi・Hiroshi Sasaki(2)
1:University of Hyogo,2:Nagasaki Univ.
May. 31 10:30 - 10:50   
17) Improvement of MI sensor for measuring very-low-frequency magnetic fields
*Toshiaki Tanaka・Hideki Mizunaga・koji Hashimoto・Hiroyuki Furukawa(1),Shinya Onodera(2)
1:Kyushu University,2:JOGMEC
May. 31   10:50 - 11:10   
  18) Determination of Optimal Transmitter and Receiver Configuration for Time-Domain Airborne Electromagnetic Survey Using UAVs
  *Yasuyuki Kuwai・Takumi Ueda(1)
1:Waseda Univ.
May. 31 11:10 - 11:30   
19) Imaging of shallow gas hydrate in the eastern margin of Japan Sea by marine direct current resistivity survey
Ayako Oda ・*Keiichi Ishizu ・Tada-nori Goto(1),Takafumi Kasaya(2)
1:Univ of Hyogo,2:JAMSTEC
Session   Executive Sessions
Chair   Jun Matsushima (The Univ. of Tokyo, GSFS)
May.31   15:00 - 16:00   Satoru Nakazawa (JAXA)
May.31 16:00 - 17:00 Norihiko Saeki (METI)
May.31    Room No.2(Meeting Room 05,2F)
Session   [Earthquake 2][Disaster Prevention 2][Volcano]
Chair   Nobuyuki Yamada (Kochi Univ.)
May. 31   9:30 - 9:50   
  25) Re-evaluation of site amplification factors in northwest Morioka area by microtremor array surveys
  *Hidekazu Yamamoto・Tsubasa Sato・Tsuyoshi Saito(1)
1:Iwate University
May. 31 9:50 - 10:10   
26) Repetitive multichannel surface wave surveys at Hinode District, Itako City.
*INAZAKI Tomio(1),YOKOTA Toshiyuki(2)
May. 31   10:10 - 10:30   
  27) Development of a compact real-time seismograph system
  *Osamu Ishitsuka・Chisato Konishi・Koichi Hayashi・Haruhiko Suzuki・Yoshiaki Tanazawa(1)
1:OYO Corporation
May. 31 10:30 - 10:50   
28) Evaluation of two-dimensional S-wave velocity structure model with borehole array records
*Kentaro Kasamatsu(1),Takashi Nozawa(2),Tetsushi Watanabe(3)
1:Kajima Corporation Technical Research Institute,2:Kajima Corporation Nuclear Power Department,3:Kobori Research Complex Inc.
May. 31   10:50 - 11:10   
  29) P-wave Attenuation Structure of Kozushima Island from twofold spectral ratio method using dense seismic observation data
  *Haruna Inoue・Utako Watanabe・Hiroyuki Azuma・Yoshiya Oda(1)
1:Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.
Jun.1    Room No.1(Meeting Room 03,2F)
Session   [Buried Objects][Slopes][Others]
Chair   Motoyuki Sato (Tohoku University)
Jun. 1   10:00 - 10:20   
  20) Temporal change of subsurface resistivity distribution in a landslide area based on time-lapse electrical resistivity tomography
  Sena Fujimoto・*Tada-nori Goto・Keiichi Ishizu・Miku Sakurai・Soma Yamamoto(1),Tomomi Terajima(2)
1:Univ. Hyogo,2:Kyoto Univ.
Jun. 1 10:20 - 10:40   
21) Formulation of hyperbolic image on underground pipe detection by ground penetrating radar
*Soraya Shizumi・Atsushi Isobe(1)
1:Hitachi, Ltd.
Jun. 1   10:40 - 11:00   
  22) Calculation and Characterisation of Electromagnetic Fields Generated
  *Haoran LIU (1),Takumi Ueda(2)
1:Graduate school, Waseda Univ.,2:Waseda Univ.
Jun. 1 11:00 - 11:20   
23) Inversion of time-domain airborne electromagnetic data using deep learning
Shu Kitsukawa(1),Kengo Nakanishi・Tamaki Nishino(2),*Takumi Ueda(1)
1:Waseda Univ.,2:Graduate school, Waseda Univ.
Jun. 1   11:20 - 11:40   
  24) Numerical methods for unmanned ground vehicle electromagnetic survey system and application to river levee exploration
  Yukei Shirasawa(1),Junya Shinohara(2),*Takumi Ueda(1),Ryousuke Umezawa・Motoharu Jinguji・Toshiyuki Yokota(3)
1:Waseda Univ.,2:Graduate School, Waseda Univ.,3:GSJ, AIST
Jun.1    Room No.2(Meeting Room 05,2F)
Session   [CO2][Methane hydrate][Oil and Natural Gas]
Chair   Yamauchi Yasutomo (DIA Consultans Co., Ltd.)
Jun. 1   10:00 - 10:20   
  30) Development of numerical methods for cross-well travel time tomography by Julia and its application to CCS monitoring
  *Kento Kamimura(1),Takumi Ueda(2),Masashi Kodama・Toshiyuki Yokota(3)
1:Graduate School, Waseda Univ.,2:Waseda Univ.,3:GSJ, AIST
Jun. 1 10:20 - 10:40   
31) Combined measurement of cosmic ray muons and elastic waves on a laboratory scale: a follow-up report
*Jun Matsushima(1),Masashi Kodama(2),Mohammed Y. Ali・Fateh Bouchaala(3),Hiroyuki K.M. Tanaka(4),Tadahiro Kin(5),Toshiyuki Yokota(2),Makoto Suzuki(6)
1:The Univ. of Tokyo, GSFS,2:AIST,3:Khalifa University,4:The Univ. of Tokyo, ERI,5:Kyushu Univ., IGSES,6:The Univ. of Tokyo, SoE
Jun. 1   10:40 - 11:00   
  32) Applicability of Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINN) to geophysical exploration
  *Matsuoka Toshifumi・Iso Shinichiro(1)
1:Fukada Geological Institute
Jun. 1 11:00 - 11:20   
33) Challenge to predict the subseafloor shallow methane hydrate distribution, using LWD, acoustic, seismic, and CSEM explorations
*Miho Asada・Shogo Komori・Toshiyuki Yokota(1)
Jun. 1   11:20 - 11:40   
  34) Synthetic study of thin layer effects on AVO
  *Shuhei Nishijima(1),Takao Nibe(2),Akihisa Takahashi(3)
Jun. 1 11:40 - 12:00   
35) Quality improvement in land seismic data through prestack MDRS
*Shigeru Ino・Kenichi Akama(1),Fuminori Honda(2)
1:JGI, Inc.,2:JAPEX