June 7 - 9, 2022

International Conference Center, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan

Tuesdy , June 7, 2022
Openning Speech Room No.1 (3F)09:50-09:55
Toshiki WATANABE (NAGOYA Univ.; President of SEGJ)
Technical SessionsRoom No.1 (3F)10:00-15:00
Poster Core TimeRoom No.1 (3F) 15:20-17:20
Student Exchange EventSpecial Venue 17:30-18:50
Exhibition Room No.3 (3F) 11:00-17:20
Wednesday, June 8, 2022
Technical SessionsRoom No.1 (3F) 10:20-12:00
Executive SessionsRoom No.1 (3F) 13:00-15:00
__Chair:Keiichi SUZUKI (Kawasaki Geological Engineering Co., Ltd.; Vice-President of SEGJ)

Development of 3D Geological Information in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area based on Geological Stratification Research

Latest DX for Geophysical Technicians
Kazuyoshi TAKAICHI
(ITOCHU Techno-Solutions Corpration)
General MeetingRoom No.1 (3F) 15:20-16:50
Exhibition Room No.3 (3F) 10:20-12:40
Thursday, June 9, 2022
Technical SessionsRoom No.1 (3F) 09:40-12:00
Exhibition Room No.3 (3F) 09:40-11:30

Pre-Registration and Onsite Registration are available.
All payments must be made in JPY (Japanease Yen).
Registered and Paid
(Until May 17, 2022)
Onsite Registration
Member / Non-member
JPY 7,700-*
JPY 8,800-**
JPY 3,850-*
JPY 4,400-**


Pre-registrant will receive PAPER Proceedings by mail before the conference.
PAPER Proceedings can be purchased at a price of JPY 1,650-.

Geofive Co.,Ltd.
Hakusan Corporation
Superconducting Sensing Technology Corporation(SUSTEC)

Geophysical Surveying Co., Ltd.(GSC)
ITOCHU Techno-Solutions Corpration(CTC)
JGI, Inc.
Kawasaki Geological Engineering Co. Ltd.(KGE)

1) TEST for you internet connection to the online conference

2) Guide for Technical Session

3) DO NOT screenshot or record any part of the conference (including the audios).


Jun.7    Room No.1 (Conference Room 1,3F)
Session   [Geothermal][Resource Exploration][Oil and Natural Gas]
Chair   Jun Matsushima (University of Tokyo)
Jun. 7   10:00 - 10:20
  1) Feasibility analyses of applying Convolution Neural Network to reflection seismic data.
  *Hironori SAKAGUCHI・Kazuyoshi TAKAICHI・Satoshi KODAMA・Yusuke SHIMONO・Tatsuro UEMOTO・Hisako SHIMIZU(1),Shohei ISHINABE・Yoshitaka NAKAYAMA(2)
Jun. 7 10:20 - 10:40
2) Active mine blast seismic interferometry of the P wave reflectivity to image the 3D shallow lithological boundaries
*Tarek Samir Imam(1),Tatsunori Ikeda・Takeshi Tsuji(2),Jiro Uesugi・Takeshi Nakamura(3),Yoshinori Okaue(4)
1:Kyushu University, Suez Canal University,2:Kyushu University,3:Sumitomo Metal Mining Co., Ltd ,
4:Hishikari mine, Sumitomo Metal Mining Co., Ltd
Jun. 7   10:40 - 11:00
  3) Seismic study at the Sumikawa geothermal field in Akita Pref. Japan using a geothermal well
  *Junzo Kasahara・Yoko Hasada・Hiroshi Ohnuma(1),Hitoshi Mikada(2),Yoshihiro Fujise(3)
1:ENAA,2:Kyoto Univ.,3:WELMA
Jun. 7 11:00 - 11:20
4) Curie Depth Study for Geothermal Exploration, Japan
*Yasukuni Okubo・Shoichi Yamano・Kazumi Osato(1),Takayuki Ichinohe(2)
1:Geothermal Energy Research & Development,2:JOGMEC
Jun. 7   11:20 - 11:40
  5) Advancement of MT exploration techniques utilizing compact and lightweight equipment (1): Summary of the project
  *Hideki Mizunaga・Toshiaki Tanaka・Koji Hashimoto(1),Shinya Onodera(2)
1:Kyushu University,2:JOGMEC
Jun. 7 11:40 - 12:00
6) Advancement of MT exploration techniques utilizing compact and lightweight equipment (2): Hardware design and prototyping 
*Toshiaki Tanaka・Hideki Mizunaga・Koji Hashimoto(1),Shinya Onodera(2)
1:Kyushu University,2:JOGMEC
Session   [Civil Engineering][Disaster Prevention 1][Infrastructure Maintenance]
Chair   Nobuo Takai (Hokkaido University)
Jun. 7   13:00 - 13:20
  7) Numerical Methods for Layered Earth Electric Potential with 3D Electrode Configuration using Python
  *Shimon Yoda・Takumi Ueda(1),Daijiro Uehara・Shusuke Oji(2)
1:Waseda Univ.,2:CKC
Jun. 7 13:20 - 13:40
8) Vibration measurement by 79GHz MIMO radar
Motoyuki Sato・*Ryuma Saito(1)
1:CNEAS, Tohoku Univ.
Jun. 7   13:40 - 14:00
  9) Activities on the standardization and the internationalization of the array measurement of microtremors and the surface wave exploration
  *Chisato Konishi(1),The committee of the standardization of geophysical surveys in geotechnics(2)
Jun. 7 14:00 - 14:20
10) Estimation of crack depth in concrete using attenuation effect of surface wave
-Extending the estimation range using obliquely incident surface wave-
*Yoshiki Minami・Hiroyuki Azuma・Yoshiya Oda(1),Toru Takahashi(2),Kyosuke Onishi(3),Shinichiro Iso(2)
1:Tokyo Metropolitan University,2:Fukada Geological Institute,3:Public Works Research Institute
Jun. 7   14:20 - 14:40
  11) Estimation of shallow subsurface quality factor using Multi channel analysis of surface waves
  *Yasutomo Yamauchi(1),Seiji Tsuno(2),Hiroaki Yamanaka(3)
1:DIA Consultants,2:RTRI,3:Tokyo Tech.
Jun. 7 14:40 - 15:00
12) Mapping of near surface S-wave velocity structure based on H/V spectral ratio of microtremor measurements conducted on southern  flank and foot area of Mt. Tsukuba.
*INAZAKI Tomio,HAYASHI Koichi(1)
Jun.7    Core Time: Room No.1 or SpatialChat, Exhibition:  Exhibition Room or Online
Session   [Poster Sessions: Core Time]
Chair   Toshiaki Tanaka (Kyushu University)
Jun. 7   15:20 - 17:20
  P-1) Trial manufacture of a simplified GPR and detection of buried objects
  *Kodai Yamamoto・Masa-yuki Yamamoto・Yasuhiro Nishikawa(1)
1:Kochi University of Technology
Jun. 7 15:20 - 17:20
P-2) Development of Simplified DC-Resistivity Measurement System and Its Application to Active Fault Explorations
*Tada-nori Goto・Manaka Kuroda・Soma Yamamoto・Rei Amano・Sena Fujimoto・Yuki Oshima・Nagi Yamashita(1),Mutsunori Yamamoto(2)
1:Univ. Hyogo,
Jun. 7   15:20 - 17:20
  P-3) Relationship between resistivity and saturation of sediments containing highly viscous pore fluids
  *Tada-nori Goto・Kenta Kimura・Tomoki Maeda・Takaharu Yamada・Kenji Hagiya(1)
1:Univ. Hyogo
Jun. 7 15:20 - 17:20
P-4) Geological survey using drone airborne electromagnetic survey method
*Youichi Yuuki・Akira Shinsei・Satoshi Tomimori・Akiyo Yamaguti(1),Akira Jomori(2)
1:Oyo corporation,2:Neo Science
Jun. 7   15:20 - 17:20
  P-5) Development of clustering inversion of potential field data for geological differentation (2) Algorithm modification and application to airborne gravity gradiometer and magnetic survey data
  *Eiji Nakayama(1)
Jun. 7 15:20 - 17:20
P-6) Influence of Numerical Modeling of Subsurface Structure and Microtopography on ground Motion Calculation
*Nobuyuki Yamada(1),Hiroaki Yamanaka(2)
1:Kochi University,2:Tokyo Institute of Technology
Jun. 7   15:20 - 17:20
  P-7) Three-Dimensional S-wave Velocity Model of Napa Velley obtained from Microtremor Array Measurements and Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratio
  *Koichi Hayashi(1),Cari Roughley(2),Stefan Burns(3)
1:OYO Corporation,2:Napa Valley College,3:Geometrics Inc.
Jun. 7 15:20 - 17:20
P-8) Phase velocity dispersion estimation in gas-charged sediments by deep learning inversion
Pingchuan Zhong・*Jun Matsushima(1)
1:Univ. of Tokyo
Jun.8    Room No.1 (Conference Room 1,3F)
Session   [Buried Objects][Groundwater][Disaster Prevention 2]
Chair   Chisato Konishi (OYO Corporation)
Jun. 8   10:20 - 10:40
  13) Study on the joint inversion of muography and elastic wave exploration
  *Masashi Kodama・Toshiyuki Yokota(1),Jun Matsushima(2),Hiroyuki Tanaka(3),Tadahiro Kin・Naoya Okamoto・Hiroto Shiba(4)
1:AIST,2:The Univ. of Tokyo, GSFS,3:The Univ. of Tokyo, ERI,4:Kyushu Univ.
Jun. 8 10:40 - 11:00
14) Development of a Full-polarimetric MIMO GPR System
*Motoyuki Sato・Ryuma Saito(1)
1:Tohoku University
Jun. 8   11:00 - 11:20
  15) Identification of slopes at very high risk of deep-seated landslides in the Kii mountainous area through a helicopter airborne electromagnetic survey and drone airborne transient electromagnetic measurements
  *Atsuhiko Kinoshita(1),Gaku Kitamoto(2),Takao Yamakoshi・Hiroaki Nakaya(1),Katsushi Kawato・Minoru Okumura・Kentaro Kanayama・Hiroshi Baba(3),Akira Jomori(4)
1:National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management,2:Sediment Disaster Prevention Technology Center,3:NIPPON ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS CO.,LTD.,4:NEOSCIENCE CO.LTD.
Jun. 8 11:20 - 11:40
16) 1D Layered Tikhonov Regularized Conjugate Gradient Inversion and Application of Horizontal Constraint for Onshore TDEM Data observed at Southern Sendai Plane Coastal Region
*Keisuke Nakamura・Takumi Ueda(1),Shigeo Okuma(2)
1:Waseda Univ.,2:GSJ, AIST
Jun. 8   11:40 - 12:00
  17) Evaluation of the watershed boundary of forests on the Konsen Plateau, Eastern Hokkaido, using microtremor array survey.
  *Utako Watanabe・Yoshiya Oda(1),Keitaro Fukushima・Koki Nagasawa(2),Hikaru Ota(1)
1:Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.,2:Kyoto Univ.
Session   Special Lectures
Chair   Keiichi Suzuki (Kawasaki Geological Engineering Co., Ltd.)
Jun. 8   13:00 - 14:00   Tsutomu Nakazawa (AIST)
Jun. 8 14:00 - 15:00 Kazuyoshi Takaichi (ITOCHU Techno-Solutions Corporation (CTC))
Jun.9    Room No.1 (Conference Room 1,3F)
Session   [Earthquake][Disaster Prevention 3]
Chair   Nobuyuki Yamada (Kochi University)
Jun. 9   9:40 - 10:00
  18) 2D microtremor array measurements for estimation of shallow subsurface structural model in Nagamachi-Rifu line fault zone.
  *SUZUKI Haruhiko(1),TAKAHASHI Naoya・YOSHIMI Yoko・NAKAMURA Tomoki・NORIMATSU Kimie(2),MATSUYAMA Hisanori(1),TODA Shinji(2)
1:OYO,2:Tohoku Univ.
Jun. 9 10:00 - 10:20
19) Site amplification characteristics in central Yahaba Town, Iwate Prefecture by using dense microtremor array surveys
*Kenshiro Oikawa・Hidekazu Yamamoto・Tsuyoshi Saito(1)
1:Iwate University
Jun. 9   10:20 - 10:40
  20) Estimation of the Engineering Bedrock Shape in the Shonai Plain Using Microtremor Array Survey
  *Hikaru Ota・Yoshiya Oda(1),Tsutomu Ochiai・Takahisa Enomoto(2),Hiroyuki Azuma(1),Kazuya Mitsuji(3),Shigeki Senna(4)
1:Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.,2:Kanagawa Univ.,3:Yamagata Univ.,4:NIED
Jun. 9 10:40 - 11:00
21) Study on the Seasonal Variations of the Surface Underground Structure in Kitami City using High-Density Multi-Channel Surface Wave Exploration Method
*Nobuo Takai・Naofumi Nakagawa・Momoko Iwazaki(1),Jun Horita・Shingo Nomoto・Tetsunori Kishikawa(2),Michiko Shigefuji(3),Shunzo Kawajiri(4),Seiji Tsuno(5),Hiroaki Yamanaka(6)
1:Hokkaido Univ.,2:Geotechnical Research,3:Kyushu Univ.,4:Kyushu Tech.,5:RTRI,6:Tokyo Tech.
Jun. 9   11:00 - 11:20
  22) Study on the site amplification characteristics of irregularly layered media in the cold region by the weight-drop excitation data and borehole seismic data at Kitami city
  *Seiji Tsuno(1),Hiroaki Yamanaka(2),Nobuo Takai(3),Shunzo Kawajiri(4),Naofumi Nakagawa(3),Michiko Shigefuji(5),Akinobu Ogasawara(6),Shingo Nomoto・Tetsuhiro Kishikawa・Jun Horita(7)
1:RTRI,2:Tokyo Tech.,3:Hokkaido Univ.,4:Kyushu Tech.,5:Kyushu Univ.,6:Toyota College,7:Geotech.
Jun. 9 11:20 - 11:40
23) Application of reverse-time seismic reflection imaging to teleseismic records
Ryota Nakamaru・*Toshiki Watanabe(1),Kazuya Shiraishi(2),Takuo Shibutani(3)
1:Nagoya Univ.,2:JAMSTEC,3:Kyoto Univ.
Jun. 9   11:40 - 12:00
  24) Seismic wave detection method by deep Learning applied to temporary seismic observation data at Hachijojima Island
  *Hiroyuki Azuma・Hikaru Kunimasa・Ryohei Tottori・Yoshiya Oda(1)
1:Tokyo Metropolitan University