社団法人 物理探査学会


オイルサンド開発地域でのSAGD操業に伴う地表変位モニタリングを低コストで高効率に実現することを目的としてInSAR技術の適用を検討した。30ペアのSentinel-1 C-SARデータに対して差分干渉処理を適用した結果、Cバンドデータでも重合効果によって植生等の影響は低減され、水蒸気圧入による地表変位を捉えられることが確認された。また、積雪期の地表変位モニタリングの可能性を探るためPSInSARを試行し、積雪期をまたいで連続的な地表変位が捉えられることを確認した。InSAR解析では従来の地表測量と比較して時空間方向に圧倒的に高分解能な地表変位モニタリングを実現し、その結果、水蒸気圧入の直後から地表隆起が始まること、また水蒸気圧入量の多い坑井付近で地表隆起が大きいことなど、オイルサンドの変形挙動の理解を促進する多くの付加価値の得られることが明らかとなった。

InSAR monitoring of surface heave during the steam injection of SAGD for bitumen production from oil sands in Canada was investigated for its applicability to the actual field to achieve low cost monitoring. DInSAR was applied to 30 pairs of C-band data from the European satellite of Sentinel-1 and steam injection-related surface displacement could be detected through the effect of stacking to increase S/N in vegetated areas. PSInSAR was also tested for the data obtained in snow seasons. The results showed reasonably continuous displacement of the surface over 18 months indicating the capability of InSAR to monitor surface heave even when surface is covered by snow. Installation of corner reflectors is currently being conducted to distribute persistent scatters for PSInSAR to monitor entire areas of steam injection. The results of DInSAR and PSInSAR also revealed that the initiation of surface heave is right after the commencement of steam injection, and magnitude of the heave has a good correlation with the cumulative amount of injected steam. These behaviors of the surface heave in response to the steam injection would help increase understanding geomechanics of oil sands during SAGD. InSAR can provide value-added solution for surface heave monitoring with both spatially and temporally much higher resolution than the traditional leveling techniques.