SEGJ Technical Conference

The Present Scenario Controlling Groundwater Resources Using Magnetic Data at Wadi El Assuity, Egypt.

build dams on the Nile to generate hydro-electricity that will reduce Egypt water quota. Groundwater as the second source for freshwater in Egypt will have the attention in the next few years to compensate the shortage in water share. El Assuity drainage formed by rectangular types (Angular streams) with some subdendritic to subparallel drainages which reflects the structural control of the stream network. Airborne magnetic survey conducted by Nuclear Materials Authority at the end of 2012 at Wadi El Assuity which is one of the largest wadis in Egypt. The inversion of magnetic data helped to study the subsurface structure in basement rocks that controlling the formation of groundwater aquifers and NW fault system that recharge the aquifers from the surface run off water, the deep Nubian sandstone aquifer as well as the Nile River. Depth to the basement surface is ranging from 200 m to 4000 m depth beneath the ground surface. The interpretation of vertical electrical sounding (VES) shows that the thickness of the quaternary aquifer is 250 m in western area and it decreases to 150 m in eastern area. Wadi El Assuity is promising area for reclamation, agriculture and establish new urban communities with wellstudied plans to avoid misuse of groundwater supplies.