

The Kiejo-Mbaka geothermal field is located close to the eastern margin of the Karonga Rift Basin and is part of the Rungwe volcanic province where the EARS splits up into its Western and Eastern branches in southern Tanzania. The area is characterised by a Precambrian gneiss metamorphic basement complex, outcropping along the NW-trending, SW-dipping Mbaka fault. Geothermal manifestations mainly consist of hot springs, flowing close to the Mbaka fault. The highest Swift-skew, phase-sensitive skew and ellipticity are observed in the Mbaka ridge area, where these parameters indicated strong 3-D characters starting from frequencies of about 1 Hz at relatively greater depth. Greater variability in the induction arrows direction and module is also observed. Phases are out of quadrant (greater than 90deg) for many of the MT stations lying on the Mbaka ridge area. The lowest Swift-skew, phase-sensitive skew, ellipticity and shortest induction arrow lengths are on the Mbak a river plain, west of the Mbaka fault, and on the plateau east of the Mbaka escarpment, indicating 1D/2D characters for short period ranges at relatively shallow depth.