社団法人 物理探査学会


トルコ北西部のエスキシェヒル市中心部は,内陸の盆地に位置しており,周辺に活断層もあることから地震防災が同地域での社会的関心事のひとつである.この研究では,エスキシェヒル盆地の19地点において微動探査を実施し.浅部地盤のS波速度構造を明らかにした.Ozmen et al.(2018)や山中ほか(2018)での同地域での微動探査結果も加えて,表層地盤のS波速度構造の特徴を明らかにした。

Eskisehir city is located in the north-western part of Turkey and is one of old cities in the country with population of about 500,000 and major industrial facilities. The city is categorized into middle seismic risk zones, and earthquake damage was experienced in past earthquakes around the city. Ozmen et al. (2018) and Yamanaka et al. (2018) conducted microtremor explorations and surface wave explorations for S-wave profiles of shallow soil layers at sites including strong motion stations in the area. In this study we have conducted shallow microtremor explorations at new 19 sites in the area. Vertical microtremor records were observed in two temporary arrays with side-lengths of 1.5 to 20 meters at each site. Rayleigh wave phase velocities were derived in a frequency range from 1 to 30 Hz at each site using the SPAC method. The phase velocity at each site was inverted to an S-wave velocity for the further use in an estimation of site amplification factors in the area.