社団法人 物理探査学会



In order to upgrade the subsurface structure model for strong motion prediction around the Fujikawa-kako fault zone, we apply seismic interferometry to the microtremor record continuously observed at the temporary ground motion station network to validate the S-wave velocity structure model. Crosscorrelation function between the station pair was calculated using several months of records observed at the temporary stations. Multiple filter analysis was used to observe group velocity dispersion curve of Rayleigh wave from the clear peak which is observed in the crosscorrelation function. We performed slowness tomography analysis for Rayleigh wave to obtain the spatial distribution of group velocity around the fault zone. We then compared the dispersion curves estimated from the tomography with theoretical curve that can be calculated from the S-wave velocity structure model at each cell. In the northern part of the fault zone, the estimated curve was lower than the calculated curve. The calculated dispersion curve was lower than that estimated in the lower frequency range in wide area of the fault zone.