社団法人 物理探査学会

比抵抗モニタリングのための拡張型ネットワークユニットSYSCAL Monitoring Unit(SMU) について

近年の計測器の発展に伴い、地盤の比抵抗の経時変化を観測することで地盤中の流体の挙動などをモニタリングする比抵抗モニタリング計測が一般的になってきた。IRIS Instruments社では、従来の電気探査機に装備し、4G等のモバイルネットワーク網を利用して容易に遠隔操作やモニタリング計測を行える拡張ユニットを開発した。本発表では、このモニタリングユニットの概要について述べる

ERT monitoring method became more common to near surface applications. It is generally used for capture fluid movement in the ground or waste landfill leakage and so on. There are many cases that monitoring measurement has to be done during medium to long period of time. In such cases, specific functions for monitoring measurement, remote operation and/or data transfer via internet and automatic battery charge using stand-alone power unit such as solar panel. IRIS instruments has developed the dedicated unit, the Syscal Monitoring Unit, for Syscal PRO of resistivity meter to add functions specified for monitoring measurement. It make is possible to change acquisition parameters, data transfer, charge batteries and health monitoring of instruments. In this paper, we constructed the monitoring system using Syscal and SMU with general 4G mobile network and it worked properly at our in-house experiment.