社団法人 物理探査学会


海底熱水鉱床探査への電気・電磁探査の有効性の向上のため、海底熱水鉱床試料の適切な比抵抗測定方法の確立を図っている。これまでに、文献調査を行い、海底熱水鉱床試料の比抵抗を測定するシステムを構築した。そして、海底熱水鉱床試料を模擬した黒鉱粒子や実際の海底熱水鉱床試料を用いた測定を行った。その結果、海底熱水鉱床試料の比抵抗を正確に測定するためには、次のような方法で実施することにした。 (1)硫化鉱物を含む海底熱水鉱床試料の比抵抗は周波数特性を示すと考えられる。電気探査が使用する1 Hz前後の周波数からインダクション検層が使用する数10kHzの周波数を含む比抵抗を広帯域で測定する。 (2) 温度依存性を調べる実験では、試料の温度を段階的に上げ、試料全体の温度が一定になるまで待ってから比抵抗を測定する。

I try to establish the suitable resistivity measuring method for ore samples taken at sea-floor hydrothermal deposits in order to improve the validity of the submarine electrical and electromagnetic methods. Until now, literature documentation was performed and the system which measures the resistivity of a submarine ore sample was built. Resistivity measurement using the black ore samples which imitated the sea-floor hydrothermal deposit ores was performed. As a result, for measuring the resistivity correctly, it is desirable to carry out by the following methods. (1) The resistivity of the sea-floor hydrothermal deposit ore sample containing sulfide minerals may have large frequency characteristics. The resistivity should be measured at frequency ranges from several 10 kHz which is used for induction logging to 1 Hz which is used for electrical survey. (2) In the experiment which investigates temperature dependency on resistivity, the temperature of a sample gradually is raised, and the resistivity should be measured after the temperature became stable.