講演要旨(和文) | 重力及び磁化ポテンシャルに関わるPoissonの関係式をベースとした重磁力探査データの総合解析法について、秋田県南西部にある高松岳を中心とした地熱地帯にて取得された重力偏差及び磁力データに適用した。これらのデータは低空にて高取得密度で測定されている。両者の相関性は極めて良好で、解析の結果、地表近くの密度差と磁化コントラストの変化を的確に捉えられた。この結果は、火山列や貫入岩体の詳細な分布掌握に役立ち、地熱熱源や貯留層の評価に際し有益である。更に、伏在する火山や貫入岩体、或いは溶岩分布の解釈にも役立つ。 |
| 講演要旨(英文) | The integrated analysis on the basis of Poisson's theorem relating to the relation between gravitational and geo-magnetic potentials is applied to the gravity gradient and magnetic datasets acquired at low flight height and with dense measurement density in the geothermal prospective area in the south-eastern part of Akita prefecture, Japan. The correlations between the two data sets are extremely well. The results of analysis shows satisfactorily the variations of near-surface density and magnetization contrasts. This helps to assess the delineations of volcanic activities and intrusive rocks, and consequently to evaluate the distributions of heat sources and geothermal reservoirs as well. This may also help to interpret the possible distributions of smaller hidden subsurface volcanic and intrusive rocks, and near-surface lava distributions. |
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