社団法人 物理探査学会

福島県の広帯域リニアアレイによる常時微動の地震波干渉法解析 その5 Hi-net記録を利用した解析との比較


In order to verify the validity of the seismic wave interferometry analysis of microtremors observed in a broadband linear array in Fukushima Prefecture, seismic interferometry analysis was applied to the records observed with the Hi-net stations around the linear array. As a result, we could obtain the group velocity with the signal-to-noise ratio which exceeded 10 at periods of about 1 to 7 sec by the seismic interferometry analysis using about one month records of the short-period microtremor of Hi-net stations. In addition, it became clear that the group velocity calculated from the combination of observation stations with similar distances varied greatly.