SEGJ Technical Conference

Spectral separation analysis of strong ground motion records observed around Fujikawa fault zone

We have conducted an analysis of earthquake ground motion records observed around Fujikawa fault zone in central Japan for a reliable strong motion prediction for future earthquakes. Earthquake records at existing strong motion stations and temporary stations around the fault were used to estimate site amplification factors of S-waves with the spectral separation technique. The amplification factors were estimated at frequencies from 0.5 to 20 Hz. The Q-values for the propagation path are similar to those in previous studies. The source spectra at most of the events are approximated by the omega-square model. Distributions of the site amplification factors at several frequency bands are estimated from the results. We found that the site amplifications are large at the estuary area of the Fujikawa river than the mountain areas at frequencies around 1Hz. However, the amplification factors are similar around 10Hz in the two areas.